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Fx Male High fantasy! Need a long term partner.

Feb 20, 2020
Hello and welcome. This will be the most simplest of wanted ad's.

My name is Umbra. I am looking for a long term partner to RP with. There are a few other thing's to add to this. for one I would like to do more then just write about my book Oc's at this time so if you have an Idea bring it up to me. I am into furrys if your willing to top. I am a switch so I love to go back and forth with my girl's some more then others if you into that then your in the right place. Here are some rules to help get thing's started.

I prefer anime or game art for face claims. Please don’t send me porn or naked pictures of woman for me to play I won’t and I find it super creepy. Feel free to send me D&D realism though I love those.

Prefer to play Female and sub characters but don't mind playing Male sometimes (only if it is Male/ male). I will play a dominant female if the Male counterpart is not to submissive. I like the power struggle of powerful male to powerful female.

Story always has a place in my roleplays and I prefer 50/50 or 30/70 story to smut ratios.

I enjoy playing multiple roles and don't mind my partner doing the same if they wish to.

I like working on the world with others so world building is important to me.

My kinks are
but just to lay out the main dislikes. Don't enjoy hard vore, too much blood, scat, snuff, underage, non-con if it isn’t done just right (don't mind dub-con as long as it resolves with the victim enjoying it eventually), milking or oversized breasts or body parts. I like monstrous men and beastmen but it has to fit inside the female and she has to be proportionate. If there's something not on my list you like, feel free to ask, I am quite open minded about most kinks.

I do very much enjoy hypnotism and mind control if it’s done right, aphrodisiacs and oils, possessive males, supernatural, magic, corruption, betrayal and stories with fantasy and/or modern themes (as long as there can be a fantasy twist in it. So we add supernatural being’s or magic). I prefer to roleplay on discord but I don’t mind doing threads or PMs

I have no preference on the gender of my partner, so don't mind if you're female IRL and want to play a male character.

No one sentence replies please. I can't always write tons myself but I will always aim for at least 2-3 paragraphs and if given enough to work with I can always write more.

adaptable post length

able to reply daily to semi-daily

notify me if you'll be gone for a while

able to play a dom/top


decent proper grammar (I am not perfect but I am trying my best to get better. I expect the same from you.)

able to share ideas and world building (please don’t leave everything to me)

be up for long-term (short-term is cool, too)

help push the plot

And if your interested.....

I am looking for a Person or people that can help me create/ flesh out the oc' I am using in my book. That doesn't mean that I am going to take your creative you-ness away. matter of fact that's why i need you. i need someone that can make the oc there own and believable. I would still prefer a 60/40 or a 50/50 ratio of story plot to smut. I need idea's to move the story forward. A partner who loves to build worlds and understands D and D terms. If your interested please pm me.

I have three story line to work from one is MxM the others are MxF.

D and D is the base I am using so when I say burning hands you know what it is or I say leemin's tiny hut you get it. As you can tell it will be home brew because I am making books about them that i will publish or try to anyways.

As for my story idea's I have two. Both are the same world and the MC's come from the same family. One is about the older sister, the other is about the younger sister. They have brothers who i will do books about but one ends up in a MxF pairing the other is MxM (he ends up with a dragon so). The one that I think will interest most more is the younger sister's story. She is the baby of the family and looks a lot like her mother silver hair and blue eyes. No she is not elven although she looks it and she is not an angel. She does have wings because she is half Judithian. This is a race I created. It's very simple to understand each color has a special skill or ability. Example... a light green can speak to plants where a dark green has super strength (not like a super hero though they can't jump to fly or run so fast they can clear around the world in 2 seconds) The MC is a female White that means she can heal anything and when she walks can create life so the plants grow with each step she takes outside without shoes. She is very calm and collected most of the time. One day she gets taken from he home. For her she doesn't understand why or what's going on. The people that take her are hired assassins told to bring her to the new would be king alive or dead which ever is easier. On their way there YC the main guy "happens by them" and kills all the assassins saving the girl. There is a prophecy telling them that there will be a great world war and the girl is the one to stop it healing the land and organizing the chaos pleasing the gods. YC could be a prince from a kingdom or a warrior or really whatever anything would work. My only thing is that he has to be good in fighting and hiding/survival (Bonus if he starts out evil and slowly becomes good-ish). Like I said I have two idea's the other is about the older sister and is more complicated. It is in the same world but a spell goes wrong for her and sends her back in time to when the world was just beginning. She has to find out why and who is trying to kill her. She meets YC aka the main guy/ love interest when one of the gods sends him to protect her. in this case i would like him to be very skilled in a lot of thing's. Think end result he will be a god just like her. She ends up being the goddess of magic and the balance between old and new magic.

If that's not your cup of tea then let me know what your into maybe we can find something new and fun together! I am up for you to bring me your Idea's as well and I will put some pairing's I like under this if you want to do those with me instead.

Demon x Slayer

demon x demon/angel

Demon x Human

Hero x Hero

Hero x Villain

Villain x princess

Hero x princess

Adventurer x Adventurer

Adventurer x Townsfolk


Magician's Apprentice/Princess


Male Vampire/Female Human

Beastman/ female whatever. (Neko/human/wolf)


Demon King/Human/angel/princess/sacrifice.


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