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Winter's Bite (CasualVelociraptor x Sylvis, Far Cry 5 x Twilight Crossover)


Sep 7, 2019
Jurassic Park
Ekaterina Alexeev, a 25-year-old Deputy Sheriff in the sleepy Hope County in the mountainous southwest of Montana, both hated and loved the night shifts she sometimes had to do. She hated explaining to Rajni Asan, her steady girlfriend for the past year, why she had to leave straight after dinner, and slightly resented Sheriff Eli Whitehorse as well as fellow Deputies Charlie Swan and Staci Pratt for making her man the phones that nobody would call when she was capable of so much more. Sure, budget cuts had severely reduced their staff, she was the least experienced of all of them, and Charlie had been a Sheriff in Washington State (but didn't like to talk about it), which definitely meant he wasn't going to be doing the grunt work. Yet even Staci never had to hold down the fort as much as Kat did, and she didn't know how she was supposed to get experience solving crimes, arresting people, and hauling them off to jail if all she was ever going to be allowed to do was office busywork.

The flip side, however, was that she appreciated the time away from the incessant nicknames and requests for her to do other grunt work. "Dep," "Rook" (that was a popular one for some reason), "Kat," "Kate," "Trina," "Kitty" (only ever used by Staci, and she'd smacked him upside his thick skull for it). It was nice to have a moment to herself, where she could wear her normal clothes and put her boots up on her desk, maybe tip her cowgirl hat over her eyes and nod off a smidge. She figured she'd get a kick out of watching the snow swirling softly over the evergreens with the full moon the only light conflicting with the buzzing of the ancient fluorescent lamps, and then that would lull her into shuteye. She then expected that any phone calls would be just the noise to rouse her.

But instead, it was unusually loud howling from what seemed to be a lot of wolves that jolted her to alertness.

And then a loud banging on the door. The athletic woman sprang to her feet in an instant, and when she found a pale, malnourished young woman with messy blonde locks, gave the girl her coat, and brought her inside, something told Kat that tonight would not be boring...
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Cold… so cold. The thin waif of a young woman staggers through the town, heading towards the sheriff’s station. She looked, strung out on drugs, eyes darting every which way, back hunched, there was blood on her clothes, and that long formerly glorious dirty blonde hair? Well, it looked stringy and ratty from lack of proper care. In short… the girl was a right mess.

As she accepts the coat, and is brought inside, she looks behind her and says.
“Are they coming? They’re coming aren’t they… we should hide. Hiding doesn’t help though... they find you anyway…” This was a constant monologue of muttering to herself softly, the officer would probably have to listen closely to catch the words.

Light blue eyes, bloodshot from stress darted around the station, looking at any shadows, if there was a cage nearby, she would change the muttering to.
“Stay in cage, maybe bars keep them out. Maybe safe then?” Suddenly, she looks up and stares at the woman. “Run away, the pale ones are coming!” In a frantic tone of voice.

Suddenly she would attempt to bolt away, hiding in a corner room or a cage, or under a desk, wherever seemed safest.
“They’re coming…” She would be muttering, rocking back and forth once found. A thumbnail, bitten to the quick was in between her teeth. Her shoes looked like they were second or third hand cast offs, basically falling apart on her feet, the stain of blood from neck, down her ratty T shirt, the crimson stains on her shoes. All signs, evidence, that whatever was going on, she had been involved in a crime of some sort.

The howling of the wind would grab her attention as she whimpers, staring towards the closest wall and making herself as small as possible in whatever space she had hidden away in.
The only thing that the young woman (who was clearly withdrawing from something) said that made a lick of sense was her association of bars with the jail cell in the back of the Sheriff’s Office. But all that Kat could focus on right now, even as she strained to hear and comprehend her charge’s muttering, was wrapping her tightly in her coat and then a blanket and lying her on her back on a couple of chairs in the waiting area. It wasn’t much, but they had had no reason to get a couch even if they had the money, so it would have to do.

Still, her keenly trained mind started going into overdrive with questions. What was the blood on her neck from? (She guessed either it was someone else’s blood, because she didn’t appear to be cut too badly, or that- and more likely due to her frailty- it was a wound that had already scabbed up. Still, she had to know for sure.) Who were these pale ones, or the they that she was talking about? Why was she running from them? And...more importantly, who was she to begin with?

Then Kat realized, and her gloved hands covered her astonished mouth as quick as could be. No one had heard what had become of this poor young woman in the past two years...she had basically been a baby the last time Kat or anyone in town for that matter had really interacted with her and seen her happy...and she had been through so much misfortune these last four years.

“Lizzy? Eliza?’s me, Kat. Do you remember me? I’m a Deputy Sheriff now, sweetheart. That means you’re safe. Are- are you hurt at all? I promise you, you can tell me,” she said slowly. Meanwhile, she caressed the face of someone long thought dead, found her skin surprisingly icy to the touch, and yet kept touching it while making sure to look into her eyes with a calm and even keel to steady the victim. But victim of what? Now she had to know! “Just- just breathe, okay? Breathe, my dear, and tell me what you can. Please.”
"Killers, stalkers..." She curls up tightly and looks at Eliza, not recognizing her at all. That would be the first time she caught sight of her eyes... the crimson orbs flashed in the fluorescent lighting of the station. Outside, an eerie cackling would be heard, three of them? Hmm... and yet, if one looked outside, there was no one to see who could produce that sound. Must be the wind. Eliza starts gnawing on her lip, darting looks one way, then the other. They had arrived, and now they where going to play with their prey... She whimpers and darts towards the back of the station, slamming the cage door behind her and holding it closed with shaking hands.

If Kat tried to join her, she would let her in of course. Not that steel was going to save them. The pale ones, blood drinkers all, where incredibly strong, and fast. She probably shouldn't have run away, but then if she hadn't, Eliza would probably be dead by now. The sound of nails on a chalk board comes from outside the station, in reality, it was one of the hunters, etching the wall of the station casually as she calls out.
"Elizaaaaa, we know you're in there." The female voice pauses, chuckling. It was an odd voice, a slight jingling of sorts in the words, as well as unabashed murderous intent. Eliza had to be destroyed for her disobedience. Of course, if the newborn decided to fight them, instead of running like a coward, that would make her life easier. "Go inside, bring me the girl." She orders her two lackeys.

As the two 'men' walk towards the front door, out of the snow they would slowly appear, one reaches up towards the door handle, while the other looks back.
"Abigail, there's a warm blood inside..." A brow arches, a smile comes to her lips. "Good, bring it too." The woman chuckles and then shoos them away.
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"Hey, hey..." Kat said as she opened the door to the jail cell and closed it behind them both, wielding her standard issue D2 double-barreled shotgun and holstering a .44 magnum. She couldn't pinpoint the sources of the noise, but she had a gut feeling something wasn't up, and if there was one thing she'd learned growing up in Montana, it was to always be prepared. The tension that coursed through Rook's body distracted her from the instinct that something wasn't entirely right with her guest either...other than the obvious.

Then she gasped as sinister voices seemed to float around the station, and a moment later, Deputy Alexeev knew what they were here for. Of course, she still had so many questions. Why did they want Eliza? What did they mean by "warm blood"? And, last but certainly not least...

Who in the name of the devil's titties (as Adelaide Drubman, the cantankerous, lewd helicopter pilot who employed Rajni) were they, exactly?

One way or another, Kat was going to find out. "This is Deputy Ekaterina Alexeev of the Hope County Sheriff's Department! You have exactly three seconds to back away from the door and leave Eliza Carter alone, or I will place you under arrest for kidnapping. One Mississippi! Two...Mississippi...!" Meanwhile, she tuned her radio slowly, hoping that any one of her fellow officers would pick up, even though the blizzard conditions would make it hard for her signal to travel far...
The two young kindred looked at one another, then they grinned. "Oh no, we're going to be arrested." One pushes the door open as the other one darts inside to look for their targets. Meanwhile, outside Abigail was examining her nails, flipping her hair over one shoulder, and generally looking utterly at ease, in a blizzard! She should be freezing...

Behind the officer Eliza was looking at the window in the door, then at the wall beside them. Maybe, She purses her lips and turns to the stone wall, attempting to discern if there was a way to pull out the window's bars. Not that she really expected it to work. Eliza looks towards Kat and says.
"Those wont hurt them..." Right as the two vampires burst inside. "Go away!" She hisses at them, suddenly she was facing the door, hands wrapped around the bars, as though she could hold the door closed against them. Well, she was freshly turned, so maybe. Though they were newborns too, so it probably wasn't going to work how she wanted.

The two Kindred would look rather similar to Eliza, pale skin, scraggly hair, scarlet red eyes. They were.. in a word, gorgeous, one turns a megawatt smile on the officer.
"Ah hello there." He purrs darkly, as they stalk closer, the other looks to Eliza. "Oh little one, you aren't stronger then us both." He chuckles and motions for them to spread out, that way the shotgun wouldn't hit them both at once. Basic tactics, even if not strictly necessary.

Eliza bit her lower lip. It was true, she hadn't fed, they had, even though the blood still in her was stronger, it was two on one. Plus she really didn't want to fight. But also, she didn't want to die either. A strange sound would come from the bars she was grasping, a groan of stress perhaps. Her forearms had muscles standing out as though she was putting all her strength into holding the door closed.

From outside Abigail calls out.
"Stop playing with your food and drag them out here. I can't wait to tear that girl limb from limb." Eliza gulps, hearing those words she shudders, knowing that though Abigail was older and weaker, the woman was willy and evil as well. "K... Kat..." She looks back at the woman with sadness in those crimson orbs. "I'm sorry." She murmurs in a low tone. Suddenly she was hugging Kat firmly, the door forgotten, her head semi laid on the deputy's shoulder. It might appear that she was given the woman one last hug before they are killed. But no, in reality, her mouth opens slightly, then a moment's hesitation, before she was biting the woman almost.. gently on the neck. She was careful to suck out all the venom, as well as enough blood to give her a bit of a booster shot.

"Oh shit." The two of them said at once. A moment later, blood dripping from her mouth, she turns on them, hissing in rage, before moving forward, faster then the eye could easily track, she blew the door open and then sprinted towards the one on the left. As he ducked out of the way, the girl's strange voice would be heard. "Catch me if you can bastards." Then there is the sound of shattering glass, an Eliza shaped hole in what is supposedly a bullet proof pane of glass, and she was off, into the white of the blizzard.

Behind them, the deputy was probably feeling a bit tipsy, maybe even weakened, but she wasn't dead. It was obvious what Eliza was doing, drawing them away from the fragile human before she got killed as well. Moments after all this happened, there was no sign of the four kindred, aside from the wreckage they left in their wake.
When Kat came to, she felt extremely woozy and could only hear the muffled cries of Sheriff Whitehorse and Deputy Pratt as they splashed water on her face.

"Thank goodness you're okay, Rook!" the Sheriff grunted.

"Yeah, I'm just a little woozy," Kat explained. In response, Staci got her a glass of orange juice from the fridge to get her blood sugar back up.

"There’s also that nasty bite on your neck, I take it. What the hell is that all about?" Sheriff Whitehorse wondered as he tried to get a better look at her.

"I- I don't remember," Kat sighed after gulping down her orange juice, and rubbed her neck to conceal the extent of her wound. All she remembered was young Eliza hugging her tightly, resting her head on her shoulder, making her feel warm, and then...biting her? No, that couldn't be. People didn't bite each other. And she knew if she said that Eliza had done that, then she would be laughed at at best.

"But," she said, "I did find Eliza Carter. She- she showed up at the station, some people attacked us, and then she ran away..."

"Holy shit. Holy shit holy shit, shitshitshit," Staci fumed. "You mean to tell me that the girl we've been looking for without success for the past two years just showed up one day at our doorstep, and then vanished when pursued by mysterious assailants?"

"I'm telling you, that's the truth!" Kat exclaimed.

"I believe you, Dep," Sheriff Whitehorse said and laid a hand on her left shoulder, to which Kat sighed and overlaid her hand on top of his in return. Ever since her own parents had died, Sheriff Whitehorse had been like a father to her, and so she knew he meant what he said, and would support her.

Staci on the other hand looked perturbed, perhaps suspecting that she was hiding something. As much as she disliked her fellow Deputy, Kat conceded that he might have reason to be wary; the station looked like it had ripped apart by a pack of wolves, and there was a large hole in the bulletproof glass. Clearly, something was amiss, and if she was in his shoes, she'd be cautious too.

"Can you give us a description of them?" the Sheriff then asked, snapping her out of her reverie. But Kat shook her head no; even though she could, she knew they wouldn't believe her.

Speaking of people who had something to hide...she noticed that Deputy Swan was staring out the window, sipping the terrible office coffee black rather than with his usual cream and two sugars, like he had one of those thousand yard stares her father would sometimes sport when attempting to recall his days in the Soviet Army in Afghanistan.


"Father appears that Abigail and her newborn scouts are still unable to locate Eliza Carter," John Seed said back at the headquarters of the vampire-run Church of Lazarus.

"Then what are you waiting for? Go and personally make sure she doesn't get away," Joseph Seed, the centuries-old patriarch of the Seed family (who turned his "brothers" Jacob and John and “sister” Abigail into vampires, and now reigned at the head of the Church), "before the sinners find her..."

"It will be done, Father."
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Meanwhile, Eliza was a bit preoccupied with trying to stay ahead of the three vampires. Thankfully she was ever so slightly faster than them. Also, thankfully, vampires don’t tire. Unfortunately, Vampires also don’t tire, and she was outnumbered. Plus, a trickle of ice was running down her spine, she suspected they were herding her into a dead end or a trap somewhere. Though she couldn’t be sure. As the girl was running, the snow fell thickly, to bad vampires have better senses, or the blizzard itself would save her.

Alice snaps her eyes open and looks over at her mate.
“Jasper, we need to go.” She says, feeling a thrill of excitement and concern. There was a newborn, fighting three kindred, but somehow, they weren’t connecting. She knew what that meant, this newborn must have a gift like hers. Luckily for Eliza, Alice and Jasper had been on their way to visit Bella’s Father. Equally lucky for Eliza, Jasper and Alice were definitely not new to combat.

Abigail sprinted after her two newborns, growling along with them, frustration in her countenance as the girl kept leading them on.
“Go faster.” She orders them, redoubling her efforts to catch the girl in response to her own orders. While it was basically whiteout at the speeds they were running, the girl’s scent was still strongly in the air, leading them unerringly in her footsteps.

Eliza had been running so quickly that she missed when she entered the valley, it wasn’t helped by the fact that she couldn’t see more then a foot in front of her. If she hadn’t had the strength and speed of a newborn she surely would have tripped and been set upon by now. However, she realized about fifty paces into the valley that this was a dead end, with a sheer cliff face on each side. She pulls up short and gives a moan of fear, looking around desperately for a place to hide…

Out of the snow behind her, the three vampires strode, Abigail chuckles and claps mockingly.
“Bravo little one, to bad for you, your run ends here. Take her!” She directs the other two, as they move forward swiftly to the attack, she prowls in a half circle, ready to throw the girl back into them if she attempts to run again.

Two new kindred where pulling over to the side of the road a good 3 kilometers away. Within moments of parking the silver Audi, they were both running side by side, yellow eyes searching the gloom ahead of them, visions of a new girl leading them onwards, The slender male took the lead, while the shorter female followed after him.
“Turn up ahead, they aren’t to far, we should be there in a few minutes.” She says in a tone that they could both hear clearly.

Eliza took a couple of steps backwards, the two vampires in front of her had dark smiles, falling forward into hunting crouches. Suddenly she felt the instinct to shift to the left, a millisecond before she did that the first of the two attackers lunged, she was surprised as he completely missed, feeling the air singing as he rushed past her. She darted to the left, where he opened a hole in their line, But, Abigail was there and forced her back towards the second newborn. As the first recovers, the second attempted to grab her in a choke hold, the girl some how ducking out of the way just in time without even looking.

“This is impossible. There’s two of you and you can’t even pin down one newborn?” Abigail screeches in anger, not caring that her voice might carry in this valley. “We’ve got her.” The one who missed first said, leaping forward and attempting to sweep the girl’s legs. As she went down though, she turned it into a back-flip and came up behind them both. So focused where the four Vampires, they heard no sound nor warning of the two newcomers to the party. Thus, it was a complete surprise when a black spiky haired female, accompanied by a lanky male with blonde hair seemed to appear and take up a position between the three attackers and Eliza.

“Hmm, we got here in time.” Alice says in her cheerful manner, a little bit of a laugh there. The three assailants would suddenly feel an uncontrollable fear and dread come over them. The yellow eyed male had the marks of countless fights on his body, he literally screamed danger. It was in the way he moved, the silent reserve… the narrowing of his eyes as he waits for them to flee, or continue to attack.
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Kat went towards her home in Fall's End when ordered by the Sheriff, but when she watched Charlie take his beat up old red truck and head east toward the Henbane River Valley, supposedly to check up on the Hope County Jail again, she felt a pit in her stomach.

"You're home early, babe," her helicopter pilot girlfriend grinned as she pranced around the kitchen in her shirt and panties (and not much else) while listening to her Queen albums. But then Rajni's face fell and she asked, "What's wrong?"

"I...I don't even know if I can explain it," Kat sighed as she went over to her lover and sank her face onto the taller Indian woman's left shoulder. Just like Eliza was doing to me, she thought for a split second, but then kicked that thought to the curb. Instead, she calmly explained a non-crazy version of the events that occurred at the jail.

"Oh, my dear little Kitty Kat," Rajni smiled, kissed her girl's forehead, and held her close. That was one nickname Ekaterina would never grow tired of hearing. "Your compassion and your dedication to all those in need is just one of the many things I love about you. But sometimes, you have to realize that you can't control every situation. Otherwise, everybody will take a piece of your heart and there will be nothing left. And that would be a shame, because I want to hold and protect your whole heart."

"Well, you have it, love," Kat sighed.

"I think I have an idea of what might make you feel better..." Rajni said as she squeezed both of Kat's ass cheeks through her cargo pants.

"Yeah? What is it, Rajjy?" Kat purred, giving her a knowing side glance, since she had already keenly deduced what her girlfriend had planned.

"Slip into something more comfortable and stay a while and you might find out," Rajni winked before brining Kat into the bedroom.


"I concur regarding your prompt arrival. I like punctuality, but doesn't everybody?" John Seed asked after he jumped up the cliff that overlooked the river and landed behind Eliza, emphasizing his point with a single, pointed clap and the same million dollar city slicker smile he'd used to lure in high rolling clients as a wealthy lawyer from Atlanta before he was taken in by Joseph. He then added as he inspected the two new arrivals and bowed a little (revealing part of the word "Sloth" carved across his chest), "I see you're one...or rather two of our kind, but I don't think I've had the pleasure of introducing myself. You see, I'm John Seed..."

He noted the man with the matted hair's aggressive stance, then continued as he gently draped his arm over Eliza while she was frozen to the spot, "And what we have here is a bit of a miscommunication. We're members of the Church of Lazarus and we're Eliza's new family now. She said 'Yes' when we asked if she wanted to become one of us, and now that she has and she's a newborn, she's a little scared, confused about what it all means."

"So she ran away, and like any good family, we're just making sure she's okay. Isn't that right, sweetheart?" John asked, then shook her shoulders and kissed her cheek as if he were in fact her uncle. "I still don't know your names, but something tells me you know the importance of family. Or at did, once."

"There's been a miscommunication alright, bloodsucker," snarled Askuwheteau, which meant "He who watches over" in the Hope County Shoshone language, as he stepped away from the clump of trees and changed from his werewolf guise back into human form. (People often just called him "Ash" for short.) "Eliza clearly does not want to be here. So back off."

"Ah, Ash, buddy, it's been a while. A pleasure as always. I suppose if you're saying so, that's all there is to it, then," John said. "Just have her back home by 11, won't you?" Then he whispered to Eliza, "Just remember...once you said yes, once you experienced the power of can never go back," patted her collar (unknowingly planting a tracker on the back of her collar) and said to Abigail and her two lackeys, "Alright, we're off, everybody!"
Abigail was about to order the attack, when out of no where John arrives. She arches a brow as he fails to tear the girl’s head off, instead kissing her? She hisses, revealing her fangs briefly, before hearing the order to depart. Grumbling she motions the two newborns to follow and turns away. As they turn away, she looks at the werewolf and mutters. “No one invited you Mutt.”

Eliza at first was relieved when two strangers appear and the attack abates. She relaxes then, murmuring “Thank you… whoever you are.” Of course, the very next instant, the head of the cult dropped on her and held her close. Crimson orbs widen in stark fear, the girl shudders as he kisses her cheek. “I never said yes.” Well, least she didn’t think she had, but everything was foggy, like she had been drugged or something.

Alice and Jasper spun on the newcomer; Jasper’s talent now focused wholly on keeping Eliza calm so she doesn’t do anything stupid. Alice smiles in a friendly manner, though it doesn’t reach her eyes.
“Alice and Jasper Cullen, our coven lives up in Washington. Or... it used to. Perhaps you’ll stop by and visit sometime.” The offer even sounded sincere!

Once the others leave, the three of them turn to the werewolf. Aliza still shaking a bit from the adrenaline rush while they look to the stranger curiously. While they wait for him to say something, Alice suddenly blurts out cheerfully.
“Oh, Charlie is coming, we better get back to the trailhead so he doesn’t have to walk all the way out here in freezing weather.”

Jasper arches an eyebrow in response and darts a look at Eliza. “Alice… she’s to new, what if she hurts Charlie.” To which Alice tilted her head briefly and focuses for a moment. “It’s fine, she won’t hurt him.” The slender woman reached out and gently wiped some blood off Eliza’s lip. “Though, you better clean up before you see him, he doesn’t really like to be reminded of what we are.” Alice looks to the werewolf invitingly and says. "Feel free to join us. Oh, are you familiar with the quielette tribe at all?" mentioning Jake's family of werewolves.

Eliza’s eyes widen as they seemingly take her under their wing without question or expectation. As the shorter woman wipes away some blood, her crimson orbs cast down in shame.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to feed but she was so close… and it’s the only way I could think to be faster than them.” Eliza basically just admitted to feeding off a human, something she had sworn not to do once she understood the monster she had become. Bending down, she grabbed some snow and used it to start rubbing at the blood running from her chin down to her shirt. There was nothing she could do about her ragged clothes or blood-stained shirt, but at least she didn’t look like a scene straight from a bad horror flick.


Abigail rounded on John as soon as they where back home. "Why did you let her live, you literally had her neck in your hands. Our problems were done and you let her live?!" She groans in irritation, reaching up and tearing at her long black hair briefly, then she rounds on the two newborns skulking in the shadows. "Get out of my sight, I don't even want to think of you for a week." Banishing them with a wave of her hand before refocusing on her brother. "So, Alice and Jasper Cullen. Can't say I've ever heard of them, and what was with their eyes anyway. They were the wrong color!"
"Ah, yes...I've heard tell of some of these gold-eyed hipsters who pretend to be vampires," John chuckled. Then he ranted and raved, tearing the buttons off his shirt as he slowly grew angrier, "Until today, however, I hadn't seen one of those sycophants in person. They call themselves 'vegetarians' because they don't feed from humans, and hunt animals instead. It's supposed to make them more 'civilized' somehow." He said that last part with a mocking air. "Well, news flash to those two fucking morons! You're still drinking blood. Animal blood, I might add! That's not vegetarian in the slightest, because last I checked, vegetarians don't drink blood. So quit it with your alternative facts! Words have meaning. GOD! The Great Collapse can't get here soon enough so I never have to see that Alice's cheery little manic pixie dream girl face ever again." And yet his lust, deeply suppressed by the Church's rules against fornication outside of marriage, made him want to rip Alice's mate's head off by his scraggly blonde hair and fuck that grin off of her instead.

"Sorry, dear sister," John exhaled after he got that out of his system and the two newborns ran along to be judged by the Father. (As much as he cared for Joseph, that was a prospect that made his spine crawl. And it took a lot for John to feel that way. All he could think was that he was glad not to be those poor saps.) "That just...really bothers me for some reason. Anyway, you were saying? Oh, yes, why did I let Eliza live? Well, voila, dear Abby." He then pulled up an app on his phone that tracked her position. "As you can see, our young miscreant has not left the site of our earlier, rather heated discussion. But I think it'll interest Joseph to know where she and her friends go next, don't you agree? And perhaps Jacob and his little pet Judges will pay her a visit when we have need of her again, no?"


Meanwhile, Ash was standing there with the utmost stoicism and watching the three remaining vampires warily (just because his chief had forged a tentative truce with what remained of the Olympia Coven when they arrived in Hope County seeking refuge didn't mean he wasn't suspicious; it was how he'd kept his secret, after all). That was, until he was asked a direct question, to which he replied, "No, I have not heard of them before. Perhaps I should talk to the Tribal Council and arrange an exchange of guests with these Quileute- who are from Washington, I presume. We may have much to talk about."

It was a pretty specious thought, since if these shifters were in Washington, they were thousands of miles away, and if they were friends with vampires, perhaps their minds were broken. Still, while he'd always known from the tribal histories and legends that there might be other Native Americans and First Peoples in North America who could shift, hearing that they really did exist in modern times (from vampires, no less) made him feel less alone, and allowed him to let down his guard somewhat around Alice and Jasper.



"As for...that," Ash sighed. "As long as the woman you fed from is still alive and human, and you only did what you felt you needed to in order to survive, I can pretend I didn't hear that." Still, Ash folded his muscular arms over his thick black jacket.

And speaking of hearing things, Charlie's truck soon pulled up. Their voices had all carried on the winter wind, and so he was cognizant of what was going on and was inclined to be compassionate to the poor girl, almost resurfacing twinges of the guilt he'd felt when Bella revealed her transformation to him. Still, as he swung his axe by his side, Charlie, beneath his usual poker face, also seemed disappointed he hadn't gotten to freshly varnish his blade with vampiric effluence.

"Deputy Swan. Good of you to join us," Ash nodded.

"Lovely evening we're having, isn't it, Ash?" Charlie asked. After everyone filled him on what exactly happened since the incident at the station, he said after hugging them both, "Alice, Jasper, good to see you again. Thank you so much for all your help. I...I hope it's alright if I take Eliza back to my home in Fall's End. I'll figure out how to handle things with Deputy Alexeev in the morning, and do some more research into who these whackadoodles in this so-called Church of Lazarus are, but for now, this young lady and I have a lot to talk about." Then, without another word, he opened the passenger side door to his truck and motioned for Eliza to get in.
Eliza glances from face to face, she was surrounding by strangers, her crimson eyes take in two sets of golden hues, Ash's eyes, as well as Charlie Swan's eyes. Then a furrow comes to her face. "Wait... you're human?!" She glances at Alice and Jasper. "I don't think this is a good idea." After all she was barely two days old at this point and she was dying of thirst. That little sip had been enough to fully awaken her thirst. "Maybe I should go with Alice and Jasper..." She says hopefully. To which the woman next to her laughs and gives her a tight hug. "Don't worry, we're here to visit Charlie. We'll see you at home." They needed to backtrack, pick up the Audi, and then drive to Charlie's place.

Eliza sighs and reluctantly gets in, though she drew her hands up into her sleeves and tried really hard not to dirty up the seats. The girl then proceeded to basicall freeze. Meanwhile, Alice and Jasper looked to Ash and smiled faintly.
"We'll bring her along and teach her right, don't you worry. What's with this church of Lazurus stuff though, I've never heard of such a thing." Alice questioned. As for Jasper, he was watching the girl in the truck, lightly easing her into a sense of peace while she was still within range.

Soon enough it would be time to depart. The two vampires would repeat their invitation to Ash, Charlie probably shut the door, and they where off. While Charlie drove them, the two golden eyes sprinted back to their vehicle, and soon enough the familiar silver vehicle was trailing behind Charlie's truck.


Abigail tilts her head, consulting the phone app briefly.
"Ah, I see..." She smiled darkly before flouncing over to a nearby chair and gracefully sliding into it. Relaxing as she utters calmly. "Animal blood... that sounds disgusting." She makes a face, before spotting one of the various blood dolls roaming the place. She clicks her fingers in summons towards the young woman. As her prey drew near, Abigail muttered. "I wouldn't mind getting that Jasper all tied up. Though, he seemed rather quiet. Perhaps he is mute, and that Alice is his spokesperson?" She laughs sharply at her jest. "When they find her, I would love to rip Eliza's head off myself by the way. I don't even mind if they rip off her arms and legs first."
“I’ve only heard first I thought they were ghost stories, meant to make our young Shoshone pups behave themselves and not wander off into the woods,” Ash sighed. “But I know what I heard tonight. What we all heard. We may not be friends, but we have a common enemy. If anyone knows anything about these folks in the tribe, I’ll be sure to give Charlie a call to let you know. For now, I should head back.” He then nodded sharply before turning back into his lupine form, his shredded clothes fluttering on the December wind.

After Ash melted into the woods, Charlie gave a thumbs up to the other two vampires and started his truck down the trail and road to his house.

“Look, Eliza...don’t be nervous. I’m not mad. I’m just disappointed,” Charlie sighed. “Now that you’re a vampire, Alice and Jasper can help you get on the right path to drinking animal blood only, and for the thirst you’re having tonight, I have a fridge full of raw and very bloody veal parts. But it’s like you’re an alcoholic now; this is the first day of your sobriety, and it will get easier over time, but you have to put in the hard work each and every day. One slip up, one wrong look at Deputy Alexeev, especially if her blood sings to you, and you could lose all control, and then force me to put you down.”

After giving the speech he wished he’d given Bella (and realizing he considered both Ekaterina and Eliza like daughters), Charlie balanced the axe in his hand and sighed, “As long as you’re committed to getting better, though, I promise I’ll have your back. These the Church. Whoever these Seeds are. They don’t care about you, not really. They just saw another victim to make into one of their slaves. You have to know that your family is here. Always.”


John slapped Abigail’s ass as they neared the Church headquarters and grinned, “From how loud I’ve heard you both get when you’re rutting with Jacob, if you get your hands on Jasper, he won’t be a mute for long.” If she gasped in surprise, he’d say, “Oh, don’t play dumb with me. You two are not very good at hiding it- or the expensive repairs to your bedrooms. Which we’ll both need once Alice and Jasper say yes, and perhaps even trade places.”

That put a lot of dirty thoughts in his mind, but he knew they were likely not to come to fruition. Of course he’d thought about and masturbated to the idea of making Abigail his cock warmer until he exploded a river of little John Seeds inside her, but Jacob was jealously protective of his woman, which is why not even Joseph could dare to speak out and get him to moderate his animalistic mating with her. And John didn’t want his twig and berries sliced off and used to play fetch between Jacob and his pups.

“Speaking of which...tut tut, dear sister. I know that you‘re mad that Eliza got away, but remember that it will be the Father that renders judgment and decides her fate. I just hope he won’t do anything to her before I have a chance to show her sweet, barely legal little pussy the benefits of saying yes.” Then John chuckled at the massive tent in his pants and grinned, “Damn, look at me. It’s a good thing we’re almost home, or I’d probably be pounding half the women in Fall’s End by now. Probably half the men too.”
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Eliza looks at Charlie uncertainly. What in the world? Who was this guy and what place did he have being 'disappointed' in her. Mentally shrugging she mostly tuned him out for now, granted when charlie voiced that threat she hissed at him in displeasure before turning away. Eliza stares out the window, trying to calm herself and focusing on not inhaling before she started turning Charlie into her next meal.

While Eliza was struggling to contain herself, Alice was chattering away at Jasper happily, making small talk while they drove along. Of course, as soon as they got to Charlie's place both yellow eyes were out, and now Alice was giving Charlie a hug as soon as he was out, while her mate watched the newborn with knowing eyes, he smoothed out her emotions and said quietly.
"Alice perhaps we should go inside, I'm going to grab some blood bags." Now, why jasper had human blood in bags, on ice, was anyone's guess. But It might save Charlie from becoming a tasty snack.


Abigail fed swiftly off the blood doll, filling herself up in a quick snack. Lightly pushing the girl away she waves a hand dismissively before standing carelessly graceful in the process. Abi sighs as John smacked her, she spun swiftly and darted forward, hands grabbing for his groin and then holding tightly as her scarlet eyes flash at him.
"Don't force me to make you a Eunuch brother." She mutters at him. That massive tent of his probably wasn't looking so good to him now, she tilts her head, smiling darkly, after about ten seconds she released him and pushed him back slightly. "Men, always thinking with your little brains. No wonder women are so much better at planning." Flicking her long black locks over one shoulder dismissively before falling silent and following him through the doorway ahead.
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As John went home with his tail between his legs, Charlie sighed to himself in concern. He still had to keep his focus to drive them both safely, but Eliza certainly reminded him of Bella whenever she was in one of her moods, and it shook him. He'd thought this parenting crap would get easier now that he had had experience with it and with the passage of time, not harder. Still, at least he'd made it to his house...and encountered Jasper carrying bags of blood.

Over the years he'd gotten to know Alice's stoic husband, he'd learned better than to ask too many questions regarding Jasper's actions. It was a tack that served him well, and restraint helped him through the remainder of this night in general. He simply chewed on his cooked meal (one thing he could say about cooking for vampires was that he only ever needed to actually cook the meat for himself, as his toothier guests preferred their meat bloody with extra blood.) Conversation was not an issue either, as Alice was chatterbox enough for all of them.
Eliza followed them all inside. Spotting Jasper with the bags of blood she perks up. Even more so when he tossed them both to her. "Drink up. Can't have you eating Charlie." He directs her off to the side so the human didn't have to watch her eat. While Eliza fed, Alice hummed softly. "So, what happened Charlie? We were just coming to visit and then I get a vision about Eliza here. Seems Fall's end is a bit livelier then usual hmm?" Smiling she rested an easy hand on his shoulder for a moment, before moving to give him a hand getting ready for dinner.

Eliza slunk back out of the shadows, two drained blood bags in hand, and feeling a lot better.
"Thanks Jasper." She says softly. He holds his hands out for the bags, when she hands them over he turns back to toss them in the back of the car, meanwhile Eliza went inside. She felt grimy and grungy, she was hoping she could get some new clothes soon, but didn't want to be rude. So, preserving herself in silence, she basically stood awkwardly in the shadows, making certain not to inhale. Good thing vampires don't need to breath.

After Charlie went to bed, Alice and Jasper spent the night teaching Eliza the rules of their world. The former leaders of the vampire world and their story, along with the tale of what had happened to their coven when the Volturi attacked a few years prior. Coming morning time, Eliza was still in her same old clothes and felt distinctly uncomfortable. If the vampires hadn't been keeping an eye on her she would have snuck off and stolen some new clothing, but as they had been monitoring her she simply suffered in silence.
"From what I hear, the Seeds have been a fixture of this town for generations...although, it was very unusual for us to see any of them at all. I can see how they covered for their immortality in hindsight, but at the time nobody really bothered them. Montanans are not exactly nosey neighbors, and the Seeds kept to themselves, until all this. As for why they started up this Church of Lazarus crap now, since it's been underground for so long we have no records. No deeds, no articles of incorporation, no 501(c)(3) nonprofit paperwork, nothin'. Maybe Father Jerome Jeffries in the nearby Catholic church- which, now that I think about it, has been unusually deserted for a few months now- would know something. And if we can't get anything out of him, maybe Mary May Fairgrave, who runs the Spread Eagle Bar & Grill, most certainly will. After all, I'll be the first to admit I've visited more bars than Houses of God in my time. Perhaps we'll spread out and talk to the both of them in the morning."

Speaking of the latter, in the morning after Eliza woke up, Ms. Fairgrave was serving Deputy Kat at the counter of the Spread Eagle, getting the young woman's usual order of French vanilla flavored coffee with almond creamer, along with a Patriotic Breakfast Burger- with bacon, an over-easy egg, tomato and lettuce. Kat knew she probably shouldn't be having this again, and knew exercise could only keep bad dietary habits in check for so long. In her defense, however, it had been a long and restless night at home despite Rajni's best efforts to wear her out, and Rajni had needed to rush out to her convenient helicopter commute for her job at Adelaide's hangar, so Kat needed this if she was going to wake herself up in time to help Nick Rye run the airplane hangar she owned called Pavel & Daughter Aviation just a few klicks southwest of here (which was her main source of income, as she was only a part-time Deputy).
After forming a plan of attack for the day, Eliza and Jasper would head to the Bar, and Charlie and Alice could check out the church. They parted ways. On the way to the bar, Jasper had Eliza change so she could look presentable. A new change of clothes and she nearly felt human again. Being all cleaned up, plus a set of sunglasses (to deal with the glare of sunshine off the snow of course.) made her even appear human. Once they were ready, She and Jasper took the Audi across town, upon arrival, the two of them headed inside. Though once Eliza caught sight of the deputy she shifted to hide behind jasper a bit. She didn't want Kat to see her and try to take her head off for feeding on her last night.

Jasper walked up to the bar and tapped on the counter. A slight smile offered to Mary, along with the words.
"Hello Deputy, Miss Mary." Inclining his head, somehow a southern drawl had snuck into his words, Eliza looked a little surprised at how smoothly he conducting the opening rounds of discussion. Though she did scrunch down a bit in his shadow, pulling her jacket around herself. Kinda like a sulking teenager, but in reality trying not to let Kat get a good look.


As for Charlie and Alice, She was chattering away, keeping things cheerful while Charlie drove them towards the church. Upon arrival the golden eyed woman looks at the church bemusedly.
"You know, wasn't there a myth a while back that we couldn't enter holy grounds?" She found it kind of ironic that she could chatter away and walk into the church with ease. Though, once they got inside the spiky haired woman quieted down as they angled towards the Father's office off to the side of the main room.

"You clearly aren't afraid of crosses either. I also never got around to asking- garlic, are you really allergic to it, or no?" Charlie grinned, appreciating the way her wry humor broke the tension at a time like this. He hadn't been inside a place like this since...well, since the funeral. Seven years, and he still couldn't get the sight of his daughter's cold body out of his head. Well, she'd been cold before because of the whole...vampire thing. But cold and unmoving. If there was a God, then Charlie demanded an answer from him. About all of it.

He was broken out of his stupor by a cry from the altar. "Good morning, my children," Father Jeffries said. "We...don't have a scheduled Mass today"- in point of fact, he hadn't had one in two months due to low attendance- "but is there something I can help you with?"

"Welcome to the Spread Eagle, sugar. I don't believe we've had the pleasure. What can I get for you?" Mary May beamed, appreciating his genteel Southern accent as even though she'd been born right here in Hope County, her parents were originally from North Carolina...before their untimely deaths, anyway.

"And please, just call me Kat," the Deputy smiled and tipped her hat in return to Jasper. "And hello to you too, miss...?" she asked the pile of clothes off in the corner next to Jasper.
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Eliza sighs as Kat addresses her. Damn it, there goes her plan of staying undercover. But, then, Jasper intervenes. "She's just someone I found wandering outside. Figured I'd bring her here for a nice hot meal." Smiling charmingly to the two women, he motions Eliza off to one side. "Quite the pleasure ma'am, I'm Jasper Cullen." Nodding slightly at Kat's preferred mode of address. When Eliza turned away, Kat might have caught sight of her pale skin from where the cuff of her jacket didn't quite cover her wrist completely, even with her hands jammed into her pockets. Taking Jasper's queue she wanders off, pretending to shiver and generally trying to be unobtrusive. Course, that probably just made her all the more remarkable.


Alice smiles and says.
"Myth, though you know normal food just tastes like cardboard for us." She sighs and then looks up as the Father comes out. Suddenly she's all smiles and hyperness, "Hello Father, I'm Alice Cullen." Bouncing up to him and offering her hand warmly. Her skin was cold to the touch, her eyes a rather remarkable golden color, and she had the spikiest hair style this town had ever seen. For all that, she seemed friendly, instead of withdrawn like a goth stereotypical person might be. "We were wondering if you've heard of any cults in the area, maybe you could point us at some of their background?" Alice asks in a warm tone.
“Well, hello there, ma’am,” Kat said with a disarming smile.

She was about to make a joke about her being named “Outside Wanderer,” but figured it would be a little too cutting for the poor woman. Kat also had an idea of who this mysterious woman was, as she looked similar in height and build to Eliza, and she was keeping an eye on this Jasper fellow just in case he was working for the people who attempted to kidnap Eliza last night, but she didn’t seem to feel threatened by him, only a little bewildered by the situation she found herself in, which was understandable. “Can I treat you to a coffee; maybe some hot food?” she wondered after taking a bite of her perfectly medium rare burger, quickly wiping up the blood that trickled down her chin.


“Well, that’s...not something I get asked often.” And also a little point blank, he thought, although this stranger did seem friendly. “Could you be a little more specific?” Father Jeffries asked.

“We’ve been hearing about a Church of Lazarus that’s started up recently,” Charlie explained. “Do you know anything about that?”

“It’s not really my place to judge whether a group is a cult or not,” the Father responded; even though he definitely had an opinion on it, he was obliged by confessional confidentiality to keep it a secret. “The early Church was judged as a cult by the Romans, after all. But yes- I have heard of a Church of Lazarus. I don’t really know much about their inner workings- only that they point to belief in something called the Word of Joseph as a way to be revived like Lazarus was by Jesus. Hence the name. But no one’s managed to get a copy. Why, Deputy, have they done something illegal?”

Eliza glanced up and her eyes widened behind her shades as Kat was standing right there. She shook her head at the offer of food, but at the scent of blood, even (ugh) herbivore blood, her mouth started watering uncontrollably. Jasper looked back at the change in her emotions, attempting to calm her down before focusing on Mary once more. Eliza's hands fisted in her pockets, leaning away from the attractive deputy while holding her breath as she says. "Um.. Sorry, I think... I'm going to be sick." Such a bald faced lie, but she needed to get away now before she started nomming on the woman in broad daylight. She stood smoothly, gracefully and darted towards the door. If not stopped, but followed, she would be found outside, inhaling the cold frozen air deeply, sun glasses in one hand while her crimson eyes stared heavenwards as she tried to concentrate on anything but the fire in her throat.


Alice had opened her mouth to provide the necessary specifications, but Charlie beat her to it. She just smiled, folded her arms and relaxed while they chattered away. The golden eyed woman examined the architecture of the church appreciatively while keeping half an eye on things.
"They tried to kidnap a friend of ours last night. Luckily we intervened in time, we were just hoping you could help us figure out where they might be, perhaps some of their goals. If you can't, that's fine of course, we'll figure out the case on our own if necessary." She murmurs breezily.
“Well, that’s certainly alarming,” Father Jeffries said. This was one of the few times he hoped he’d ever have to even come close to toeing the line between his responsibilities as a citizen and his duty to God to keep confessions private.

He sighed, pushed his glasses up his nose, and said, “I haven’t heard of any other crimes members of this group have committed, but I have seen a lot of people confess to me that they were leaving my church because they felt that the Lazarene teachings spoke to them, but didn’t elaborate. When I asked them, they only said that they’d been invited to a retreat up in the Whitetail Mountains, up north. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that’s where the Church’s headquarters is located.”

“It’s also a very large, sparsely inhabited and treacherous area,” Charlie explained to Alice. “So we need to get back to Jasper and start looking,” he said, almost accidentally saying “Eliza” before retracting it. “For our friend.”

Kat, not thinking about anything except tending to what she thought was Eliza’s stomachache, rushed outside. The Deputy could see her breath, so she said, “Can I get you to come inside, whoever you are, before you turn into a human popsicle? Or at least let me bring you out some water to settle your tummy.”
Eliza looked over at the woman and sighs softly. She blinked her crimson eyes once. Mentally muttering to herself before she turns to face Kat. "I'm... fine." She takes a step back when the deputy gets close. Luckily the wind was blowing so she didn't have to worry about the scent of blood to much. "And.. I'm Eliza. We 'met' last night." She says softly. Eliza sighs and rakes her hands through her hair. "It's really not a good idea to be around me. Trust me. If the cult after me doesn't hurt you, I will, its only a matter of time and discipline." Specifically, how long she could hold herself back from her delicious blood.


Alice arches her brows, and smiles before she swiftly and elegantly plants a kiss on his cheek.
"Thanks Father." She winks before humming, spinning away as she nabs Charlie's sleeve gently. "Let's go. We've got a cult to deal with." She hums absently. As for the sparse population, that just made it so much easier to track the scent of the cult's humans. Assuming they had any of course.
“I’ve been...where you are. Or at least in a similar place. When I lost my parents, I got angry at the world. I thought I’d hurt everybody who cared about me. But Sheriff Whitehorse never stopped despite my best efforts. He...he saved me,” Kat said, smiling at Eliza’s admission to her identity even though she’d already sussed it out. “Don’t worry about me. I’m not the Junior Deputy just because the badge looks good on me, and if this cult comes after you again, I can protect you. Just worry about you have a place to stay? A job?”

Meanwhile, Father Jeffries said, “Go with God, my children” as they left his church behind.

And Charlie said, “Kidnapping vampire cult or no, we have to gather enough evidence and then get a warrant for the arrest of the Seeds. That’s just the rules. Otherwise we won’t be any better than them, and if we cause a ruckus, people will ask too many questions and find out know, your thing. I know this town has been good to you now, but I don’t know if they’ll bear that same goodwill towards you if things change, and I care about you and Jasper too much for you to be found out.”
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