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Rehab/Institute-Character profiles

Redneck Wolfqueen

The queen of Rp Drama!!
Dec 14, 2017

Full Name: Taylor Nicole Roberts

Date Of Birth: September 1st 1996

Home Town: Oakland California

Age: 23

Appearance: Taylor has dark brown hair tanned skin, brown eyes and stands at about 5’10” weighing 121 meaning she's quite skinny. She has her ears pierced four times, her navel is pierced she has a butterfly at the base of her lower back she wants another one but she's not sure where yet or of what. She's often seen wearing the latest fashions because she's into making an impression but besides that she likes to be comfy, can sometimes be seen in sweats a sweatshirt or tank top with shorts and a pair of sneakers. Currently her fashion sense consists of blue scrubs blue slip ons, white socks plus the hospital wrist band.

Model Claim: Zendaya

Family life:Taylor's parents divorced when she was thirteen and her little sister Cassandra was barley five which made it hard for her to understand, she hates her mother for divorcing her father.


Her room
Annoying roommates
Her mother

Turn Ons:
Bad boy reps
Wash board abs
Good hygiene

Turn Offs:
Nerdy ness
bad hygiene

Disorder:Eating Disorder\\ bulimia

Reason for admittance: Taylor was admitted to Ruby heights because after her parents divorce she started starving herself, when she did eat she'd throw it all back up then it turned into an eating disorder. Taylor's mother started to worry about her so she notified her husband about it which didn't please Taylor at all because her father was in charge of ruby heights, when she found out she was going to admitted there she wasn't impressed. Taylor still hasn't gotten her eating disorder, bulimia under control but she figures that with all the treatment Ruby heights offers she'll get better pretty fast but she's only been thee for six years which means she has more problems then just those two.

History: Taylor grew up in Oakland California with two loving parents but not long after her little sister was born her parents started fighting non stop because her father was never home, finally her father said he had had enough and filed for divorce which upset Taylor quite abit. Taylor started getting bad grades in school missing classes being late for classes turning home work in late, getting detention which started to worry her mother but the thing that worried her the most was her daughters eating habits because she watched her daughter eat then head upstairs and had no clue what was going on until it was time to do something about it.

Taylor's mother tried shrinks basic consoling but none of that seemed to be working so she tried regular doctors hoping they could help her daughter but that didn't work either, when she came to her last resort she regretted it because she hadn't talked to her husband since the divorce but when she told him he suggested she'd send Taylor straight to Ruby heights.

Taylor arrived at Ruby heights the day after her seventeenth birthday by bus which she didn't find amusing at all but it was the only way to get there besides driving, her mother had taken away her car saying she could have it back when she was better but until then no car the only thing she had was her cell phone.

Special Belongings: Cell phone, a stuffed elephant her father gave her.​
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( @Gannameade )

Full Name: Aaron Joshua Davis

Date Of Birth: 04/11/1996

Home Town: Long Beach, CA

Age: 24


Model Claim: Donnell Blaylock Jr.

Family life: He has a decent relationship with his father and mother despite being distant. He doesn’t speak to them unless they call him though.

  • Martial Arts​
  • Girls​
  • Chocolate​
  • Video Games​
  • Money​
  • Chemistry​
  • Weed​
  • Working out​
  • Movies​
  • Authority​
  • Liars​
  • Cheaters​
  • Therapy......Bullshit​
  • Closed minded individuals​
  • Inappropriate touching​
Turn Ons:
  • Pretty women – Redheads specifically​
  • Shower Sex​
  • Intimacy​
  • Shapely women​
  • Oral​

Turn Offs:
  • Poor shape​
  • Bathroom stuffs​
  • Homosexuals​
  • bad hygiene​
  • Non-con​

Disorder: PTSD

Reason for admittance: Anger issues, accused of gay hazing but was nearly violated by former frat brothers and something snapped so he is forced to do therapy or jail time.

History: Son of a doctor mother and military father. They spent so much time away from him, with different people that were supposed to protect him. In a commune castle overseas he was left alone too long with some male opera singer, who get a bit too hands after Franklin was showing simply his interest in comics but the man did more than get hands and that was something he never recovered from. He harbored this memory forever…and it shaped him…he never did anything to change who he was so much as that day. He works out constantly, he learned several types of martial arts, even studies some MMA. He doesn’t hate gay people so much as he is not willing to touch them or be touched by them.

Special Belongings: Laptop
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Name: Alistar Damian Roberts
Date of birth: 4/9/1971
Age: 49
Job: Doctor/Therapist
Appearance:{Idris Elba}
Picture: {see above image}
Personality: Alistar can be gentle, if he feels you are being sincere. He is a total ass if he feels he is being lied to cheated or disrespected. He believes in capital punishment, sometimes the end justifies the means. He knows charm and seduction and is not above using both.

Marital Arts
Weapons (various)
Weed often

Bad hygenie
History: Damian has always known he wanted to be a doctor. He didn’t know what type. He is from a family of physicians so he knows the deal and the lingo. He knows about chemistry and the pharmaceutical profession but sometimes it is not the drugs that will change ones behavior. Once he learned that...he knew his life’s mission was to help others. Yes his methods maybe be unconventional but he prides himself on making sure that he can help others overcome their past, their lifestyle and themselves. He is a published author so he is known to be good at what he does.

(@Gannameade just made a couple tweaks.)
staff/patient templates
Full Name:

Date of birth:



Appearance:{Model name }


Personality:{One detailed paragraph or more}


least Five.


History:{Three to Four paragraphs}

Ever Attend Ruby Heights:{If yes please explain with at least 3 paragraphs why}

Full Name:

Date Of Birth:

Home Town:


Appearance: (least a Paragraph or two)

Model Claim

Family life: (what was their upbringing like etc)



Turn Ons:

Turn Offs:


Reason for admittance: (lest three paragraphs)

History: (At least Four Paragraphs or longer)

Special Belongings: (can be anything special jewelry a secret stash etc)

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Chose Your Disorder or addiction here.

Failing to pay close attention to details or making careless mistakes when doing schoolwork or other activities
Trouble keeping attention focused during play or tasks
Appearing not to listen when spoken to
Failing to follow instructions or finish tasks
Avoiding tasks that require a high amount of mental effort and organization, such as school projects
Frequently losing items required to facilitate tasks or activities, such as school supplies
Excessive distractibility
Procrastination, inability to begin an activity
Difficulties with household activities (cleaning, paying bills, etc.)

Hyperactivity-impulsive behavior:
Fidgeting with hands or feet or squirming in seat
Leaving seat often, even when inappropriate
Running or climbing at inappropriate times
Difficulty in quiet play
Frequently feeling restless
Excessive speech
Answering a question before the speaker has finished
Failing to await one's turn
Interrupting the activities of others at inappropriate times
Impulsive spending, leading to financial difficulties

Drug Addiction
Sex Addiction
Eating Disorder (bulimia, anorexia or compulsive eating)
Self-Injury (cutting)
Extreme Violence

Paranoid Personality
* suspects, without sufficient basis, that others are exploiting, harming, or deceiving him or her
* Is preoccupied with unjustified doubts about the loyalty or trustworthiness of friends or associates
* Is reluctant to confide in others because of unwarranted fear that the information will be used maliciously against him or her
reads hidden demeaning or threatening meanings into benign remarks or events
* persistently bears grudges, i.e., is unforgiving of insults, injuries, or slights
* perceives attacks on his or her character or reputation that are not apparent to others and is quick to react angrily or to counterattack
* has recurrent suspicions, without justification, regarding fidelity of spouse or sexual partner.

Schizoid Personality
*neither desires nor enjoys close relationships, including being part of a family
*almost always chooses solitary activities
*has little, if any, interest in having sexual experiences with another person
*takes pleasure in few, if any, activities
*lacks close friends or confidants
*appears indifferent to the praise or criticism of others
*shows emotional coldness, detachment, or flattened affectively

Antisocial Personality
*failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest
*deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure
*impulsivity or failure to plan ahead
*irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by repeated physical fights or assaults
*reckless disregard for safety of self or others
*consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain steady work or honor financial obligations
*lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another

Histrionic Personality
*is uncomfortable in situations in which he or she is not the center of attention
*interaction with others is often characterized by inappropriate sexually seductive or provocative behavior
*displays rapidly shifting and shallow expression of emotions
*consistently uses physical appearance to draw attention to self
*has a style of speech that is excessively impressionistic and lacking in detail
*shows self-dramatization, theatricality, and exaggerated expression of emotion
*is suggestible, i.e., easily influenced by others or circumstances
*considers relationships to be more intimate than they actually are.

Narcissistic Personality
*has a grandiose sense of self-importance
*is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
*believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only be understood by other special people
*requires excessive admiration
*strong sense of entitlement
*takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends
*lacks empathy
*is often envious or believes others are envious of him or her
*arrogant affect.

Dependent Personality
*Has difficulty making everyday decisions without an excessive amount of advice and reassurance from others
*Needs others to assume responsibility for most major areas of his or her life
*Has difficulty expressing disagreement with others because of fear of loss of support or approval (this does not include realistic fears of retribution)
*Has difficulty initiating projects or doing things on his or her own (because of a lack of self-confidence in judgment or abilities rather than a lack of motivation or energy)
*Goes to excessive lengths to obtain nurturance and support from others, to the point of volunteering to do things that are unpleasant
*Feels uncomfortable or helpless when alone because of exaggerated fears of being unable to care for himself or herself
*Urgently seeks another relationship as a source of care and support when a close relationship ends
*Is unrealistically preoccupied with fears of being left to take care of himself or herself

Obsessive-compulsive personality
*Preoccupation with details, rules, lists, order, organization, bodily functions, or schedules to the extent that the major point of the activity is lost
*Showing perfectionism that interferes with task completion (e.g., is unable to complete a project because his or her own overly strict standards are not met)
*Excessive devotion to work and productivity to the exclusion of leisure activities and friendships (not accounted for by obvious economic necessity)
*Being overconscientious, scrupulous, and inflexible about matters of morality, ethics, or values (not accounted for by cultural or religious identification)
*Inability to discard worn-out or worthless objects even when they have no sentimental value
*Reluctance to delegate tasks or to work with others unless they submit to exactly his or her way of doing things
*Adopting a miserly spending style toward both self and others; money is viewed as something to be hoarded for future catastrophes
*Showing rigidity and stubbornness

To be diagnosed as having schizophrenia, a person must display:
A) Characteristic symptoms: Two or more of the following, each present for a significant portion of time during a one-month period (or less, if successfully treated)
delusions (thinking you are someone else: god, the devil, hitler, etc)
hallucinations (one or all five senses)
disorganized speech (e.g., frequent derailment or incoherence; speaking in abstracts).
grossly disorganized behavior (e.g. dressing inappropriately, crying frequently) or catatonic behavior (loss of movement for a period of time)

Currently schizophrenia has not been cured although many psychiatrists and psychologists believe that it can be managed. it can be controlled by medication and Electroshock Therapy

Bipolar disorder (previously known as manic depression) this has a high suicide risk

In the depressive phase, signs and symptoms include: persistent feelings of sadness, anxiety, guilt, anger, isolation and/or hopelessness, disturbances in sleep and appetite, fatigue and loss of interest in daily activities, problems concentrating, irritability, chronic pain without a known cause, recurring thoughts of suicide.

I a state of Mania, the person can experience psychosis. These symptoms include hallucinations (hearing, seeing,or otherwise sensing the presence of stimuli that are not there) and delusions (false personal beliefs that are not subject to reason or contradictory evidence and are not explained by a person's cultural concepts). They may also suffer from paranoid thoughts of being persecuted or monitored by some powerful entity such as the government or a hostile force, or become paranoid that they'll be abandoned and left by those close to them. Intense and unusual religious beliefs may also be present, such as patients' strong insistence that they have a God-given role to play in the world, a great and historic mission to accomplish, or even that they possess supernatural powers. Delusions in a depression may be far more distressing, sometimes taking the form of intense guilt for supposed wrongs that the patient believes he or she has inflicted on others.

Anxiety disorder is a blanket term covering several different forms of abnormal, pathological anxiety, fears, phobias and nervous conditions that may come on suddenly or gradually over a period of several years, and may impair or prevent the pursuing of normal daily routines.


Generalized Anxiety Disorder
As the name implies, generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by long-lasting anxiety that is not focused on any particular object or situation. In other words it is unspecific or free-floating. People with this disorder feel afraid of something but are unable to articulate the specific fear. They fret constantly and have a hard time controlling their worries. Because of persistent muscle tension and autonomic fear reactions, they may develop headaches, heart palpitations, dizziness, and insomnia. These physical complaints, combined with the intense, long-term anxiety, make it difficult to cope with normal daily activities.

Panic Disorder
In panic disorder, a person suffers brief attacks of intense terror and apprehension that cause trembling and shaking, dizziness, and difficulty breathing. One who is often plagued by sudden bouts of intense anxiety might be said to be afflicted by this disorder. Normal changes in heartbeat, such as when climbing a flight of stairs will be noticed by a panic sufferer and lead them to think something is wrong with their heart or they are about to have another panic attack. Some begin to worry excessively and even quit jobs or refuse to leave home to avoid future attacks. Panic disorder can be diagnosed when several apparently spontaneous attacks lead to a persistent concern about future attacks.

This category involves a strong, irrational fear and avoidance of an object or situation. The person knows the fear is irrational, yet the anxiety remains. Phobic disorders differ from generalized anxiety disorders and panic disorders because there is a specific stimulus or situation that elicits a strong fear response. A person suffering from a phobia of spiders might feel so frightened by a spider that he or she would try to jump out of a speeding car to get away from one.
People with phobias have especially powerful imaginations, so they vividly anticipate terrifying consequences from encountering such feared objects as knives, bridges, blood, enclosed places, certain animals or situations. These individuals generally recognize that their fears are excessive and unreasonable but are generally unable to control their anxiety.

Social anxiety disorder
Social anxiety disorder is also known as social phobia. Individuals with this disorder experience intense fear of being negatively evaluated by others or of being publicly embarrassed because of impulsive acts. Almost everyone experiences "stage fright" when speaking or performing in front of a group. But people with social phobias become so anxious that performance is out of the question. In fact, their fear of public scrutiny and potential humiliaton becomes so pervasive that normal life can become impossible. Another social phobia is love-shyness, which most adversely affects certain men. Those afflicted find themselves unable to initiate intimate adult relationships

Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Obsessive compulsive disorder is a type of anxiety disorder primarily characterized by obsessions and/or compulsions. Obsessions are distressing, repetitive, intrusive thoughts or images that the individual often realizes are senseless. Compulsions are repetitive behaviors that the person feels forced or compelled into doing, in order to relieve anxiety. The OCD thought pattern may be likened to superstitions: if X is done, Y won't happen--in spite of how unlikely it may be that doing X will actually prevent Y, if Y is even a real threat to begin with. A common example of this behavior would be obsessing that one's door is unlocked, which may lead to compulsive constant checking and rechecking of doors. Often the process seems much less logical. For example, the compulsion of walking in a certain pattern may be employed to alleviate the obsession that something bad is about to happen.

Post-traumatic stress disorder
Post-traumatic stress disorder is an anxiety disorder which results from a traumatic experience, such as being involved in battle or being a victim of rape or violence. The sufferer may experience flashbacks and other symptoms.


Medication and therapy


Pyromaniacs are known to have feelings of sadness and loneliness, followed by rage, which leads to the setting of fires as an outlet.[4]For a positive diagnosis, there must be purposeful setting of fire on at least two occasions. There is tension or arousal prior to the act, and gratification or relief when it is over. It is done for its own sake, and not for any other motivation.[5] It is all about the pleasure of seeing what other people have to do to extinguish the fire, and the pyromaniac may enjoy reading of the effects of what they have done. [4] Although much of the information stated here is irrefutable, many arsonists just like to set fires for the sake of fires and the blaze of dancing flames.

Intermittent explosive disorder (IED)
is an uncommon disorder of the brain characterized by explosive outbursts of behavior (throwing, breaking things, inflicting physical harm on others) that is disproportional to the provocation.

is an inability to resist impulses of stealing. A person with this disorder is compelled to steal things, generally things of little or no value, such as pens, paper clips, or small toys. They are often unaware of performing the theft until some time later

Compulsive Gambling
Problem gambling is an urge or addiction to gamble despite harmful negative consequences or a desire to stop. The term is preferred to Compulsive Gambling among many professionals, as few people described by the term experience true compulsions in the clinical sense of the word. Problem gambling often is defined by whether harm is experienced by the gambler or others, rather than by the gambler's behavior. Severe problem gambling may be diagnosed as clinical pathological gambling if the gambler meets certain criteria.

Trichotillomania (TTM)
or "trich" is an impulse control disorder characterized by the repeated urge to pull out scalp hair, eyelashes, beard hair, nose hair, pubic hair, eyebrows or other body hair. It may be distantly related to obsessive-compulsive disorder, with which it shares some similarities.

Pseudologia phantastica
habitual or compulsive lying. The patient can't stop him or herself from lying and actually believes his own lies

Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD)

Multiple personality disorder, or MPD, is a mental disturbance classified as one of the dissociative disorders in the fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV). It has been renamed dissociative identity disorder (DID). MPD or DID is defined as a condition in which "two or more distinct identities or personality states" alternate in controlling the patient's consciousness and behavior. Note: "Split personality" is not an accurate term for DID and should not be used as a synonym for schizophrenia.

The precise nature of DID (MPD) as well as its relationship to other mental disorders is still a subject of debate. Some researchers think that DID may be a relatively recent development in western society. It may be a culture-specific syndrome found in western society, caused primarily by both childhood abuse and unspecified long-term societal changes. Unlike depression or anxiety disorders, which have been recognized, in some form, for centuries, the earliest cases of persons reporting DID symptoms were not recorded until the 1790s. Most were considered medical oddities or curiosities until the late 1970s, when increasing numbers of cases were reported in the United States. Psychiatrists are still debating whether DID was previously misdiagnosed and underreported, or whether it is currently over-diagnosed. Because childhood trauma is a factor in the development of DID, some doctors think it may be a variation of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). DID and PTSD are conditions where dissociation is a prominent mechanism. The female to male ratio for DID is about 9:1, but the reasons for the gender imbalance are unclear. Some have attributed the imbalance in reported cases to higher rates of abuse of female children; and some to the possibility that males with DID are underreported because they might be in prison for violent crimes.

The most distinctive feature of DID is the formation and emergence of alternate personality states, or "alters." Patients with DID experience their alters as distinctive individuals possessing different names, histories, and personality traits. It is not unusual for DID patients to have alters of different genders, sexual orientations, ages, or nationalities. Some patients have been reported with alters that are not even human; alters have been animals, or even aliens from outer space. The average DID patient has between two and 10 alters, but some have been reported with over one hundred.

Causes and symptoms

The severe dissociation that characterizes patients with DID is currently understood to result from a set of causes:

* An innate ability to dissociate easily

* Repeated episodes of severe physical or sexual abuse in childhood

* The lack of a supportive or comforting person to counteract abusive relative(s)

* The influence of other relatives with dissociative symptoms or disorders

The relationship of dissociative disorders to childhood abuse has led to intense controversy and lawsuits concerning the accuracy of childhood memories. The brain's storage, retrieval, and interpretation of childhood memories are still not fully understood.

The major dissociative symptoms experienced by DID patients are amnesia, depersonalization, derealization, and identity disturbances.


Amnesia in DID is marked by gaps in the patient's memory for long periods of their past, in some cases, their entire childhood. Most DID patients have amnesia, or "lose time," for periods when another personality is "out." They may report finding items in their house that they can't remember having purchased, finding notes written in different handwriting, or other evidence of unexplained activity.


Depersonalization is a dissociative symptom in which the patient feels that his or her body is unreal, is changing, or is dissolving. Some DID patients experience depersonalization as feeling to be outside of their body, or as watching a movie of themselves.


Derealization is a dissociative symptom in which the patient perceives the external environment as unreal. Patients may see walls, buildings, or other objects as changing in shape, size, or color. DID patients may fail to recognize relatives or close friends.

Identity disturbances

Identity disturbances in DID result from the patient's having split off entire personality traits or characteristics as well as memories. When a stressful or traumatic experience triggers the reemergence of these dissociated parts, the patient switches-usually within seconds-into an alternate personality. Some patients have histories of erratic performance in school or in their jobs caused by the emergence of alternate personalities during examinations or other stressful situations. Patients vary with regard to their alters' awareness of one another.


The diagnosis of DID is complex and some physicians believe it is often missed, while others feel it is over-diagnosed. Patients have been known to have been treated under a variety of other psychiatric diagnoses for a long time before being re-diagnosed with DID. The average DID patient is in the mental health care system for six to seven years before being diagnosed as a person with DID. Many DID patients are misdiagnosed as depressed because the primary or "core" personality is subdued and withdrawn, particularly in female patients. However, some core personalities, or alters, may genuinely be depressed, and may benefit from antidepressant medications. One reason misdiagnoses are common is because DID patients may truly meet the criteria for panic disorder or somatization disorder.

Misdiagnoses include schizophrenia, borderline personality disorder, and, as noted, somatization disorder and panic disorder. DID patients are often frightened by their dissociative experiences, which can include losing awareness of hours or even days of time, meeting people who claim to know them by another name, or feeling "out of body." Persons with the disorder may go to emergency rooms or clinics because they fear they are going insane.

When a doctor is evaluating a patient for DID, he or she will first rule out physical conditions that sometimes produce amnesia, depersonalization, or derealization. These conditions include head injuries; brain disease, especially seizure disorders; side effects from medications; substance abuse or intoxication; AIDSdementia complex; or recent periods of extreme physical stress and sleeplessness. In some cases, the doctor may give the patient an electroencephalograph (EEG) to exclude epilepsy or other seizure disorders. The physician also must consider whether the patient is malingering and/or offering fictitious complaints.

If the patient appears to be physically normal, the doctor will next rule out psychotic disturbances, including schizophrenia. Many patients with DID are misdiagnosed as schizophrenic because they may "hear" their alters "talking" inside their heads. If the doctor suspects DID, he or she can use a screening test called the Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES). If the patient has a high score on this test, he or she can be evaluated further with the Dissociative Disorders Interview Schedule (DDIS) or the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Dissociative Disorders (SCID-D). The doctor may also use the Hypnotic Induction Profile (HIP) or a similar test of the patient's hypnotizability.


Treatment of DID may last for five to seven years in adults and usually requires several different treatment methods.


Ideally, patients with DID should be treated by a therapist with specialized training in dissociation. This specialized training is important because the patient's personality switches can be confusing or startling. In addition, many patients with DID have hostile or suicidal alter personalities. Most therapists who treat DID patients have rules or contracts for treatment that include such issues as the patient's responsibility for his or her safety. Psychotherapy for DID patients typically has several stages: an initial phase for uncovering and "mapping" the patient's alters; a phase of treating the traumatic memories and "fusing" the alters; and a phase of consolidating the patient's newly integrated personality.

Most therapists who treat multiples, or DID patients, recommend further treatment after personality integration, on the grounds that the patient has not learned the social skills that most people acquire in adolescence and early adult life. In addition, family therapy is often recommended to help the patient's family understand DID and the changes that occur during personality reintegration.

Many DID patients are helped by group as well as individual treatment, provided that the group is limited to people with dissociative disorders. DID patients sometimes have setbacks in mixed therapy groups because other patients are bothered or frightened by their personality switches.


Some doctors will prescribe tranquilizers or antidepressants for DID patients because their alter personalities may have anxiety or mood disorders. However, other therapists who treat DID patients prefer to keep medications to a minimum because these patients can easily become psychologically dependent on drugs. In addition, many DID patients have at least one alter who abuses drugs or alcohol, substances which are dangerous in combination with most tranquilizers.


While not always necessary, hypnosis is a standard method of treatment for DID patients. Hypnosis may help patients recover repressed ideas and memories. Further, hypnosis can also be used to control problematic behaviors that many DID patients exhibit, such as self-mutilation, or eating disorders like bulimia nervosa. In the later stages of treatment, the therapist may use hypnosis to "fuse" the alters as part of the patient's personality integration process.

Alternative treatment

Alternative treatments that help to relax the body are often recommended for DID patients as an adjunct to psychotherapy and/or medication. These treatments include hydrotherapy, botanical medicine (primarily herbs that help the nervous system), therapeutic massage, and yoga. Homeopathic treatment can also be effective for some people. Art therapy and the keeping of journals are often recommended as ways that patients can integrate their past into their present life. Meditation is usually discouraged until the patient's personality has been reintegrated.


Some therapists believe that the prognosis for recovery is excellent for children and good for most adults. Although treatment takes several years, it is often ultimately effective. As a general rule, the earlier the patient is diagnosed and properly treated, the better the prognosis.
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Full Name: Adrian Walker, (Pharm.D.)

Date of birth: 06/07/1975

Age: 44

Job: Clinical Pharmacist, certified in a nuclear pharmacy in addition, and halfway through an online degree in legal practices, aspiring to be in charge of the institution

Appearance:{Denzel Washington}

Picture: (embed not cooperating)

Personality: A Reserved, passionate man, Adrian worked hard to earn multiple degrees in pharmacology, as well as having picked up medical skills as a medic in the First Ivorian Civil War. Preferring facts, science, and logic to words, emotions, and nonsense, he maintains his composure with a tea he developed a compulsion to drinking, bringing him to a state of peace as his mysterious addiction is sated. As a former soldier, he respects the chain of authority, and owes considerable respect to the staff of the facility, though he has no patience for flattery or brownnosing, preferring to speak directly to those he respects, and communicate nothing short of effectively and minimally with those he does not. Despite his heritage, he holds fairly progressive political views, with a guilty pleasure-spot for technocracy which he hides rather well. As an avid reader, he can hold a conversation about literature but prefers it as a means of understanding the great minds before him, whether philosophers, historians, doctors, or - as a fan of Shakespeare - perverse old men masquerading as wise playwrights. Recently, he has discovered some strong sexual urges, perhaps buried by the hardships he faced as a child - none of which have been matters for public concern yet - which now have begun to resurface, as he discovers more and more things that excite him.

Likes: Avid reader, devout agnostic, armchair historian, enjoys unraveling puzzles (hard to not be gimmicky when your character is an extreme hmm?), pharmacological study.

Dislikes: those who disregard education, militarism, coffee, little else - he is greatly accepting of all people

Home Town: Grise Fiord, Canada

Age: 44

Appearance: Refer to model claim above, rigorous physical activity means toned without any bulk, purely definition on bodily muscles, tea-based addiction drives him to the slender side.

Family life: Grew up very poor in Northern Canada, accustomed to cold weather, detests food waste and the like

Turn Ons: despite limited sexual experience, he has yet to find one thing that doesn't turn him on if emphasized sexually

Disorder: None

History: Despite his commitment to his craft, Adrian fails to show much excitement, this led to multiple rejections from various pharmaceutical companies, eventually drawing him to a position at the institute. After several attempts to find other jobs, he shipped off, setting up shop for his medical career and the rest of his life at the institute, on his arrival he knew no one there and thus hasn't spoken to any other than simple nods and acknowledgments.
(Don't really have much else to post for history, I've gone over the majority of it in the above sections.)

Special Belongings: Silver Tea Set​

Full Name: Dr. Tracie Lynn Wild

Date of birth: 2/28/1976

Age: 46

Job: Therapist

Appearance: {Ali Larter}

Picture: (look up)

Personality: {With a last name like Wild a person would have to have the personality to go with it, Tracie certainly does. The way she dresses isn’t exactly professional, she’s been told to close her shirts on occasion. The name also suits her because in her younger years before she went back to school she was an exotic dancer, just went by Tracie wild in that time. Now she still has a wild side to her but it usually comes out when she’s at home or her office door is closed, she claims she can’t be tamed. Tracie is the one doctor that would break the rules, probably sleep with her co-workers or a patient or two. }


Lack of time off
Shallow people

History:{ Tracie Lynn wild was born on February 28th 1976 Thelma, Louis Wild. She came into the world screaming at the top of her lungs. By the time she was in school her parents were expecting their second child, she wasn’t exactly thrilled. Skip a few years, she had three brothers and a little sister. At fifteen she was forced to babysit her younger siblings while her parents went out, came home wasted. She’d had enough, after high school she found herself in a bad situation. Her life was a mess, she knew she needed help so she checked herself into a rehab center got herself clean then went onto med school so she could help troubled adolescents. }

Ever Attend Ruby Heights:{At nineteen almost twenty she admitted herself for rehabilitation for various addictions, went through the program. Once she was released she made something of herself, now she’s a therapist or white coat as they call her behind her back it’s what all the patients call the doctors behind their backs. }​
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Full Name: Carrie Lynn Morgan

Date Of Birth: 4/26

Home Town: Salisbury, Maryland

Age: 19-25

Appearance: (least a Paragraph or two)

Model Claim: Jessica lee rose

Family life: Carrie Lynn Morgan is the youngest of five, at a very young age was diagnosed with turrets syndrome. On top of that she was diagnosed with severe anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder. Her parents tried therapy for her ocd, medication for her anxiety but it only made things worse. Due to her turrets, ocd she would wash her hands until they were raw etc. finally her parents just got fed up, figured she was better off in a hospital.


Her parents
Turn Ons:
Facial hair

Turn Offs:

Disorders: Turrets OCD, anxiety.

Reason for admittance: Turrets OCD, anxiety and maybe some abandonment issues.


Special Belongings:​
Full Name: Vincent "Vince" Spaulding

Date Of Birth: February 29, 1992

Home Town: Mount Airy, NC

Age: 27

Appearance: Vince is on the thin side of average, 150 lbs, 5'11. He has shoulder length loosely curled black hair that he keeps in a Mohawk that he often styles in many ways, braids, slicked back, parted to one side, split down the middle to hid the fact he has a Mohawk, and of course fanned. When wet or straightened his hair can reach past his shoulders to the bottom of his shoulder blades. He has a goatee that reaches down to his chest and is usually kept in either a braid or held with several ties but rarely let loose. His eyes are a light grey that can look an icy blue in certain light. Currently his eyebrows are shaved off making his eyes all that more intense.

Vince has many tattoos on his arms, legs and chest. Most are horror related, portraits of the great movie monsters, and some of the more obscure ones. Frankenstien's Monster, Nosferatu, Gill-man, Wolfman, Freddy, Jason, all the puppets from The Puppet Master series, Chucky and Tiffany, Pennywise and many more. His left hand from the wrist down is tattooed to look like an articulated doll hand with the letters CRAKD on his knuckles between the joints. He has several piercings including multiple in each ear (He forgot how many cause he cant really see them to count) canine bites, and his right eyebrow.

Under the tattoos dozens of scars can be seen, many self inflicted, but not all. A faint scar can been seen on his face running from just below the tear duct of his right eye parallel to his nose stopping just level with the nostril.

Family life: Vince was born into a broken household. Alcoholic mother, rage fueled hate furnace of a father, an older brother that ran the streets with a 'gang' and a sister that worked the streets.

likes: Music
All things Horror

Dislikes: Being tied down to a place
Close minded people
Child abusers

Turn Ons: Independence
Open minded thinking
Tattoos and piercings
Woman that can sing

Turn Offs: Super clingy people
Shallow thinkers
Someone that mindlessly follows the rules to be seen as "Good"

Disorders: Borderline Personality Disorder with manic episodes that include disassociation. Alcoholism. Self harm (cutting). Diagnosed substance abuse history with risk or relapse.

Reason for admittance: Most of the history and the last paragraph especially cover why he admitted himself.

At five Vince was taken into the custody of The Department of Child Protective Services. He ran the foster circuit, house hopping and family flipping across several states in the Southeast. Some were decent, some were great, some were monsters, some indifferent. By 12 he was familiar with the ins and outs of caring for himself however he could be it finding his own food, fighting off bigger kids or the occasional adult. His last placement was with an elderly woman who was loosing the fight with Alzheimer's. More days than not he was recognized as someone else if he was even noticed at all. Leaving the house he took to the streets at the age of 14. He stole what he could, and wasn't against eating from dumpsters. Having no home Vince started to roam. He made it as far south as Panama City Beach, FL when he made a change in his life. Wandering into a traveling Carnival he went every night it was there that week. The carnies noticed the kid and on their last day one of them confronted him. He didn't ask Vince's story, didn't ask his age, said he didn't care, that he recognized a fellow vagabond. He bought Vince a meal and set up a meeting with the owner of the carnival. She gave him an opportunity to work for her. He was to help break down the carnival and travel with them to their next location and try the ropes. At 15 Vince found his first "real" home.

Over the next four years Vince lived the carny life. A week at a time in each city. His carnival was one of the few left that traveled year round and from coast to coast. During that time he meet many interesting people and picked up some less than healthy habits. Drugs, Drinking and women. He followed the main rule, be sober for the show, but that was just barely. It was during this time he picked up his most addictive habit, self harm. It was a rush and a release he had never felt before. He was in complete control of it, something he had never had before. He chose where, how deep, how long, and how many cuts, he controlled the healing process. It was all under his control. At 18 and having nothing to spend his money on other than booze and drugs he started to decorate himself. He instantly fell in love with the needle. The sublime pain that it brought and the art it left in its wake. During the summer of his fourth year with the carnival they were invited to be part of a music festival in the Midwest. It was during this time Vince met a band and became fast friends with them. At the end of the festival they invited him to join them on the rest of their Midwest tour. He accepted and parted ways with the carnival to be a Roadie.

During the months that tour ran he learned not only how to handle the bands equipment but how to set up their show and became a paid stage hand. Traveling with a band had it's own rewards and risks. He was further exposed to drugs, which most had lost their appeal by this time, and alcohol, which was still holding him strong in its poison grip, and all the women he could want. He continued to ink his body and started being more controlled of his cutting. He didn't want to loose the feeling of the pain, but didn't want to ruin his ink so they became shallower but more numerous. He also started cutting areas that were not inked or easily seen. His favored place quickly becoming the back of his neck. When the tour ended Vince hopped on the bus of the next band with praises from the last, and spent the next 5 years touring with various bands, doing road crew, stage hand, merch booth, and sometimes even security for bands. Some paid, some just let him along for the ride and covered his meals and room, and some were just a ride to the next city to find a new gig.

At 24 Vince met a girl at one of the shows. The band he was with wasn't leaving until the morning so after their set he loaded up the bus and spent the rest of the night hanging out with her. Julia was her name and she worked at the venue as a bartender. After too many drinks, some unabashed compliments, and a loaded conversation that could only be had by drunk strangers he was invited back to her house. That morning he missed the tour bus and started the next chapter in his life. Julia has fascinated with him. How he came from so little and was now traveling the country with rock stars and doing what he wanted when he wanted. His freedom enticed her. She took a chance and asked him to stay a while before drifting away again and Vince did. He got a job as a bar back at the venue she worked and they were good for each other, for a while. Julia quickly noticed his drinking habits were rather heavy but he was never violent with her. She also didn't like him cutting himself, but what scared her the most was when she realized how little regard he had for his own life. It was when he told her that suicide was his only way out of his life that she pushed him to get help for the first time. This was his first meaningful relationship so he agreed for her and went to a short term inpatient facility. There he was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. He hit on many of the markers, unstable relationships, unclear self image and sense of purpose, mood swings, impulsive and self destructive behaviors, feelings of emptiness, and a sense of being out of touch with reality. He was also diagnosed with Alcoholism, and manic disassociation tendencies.

Getting out of the hospital Vince tried to keep as clean as he could, and the relationship with Julia burned fast and fierce. It was a something he never had, and didn't know how to handle but she was patient with him. For two years they lived together, her helping him every time he stumbled. Vince couldn't hold down a job. He could never quite give up the bottle and he just didn't understand how to be a functional person. They broke up when Vince began to loose himself to his mental health issues and drinking again. He had been still to long and felt his skin was crawling every second of every day. He needed to move around and Julia couldn't abandon her life to roam without purpose. While it hurt, he somehow felt numb and freed at the same time as he felt a wound deeper than any he could give himself and a sense of loss. It was a new pain and he relished it. Julia did a final favor for him. She bought him a phone and told him she would keep the bill paid, only if he kept in weekly contact with her to make sure he was safe. Agreeing Vince left with his phone, his last paycheck, and a backpack with two changes of clothes leaving the rest of his life behind.

Just over a year later, two weeks after his 27th birthday he got a call from Julia asking him to come back to her, she had something important to tell him that should be done in person. A little under a week later Vince was in the hospital with Julia. She was dying of cervical cancer, stage four. It was not caught early and metastasized faster than the doctors could do anything for her. Having kept up with him for the last year she knew his mental health was in a downward spiral and she made him promise to do her one last thing. Go to a place she read about, Ruby Heights, and genuinely try to get help. If after sixty days of him getting out things were still not better should wouldn't be upset with any outcome of his disorders or habits, he had tried. She passed two nights later and a week after Vince checked himself into Ruby Heights.

Special Belongings: Pendant given to him by Julia shortly after they first met.​


Full Name: Kassandra Marie Roberts
Nicknames: baby kass, baby girl her dad)

Date Of Birth: 8/25/2002
Age: 17

Home Town: Oakland California

Appearance: (least a Paragraph or two)

Model Claim: China Anne Mcclain

Family life: {kassie is the youngest Roberts, the second heir to ruby heights. She was only three or four maybe five when her father left, didn’t exactly understand why he was leaving. Her mom pays very little attention to her, alway has a new boyfriend. If she had her way she’d be living with her father, sister far far away from her mother. }


There isn’t much she doesn’t like aside from her mother.

Turn Ons:
Good hygiene
Good teeth

Turn Offs:
Bad hygiene


Reason for admittance: (lest three paragraphs)

History: (At least Four Paragraphs or longer)

Special Belongings: (can be anything special jewelry a secret stash etc)​
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