Mx Female Pokemon Trainers and Power Rangers! Superheroines and Spider-Females always welcomed!


Dec 21, 2018
Your Dreams
Hello and welcome to my little slice of the internet!

I am currently looking for a few writing prompts that have been roaming around in my brain for a while! If any of them excite you or you want to try a plot from a different direction, shoot me a message and lets see if we can make some magic. I do stick to writing in Private Messages or on Discord and public eyes tend to make me shy. I try to be active but have been know to disappear into work and life at a moments notice. Work with me and I will work with you or just let me know if my attention is not right for you. I should be way more active at this point but you never know what life will throw.

First idea is a spider-heroine idea. I want to play the villains and criminal groups of New York while you play a spider-heroine who deals with the daily life and struggles that come with and are explored in the comics/movies/video-games. Ideally, I would like to see Spider-Gwen go through the trials of the Spider-Man PS4-PS5 games with some comic variations or inspirations from my own mind. The idea would be that she is either sexually repressed from being unable to keep a relationship or just not satisfied at home with the blue-collar science nerd love that comes with being with Peter Parker or some other person who is just not as stimulating as the criminals and super-villains that prowl the streets. While she has never crossed the line and mixed heroes with pleasure, all it takes is a late night and right villains to peak her curiosity. The Spider-Foes are a great cast of villains that make for some fun writing prompts! If this is something that you are into or interested in, lets chat!!!

Next, I would geek about doing a Power Rangers plot. Some band or young adults who have taken that vow to never use their powers for personal gain, but to instead protect the innocent. But that doesn't leave a lot of time for social life when you are out saving the world. From Monsters to other rangers to even the citizens of the world, this plot has a ton to offer that I would love to explore. Make a band of all female rangers and lets challenge the forces of evil! Make a mixed cast and lets have relations amongst the duty to protect! Maybe the leader or the rangers has a thing for the evil queen. No matter the idea, this plot just has a range of options that I would enjoy to explore.

Also, I am a Dungeon Master. I love the thrill of adventure and the thought of doing a more sexually charged Dungeons and Dragons rp. No need for the books and rules or we can lean into the mechanics of 5e and make a full experience, which ever is more your fancy. I own the books digitally and could go either way with this one. Challenges with sticking true to the rules unless we move to Discord or such, but that is for a discussion that we can have if you are interested!

Finally, I love the Raven and Beast Boy ship. I would love to do a plot where they are still titans but haven't had time to explore their desires for one another. Each titan is preparing for what the next stage in their life and hero journey will be, causing each of them to be distant and spend more time away from the tower. After a fight with some new villain, Beast Boy comes back but is changed. He is losing control of his mind when he transforms and becoming more feral, more hungry, more lustful. It is only a matter of time until he loses control. With the titans gone on this late night, what will raven do? Will she help Beast Boy? Give in to him and persuade his feral side?
Also down to do a more simple plot or complicate one with more heroes like one where Star-fire is kidnapped and Black-fire is impersonating her sister and causing all kinds of chaos among the boys of the tower.

Could go for a Pokemon or Digimon Plot. Maybe some other superheroine plot or something in the MHA universe! Hit me up if anything sounds appealing or you just want to chat plot ideas and brainstorm!

Look Forward to Your Response! Happy Hunting!
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