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Happened to anyone else?

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Dec 2, 2018
I'm a bit confused when it comes to the behavior of some of the people on this website. For example: Started RP with me doing a long first post, then the person who said they could reply every other day did not, I ask them if they are still interested after 5 days or so, they said they are sick and therefore cannot reply with a quality post, I said alright and that I understand, next time I check the conversation, they have put me on the ignore list for whatever reason.

This has happened at least 2 times for me now. I do quite a long starter post and then these people just suddenly put me on the ignore list for the giggles. So.... anyone experienced something similar? Is this reportable? It's starting to get really annoying.
Still having the same troubles, I see. Unfortunately, it's not something you can report. If you could hold others accountable in some way, how would you do it? Keep in mind that any rules, however severe you conjure them, will have to apply to you as well. Heaven forbid you ever make a mistake or encounter someone unpleasant that you would rather just stop talking to.
A screenshot(s) of the conversation? But it doesn't matter really since people are clearly allowed to behave shitty in here. And I do apply my own rules to myself. Always have. In the above example, I said nothing offensive or anything, simply asked if they would still be interested of the RP and then replied with "Alright. Reply when you can. =)" and then got ignored.
For the sake of transparency, this thread is being locked as it has already gone in a direction of negativity that we would like to keep off the boards.

Please keep in mind that outing users specifically or posting screenshots of conversations is 100% against the rules.
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