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NBx Any Vivianna


Jan 5, 2020
Seeing as I only have one official Non binary character, if anyone was wanting me to play one, this is who I would be playing.
Vivianna Quinn
Very energetic and charismatic, Vivi tends to do as they please and doesn't take smack from anyone. Very independent and dramatic, what you should expect from Vivi:
1. Flirting
2. Sassiness/ Attitude
3. Very thick sarcasm
4. Cussing
5. Randomness

They do as they please, which is normally breaking peoples hearts if they arent singing or hanging out with their supportive brother, Wyatt

Plot ideas for Vivi:
1. Yc fell in love with Vivi (be it throw stalking a crush, or being an ex) and finds out their one true weakess: Wyatt. Yc either goes out with Wyatt in order to get close to Vivi or straight up kidnaps him in order to blackmail Vivi into doing whatever you want them to do.

2. Vivi or Yc works at the mall and the two end up meeting on countless occasions due random bump ins (could be same place in mall or different intentional or unintentional) is it luck or something more? (could be just light fluff or get into something heated depending on how things play out, can include theft one way or another or clumsiness to get things heated)

3. (futuristic fantasy) The world has changed either for better or for worse. Dwarves, elves and other magical races exist but are more or less extinct thanks to the human races and their technology taking over the world. Now the world belongs to the few purebred humans that enjoy taking in slaves. (yc can either be a slave or the buyer)

4. (robber/theifxvictim- yc can be either or) A rich business owner has plans to turn the world market on its face.. and certain other figures of power don't like that idea. Someone was hired to gather the data for said plans and destroy it before it can leak. The only problem is, can the robber actually get away with their scheme? or is there something bigger at play....
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