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Mar 5, 2019
I want to start an exciting GROUP Sci-Fi RP (Please JoIn me!)

A Work - In - Progress

SSE (Space-Ship-Earth) Guardian

Following 2100 The Guardian had set out into space to locate a new home – the controversial debate over climate change had raged well over a century (some believed it was a genuine threat – others just thought it was a lot of bull to provide governments with more control) sadly both were completely wrong and they missed the true danger that would arise in the latter years; indeed, the green earth had began to die when huge wildfires swept across the globe and these burning fires engulfed large sections of earth's rain-forests (this cut the natural carbon intake that the trees gave to the earth in releasing oxygen back into the air) greatly increasing the carbon emissions to such a massive scale that the atmosphere turned into a nightmare with extreme weather wrecking havoc all over the planet (massive hurricanes, sandstorms, tornadoes, droughts and wildfires devastated the land). It then got worse because the extra carbon began poisoning the air (like a generator inside a closed room) and so our beloved home planet became larger uninhabitable by 2100 (the so-called climate scientists were so far off) – leading to the earth's people turning their eyes to the sky; indeed, having long since searched the stars to find a place that was like earth but no planet had been detected prior to 2050 and yet there was always a way to ensure survival - you could just build your own - so space stations and domed cities on terraformed planets would become the normal way to go but every eye always turned back to the old world where some still remain in domed cities to this very day.

In 2186, an earth-like planet known as Miri 2186 was located - becoming the new home to many earthlings- a long journey and the human race could finally relax by breathing easily once again; however, the Guardian did not stop there - soon set out again to continue traveling the stars as a colonization vessel in its all-important search and journey through space to locate more new earth ((known more commonly as as an NE) having learned that one planet is not enough to ensure survival.

Outside the Above - I have a couple other ideas already which are...

Guardian Attack Force

The Guardian is protected by the IBS Plaiedes; the greatest Imperial battleship (IBS) in all of space and by its military which is known as the Nova Space Service; a branch that operates within the Onyx Navy (Imperial Navy), trained to take down any threat no matter the cost.

Various Unexplored Planets
Its a vast universe - which means that there are places no one has been to yet - here you can discover (and name) your own world; indeed, even invite others to colonize or explore the planet alongside you!

Numerous Space-Stations
These are where most people live (outside those in domed cities) and they are usually massive compared to spaceships.

Curiosity Colony
Its a VAST colony with no central home - named due to its wealthy founder having an obsession over mineral and resource mining on various space rocks; indeed, Asteroid Employment is one of the most lucrative well paid jobs and many choose this as a good way to travel the stars but beware because it is also one of the most dangerous (you never know when you're going to lose signal, get hit by space debris or run into space pirates)!

Omega Sector - The END of the LINE
The Omega Sector consists of several planets and space stations but it might just be the most wicked place in the whole known universe - hard to top this - it tends to be the place ruled by crime bosses, thugs and also happens to be the place where the space pirates hide from the Imperial Navy. In the Omega Sector, there is no law and so you better hope you don't get lost; indeed, because there are no police to save your behind and no one is going to come looking for you. It should be avoided as much as possible and so anyone traveling here are either seeking to strike it rich in crime or they have some sorta vendetta against someone (unless you got kidnapped by space pirates - which in that case - good luck).

Zeron e84 (The Omega Sector)
Zeron e84 is a planet covered completely with heavily dense jungles. These jungles are good when wanting to avoid detection but it is also home to a notorious crime-boss. I would not go there is I were you, unless you have business with him; indeed, his goons set traps to have you captured - any women caught usually get turned into sex slaves - yet the crimeboss tends to stick to certain areas because the jungle is a dangerous place (even for him) and there are many alien species as well as various monsters that roam the place but its also easy to get lost here or go completely crazy (they say, here there is something worse than jungle-fever).
Could have potential. I have three potential concepts I might play for this depending on some additional information.

Possible Characters:

-Military ship captain/mech pilot

-Bounty hunter/mercenary that deals with the Omega sector

-The big scary beast that lives in the jungles of Zeron e84


-Is it just humans for this setting or will there be aliens?

-What kind of technology level would be around for this? For example are people still using guns that shoot bullets? Or are we talking lasers and other energy weapons? Or heck what even about genetic modification? Even if only humans they might be able to gene-splice an individual to grow a tail, among other things.

-Will this be hosted on the site? Or are you setting up a discord or such?
I actually do have discord (I didn't even think about that) but we can do it anywhere which best works for all (maybe even both since some might not be able to get on discord).

I think that everything you suggested could be involved. I imagine that there is different technologies and some civilizations might be more advanced than others (so on some primitive planet - guns with bullets would be ideal) or maybe some prefer guns to futuristic weapons; indeed, can imagine some tough guy making some statement like, "these guns cant be hacked" or maybe he is old-style and is prejudice against the newer tech.

I am open to you taking the place as the military ship captain (keep in mind there should be multiple ships, enemies and confrontations) also the bounty hunter could be fun. I even have a character that is known as The Huntress. There is also opening to the monster that stalks the jungle as well other alien life forms.

Yes, there will be humans (these are kinda base-line in that most people can evolve over a 100 year or more timeframe) but there can be aliens along the way because I think some planets might be home to some of those.

I am open to more questions and ideas! Please don't be afraid to PM me.
I wasn't insuinuting that the captain idea would be in charge of the largest ship if that's what you are pointing out, just a captain of some capital class ship. But it's just an idea at this point anyways. In any case I like your answers and inclusiveness thus far and will give a formal interest at this point on the condition that it be played on this site as I don't utilize discord for roleplaying. Of course I'll understand if that works better for you and other potential players but I'll dip out if you focus solely on that route.
I was thinking of doing the rp in both areas. I am not sure though how to include multiple areas though on this site (I guess we'd need a title system at each post to tell everyone where you are) like

Omega Sector - Zeron e84

I am ok with what you meant as far as the captain. I was just stating that there would be an upper-class military branch that operates like a federation that governs the whole system. I am sure there should be military throughout the universe to planets, space-stations and even the space pirates themselves. I figured some are stronger than others which could be fun to see how we can design a system (maybe a dice system) that determines battles as well as battle powers (like which planet is stronger than another) for story purposes in case two planets want to go to war in the future.
I would recommend asking for a private board if this gets enough interest. I am in another group rp that's currently on hiatus that has a private board and it works great with different threads to separate where events are taking place.

Not sure about a dice system if you are otherwise doing freeform, clashes can usually be figured out in advance between players with some proper communication rather than needing outside help.
Well, I am open to help wherever it is needed. I have never did a group rp. I sorta figured more people would be interested. It seems only you have responded. That kinda sucks since the overall story has great potential.
It's only been a day, give it some time for people to stumble across this. It is the nature of a forum though to have ebb and flow so don't feel too down if this doesn't take off, the timing might not be right. :)
Oh I understand that!

Well, at least we could discuss where our ideas and characters come into the play. You wanna PM me?
I may be interested in this role play. :) May I throw in an idea? ---- Within the distant future. What if we are a special security group heading towards a planet that had a distress signal? However which seemed like something simple. It appeared the planet was over taken by creatures. Kind of like a DOOM theme.

My understanding was that this was a group roleplay more in the sense that multiple stories would be going on within the universe at the same time rather than everyone being a part of the same story. That said two of my character concepts might be able to be a part of this in some fashion but I see that as only one story within the universe rather than something I'd want to focus the whole efforts of this group upon for the long run.
well, the way it probably works is everyone contribute whatever they can because not everyone would be focused on the whole universe (you might be in your own world) while the rest might have the overall universe in mind the whole time.
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