Mx Male Currently Craving Some Fantasy— AKA Please Wreck My Cute Elf Boy


Aug 17, 2011
Hello there, howdy. It’s a new year AND a new decade so I decided to revamp my old thread!

At the moment, I am desperately craving playing a small elf cuntboy in practically any scenario (though obviously, it’s gonna be fantasy just because of the races involved, although whether it’s modern, high fantasy, good old medieval, etc is up to us to plot out).

I don’t ask for much in general— all I ask is that you have a good grip on grammar, write third person past-tense, and write multiple paragraph responses. I’m a writer before I’m a role player, and so I tend to lose interest in RPs that don’t give me an opportunity to really write my character (for example, one-liner responses).

Some kinks I’m particularly interested in for this are:
  • Interracial/interspecies. I’m playing a little elf but you can play really anything you wish.
  • Size differences
  • Violent/rough/possibly painful and/or bloody sex (because of said size differences).
  • Large insertions (see above). Even an average human might be too much for this poor boy to take at first.
  • Non/dubcon
  • Weird unhealthy codependent relationships
If all of that is good with you, I have a few pairings with lil ideas attached. My character would be the bolded one.

Noble x Commoner (I have an intro prewritten!) (REALLY CRAVING TBH)
A commoner boy has lived for his entire life in a small village at the edge of the ruling noble’s territory. Though infrequent, the noble occasionally visits this village, and through one means or another, he ended up making his acquaintance. Though the people in the village seem to dislike their ruler, the man always him with a good impression because it seemed that he went out of his way to be kind to him (and he was, perhaps, too naive to realize that this could be anything but altruistic).

The truth is, however, that the noble was kind to him, in part, because he was attracted to the boy— an attraction that has turned into obsession, and now rage when he discovers that the boy (already existing in his mind as his) has been seen around the village with another. Realizing that he has let this go long enough, he sends his men to capture the object of his affections and being him to the palace.

At first, when the commoner boy discovers that he has been taken to the home of the man he’s so admired over the years, he is initially relieved, for the noble has never been anything but kind... However, he quickly discovers that there has always been much, much more behind the pretty words and fine gifts that the man treated him to, and he has always been expected to reciprocate.

Inquisitor x Accused Heretic -> No one expects the fantasy inquisition.

This is a very new idea— like, I’m coming up with it as I write the thread idea. I would be comfortable playing either role, with some caveats that we can discuss later on. But the basic idea is that whatever society this takes place in is relatively gothic in aesthetic, with those big beautiful cathedrals I love so much. As of late, civil unrest has grown to the point that there is a serious potential for revolution. So, naturally, what better way to restore the populace’s faith in the current system than to declare the would-be rebels as heretics who threaten society as a whole?

I’m comfortable in playing either role for this one, with some obvious caveats, lmao. But this is a story that has potential to get quite dark, and it will need to be story and character driven with a lot of worldbuilding and nerding about political intrigue and all that good stuff.

King x Prince (REALLY CRAVING)-> After a long and brutal war between two kingdoms, the King’s forces have finally emerged the victor. But in addition to the typical penalties that a losing kingdom tends to suffer (loss of lands, villages, wealth, etc), the King of the conquering kingdom, known for his cruelty, makes one further demand: he wants the son of the royal family for his own.
* This one can easily be tweaked to a different pairing if King x Prince is too cliche. General x Noble perhaps?

Magician x Apprentice -> This is a bit lighter fare, the story of a magician who takes in an apprentice who has been deemed notoriously unteachable by his mentors in the past. However, this magician sees great potential in the boy... Thus begins a long journey through the magical arts.

Healer x Tank -> I done flipped this genre on its head! In a world where things kind of follow the flow of video game logic, an experienced healer is dealing badly with the loss of his tank traveling companion, who has decided to retire from the adventuring business. And because even an inexperienced healer tends to face quite steep odds of failure if they adventure alone, he thinks this is the end of the road for him, as well... At least, until he happens to make the acquaintance of a new adventurer who shows promise at tanking— even if everyone else who he’s met has written him off as being unfit for the job. And so, almost entirely for his own benefit, the veteran healer takes the boy under his wing, intending to mold him into an excellent tank.
* It’s kind of my intention/preference that this one especially emphasizes rough and painful sex... And just rough stuff in general. Which is then followed up with appropriate aftercare. After all, taking hits is part of being a tank, but if you’ve got a good healer to take care of you, you can push yourself to limits knowing you’ll come out safe on the other side. :)

Master x Slave -> I’ll be wanting to brainstorm this a bit, although I guess I’m always down for the standard sort of plot trajectory that this pairing tends to entail.

So yes! This is what I’m thinking so far! As I come up with more ideas, I’ll add them here!
Thanks for reading my thread!
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