Stories Fandom Request!

Dec 24, 2019
Preamble Thanks: “Thank you for taking the time to read my profile and look at my works. In these trying times when people don’t know what the next day is going to bring the fact that you took the time to give me a chance means the world to me!”

The Basic Rules (IE Go No Further If You Can’t…)

  1. I don’t care about your gender but you must be willing to play FEMALE characters
  2. I only write in Third Person and expect the same
  3. Ghosting is the worst thing you can do to a writer. If your going to ghost then please do us both a favor and pass.
  4. On that note communication is one of the most sacred things between two writers. Let me know what’s going on and I promise to do the same.

Four Scores And Several Years Ago! (IE my small bio)

You can call me Story, I’ve been writing for about thirteen years now. Writing is my passion and all I care to do in life and I’m a novelist in RL. The only thing more important to me is family and I’m lucky to have a good one! To that end I am here for writing and writing only.

My soapbox (IE A little about my approach to SMUT)

I hate the word smut! To me it conveys a story line that is primarily or mostly sexual. I notice however that people use it as a measure of IE a “Smut” Ratio. While I get that it conveys something of a metric to how much sex is in your story I find it… personally disheartening to see.

I write compelling adult stories that handle NSFW themes. I adamantly refuse to do Fade To Black type scenarios. To me the story loses something and I see the act of love making (cause even fucking is love making) as something that tells something about the characters and narrative. There is no ratio in this approach and it largely depends on who the character is. Some characters might feel more sexual than others.

This Leads Directly into my next “smaller” soapbox.

Everyone’s Got A Kink (There! I SAID IT!)

A kinks like a butt…. Everyone’s got one! Even if your kink is light vanilla sex or as dark as clown sex (I’m not judging you Pennywise lovers). Kinks are a part of life and should not be mistaken as a part of life. I like to explore kink as well, it’s interaction between characters and navigating it.

I’m also a fan of hearing what kinks YOU want to explore. You may notice I didn’t list any in this little rant and that because it’s something I prefer to talk to mutually. What kinks would you like your characters to have! What would you like to explore! Those are the things I enjoy and I’ll try pretty much anything once. The things I generally don’t like are more when stories turn into smut fests or like the normal things (Scat, Piss Play, Ect).

Fandoms Fandoms Fandoms!

So i’m primarily here for Fandoms! It’s kind of my main thing and while there might be the occasional original story it’s a rare thing. I try and save my original ideas for my novels and I'm here to flex my nerd muscles and write the stories I don’t get to read in my fandoms. My fandoms range from movies to comic books and everything in between!

Well Hello there! Did you make it this far? Good, good! Take a load off, kick back in your magical futon, and come see my magical world of fandoms!

Here’s a kind of general outline of my fandom genre’s.

  1. Comic Books
  2. TV Shows
  3. Anime
  4. Video Games
  5. Movies

Comics can be broken up into Marvel and DC Respectively! There’s also one Dark Horse (Genderbent Hell Girl) that I want to do as well.

Main Idea

Ultimately though in comic books I’m looking for is multiple character ensemble type stuff. I’ve mentioned DC/ Marvel “Universe of our own” and right now that’s really where my interest resides. What this idea basically entails is creating a Elseworlds style version of the Justice League or Avengers. They can be relatively close to the original time or our dream team. I want to underline that I do mean CANON characters. I just mean our imagining of those canon characters. As an example I’ve done everything from an older grizzled Batman to someone young and just starting out.

In the interest of fairness, I would pick two of my favorite pairings and you would pick two of yours… with the intention of adding more down the line. I would be acting in a GM type role, though I also don’t mind sharing the GM role as well. So long as we communicate and are working together I don’t see it as being a problem.

That’s really the way I want to do things on the side of Marvel and DC. I do have some pairings I enjoy as well (I’ll list down below) but I think generally speaking that I like it when we have multiple characters. I’ve been doing a lot of GM stuff lately and really enjoy crafting a story and world narrative.

If however you are interested enough but want to do something one on one here are the pairings that interest me.


Batman/ Cat Woman
Batman/ Talia Al Ghu
Hal Jordan/ Carol Fenis
Richard Grayson/ Kori Anders
Richard Grayson/ Barbara Gordon
Terry Mcginnis/ Ten
Garfield/ Raven
Donna Troy/ Roy Harper
Green Arrow/ Black Canary
Big Barda/ Scott Free
Jason Todd/ Barbara Gordon
Bruce Wayne/ Clara Kent (Genderbent)


Peter Parker/ Mary Jane Watson:
Peter Parker/ Felicia Hardy
Peter Parker/ Sue Storm
The Hulk/ Black Widow
Steve Rogers/ Peggy
Scott Summers/ Emma Frost
Logan Howlett/ Ororo Monroe
X-23/ ???
Mathew Murock/???

Specific Idea

Okay so I lied! I do have one specific ideas that are more of a one on one nation! I am going to list them here.

I’m looking to play Peter Parker (Spider-Man) and trying to find someone to play Gwen Stacy (Ghost Spider). Specifically I am looking to do the following plot with the following themes.

My Peter would be older mid or early thirties to a younger Gwen Stacy. My Peter would be from another dimension, a dimension where he lost his wife at the hands of the Jackal (Professor Miles Warren) Miles Warren has a sick obsession with Gwen Stacy (bordering stalker serial killer) and has history with Peter. That history ultimately concluded with The Jackal killing Gwen Stacy-Parker (they were married) in a fit of rage. Ever since then Peter has gone down a dark path. Relentlessly hunting The Jackal with the intent to kill him. He’s put back on the Symbiote suit and even the beloved city he once fought so hard for hates him.

Eventually he manages to track down Miles Warren. Only to find out the man has built a doorway to a dimension. This dimension is the home of YOUR Gwen Stacy, who I would like to be in her early twenties. Miles intention is to go there and find her and restart their love story. Peter fights him but is unable to prevent him from getting in the portal. Unable to bare the idea of losing another Gwen he jumps in after him and they both end up in YOUR Gwen’s world.

Gotham Knights

Hello there! Today I have something in the DC fandom and an inspiration that came from the recent reveal of Gotham Knights (The Video Game) The idea of it has a lot of play and so I thought I would put up an idea based on it! Something a bit different than my usual “Year One.” Ideas.
Somethings to make clear before I go into the idea
  1. I will be playing the canon men of the extended batfamily
  2. Looking for someone to play the canon females of the extended batfamily
  3. Multiple characters
  4. All characters of legal age
  5. Romance and story heavy
This idea will start with the death of Bruce Wayne/ Batman. Due to that, hidden protocols activate set up in the event of his death. Protocols that reach out to the various members of the bat family. This will be a story involving those characters coming together and facing off against the threats rising in Gotham City. It’ll be something of a coming to terms with a mentor’s death story while they also figure out what the new normal is. Romance will also be a part of it.


I’m a heck of a fan of DC’s Elseworld comic Dceased right now. For those of you not in the know it’s a run going on involving characters from the Dc Universe dealing with a zombie invasion. The zombies in this case being the Anti Life equation. To make a long explanation short, it transmits through digital media at first (TV and Phone screens) and also the more traditional bites and infections. Eventually over running the planet and corrupting many comic book heroes. It’s a very interesting comic book and I can’t recommend it enough for those of you interested in it.

I'm looking for a group idea for this BUT I'm also not against doing it one on one. So long as that someone is okay playing multiple characters!

Batfam: Legacy

Today, I am looking for something in the vein of the Batman Universe. Specifically, I am looking to do something long term and involving the various members of the Batman family. So please keep that in mind if you reply. For this will eventually involve us playing multiple characters and hopefully everyone in the bat family.

I love going from the start of a story and going all the way to the end. IE starting with Bruce in either Year Zero OR Year One. What does this mean exactly? I want to take Batman from the beginning and go to the end within reason. I would prefer to start it with him training in Nanda Parbet but could also see starting it from year one and him arriving at Gotham City.

So what am I looking for in my partner? Well romance and world building go hand in hand for me. I want to pair Bruce with someone from the canon, then Dick, and then so on and so forth. Essentially, we’re building the legend of the Batman while also the leading ladies of the Bat Mytho’s. This is a idea near and dear to my heart as I really love the Bat Fam and also taking it from the very beginning. So if you’re interested let me know! My requirements can be found above and please pay attention to them.

Gming A Marvel Universe For YOU (World Building Fun!)

NOTE: This is a one on one idea where we play multiple characters

So I’ve been looking for a marvel story to dip my hand into. I’ve been gming a lot of DC stuff right now and I’ve gotten the itch to do something in the marvel universe. Specifically involving the Avengers! Hopefully, not just the avengers but also the villains and what not. I’m really looking (and entirely open) to playing almost anyone in the marvel universe within reason. I like a bit of give and take here… so say you’ve been dying for Loki with someone then I’d be willing to entertain that. With that being said… I am looking for CANON characters. Canon males to canon females.
Captain America, Thor, Tony Stark, and others! I’m pretty open to them all. I’m also not against playing a lot of characters! Given the Gming side of things I’m fully open to the idea of creating a big full world for us to explore and build up. I’ve got ideas in the guise of starting it from the very beginning of the Avengers forming OR doing it more along the lines of them reassembling. I’ve got a WEALTH of comic and movie knowledge and the full desire to use them! So if you’re a big marvel nerd like me we can really vibe together. I also want to know what ideas you have and what you want to see as well!

Just To Reiterate

  1. World Building
  2. Fully Willing to GM
  3. Multiple canon ladies to multiple canon men (with you playing the females to my males)
  4. NO Ghosting!!

Fine with either canon pairings or something original

Chivalry Of A Failed Knight
Looking to play Ikki to someones Stella

Darling In The Franxx
Looking to play original characters on this one

Dragon Ball Z
Looking for the following pairings: Eighteen/ Krillin, Vegeta/ Bulma, and Gohan/Videl

My Perfect Saiyan Boyfriend: This is probably a cliché idea BUT! I thought it might be fun to do something of an AU where at the end of Dragon Ball Bulma (who would be eighteen) get's to make her wish and wishes for the perfect boyfriend! Vegeta gets yanked from whatever he is doing and plopped on Earth!

I also like Bulma and Vegeta just in general! I'm pretty open to doing something with them as a pairing. I really like the idea of going back to the very beginning of their relationship and showcasing their interactions through their relationship!

The other two couples I'd like to do are Gohan and Videl (aged up) and Krillin and Eighteen. I am a HUGE fan of Krillin and Eighteen and since I have a heck of a time finding them I'd love you forever if you were into it.

For Krillin and Eighteen, the same thing with Bulma and Vegeta applies. I'd love to take them to the beginning of their relationship and show their highs and lows. If you're looking for something not as Slice of Life esque with them, I also had an idea for something where Krillin is the last fighting in an android destroyed world and Eighteen likes to play with him. Eventually though she falls for him to.

Gohan and Videl are slice of life as well. Over all I really like the stories Dragon Ball tells and just would love to focus on the romance side of the characters. This would be another one where we start towards the beginning and experience their highs and lows.

Kim Possible
Looking to do a Kim Possible/ Ron Stoppable/ Shego romance OR a Ron and Shego romance.

One Piece

For One Piece, I'm looking for the following pairings. We could etiher do these as a one on one OR we could do these as a multi crew thing. Choice is up to you.






Legend Of Korra

Hello there! Today I’m looking for something within the Legend of Korra fandom! I’ve just got done watching the Avatar series and am moving right into Legend Of Korra. It’s one of my favorite shoes and I am a huge fan of the series. Particularly I’m looking to do something with Korra and Asami. Their my favorite couple from the series! I’m looking to play Korra in this regard and am looking for someone to play Asami. This would be set after the events of the show but not following the events of the comics as I have not read most of them! Instead, we’d probably be doing our own adventures and what not. Really I’d prefer the focus be on their own romance anyways. The idea of them navigating what it means to be together in the Avatar world and how people might react to it. That’s the focus anyways! So if your interested shoot me a message.

I think this will be more slice of life than them going on a big adventure. Dealing with the fact that they are coming out as women together in a world like this. Then what it means to be the Avatar and with someone.


Assassins Creed
This one would be original characters and assassin stories

I’d love to play Cole Mccgrath against an OC!

Mass Effect
Specifically I'm looking to do my own "Novelization" so to speak of the original trilogy. So either starting on one or starting on two. I would be playing my version of Commander Shepherd and would be looking for someone to play a female character. I would prefer a canon girl but am also somewhat open to OC!

Persona Five
Today, I find myself interested in doing something based off on Persona Five. I’ve been playing a lot of royals and have fallen in love all over again with the game, the world, and It’s collection of characters. I’m interested in doing something in this world and would love to talk pairings and what not. I’d love most to do something big, like pairing all the men and women of the game up together (least the main ones) I’d also like to do it from the beginning to the end!

These are the pairings I'm currently thinking of doing!

Ran Amamiya/ Sumire

Ryuji/ Ann

Goro/ Makoto

Yusuke/ Haru

I could potentially be open to moving those around or adjusting them. Also in terms of the confidants I wouldn't be against including them as well! For instance, I think Munehisa and Sae might pair well together! OR even Munehisa and Tae.
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I’m a heck of a fan of DC’s Elseworld comic Dceased right now. For those of you not in the know it’s a run going on involving characters from the Dc Universe dealing with a zombie invasion. The zombies in this case being the Anti Life equation. To make a long explanation short, it transmits through digital media at first (TV and Phone screens) and also the more traditional bites and infections. Eventually over running the planet and corrupting many comic book heroes. It’s a very interesting comic book and I can’t recommend it enough for those of you interested in it.

I'm looking for a group idea for this BUT I'm also not against doing it one on one. So long as that someone is okay playing multiple characters!
Gotham Knights

Hello there! Today I have something in the DC fandom and an inspiration that came from the recent reveal of Gotham Knights (The Video Game) The idea of it has a lot of play and so I thought I would put up an idea based on it! Something a bit different than my usual “Year One.” Ideas.
Somethings to make clear before I go into the idea
  1. I will be playing the canon men of the extended batfamily
  2. Looking for someone to play the canon females of the extended batfamily
  3. Multiple characters
  4. All characters of legal age
  5. Romance and story heavy
This idea will start with the death of Bruce Wayne/ Batman. Due to that, hidden protocols activate set up in the event of his death. Protocols that reach out to the various members of the bat family. This will be a story involving those characters coming together and facing off against the threats rising in Gotham City. It’ll be something of a coming to terms with a mentor’s death story while they also figure out what the new normal is. Romance will also be a part of it.
Hello there! Today I’m looking for something within the Legend of Korra fandom! I’ve just got done watching the Avatar series and am moving right into Legend Of Korra. It’s one of my favorite shoes and I am a huge fan of the series. Particularly I’m looking to do something with Korra and Asami. Their my favorite couple from the series! I’m looking to play Korra in this regard and am looking for someone to play Asami. This would be set after the events of the show but not following the events of the comics as I have not read most of them! Instead, we’d probably be doing our own adventures and what not. Really I’d prefer the focus be on their own romance anyways. The idea of them navigating what it means to be together in the Avatar world and how people might react to it. That’s the focus anyways! So if your interested shoot me a message.

I think this will be more slice of life than them going on a big adventure. Dealing with the fact that they are coming out as women together in a world like this. Then what it means to be the Avatar and with someone.
Hey there Bluemoon peeps! It's been a while. I'm back though and looking to start doing some more writing on this lovely site. If you're interested please check out the various ideas on my first page!

Here's some of the one's I'm really craving right now!
Dragon Ball Z
Looking for the following pairings: Eighteen/ Krillin, Vegeta/ Bulma, and Gohan/Videl

My Perfect Saiyan Boyfriend: This is probably a cliché idea BUT! I thought it might be fun to do something of an AU where at the end of Dragon Ball Bulma (who would be eighteen) get's to make her wish and wishes for the perfect boyfriend! Vegeta gets yanked from whatever he is doing and plopped on Earth!

I also like Bulma and Vegeta just in general! I'm pretty open to doing something with them as a pairing. I really like the idea of going back to the very beginning of their relationship and showcasing their interactions through their relationship!

The other two couples I'd like to do are Gohan and Videl (aged up) and Krillin and Eighteen. I am a HUGE fan of Krillin and Eighteen and since I have a heck of a time finding them I'd love you forever if you were into it.

For Krillin and Eighteen, the same thing with Bulma and Vegeta applies. I'd love to take them to the beginning of their relationship and show their highs and lows. If you're looking for something not as Slice of Life esque with them, I also had an idea for something where Krillin is the last fighting in an android destroyed world and Eighteen likes to play with him. Eventually though she falls for him to.

Gohan and Videl are slice of life as well. Over all I really like the stories Dragon Ball tells and just would love to focus on the romance side of the characters. This would be another one where we start towards the beginning and experience their highs and lows.


One Piece

For One Piece, I'm looking for the following pairings. We could etiher do these as a one on one OR we could do these as a multi crew thing. Choice is up to you.







Persona Five

Today, I find myself interested in doing something based off on Persona Five. I've been playing a lot of royals and have fallen in love all over again with the game, the world, and It's collection of characters. I'm interested in doing something in this world and would love to talk pairings and what not. I'd love most to do something big, like pairing all the men and women of the game up together (least the main ones) I'd also like to do it from the beginning to the end!

These are the pairings I'm currently thinking of doing!

Ran Amamiya/ Sumire

Ryuji/ Ann

Goro/ Makoto

Yusuke/ Haru

I could potentially be open to moving those around or adjusting them. Also in terms of the confidants I wouldn't be against including them as well! For instance, I think Munehisa and Sae might pair well together! OR even Munehisa and Tae.
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