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Mx F or NB Seeking Strong Female characters for Action oriented RP


Mar 9, 2019
Weird Flex?

Hey figured I’d make a new request thread as my old one is...well old. Plus I didn’t put much thought into it so there’s that.

A little about myself

I’ve been roleplaying off and on for 10+ years, and consider myself at times a lazy literate writer to a trying detailed writer. In other words depending on my partner I’ll pick it up or tone it down, although I’m not some English major with a plethora of different ways to say a single word. But I did just say plethora so give me that.

I’m pretty avid about fitness, mixed in with being in the military(infantry). So with that said you can expect my characters to most likely be confident, fit, and sometimes just a bit prideful. In addition if there is action in the RP I’ll be absolutely invested in it. That’s not saying I can’t play different personalities, or body types...just that’s my go to as it’s easiest for me to relate with.

What I love!

  • Playing less than perfect characters. That could mean just simple traits and characteristics that don’t make him the perfect white knight. I.E. MC is quick to anger, or a bit desensitized to some things others would see as atrocities in war. Maybe he’s a womanizer, or his ambitions take priority over his love life. Basically I don’t want to play some Barbarian who holds your hand and brings you flowers throughout the rp. Not to say I’m not down for romantic scenes in an rp where they make sense

  • Strong female characters!!! If you play someone who has her own goals and ambitions I’ll love you(seriously I’ve got a rp ring in my pocket for you). Someone who isn’t afraid of MC, or even if she is her fear won’t stop her from slapping him or mouthing off if he crosses the line. You don’t necessarily have to have a warrior type character, although that’s fun too.

  • Butting heads. Let’s be honest, rough smut following pages of two people not getting along is great. Even if after they still don’t fully get along. I enjoy when our characters don’t see eye to eye on everything. Even as far as one is stuck on the road of something they don’t find morally sound.
Example: My character is the General of a mercenary battalion. YC is some Empress who overpaid him upfront for several years of service. Next thing he knows world conquest is her sudden aim.

Less drastic example: MC is said merc leader. YC is his second in command, he decides to burn a bunch of peasants farmland so the kingdom they are fighting has no supplies and drops the morale of their army.

  • Nice asses. Seriously lets talk real life. The starting number for a nice butt and legs is an 8 in my book. (I like big butts and I cannot lie...). It also makes sense if YC happens to be the warrior type. She’s gonna have a strong set of legs and not be some petite little flower slaying men bred for war like...I don’t know...but she’s not.

  • War and politics
  • Playing side characters
  • Killing some side characters good or bad so we can be happy/sad
  • Medieval fantasy or not
  • I’m super interested in a sci-fi setting. Deep space, aliens terrorizing the universe. Haven’t played it, but YC will look great in a battleship uniform trust me.
  • Posting at least 2 paragraphs. I know it can feel like you’re fluffing things writing 5+ paragraphs every post, especially during dialogue. Just write as much as is needed to keep the story going. Don’t overwork yourself! I can range from 2 paragraphs to 7+ if it’s a big scene/opener or the story needs to move ahead to something else.

  • Forbidden/risk of getting caught. Always fun
  • OOC chat. I’m not looking for my soulmate, but if we click OOC we’ll probably click IC. (I promise I’m not that guy that’s going to make advances OOC)
  • PM for OOC, separate pm for the RP

What I don’t like

  • Being overly emo/quiet/shy. I know a lot of people like this, but for me it gets old quick. I also find myself solely pushing the rp forward when my partners character is like this. So if you know that’s what you want to play, just know we won’t be compatible!

  • Anime pictures, or anime inspired themes. I’m not knocking anime, there’s been a few(FEW) anime series I’ve liked. But they are far and few in between. I’m not gonna go into why, just know it’s not for me.

  • Slow posting speed. If you can give me a heads up that you’ll be gone 3+ days it’s cool. I’m in the military so I’ll have times I’m in the field and can’t post. But if you know you can only post once a week, it won’t really keep me invested and I’ll forget what’s going.

  • BDSM. So I might be able to do some extremely light stuff, although I’m still not really into it. If you want me to tie you up, hang you upside down from the ceiling and inflate you though...I just can’t. (Not knocking it, but how do you even discover you are into that)

  • Doing all the brainstorming myself. I hateeeeeee when I’m coming up with stuff, asking tons of questions and all my partner says back everytime is a one sentence answer. It’s usually a prelude to an incompatible rp, or maybe the partner isn’t really interested. If you don’t like brainstorming, or coming up with your own agendas and plot movements I’ll start feeling taxed by the rp. I hate taxes bro.

  • Bestiality
  • Gore(smut related) there will be some gore in war most likely
  • Toilet stuff
  • Too much smut. If there’s no story, I’m basically typing porn, and who watches the same porn video everyday? Nobody!

Maybe if we have a good setup

  • Light(very light) bdsm
  • Slice-of-Life. If there’s a lot of twists that make our two characters all messed up. There would have to be cheating and side characters involved to make me interested in it
  • More smut than plot. I’m a plot first rper. I’ve gotten so caught up in a story that the smut almost never happened. But if you have a smut centered rp, there’s gonna need to be a really good story happening in short bursts to keep me going.
  • First Person. I’ve done it before, it could be fun, or it could be bad.
  • Non-con if it makes sense. Say MC is a barbarian and YC was given to him in marriage, she doesn’t put out on their bonding night....well. I don’t want an rp centered on it though.

There’s probably a lot more to add to each of these, and I’ll add it as it comes to me overtime.


So these can be a mix of futuristic or medieval think such as Fleet Commander and his Executive Commander in the sense of General x 2nd in command. Also I’m open to different races for fantasy setting. Elves/orcs/vampires etc

  • General x General
  • General x Queen/King
  • General x 2nd in command
  • Adventures
  • Mercenaries
  • Knight x Princess
  • Prince x Princess
  • General x Merc
  • Barbarian x ???
  • Amazons x ???
  • Vampires(not godlike ones, just immortal and more agile)

I’m down for your character to be in a position of higher status than my character if that suits your idea coming in.

On that note, I can play either dom/sub, but don’t confuse it with the bdsm sense of the word. Just more along the lines of sexual encounters being YC or MC says it’s happening, so it’s gonna happen...due to status over the other or whatever.


Coming soon...


If you felt at all like we might be a match, feel free to drop me a pm, and thank you for taking the time to read this terribly formatted thing I dare call a Request Thread(did it in my phone). I look forward to creating some worlds and slaying bad guys(or good guys) with you.
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Bump after a long time. Maybe I’ll l find someone this go around
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