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Lancer: The Tannhäuser Incident

Aug 5, 2014
The Tannhäuser system is old, even by astronomical standards; the star has cooled into a red dwarf, filling the entire system with its baleful red radiance. Tannhäuser III - tentatively called Sepulchre by the Protectorate cartographic team that first found it - would once have been in the habitable zone, but as the sun cooled it became an icy and inhospitable place: glaciers like continental plates cover much of the surface. In the narrow temperate belt on the equator, a few brave corporate interests pay lip-service to the Protectorate xeno-archaeology mandates that they've bought, but in fact stripmine anything of interest from scattered digs and excavations. Of course, we have no idea what the so-called Martian tech actually does; the songspires could be anything from WMDs to entertainment devices.

You must've seriously pissed someone off if you've been assigned here, to keep watch on megacorps like Mandrake and GS-Dyna loot alien graveyards for trinkets.


Character Creation
You start of at License Level 0, meaning:
-A Background (p20)
-Four +2 Triggers (p25) based on or tied to the background
-One +2 Mech Skill
-Two +1 Mech Skill
There are 4 Mech skills: Hull, Agility, Systems, Engineering, and they go from +0 to +6

-Three Rank 1 Talents
-Your very own GMS-SP1 Everest!

Mech Creation
Frame: Everest!
Starting SP: 6
Main Mount x1
Flex Mount x1
Heavy Mount x1
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