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exercise at it's best (romanticdream)


Apr 9, 2009
Stretching a bit, Keilah sighed and took a glimpse around her. For a moment she didn't know what to expect, considering every small inn was beginning to look the same. It really wasn't but being on the road for so long, it wasn't hard for that to happen. So that’s why she decided to try something a little different. Rather than stay at an inn or a pokecenter, the trainer had decided to camp out at a small place on the outskirts of Viridian City. It was empty, so she had figured there was no real harm in it. Why she had laid down, was beyond her, though. It was late in the evening, almost dusk and yet she was no where near being tired.

Hmm, maybe a walk will do me some good, she mused as she slipped out of bed and pulled on a loose cut black tee and some brown baggy cargo shorts. Keilah had never been one to dress much like a girl. She did on a few occasions, she wasn't totally against it, but it was almost dark and she wasn't dressing to impress. The brunette slipped on her shoes, tying her hair back into a bun as she grabbed her pokeballs and her knapsack. It wasn't long before she was out the door and heading towards the outskirts of town. "Hmm, maybe I'll find something interesting out here," she half said, half yawned as she continued to walk a moment, before stopping.

Part of her doubted it since Viridian forest didn’t house the strongest pokemon around, but it was still good for practice. And who knows, maybe they would find something, but until then, she would refuse to give up hope as see looked off into the distance.

"Maybe I should let you out for a bit. I know you could use the air," Reaching into her pocket she pulled a pokeball and chucked it in front of her. Something about it always forces her to throw it .I think it’s stupid but you know but I cant help it. As it hit the ground it released a very familiar friend. "Sorry about that buddy. Better late than never, right?" she giggled apologetically and tilted her head sideways a bit. "it'll be dark soon, but I figured a walk would be good for the both of us,"


Sorry it's so short. It's late -falls over-
Being inside a pokeball was an odd experience. Big pokemon could live in balls the size of chestnuts. How it worked was beyond all but those who'd been insane enough to invent them. But it apparently relied on the same kind of spacial anomalies that allowed girls to pull massive hammers from nowhere and attack perverted men. To be able to see inside of the space was kind of fantastic at first. But as time had gone by, that space had simply become part of ordinary everyday life.

A flash of light came from a particular pokeball as the pokemon was called out. The human-sized pokemon came into proper view in a matter of seconds. It was a mass of green. Hard, strong green exoskeleton. It had an aerodynamic, swept-back look to it, with wide, powerful wings. It's defining feature though were the two wing-like exoskeletal blades that emerged from each arm, just above the clawed hands. Scythers were usually unruly, aggressive pokemon with a temper to go with the cutting power. This one had been well trained though, and it's fury was only felt in battle.

It yawned lightly as it surveyed the surrounding area. It knew Viridian Forest well. Or rather she knew Viridian Forest well. She'd grown up in the forest before being claimed for the Safari Zone. As she listened to her trainer, she nodded, even with the concept of just walking. She was a bit of a speed freak, so just walking always felt slow. But for her trainer, she'd do anything.
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