Speaking of restructuring …
As anyone still interested may have seen, my last IC post contained a certain amount of (gasp!) god-modding. My intent in doing this was two-fold:
1. To restructure our story so that (most of the) still active players can continue to play now (before boredom and apathy set in) while also …
2. Allowing inactive players to potentially rejoin the story later on, once they’re done with holiday business and/or any personal crises that may be affecting them. (While also explaining what has happened to any characters who’s writers have just ghosted.)
In doing the above I have temporarily sidelined MC, who will now putter around tending to Olivia and Irina offstage, look for Shaun and search the house etc., while Cal, Baxter and Sam have the opportunity to continue this (really interesting IMO) RP in the kitchen. (Or wherever else Cal wants to take things.)
Unfortunately this leaves Dad still offstage too, but I have no bright ideas about how to immediately rectify this; suggestions are welcome. Hopefully Olivia and/or Irina will wake up and return to the story to even out the player count, but if not I’ll bump the original interest check post after the New Year to see if we can attract a new female character (a neighbor, Aunt, cousin, friend or whatever) to round things out genderwise.
Feel free to let me know what you think about this right here in the OOC thread, so that everyone still active in this group RP can see it and comment too. Cheers!