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Feb 16, 2009
a big, big city.
I don't b i t e.

newly gained :
rabbit hole

      • Well hello.
        Evidently you've stumbled upon this thread because you've got the curiosity in what lies in here. It's good t know that you're as curious as I am, but let's not doddle on unimportant things right now.

        My name is Mintie, but call me whatever you like doll face.
        I am fascinated by role playing but it isn't exactly taking my life under seige.
        I do have a life which means I might not be online twenty four seven. I go to college for shit's sake,
        however that doesn't mean I'm just going to leave you hanging and never reply back.
        Honey~ That'll never happen.

        Currently, my interests reside in a lot of things, simply because I have yet to find a good set of role plays. I only role play over threads, PMs, and e mail, because instant messengers piss me off and I generally forget to sign in to those wretched things.

        I currently only want hetero and yuri based role plays now,
        not too many anime / manga tickle my fancies currently either.
        Boss x Employee is something I could go for and I can easily play either role.
        Student x Teacher? Same deal.
        Student x Student, oh yes. I am particularly fond of doing this in per say, a stereotype toward another stereo type, just because I like the clash.

        Brother x Sister, or incest of any kind for the matter, is welcomed.
        I haven't done a master x slave role play in quite a long time, but I am willing.
        Vampire x Human? Lovely. Nothing Twilight based.
        Vampire x Anything else? Hot stuff baby.
        Same goes for Demons, Angels, etc.
        I'm quite sure I've covered what I want so far,
        b u t, here are some more things in case you haven't found one to tickle you yet.

        all of these stories involve twists that we build t o g e t h e r,
        Little Red Riding Hood.
        Beauty and the Beast.
        et cetera et cetera et cetera.

        I hope you have found something you like.
        send me a private message, won't you?[/list:u]
  • When I was younger I used to watch the cartoons.
    I can go by either the cartoons or the movies, but I have never read the comics.[/list:u]
I can go with any source, but recently I have been into the cartoons.
The old cartoon pretty faithfully follows the main comic storyline with the phoenix saga, the morlock saga, mojoland, and apocalypse.
Hey there, sorry if you lost interest, I said I'd be away but I'm back now, hope you don't mind that. =) Plus you must be really busy too.
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