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The secret escort (with Foxy Lady)

May 29, 2017
Frank walked across the bar and slumped into the seat opposite Des. They had been best friends since they first met in High School 40 years ago.

‘Beer?’ Des offered, sure of the answer.

But Frank shook his head.

‘You look like you’ve had a shock,’ Des prompted.

‘You could say that,’ Frank muttered, shaking his head.

‘So, come on, mate, give. What’s happened to you?’

‘It’s Mabel,’ Frank replied at last.

‘Oh no, is it serious, I mean she isn’t-’

‘No, no,’ his friend cut him short, ‘no, Des, nothing like that.’

‘Then what?’ Des was trying not to sound irritated. It was not like Frank to be so uncommunicative.

‘She took me, Des. I was lying on the sofa and she just walked in and took me.’

‘Took you,’ Des was puzzled, but then he got a glimmer of understanding.

‘We’re talking sex here, right?’

Frank nodded.

‘So what’s the problem, mate. I mean,’ he had a sudden thought, ‘you’re OK, aren’t you, I mean-’

Frank saw where this was going and was quick to make it ensure that his reputation was not tarnished.

‘No, Des, no way mate, everything’s OK on that front. I’m not impotent, far from it as a matter of fact.’

‘So,’ Des was in danger of shouting, but forced himself to keep his voice down. ‘So what happened, exactly?’ He emphasised the last word.

‘Mabel just walked in and climbed on top of me and took me.’ There was a pause, which Des decided not to fill, giving Frank a chance to tell him in his own good time. He was sure there was more to come. And there was. ‘She was dressed up - in a corset - with suspenders and fishnets and high heels.’

‘And that’s not usual?’ Des couldn’t restrain himself any longer.

‘No, no way, never, well maybe once, I think, but that was years ago and I was drunk so it’s difficult to remember exactly.’

‘So she decided to ring the changes. That’s good Frank, isn’t it, at her age, she is still interested enough to try something different, something to please you,’ he hinted.

‘That’s not all,’ Frank went on eventually. ‘She just took me. She’s never done that, not once, ever, I always take the lead.’

Des smirked. ‘Why worry? It’s good to lie back sometimes and let the woman take the strain.’ But Frank’s expression told him that there was still more to come.

‘It’s not that, Des, it’s how she did it. She rode me like, well, like a pro, or what I imagine a pro is like. She did things, with her muscles, inside her, if you know what I mean.’ Des was beginning to understand. ‘And things with her hands, and she said things that … words I didn’t thing she even knew.’

‘That sounds like fun,’ Des couldn’t keep the envy out of his voice. This sounded like a middle-aged man’s dream session.

‘She’s drained me, Des, completely, it’s like my balls aren’t there any more. I’m worried about going back in case she tries it again and I know, I just know, that I wouldn’t be up for it yet, not for a long time. It takes longer to recover, doesn’t it, at our age.’ Des had to agree, reluctantly, that yes it did. ‘And there’s another thing.’ Des waited. Now was the time, he felt, when Frank would tell him what was really on his mind. ‘The thing is, Des, where did she learn to do that? It wasn’t her first time, I just know it, which means she’s been with other men. Lots of other men.’

No wonder Frank was shocked.
Mabel was chatting on the phone to her sister, Diana, telling her what she had done to her husband, Frank.

‘I wish you’d taken a photo of his face, Mabel.’

‘And his cock too, Di.’

‘Now come on, sis, Frank’s my brother-in-law, you know I don’t feel like that about him.

‘No? The what about the time he dressed up as Santa and crept into your bedroom to leave your presents. He was lucky to get out alive.’

‘True, yes, I’d forgotten that, but that was an exception. So, I’m guessing that he came up to expectations.’

Mabel laughed. She could never match her sister for double meanings.

‘No complaints on that score. He’s not got hard that quickly for years now. Not that I am complaining, mind, he’s still in good working order, for his age.’

‘Come off it, you are always complaining about him.’

‘I complain because he always does the same thing and only once a week at the most, except for birthdays and public holidays when he put in an extra effort.’

Diana laughed, but Mabel didn’t notice that her words could be taken in different ways.

‘So, what I still don’t understand, Mabel, is why you did it. Was it planned or just a spur of the moment whim?’

‘No, it wasn’t planned at all. Frank was lying on the sofa watching a match and I was upstairs trying on my new corset. You know that always gets me wet and I was about to have a wank when I remembered that I hadn’t turned on the washing machine, so I slipped downstairs as I was, which was when I saw him and decided it was time to give him something to think about.’

‘I bet you did. Go on, tell me again what you did.’

‘That’s the third time, Di. Are you getting off on this?’

‘Of course, I am. Aren’t you?’

Mabel didn’t reply, but repeated the story.

‘I just walked in and stood by his feet. He was so engrossed in the match, he didn’t notice me at first. But then he looked up and almost dropped his can of beer. His mouth fell open, but nothing came out. So I pulled his shorts down and climbed on top of him. He was already nicely hard by then, so I just sank down his shaft and had a good ride.’

‘Tell me what you said and did.’ Di’s voice was breathless.

‘I gave him the full whore treatment. The one I use when I want a client to cum quickly so I can get rid of him. So I peeled the cucumber, rippling my muscles along his shaft and swivelling my hips as I rode him hard, cursing him, using all the dirty words I knew and not caring whether they made sense. I rode so fast my tits almost bounced out of the corset. He tried to grab them, but I knocked his hand away. I did let him stroke my thigh, though. He’s actually quite good at doing that.’

‘And he came?’

‘Sure, he came, like a champagne bottle.’

‘Then what?’

‘I climbed off and just stood with my hands on my hips and his cum running down my thighs.’

‘And what did he do, go on, Mabel, tell me, I love the way you say it.’

‘He looked like a startled rabbit, jumped off the settee, and ran out pulling up his shorts. I’m sure he was afraid I would want to do it again and he knew he wasn’t up to it, and wouldn’t be for the rest of today probably.’

‘Where do you think he’s gone?’

‘Oh I know where he’s gone, off to see his friend, Des. He’ll want to know all the details, he can’t keep his eyes off me, or his hands when he gets a chance. He’s probably wanking off now thinking about it.’ As it happened, that was exactly what Des was doing at that precise moment.

‘Do you think it was a good idea, Mabel?’ Diana was serious and intense now. ‘Aren’t you afraid he’ll work out what you’ve been up to?’

‘No chance, Di. He’ll only think about himself and whether he’ll be able to manage to perform if I put him under pressure. Just like all the guys his age. He’s not actually that bright.’ But this time, Mabel’s prediction was wrong.
Frank fended off Des, who was determined to come home with him. No way was he going to let Des and Mabel near each other when she was in this odd mood. The pair had been seeing each other before he and Mabel got together, and he was sure that they had met up occasionally in the intervening years. Des was always eager to hear news of Mabel and Mabel’s studied indifferent, if not hostility, towards Des seemed just a touch overdone to ring true.

But it was not just that. Frank had to admit, as he approached his own front door, that he felt nervous about what he would encounter. But, to his surprise and relief, Mabel made no mention of what had happened earlier and treated him as she always did, casually placing his meal in front of him and asking if he wanted a drink.

By the time Frank went to bed, he was convinced that what had happened had been a dream or, if it had really happened, just an aberration. But when Mabel joined him not long after, he learned that wrong on both counts. Because Mabel climbed into bed, dived under the sheet and took Frank’s cock into her mouth, something she seldom did, and sucked him hard, pushing him deep into her throat, something she had never done. It seemed like seconds before the unusual pressure around the head of his cock had him screaming as he pumped his cum down his wife’s throat, and with each swallow her throat contracted increasing the pleasure and the power of his ejaculation.

She finally pulled away, licking the last of his cum off his cock, before appearing dishevelled from under the bed clothes and wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.

‘Fucking hell, Frank,’ she exclaimed, ‘I didn’t realise you were that long before.’

Frank could not conceal the pleasure that her compliment had bestowed on him, but the only answer he could come up with was, ‘What the hell’s got into you, Mabel? Are you taking something?’

Mabel just grinned and gave her husband a long kiss, her tongue spreading his cum around his gums. ‘Nothing’s got into me, love, except your cock. What’s the problem, is this too much for you?’

‘N-n-no-o-o,’ Frank was torn between confessing this was he best sex they had ever had and his concern that it would indeed prove too much if she kept on like this. He’d cum twice that day and that was more than he had been able to manage for quite a few years. He was impressed with himself, but honest to. So it was a surprise when, about three quarters of an hour later, he found that he was still awake and growing hard. Determined to share this with Mabel, he rolled over and climbed between her thighs.

‘You don’t mind, do you?’ he asked nervously, ‘I don’t want to-’

But he got no further. His wife put her finger to his lips and told him, ‘No, of course I don’t mind, you get yourself off if you want to.’

And Frank did want to, and he did get himself off, although he didn’t have much juice left.

He could hardly wait to tell Des tomorrow.
‘Three times? Really? I didn’t think he had it in him.’ Mabel had just told her sister about the events of the previous evening. ‘Yes, really,’ she replied. ‘And the best was the last one. He actually took the initiative for once. He even took me by surprise and, as you know, Di, it takes a lot to surprise me.’

After having heard her sister confide her exploits over the past few years, Di knew it did. But she still wanted to hear more about her brother-in-law. ‘So he actually asked permission? Sounds like you have made him nervous.’ Mabel didn’t answer, she knew when her sister was leading up to something and just waited. It wasn’t long before Di said, ‘So, come on, tell me, was he any good. You always complain about him following the same old routine. Was it different this time? Did you cum?’

‘No, Di, I didn’t cum, but he barely came either. Poor guy was running dry. But that made it better. He didn’t have that urgency he has when he’s not got his rocks off for a week.’

‘You mean he doesn’t wank,’ Di couldn’t help herself interrupting.

‘No, never caught him, and he’s always so quick to cum normally that I don’t think he’s getting himself off.’

‘So, come on, sis, give with the details, what did he do?’

‘Well, once he got my permission, he started off just like he always does and I thought, oh no, here we go again, same old routine, so I decided to spice things up a bit, do something I have never tried before.’

‘Yes, what, do tell.’ Di was sure her sister was deliberately spinning it out.

‘Well, when he started to flag, I told him to imagine I was you and that he was fucking you.’

For once, Di was speechless.
At the same time as Mabel was reporting to her sister, Frank was giving his friend Des an update on what had happened the previous evening.

‘Fuck, mate, you’re a real stud, I didn’t know you had it in you. I mean, I’ve not managed more than three times a day for a while now. But after what she did to you, twice, three is seriously impressive.’

Frank didn’t reply. This was some compliment, coming from Des. The pair sipped their beers for a while, before Des ventured another question.

‘So what’s this about Mabel’s sister? Do you fancy her then? Is there something going between you two?’

‘That’s the odd thing,’ Frank hoped Des did not notice that he had avoided giving a direct answer to the questions. ‘I don’t know why she said it. Probably just wanted to spice things up a bit, some sort of role play, like she had done on the sofa. Except no dressing up this time.’

‘It must be something she’s thought about,’ Des pressed. ‘I mean, it can’t have just popped up out of the blue. Maybe she fantasises about you fucking Di when she doing it with you. Or have you let out that that’s what’s in your mind, calling her Di by mistake, like.’

Panic struck Frank for a moment. Was that what he had done without noticing? Would his wife let that pass without saying something, then or later?

Des sprang onto Frank’s hesitation.

‘Come on, mate, there is something, let’s have it.’

Frank shrugged. There was never any point trying to hide anything from Des.

‘Well, yes, sort of. It was ages ago, though. We, Mabel and I, were staying with Di and her family for Christmas. There was a full house of friends and family, people sleeping all over the place. Mabel and Di thought it would be a good idea for Santa to take round presents on Christmas eve, when everyone was asleep. I was dressed up in a Santa outfit, it was Mabel’s idea, probably thought it would be fun for when I had finished my round. Anyway, when I crept into Di’s room, she wasn’t asleep. She just grabbed me, didn’t give me a chance.’

‘What,’ Des couldn’t contain himself, ‘are you saying she went for you with her husband there?’

‘In a sense, he was in bed but out cold. Drunk as a skunk and snoring like a pig. Like I said, I had no chance, she dragged me onto the bed and almost pulled my cock off getting me hard.’

‘And you fucked her right next to her husband. WOW.’ Des was clearly impressed. ‘And Mabel didn’t notice anything when you got back?’

‘No, I was still able to get hard, if that’s what you mean. It was a long time ago, so there was no problem there,’ he added hastily.

‘And you never admitted what had happened and Mabel didn’t ask you why you had taken so long. But are you sure Di didn’t confess to her sister? I mean, fucking your brother-in-law, that’s not the sort of thing most sisters do, in my experience anyway.’

‘All I know is that I never said anything to either of them about what took place and they’ve never mentioned it to me.’

‘But Mabel now knows that fantasising about her sister helps you out when you’re sagging.’

‘Did I say I was sagging?’ Frank hoped Des wouldn’t notice another question that had gone unanswered.

Des’s face suggested that he had noticed, so Frank changed the subject.

‘What I do know is that Mabel has been up to something. I didn’t know she had those fancy clothes she was wearing yesterday, and she’s picked up some new tricks from somewhere. As soon as I have the house to myself, I’m going through her cupboards and drawers, see if I can find any clues.’

‘Great,’ Des was enthusiastic about the idea, ‘will you let me know so I can join you?’

How could Frank refuse?
‘Why did you bring me into it?’ Di was finally able to find words to respond to what her sister had just told her.

‘Why not?’ was Mabel’s reply. ‘Frank has always fancied you. You can’t have missed the way he always looks at you when he thinks we’re not watching him. And,’ she added, ‘you have a thing for him too, don’t you, dear.’

‘I suppose you’re referring to that Christmas when he brought me the present in the night.’ Di’s laugh sounded rather forced. ‘That was nothing and my husband was there, remember. I’m definitely not into threesomes.’

‘That slob of a so-called man you were married to at the time was so drunk we had to carry him upstairs,’ Mabel retorted. ‘A herd of buffalo could have fucked on the bed without waking him.’

Di tried to protest, but was cut short.

‘And I know how long he took, so don’t try and kid me that he just dropped off the present and came back to me.’

‘Stop teasing me, sis, you know I would never do anything to harm your relationship with Frank. That was just a new year’s drunken fumble.’

‘New Year,’ Mabel pounced. ‘So it was New Year as well as Christmas, was it?’

Caught out, Di had to admit that, yes, she and Frank always had a kiss and cuddle at midnight on New Year’s Eve. ‘But that all,’ she protested, ‘just a quick cuddle, nothing more. All very innocent.’

Mabel remembered the exhausted husband who had collapsed into bed in the early hours of many a New Year’s Day and didn’t believe a word that her sister had told her.

‘Look,’ Di decided to take the fight to her sister,’ you’re in no position to lecture me. Not after what you’ve been doing for the past couple of years. And the way you behaved yesterday, it won’t be long before he finds out all about that.’

Indeed, Di thought, it might not be a bad idea to point Frank in the right direction. If she got the chance, that is, because knowing Mabel she was sure she would be keeping a very close eye on her husband whenever Di was around.
As soon as he was sure that his wife was out of the house and would be out for a good while, Frank texted Des, who arrived so fast he must have been parked up just round the corner. They made straight for the master bedroom and began their search.

At first, all they would on Mabel’s shelves and in her drawers were everyday clothes and items. It was Des who delved into the back of the wardrobe and dragged out a case. He stood back as Frank opened it to reveal corsets, Basques, garter belts, stockings, and stilettos. Further exploration revealed a box containing an array of sex toys, while pushed out of sight at the end of a rail were a selection of satin blouses and short skirts with slit sides.

Both men stared at what they had found and then at each other.

‘Fuck,’ it was Des who spoke first, ‘what’s she been up to? Has she ever worn this stuff for you, mate?’

Frank shook his head and slumped onto the bed. He didn’t know what to make of these discoveries. It was Des’s idea that found the answer.

‘Where’s her laptop?’

It took his 3 minutes and 18 seconds to break her password. Which allowed access to Mabel’s email accounts and a record of her web searches. She was advertising as a discreet escort for businessmen in town for conventions and conferences, under a variety of names, at prices that were eye watering.

‘Is there a record of where she is now?’ Frank asked.

That took less than a minute.

‘She’s booked in for two hours, so she should be back in half an hour.’ Des was always the better of the two at math. ‘What are you going to do, Frank? You can’t just let this carry on. You’ve got to confront her.’

‘Yea, yea, Des, you’re right. That’s what I’ve got to do. Do you mind just letting me have some time alone before she arrives.’

Des took the hint, but not before memorising the web address for booking a session with Victoria Jayne, as she called herself on one of escort sites.
Mabel was prepared for a problem before she got home. She had finished with her client, who left her at the hotel to tuck away the generous tip he had given her and to fresh up. She used her cell phone to check for any new bookings, only to find that she was already logged into her account. She knew she had not left her computer logged in at home, so who could it be? It nagged at her mind all the way home.

She prayed that Frank was out, so that she could change into her everyday clothes and was relieved to have no reply when she called his name. But she was in for a shock when she opened her bedroom door.

There, on the bed, were all her escort clothes and toys, neatly laid out in piles. Her stomach churned and her knees felt weak, as she stared in disbelief. Frank had found out. No prize to guess who had read her online account with the escort agency.

She turned as she heard a noise behind her and found her husband just behind her.

‘Frank, I can explain-’ she began, but got no further as his slap sent her spinning to land on top of her carefully displayed wardrobe.
Frank had no plan of what to do when his wife returned. All he knew was that he had to confront her and find out what she had been doing behind his back. Putting out the clothes and toys he had found tucked out of sight in their bedroom seemed the simplest way of letting her know what he had discovered.

The slap wasn’t planned. It came out of the blue as much for him as for his wife, as he had never raised a hand to her before, let alone hit her. It was just the instinctive reaction that ignited the fuse that sent him into a rage. Shouting, cursing, calling her a whore and a tart. Throwing her clothes around, ripping at the delicate fabric, stamping on her toys to smash them. Mabel crawled up the bed, drew her knees up to her chest and covered her face with her arms.

Only when the bed was clear of clothes and toys, and when the carpet resembled a heap of rags and broken plastic, did he turn on her again, dragging her down the bed by her ankles. She tried to keep herself covered by her coat, but it rode up, leaving her stockings, suspenders and fancy underwear exposed. He ripped that off her as well and tossed it onto the mess on the carpet.

Then he took her. Pushing down his pants, rubbing his semi-rigid cock fully hard, and pushing her thighs wide. He penetrated with one swift thrust and pumped her, relentlessly, unremittingly. He said nothing, but his mind was full of hurt and anger and embarrassment and humiliation at what she had been doing with goodness knows how many men. And comparing them, no doubt, with him and his performance. Well, he would show her that he was as strong as they were. Let her know that he was not inadequate, despite his age, no not by a long way.

And in the end, when he came, there was no joy or pleasure, just a sense of claiming his ownership, of Mabel as his wife, and as a woman. He pulled out and knelt looking down at her, wondering how many men had seen her in that position. Wondering if maybe some of them had been his friends who had been laughing behind his back. Maybe even Des.
Mabel had slipped out of her house in the middle of the night and fled to her sister. But she did not get the reception she expected.

When she told her what had happened over breakfast, her sister showed no sympathy but remarked caustically that ‘you played with fire and shouldn’t be surprised that you’ve got burnt.’

When she asked anxiously if her eye was bruised, her sister did not reassure but asked incredulously ‘you’re not seriously thinking of working again are you?’

And her advice could have come out of any book on relationships. ‘You need to talk to Frank.’

‘I have talked to him,’ Mabel exploded at last, ‘I followed him into his den and tried but all he did was repeat the same thing over and over again. I’d let other men see me dressed up in my tarty clothes as he called them. I’d let other men see me naked. I’d let them paw me, even let them inside me. How did I think that made him feel? They could have been his co-workers, or his friends, or people we passed in the street. I told him, I promised him that I made sure that never happened, but he wouldn’t listen. He sneered and said I had made a laughing stock of him.’

‘He’s hurt,’ Di finally got a word in, ‘can’t you understand that? How would you feel? You’ve emasculated him and he’s done nothing to deserve that, Mabel, nothing at all.’

‘I do understand. I told him, over and over, that I never came with those men. It’s not that sort of relationship I have with them. He’s the only guy who has made me cum, ever, in my whole life. What more could I say?’

Di indicated that there was a whole lot more, but she had barely begun when Mabel rose and made for the door. ‘Sorry, Di, I can’t stop to chat, I have to buy some clothes for my appointment this afternoon.’

When she entered the hotel room, on the dot of 2 pm, her client was lying on the bed. It was Des.
‘Well, look who it is. If it isn’t Mabel. Now why was I expecting someone called Vanessa? Can you think why that would be, Mabel?’

Mabel threw her purse onto the bed.

‘Don’t piss me about, Des. You knew who I was when you booked. You were the one who broke into my computer and my accounts. I should have known Frank couldn’t manage that on his own.’

Des just grinned in reply.

‘Come on, Des. You’ve had your fun. Just tell me how much you paid and I’ll refund you. How much was it?’

But Des laughed.

‘Oh no, Vanessa, I don’t want my money back. I want what I came for, the full package. And I’m not leaving until I’ve had my money’s worth.’

‘And what exactly is it that you are expecting?’ Mabel’s voice was cold.

‘I want what Frank got the other day, when he barely had the strength to get off the sofa and get down to the bar.’

‘You really think you can cope with that, do you?’

‘As it happens, Vanessa - you don’t mind if I call you that do you? – yes I do. I’ve always been more of a man than your Frank and I’m certainly up to more than his once a week if you’re lucky fuck.’

As he was speaking, Mabel seemed to change. She opened her coat to reveal her new corset and fishnet stockings with a bare crotch and stretches of white thighs. Letting her coat slide to the floor, she climbed astride Des and unbuckled his pants, pulling them down to reveal a slowly stiffening cock.

‘Not doing as well, so far,’ she remarked caustically. ‘Frank was rock hard by the time I got his shorts off.’

But by the time she had finished teasing him, his cock was stiffening in her hand and being guided to her pussy. She sank down its shaft and began to ride him. He didn’t get the full treatment she had given to her husband. No dirty words and she just ignored his hands as they pawed at her tits and thighs. It was not long before her experienced cunt muscles and hip movements had Des moaning and groaning. His eyes closed as she raised and lowered the tension, taking him to the brink and then pulling back, cooling him down before setting off at a gallop.

It was a good hour or more before she finally let him cum, with a long cry of relief as much as pleasure. Des lay like a damp rag on the bed.

‘Let’s see how long it takes you to get off the bed and down to the bar,’ she remarked sarcastically. ‘The room’s booked for two hours, which means’ she checked her watch, ‘that you’ve got another 35 minutes before you have to be out.’

She picked up her purse, donned her coat and walked out without a backward glance.
Mabel staggered into the bar of the hotel, ordered a large gin and tonic, and collapsed into a chair by the window. She downed half the drink in a single gulp and stretched out with a loud sigh that drew attention from the few other customers. Her coat was barely fastened, and fell open as she crossed her legs, revealing the lace tops of her fishnet stockings. Most looked away discreetly, but two men and a woman stared quite openly. But Mabel ignored them. She was not in the mood to flirt or even to exchange a nod or even a pleasant smile.

She sipped her drink distractedly, not noticing that her coat was falling open to reveal, first the bare top of her thighs, then her bare crotch and finally her belly with its tight corset. By now she had the attention of everyone, including the girl serving behind the bar. Each was eyeing the others, watching for any sign that one of them might make a move on her before they had the chance.

It turned out that the first to approach was the bar tender. Mabel recognised the look on her face, a look that said she knew what Mabel was about and that she should ply her trade elsewhere. But she was intercepted by the woman who had watched her from the moment she came into the bar.

‘I think,’ she addressed the bar tender imperiously, ‘we could both do with another gin and tonic. Doubles. Bring them to my table.’

Mabel rose and followed her to her seat in a corner, assessing her as she went. Middle aged, plain face without make up, straight hair, cut to shoulder length. Dressed in a black business suit, with a white cotton blouse, both of a fine cut and superb quality, expensive. Bare legged, court shoes. At first glance, plain and rather dowdy, but from the way her breasts had bounced as she turned and her ass moved as she strode across the room, Mabel guessed that she was naked underneath. And she had authority, no doubt about that. Whether the bar tender knew her or not, her tone had not allowed for argument.

‘Thank you,’ Mabel smiled as the bar tender placed their drinks on the table, taking the chance to display her ample bosom as she leaned forward. ‘And thank you, for rescuing me from her,’ she added as the girl retreated.

‘My pleasure,’ the woman replied. ‘Let me introduce myself, I’m Miranda.’

‘Vanessa,’ Mabel instinctively dropped into her escort persona.

‘That was quite an entrance you made, Vanessa.’

‘I guess it was. I’ve not had a good day, so far,’ she added as she raised her glass.

‘Difficult client?’

‘As it happens, yes. How did you guess?’

‘I didn’t guess, Vanessa. I recognise your type. And, as it happens, I have seen you here before. Renting by the hour.’

Vanessa was on edge now, her instincts telling her to beware of this woman. ‘You work here?’ she probed.

‘In a sense, yes, you could say I work here. Actually, I own the hotel.’

‘And are you telling me that you do not want me to use your hotel in future, is that it?’

‘No, not at all. If I wanted that, I would have let Valentina throw you out. She is quite brutal, you know.’

‘So why did you fend her off and buy me a drink?’

‘I didn’t buy the drinks, Vanessa, if that is your real name. They are on the house. And I fended her off, because I want to put a proposition to you.’

Mabel waited.

‘I would like to fuck with you. That is to say, that some friends and I would like that. We have seen you come and go and have waited for the right moment.’

‘Friends?’ Mabel was cautious. ‘How many friends? Men or women or both?’

‘Three plus myself, all women, my age or thereabouts, all business women, successful business owners.’

Mabel took out a card with her contact details.

‘That sounds fine, Miranda. This is my website. It has my rates and you can book online.’

Miranda smiled coldly.

‘I am sorry, Vanessa. Perhaps I have not made myself clear. We don’t intend to pay. Your recompense will be that I do not report you to the police for the activities you have been engaged in at my hotel and others in the neighbourhood. In return for my silence and co-operation over future use of the facilities here, you will make yourself available at our convenience and completely free of charge.’

Mabel swallowed the rest of her drink. Her bad day had just got worse.

Suddenly, Miranda laughed. In reply to Mabel’s look of astonishment, she explained. ‘That man you were with, he’s just left, barely able to walk after,’ she checked her watch, ‘goodness, it’s been over an hour since you left your room. Doesn’t time fly when you are enjoying yourself. Do tell me what you did to him.’ She raised her hand and the bar tender brought another round of drinks.
Des watched the last wriggle of Mabel’s ass as she left the room and then slumped back onto the bed. Before coming here, he had entertained an idea of blackmailing her into seeing him regularly, without charge of course. He’d always fancied her and imagined himself showing her how much more virile he was that Frank. Now he was not so sure that he could cope with this long term. He wasn’t so sure about Frank not being virile either. When he’d told Des that Mabel had taken him on the sofa, it was the lack of warning that he had complained about. He’d shown no sign of not being able to cope with her demands or even being tired. Shit.

Staring at the ceiling he was aware of his cock, which felt like it had been peeled, and his balls, which felt like they had been emptied, rung out and kicked around a football pitch by his favourite team for practice. He wouldn’t be fucking his wife tonight, that was for sure, and maybe not for a day or two probably. With that final thought, he fell asleep.

The sound of the maid opening the door woke him. He opened his eyes to see a Mexican maid in a blue and white stripped uniform that she seemed about to burst out of.

‘Sorry,’ she did not sound that sorry as she stared at Des’s naked chest and groin. ‘Need to make up bed for next visitors.’

Des pushed himself up onto his elbow.

‘’Miss Vanessa told me room was free, must have misheard her.’ The maid was sure she hadn’t and could feel the larger than usual tip Mabel had pushed into her bra as she passed her in the corridor.

‘You tired, lots of Miss Vanessa’s men are tired afterwards.’

She sat down on the bed and leaned forward, her tits bulging as she did so.

‘Maybe you like to rest a little more. Maybe I rest with you for a while.’

That was too much. No way could he cope with this woman, no way, and she knew it. Mabel had probably sent her in to torment him and embarrass him. He rolled off the opposite side of the bed, pulled up his pants, and fled.

He felt that everyone’s eyes were on him as he left the hotel as hastily as he could manage, collapsed into his car and drove to his favourite bar, to find Frank sitting in their corner. He waved a beer at his friend. ‘Got one in for you, mate. You’re late. Everything OK?’

Des nodded. ‘Yea, no problem, Frank, just feeling a bit tired, that’s all. How about you?’

Which was the only hint Frank needed to pour out what had happened with Mabel the previous night. ‘I need to make it up with her,’ he concluded. ‘I’m thinking of taking her out for a drink or a meal and then getting together with her, like we did when we first met, try to get our relationship back together, somehow.’

Des just nodded.

‘The problem is,’ Frank continued, ‘I can’t stop thinking of her with other men. They cum inside her before me, so I’ve been swilling around in their spunk. I may even have eaten some of it. And what makes it worse is that I might know some of them.’

The two men stared at each other.

Des said nothing, unsure whether Frank knew and was warning him off.
Mabel drowned her first drink of the evening in a single gulp and poured herself another glass. What a mess, what a total fucking mess.

She was trapped by Miranda and her friends, effectively blackmailed into providing sexual services – nature as yet unspecified – for free. That would reduce her availability for her escort work that paid for her little luxuries as well as subsidising Frank’s rather meagre income, although he seemed not to have noticed that their life-style was too extravagant for him to support it alone. And thinking of Frank, she had no idea what to expect when he came home, if he came home at all. His reaction last night had frightened her. His approach to sex had always been loving, but there was nothing loving about last night. He had raped her in a demonstration of physical superiority that allowed no refusal and a hail of abuse that showed a broader grasp of the cruder corners of the vocabulary that she had previous thought was her monopoly with her clients. So it was with trepidation that she heard the door open and close.

‘Frank,’ she called, ‘is that you?’ And when his head appeared round the sitting room door, she tried to sound as casual and normal as she could when she asked, ‘Can I get you a drink?’

Frank seemed relieved by the politeness of her tone and the everyday nature of her question.

‘That’d be great,’ he smiled as he slumped onto the opposite end of the sofa.

They sat together, drinking quietly for a while, until Frank made his move, putting aside his glass, and leaning across to pull his wife towards him, unbuttoning her blouse and pulling down her skirt. It reminded Mabel of the first approach, all those years ago, in her apartment when they had their first fuck. She hadn’t been sure she was ready, but had gone along with his advance. This time, though, she wasn’t so sure and was more determined to resist the practiced work of his fingers.

‘Frank, luv, I think we should talk about, you know, about what you’ve found out.’

But Frank ignored her suggestion and buried his head in her bosom where he began sucking and chewing on her nipples, before working down her belly to her crotch and licking her pussy.

‘Uuummmmm,’ he murmured, ‘you’re wet for me.’

Mabel did not dare tell him that what he was tasting was not her arousal, but his best friend’s sperm. She reached down, pulled him onto her and pushed down his pants. Surprisingly, she found he wasn’t hard, so she worked his cock hard and guided him inside her. They lay like that for a while, until his hips began a slow, rhythmic pumping, as he nibbled at her ear lobes and neck. She wrapped her legs around his waist and held him close as he rode her.

‘Please,’ she whispered, ‘yes, Frank, please, that’s it, please.’

And for the first time in a long time they came together and clung to each other, each with their own worries suspended for the moment, but both aware that they could not be ignored for ever.

It was only when she had opened her thighs and he had finally slithered out of her cunt that he delivered a stinging slap across her face.
Frank was telling Des about what had happened the night before.

‘And that was when you slapped her?’ Des asked. ‘You were right, mate, she’s been right out of order carrying on with men like she has, selling herself like that. So how did she react to that?’

‘Well,’ Frank gulped a mouthful of beer, ‘that’s the odd thing, she went wild, slapped me back, hit me around the head, cursed and complained that her clients didn’t treat her like that and she wouldn’t stand for it from her husband.’ Another gulp. ‘Then she grabbed me by the balls and swore that she’d rip them off if I were did that again.’

‘Fuck, Frank, that’s wrong that is, grabbing your balls, she had no right to do that. She could have done you damage and then where would you be.’

Frank ignored his friend’s interjection.

‘But then,’ he went on, ‘then she was all over me, climbing on top of me, rubbing herself all over me, sitting astride me, pulling at my dick to get me hard, and then she started riding me. Telling me this was what she had done to her client that morning. Arrogant bastard, she called him. Said she was determined to show him how useless he was, drained him and then left him for the chamber maid to throw out later.’

Des swallowed.

‘And did she make you come like she did, her, eerrr, client?’

‘Yea,’ Frank laughed, ‘that was a real ballshaker. But those clients of hers, they’ve got to be weird, don’t you think, not normal guys like you and me.’ He didn’t wait for Des to reply. ‘And guess what, in the middle of the night, I woke up to find her riding me again. That woman is insatiable.’

Des looked stunned.

‘And you managed it three times, almost one after another. WOW, Frank, I never thought you had it in you, mate.’

Frank smiled at the first compliment his friend had ever paid him.
Mabel had had a bad day. She had received a text before she had dressed, from Miranda giving her instructions to report the following afternoon, including what to wear and a prohibition on any clients before then. ‘We want a nice clean cunt,’ the hotel owner told her, ‘not one dripping with some guy’s spunk.’

She tried talking to her sister, but got no sympathy and not even an invitation to come round for a chat. So with no chance to accept clients, she lounged around wondering what would be expected of her the next day. Wondering too if Frank would come home early, so she at least had someone to argue with.

And to her surprise he did arrive early. And what he had to say took her by surprise.

‘It was Des, wasn’t it? Your client yesterday, the one you told me about. You were fucking Des, weren’t you?’

Reluctantly, Mabel confessed that it had been Des. ‘I should have known he couldn’t stop bragging about it.’

‘He didn’t, I just put two and two together from his reaction when I told him what you had said.’

‘I couldn’t turn him away, Frank. Look at it from my point of view, he had booked and paid in advance. You can’t get a reputation for turning away clients. Anyway, I made a fool of him and he deserved it. He’s always been eyeing me, even rubbing against me if he got the chance.’

‘Of course, he did, he’s always fancied you, how could you have missed it. All my friends felt the same about you, they must have sensed something about you that I was missing. How could I have been so stupid? How many of them have you fucked?’

‘None, Frank, honestly none, Des was the only one. Do you think he knew that you knew it had been him?’

Frank nodded, ‘Probably, by the look on his face.’

‘Good, now he knows that he’s not as virile as he always claims to me, although all the wives know, because his wife has told us about his inadequacies. He now knows that you are much more potent than he is.’

‘OK, well let me show just how potent I am, unless you have a client tonight.’ Frank’s tone was sarcastic, as he unzipped his pants.

‘Sorry, Frank, I can’t, I’d love to, really I would, but-‘ Mabel stuttered to a halt.

Frank swore at her, complained, cursed, demanded to know why as her husband he couldn’t have what he wanted, suggested he might just book her online so that she would have to service him. So in the end, Mabel told him the truth.

‘Well, you can bloody well give me a blow job then, and it had better be a good one because if it’s not, I’ll fuck your ass and you know you don’t like that.’
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