Pestilence was just looking towards the others before they were voicing the name of their choice as well. Although naturally there was a back-up choice, just in case this mortal decided to turn them down. Although one wouldn't really think that they would do that, especially when there was a promise of power. Not to mention, in the case of Pestilence's choice, freedom from her ailment. Although at the mention of Death's choice, Pestilence was slightly amused, only because it seemed like their choices actually knew each. A good thing, but a bad thing perhaps. But that wasn't to say anything they figured, after all.... War and Pestilence had known each other in the past, prior to being named as the current riders. Somethings just happened for a reason. Although at times the reasons didn't make sense at all, things still worked out in the end.
Now that all of the choices had been made, there came the fun of seeking them out and finding out if they wished to take up the mantle of a Rider. Although the thing that rather annoyed Pestilence about that aspect was that they had to do this under a full moon, who knew why but that was the rule that had been passed down throughout the generations. Thankfully the next one was that coming weekend, only a few more days away. Gave them the chance to watch their choices more, and fully decided if they had in fact made the right choice.
While this happened, a young woman with platinum blonde hair and pale green eyes made her way down the hallway of the college, holding a few books to her chest. This was the first time in a few days that she had been to school, not after collapsing last week, and just getting released again from the hospital last night. Despite the fact that her doctors told her that she only had about a year left to live, somehow she remained optimistic. She had stage three lung cancer in her left lung, which was beginning to spread to her right lung. So she was quite careful about what she did during the day, making sure that she didn't do anything overly strenuous that would make breathing painful. Which meant no sports for her at all, which was kind of a downfall considering before this had happened, she had been a very sporty person. Yet again, nobody asked for cancer. This was a genetic condition in her family, so she had known that it had only been a matter of time.
Most of the time people in her family got it in their late twenties, early thirties. Nope not her unfortunately. This was the surprise that she received on her twenty-first birthday after she randomly passed out. What a grand birthday present.
Eventually she arrived at the classroom, and was walking into the room. There were already a few people there, and she was just smiling at them. "Welcome back, Kirrea!" one of the spoke and she was just giving a small wave, before going over to her seat, and sitting down. One of the notebooks she was carrying was being offered to somebody else, and she was thanking them softly for the notes that they had dropped off to her a few days ago. "No problem." they spoke with a smile and was giving her a light hug. One of her best friends. Although her other best friend wasn't there at the time, which had her wondering softly where Andrew was at.