There was indeed a large crowd, but a bit smaller than usual. While early, the towns people liked them a good fight and banging. With a snort, her opponent came barreling out of the fighters area, skidding to a stop. This time, it was a Minotaur, about seven feet tall, muscular and very furry upper body and somewhat skinny bovine legs. It was a dangerous creature. Fast, with massive upper body strength. One good hit from it's massive fists, and any fighter would be down for the count. Problem was, the things weren't that smart, usually just operating on pure instinct. Still, the urge to mate was an instinct, so this one had found it's way to the arena, requesting something.......fiery to fight. It didn't even wait for the signal to start as it lowered it's head, it's large horns aimed at Vesta before barreling towards her at great speed.