Mx Any Star Wars: Rangers of the New Republic

Archmagos Issac

Sir Ser Issac of Clarke of Chad the II
Apr 6, 2014
The Forge World of Mars


30 years ago the Second Death Star was destroyed above the forest moon of Endor, securing the hard fought victory for the Rebellion and paving the way to the founding of the galaxy's New Republic. Across the galaxy, people took to the streets in celebration and pushed back the Imperial remnants. While freedom had been fought for and won, all was not peaceful across the galaxy.

Where once there had been order there was now chaos that the New Republic was now tasked with dealing with. Power always hates a vacuum and without the presence of the Empire, others took their place. Imperial Warlords, Crime Bosses, Consortiums. How was the Republic to combat such a threat? How did the Republic bring law to the lawless? The answer was to form a new branch of the newly forming Republic military, peacekeepers with the skill to survive on the fringes without help, taught to utilize all the resources they have available, and trained to make one lone soldier as deadly as a squad.

Thus came the Rangers of the New Republic


As you can likely guess, this is an RP set after the events of Return of the Jedi. More specifically this takes place in an alternate new trilogy. Our story will follow a pair of these rangers, perhaps even a team of rangers. These guys are trained to survive all on their own without the help of Republic and are each given the authority to enforce the laws of the New Republic as they deem fit. Each are given their own X-Wing and the freedom to go wherever the work takes them. Our RP would begin with our rangers participating in a military parade near the Hosnian system after tracking down rumors of something brewing in the Unknown Region.

Since the end of the Galactic Civil War, there have been reports of Imperial fleets and armies seemingly disappearing. Fleets that participated in no battles somehow being recorded as destroyed in combat, armies that weren't deployed in any active warzone being reported as disappearing, and Imperial officers and personnel simply vanishing without a trace. Rumors have persisted that something or someone has called them to the Unknown Regions but Rangers can't determine what or why. Not officially at least. All they keep hearing are rumors of something known as "The Eternal" and that a countdown had begun for something being called "The Day".

It's at this parade where our RP begins and at this parade that the galaxy learns just what the Eternal is and what the Day was.......​
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