- Joined
- Feb 9, 2016

The Fourth of July was now in the rear view mirror and the calendar had just flipped over to August. The anticipation of a new school year was now moving full steam ahead. For some that meant to back-to-school shopping for new clothes and backpacks. For others, annual physicals for football and cheerleading. And for teachers it meant preparing your classroom for an influx of new students who would soon be invading their space as the end of summer vacation came crashing down on them.
For Ben Hamilton though it meant something different. For him, it meant - showtime!
Since he'd been a sophomore in high school when he'd been inspired by his math teacher Ben had known he wanted to be a teacher, inspiring and motivating young minds just like his mentor. He entered college full of excitement and motivation, ready to prepare himself for the career of his dreams.
However, once on campus he found that his priorities often became sidetracked. Sure, he was still excited about one day fulfilling his goal of becoming a teacher, but hey, to really experience college meant more than simply going to class, right? There were activities, social events, football games, parties, girls, so many other aspects to truly live a well rounded college life. And Ben wanted to experience them all.
Especially the girls. And the parties. And the girls. And the parties. Oh, and the girls. Ok, mostly the girls.
Fortunately, he was a bright enough guy that he could typically skip Friday lectures because he'd been out partying on Thursday. Or, Mondays if the weekends were too crazy. Or Wednesday morning if the sexy blonde he'd met at the bar the night before was ready for another round before she headed back home.
Worst case, Ben could be average with no problem. Solid C's with virtually no effort at all. B's and the occasional A if he stayed up and crammed the night before midterms and finals. Definitely sufficient to earn his degree and his teaching certificate.
What Ben didn't realize though until he'd begun his job search his senior year was that average performance earned you average jobs. Time and time again he was turned down when he applied at the elite private schools where he'd imagined himself teaching. Even the top public schools had no interest in him. So, much to his chagrin, although he did ultimately land a teaching position it paled in comparison to how he'd imagined his teaching career would be.
Instead of finding himself in the heart of a thriving city, teaching the young brilliant minds who would one day be leading the country, Ben instead found himself in the country, surrounded by corn fields and soy beans, teaching math at a small rural high school. Fucking awesome.
From the first day he set foot in the school Ben knew he was better than all of them, or at least that was his perception. For god's sake, he was urban, chic, hot and sophisticated. These people?? These people wouldn't know an Ermenegildo Zegna designer suit from an off the rack J.C. Penneys. His first three years had felt like a form of cruel and inhuman punishment. No fun. No excitement. No anything.
But, that all changed in his fourth year when he was offered the opportunity to hire a student teacher, someone who he could mentor and would also assist in his classroom. Much to his astonishment, after posting the job listing at the university that resided 15 miles away Ben felt a renewed enthusiasm. There was life out in the cornfields after all! Well, at least after you lured it in from the not too distant university.
The applicants who appeared before Ben, vying for his attention were like a breath of fresh air, exactly the sort of potential future teachers he'd been hoping to find. There were blondes, brunettes, redheads. Curvy girls, slender girls, tall girls. Hot girls, innocent girls, slutty girls. And they all had one trait in common - all of them were trying to impress Ben Hamilton in the hope of being the person selected for the student-teacher position.
Suddenly, his career in teaching had meaning again.
The first few years Ben all but exhausted himself, doing everything he could to drag the selection process out as long as possible. And oh, the things these girls would do for him. While the recruiting process dragged on Ben felt like a sultan with his harem, right out in the middle of the corn fields. Unbelievable.
Now though, ten years removed and in his mid 30's Ben's tactics had changed. No longer was he after quantity. Now, he was all about quality. Rather than wading through a pool of 6, 8, even 10 girls, stringing it out and leading them on his strategy had changed. Now, Ben's preference was to whittle the field down as quickly as possible to the two hottest, errr, the two best candidates, and then let them fight between themselves to see who would be willing to do the most to secure the position.
And today was the day this year's show was about to begin. Today he would place the job listing intended to attract exactly the sort of applicants he was hoping to find. Ben fired up his laptop, pulled up his listing from the previous year, made a few tweaks, then took one last read through it.
Prominent math teacher, Ben Hamilton, at Hickory Hills High School is seeking just the right applicant for a unique student-teacher opportunity. Are you ready to be challenged? To expand your limits? Are you looking for something more than the traditional everyday ordinary student-teacher position?
Rather than limiting his student-teachers to low level, mundane tasks, Ben offers a more full bodied, hands on approach. An opportunity for you to demonstrate your desire and commitment, to showcase your skills and willingness to perform at the highest level.
Are you a take charge person who enjoys demonstrating their leadership skills?
Are you ready to take your spot at the front of the class?
Do you have what it takes to separate yourself from the rest?
If so and you're ready for a learning experience unlike any other, please send resume, references, and a current photo to Ben at Let's make this a school year none of us will forget!
Ben grinned to himself with delight. Oh yes. This should do quite nicely. Especially with his photo front and center to capture the attention and hearts of the young impressionable co-eds. The moment he clicked 'send' to post the job listing his imagination was whirring with possibilities. Who would be the lucky two who would make the final cut to earn the right to vie for his attention this year?
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