Rin ShibuyaBit where?
Who?Rin Shibuya
mini-skirted school girl BoredWifey36 was asking aboutWho?
mini-skirted school girl BoredWifey36 was asking about
I have a feeling you two are completely talking different lines. It was my understanding that @BoredWifey36 wanted to know where on the internet you are finding all your pictures.
I have a feeling you two are completely talking different lines. It was my understanding that @BoredWifey36 wanted to know where on the internet you are finding all your pictures.
I get em from a number of sites and save emThis is exactly what I meant. My apologies for not being clear.
Chikan?I do enjoy the school girl train ones..
Looks interestingChikan?
its basically train groping, molestation or even rape. I've made some setting around this premiseLooks interesting
Chikan is a behaviorWhos chickan?
Thank you
Why don't you put these in a request thread and see who's interested?Damn all this looks very appealing to be dominated