- Joined
- Sep 26, 2019
**When contacting me, please message me on the forum first before attempting to contact me on Discord. I do prefer RPing in PM's mainly, but do not mind DIscord as well. I'd like to get a conversation and a plan for RP going before we take it to Discord if we do. Thank you.**
- Nasil Sever -
I'm seeking RP with my human male character Nasil. If you'd like to know a lot more about my character, please follow the link in my signature that goes directly to my F-List page. Here is a short summary:
A businessman and entrepreneur. Owner of two strip clubs and a nightclub, though he uses these mostly as a front for far more profitable underground escort business. Calm demeanor and a very humorous laid back individual though quite firm when he had to be. Not much was known about his background other than the reputation he held for having three of the best clubs in town. He was constantly surrounded by women and money, enjoying the fruits of his labor day by day. In the back of his mind, he knew there was a certain void that he felt needed to be filled. Seemed as though he hadn't quite found balance in life.
- A few things about myself IRL and my rules for an RP -

- Nasil Sever -
I'm seeking RP with my human male character Nasil. If you'd like to know a lot more about my character, please follow the link in my signature that goes directly to my F-List page. Here is a short summary:
A businessman and entrepreneur. Owner of two strip clubs and a nightclub, though he uses these mostly as a front for far more profitable underground escort business. Calm demeanor and a very humorous laid back individual though quite firm when he had to be. Not much was known about his background other than the reputation he held for having three of the best clubs in town. He was constantly surrounded by women and money, enjoying the fruits of his labor day by day. In the back of his mind, he knew there was a certain void that he felt needed to be filled. Seemed as though he hadn't quite found balance in life.
- A few things about myself IRL and my rules for an RP -
- I am a straight male IRL and would only like to RP with females IRL that play female characters.
- I've been role playing off and on for about 16 years to 19 years roughly.
- You and your characters must be at least 18+ years of age.
- I usually RP in modern day times, but I am very flexible about this. It can even be a modern setting that we create with fantasy elements. I'm -very- open to doing Sci-Fi or even various canon settings (Mass Effect for example).
- When contacting me, please have something to say in terms of what RP you would be most interested in running with my character. I'd like something a little more personalized than just a link to your thread to make me choose an idea if that makes sense.
- I am not a grammar nazi at all. I just like posts to be as descriptive as possible.
- I write in third person perspective and I want my RP partner to do the same.
- I mainly enjoy strong sexual RP, weather it be long term or short term. Heavy on the smut. A good bit of story is not required, though I do enjoy that as well. I would like to explore more about Nasil and his business, though that leaves room open for a lot of short term or long term scenes. If the idea is intriguing enough, I would not mind doing a very story focused RP. Or at least having a strong basis of a story for the smut.
- I have no set amount for how long I would like posts to be. We can determine this through OOC talk. I can do para, multi-para, or at least six+ sentences. I tend to just go with the flow in regards to post length with what is happening in the scene. As long you at least have a good amount of detail and can at least post at least six sentences, then we should be good. I do prefer a fairly good size for posts, but it's not required.
- I am available mainly USA Eastern Time. My schedule has recently opened up completely. We can talk more about available times, though I should be able to RP most of the week and weekends. I know certain things come up and we all have an life outside of RP, but I would hope you can be at least somewhat active in posting or I may lose interest if it takes multiple days to a week before I get a post back consistently.
- I love reference pictures within RP. Especially if you use someone that you can pull a lot of reference pictures from to show different clothing they are wearing for specific scenes etc. I love both real photos and anime type photos equally. I unfortunately do not have a real photo for Nasil as I have not been able to lock one down that I think truly fits, but I would -love- suggestions.
- Communication is key. If something comes up IRL or you know you can't RP for the next couple of days or so then tell me. Please try not to leave me hanging as I always keep communication with who I RP with.
- If you contact me, I'll expect you to post first. If I contact you, I'll be expected to start posting first. Unless we speak more about the RP and it makes more sense for one person to start over the other which happens on occasion.
- I do like to keep RP to PM's if we are RPing on the forum. My preferred places to RP would have to be F-List Chat or Discord (Nasil#4543). But I am open to RPing through PM's on here or through notes on F-List as well. As long as we can keep a somewhat steady back and forth going through PM's and notes, then I would not mind that at all. I'm not one for public RP unfortunately.
- I am very a nice person and love PMs/posts from others. Feel free to message me anytime if you would like to RP or have an idea that you want to run yourself. Even if I am not up to the idea specifically, I'm still very flexible and love all different sorts of RP. When contacting me on anything such as Discord or F-List, please message me through the forum first. I don't mind random friend requests, but send me a message through the forum as well.
- Kinks -
I highly recommend visiting my F-List for a full comprehensive list of my favorite kinks and what I like. I've added a lot of custom kinks to this that show exactly what I enjoy. A lot of my kinks are mainly oral focused. Here is just a short list for the sake of the post and to get a general idea:
Dirty talk
Female Succubus'
- Scene Ideas -
I am mainly interested in RPs that involve Nasil's business, though these are a few ideas that I had in mind. Again, these are just a few and I would like to hear other ideas. I will say that I want these RPs to be as smut-focused as possible. I do like a good story, but I am more interested in having a heavy dose of smut involved within. I'm also up for one-off and straight-to-the-point smut scenes as well. These scenes might still serve as a good basis for that. Some of these ideas I might be craving more than others at specific times and I will try to update accordingly, but feel free to ask me about any of them if you don't have your own idea that you might want to run by me.
Stripper - Escort - Prostitute - Harem
Nasil owns two strip clubs of his own. Maybe your character would like to work at one of them. One of his more underground business' is his escort service which he runs out of both of his strip clubs and a private den. At this time, he's currently hiring adequate girls for both of his business'. Though mainly this is played in a modern setting, I would be willing to take this idea of his escort business to a another setting. I would also have interest in some type of a made up modern-fantasy setting. Perhaps a setting that would be in modern\future times where Elves would be a race. (More details about his business' on my F-List). This can be played out in many ways with your character perhaps coming off the street to need a job as an escort or started as a stripper and needed to make more money. The motivate can be spoken about more individually and we can set up a basic scene from there. This is good for short-term RP's as well as long-term if we want to get more involved. This is my top scene idea as I do like to deal with anything that has to do with running his business and keeping escorts. This also can be played with him running a harem of his own.
Escort Business GM\DM
I'd love the idea of playing out the escort business played out more as a game with you playing as the GM\DM. You'd be responsible for playing the various girls and giving me situations that I would have to deal with in terms of running the business. Perhaps I am starting out just running the business and a girl then have to recruit more from there. Maybe there are stats involved. There are many ways that we can take this to make this interesting and fun. If this is something that you might want to do, definitely let me know!
Master\Pet\Plaything - Master\Slave
You could be one of Nasil's playthings or slaves. We could RP this out as me acquiring you as a loyal sex pet. Throw in any ideas you may have. As a Master, Nasil usually is not played as cruel. Firm and loving, but not cruel. A sex bot as well might fit this idea too (see more below).
Massage Parlour
Can be played as a one-off scene with him being pleasured at a massage parlour. This perhaps could lead into a more long-term scene with him scouting for his escort business as well.
This would see Nasil in a more darker light, using blackmail against a female. I've not done these RP's much, but they do interest me.
Always interested in having my own personal succubus to do my bidding.
Are you the void that he needs to fill in his life? A meaningful relationship. We can work out the OOC details for this. I'm not looking for a typical romance. I do want him to find love, but possibly his significant other will be just as strong and confident as he is. Someone that is a switch with him. The end goal would be that they both are in an open type relationship and help run the escort business together. They can play as they please with others, but are still very much devoted to each other. This is a RP that I would really have to be feeling the story and the direction with which we are going to want to have a significant other for Nasil.
If you look through my story for Nasil, he owns three popular clubs. He also owns his own underground escort ring/harem and is rather wealthy because of all of this. This meant that he had various connections. We can play into that a bit more. Perhaps he is connected with the Mafia in the area somehow?
Fuck Buddies
I'd like this to be somewhat like the 'Romance' section but perhaps it doesn't start out that way. Perhaps he is really good friends with a girl and they are basically fuck buddies. They respect each other and see each other to relieve stress, though they tell each other pretty much everything that is really on their minds. Slowly, they see their connection is much more than that.
Given Nasil and his status across the city, his popularity has shown him a few people that would obsess over him. I'd like you to play one of those females. Very willing to fulfill all of his needs without question.
Porn Business
Nasil is an entrepreneur and is now looking into branching out a bit into the porn business. Perhaps one of his own girls he sees potential in being one of his first stars to film some scenes for. Or perhaps a girl comes to him knowing his status and would like a starring role in his new business. This could be taken in many different directions.
Mass Effect Escort Business
Taking my ideas for the escort business and clubs, but putting them in the Mass Effect universe. The escorts would be both Human and Asari.
Mass Effect RP
I've been more interested in Mass Effect recently. An RP that does not necessarily involve a business within Mass Effect as shown above. Perhaps one involving some of the main canon characters.
Post Apocalyptic
I'd be interested to run a setting such as post apocalyptic. Perhaps like everyone else, Nasil losses everything and has to survive in this new setting. He then meets a female that he becomes interested and vice versa. Or perhaps her runs a version of his business still in this setting. This can be taken in many different directions.
Bot\AI Sex Companion
A sort of scene with a life like robotic companion to do his bidding. The ability to change her personality and her looks is an option. She will do exactly as Nasil asks though still have her personality tweaked to his likeness. She would have the ability to be tweaked at will in terms of how dominant or sub, kinks and the like. This scene idea can be can done in many ways. I'd love to hear suggestions. If I can still find it, there was a very good template for building a sex bot that I may want to try to use if my partner is up to forming a bot character from this.
**These are general ideas for scenes that I know I will enjoy, though might be craving some more then others at certain times. When you contact me, don't feel like you are locked into only picking one of these ideas. If you have an idea that fits well with my kinks that you think we could both enjoy, please let me know! I'm very flexible with my character and like to think that I can mold to most RP ideas. If none of these get your attention, still feel free to PM me. You might be surprised. Just because my biography for Nasil fits a specific story, does not mean I wouldn't be willing to run a different setting or have him play something different. I enjoy RP and sometimes I don't just want to run the same types. I would also rather talk about the RP OOC first. but if you feel like making a intro post out of the blue, I will not care at all. Just know that if I don't like the direction of it, I will tell you but still try to plan something we can both enjoy.**
**I will try to continue to keep this post updated with relevant information, current cravings, or other ideas. If you have any questions about anything I may have left out or would love to RP with me, feel free to send me a PM so we can talk it over, note me on F-List, or PM me on F-List chat if I am on. Thanks!**
- Kinks -
I highly recommend visiting my F-List for a full comprehensive list of my favorite kinks and what I like. I've added a lot of custom kinks to this that show exactly what I enjoy. A lot of my kinks are mainly oral focused. Here is just a short list for the sake of the post and to get a general idea:
Dirty talk
Female Succubus'
- Scene Ideas -
I am mainly interested in RPs that involve Nasil's business, though these are a few ideas that I had in mind. Again, these are just a few and I would like to hear other ideas. I will say that I want these RPs to be as smut-focused as possible. I do like a good story, but I am more interested in having a heavy dose of smut involved within. I'm also up for one-off and straight-to-the-point smut scenes as well. These scenes might still serve as a good basis for that. Some of these ideas I might be craving more than others at specific times and I will try to update accordingly, but feel free to ask me about any of them if you don't have your own idea that you might want to run by me.
Stripper - Escort - Prostitute - Harem
Nasil owns two strip clubs of his own. Maybe your character would like to work at one of them. One of his more underground business' is his escort service which he runs out of both of his strip clubs and a private den. At this time, he's currently hiring adequate girls for both of his business'. Though mainly this is played in a modern setting, I would be willing to take this idea of his escort business to a another setting. I would also have interest in some type of a made up modern-fantasy setting. Perhaps a setting that would be in modern\future times where Elves would be a race. (More details about his business' on my F-List). This can be played out in many ways with your character perhaps coming off the street to need a job as an escort or started as a stripper and needed to make more money. The motivate can be spoken about more individually and we can set up a basic scene from there. This is good for short-term RP's as well as long-term if we want to get more involved. This is my top scene idea as I do like to deal with anything that has to do with running his business and keeping escorts. This also can be played with him running a harem of his own.
Escort Business GM\DM
I'd love the idea of playing out the escort business played out more as a game with you playing as the GM\DM. You'd be responsible for playing the various girls and giving me situations that I would have to deal with in terms of running the business. Perhaps I am starting out just running the business and a girl then have to recruit more from there. Maybe there are stats involved. There are many ways that we can take this to make this interesting and fun. If this is something that you might want to do, definitely let me know!
Master\Pet\Plaything - Master\Slave
You could be one of Nasil's playthings or slaves. We could RP this out as me acquiring you as a loyal sex pet. Throw in any ideas you may have. As a Master, Nasil usually is not played as cruel. Firm and loving, but not cruel. A sex bot as well might fit this idea too (see more below).
Massage Parlour
Can be played as a one-off scene with him being pleasured at a massage parlour. This perhaps could lead into a more long-term scene with him scouting for his escort business as well.
This would see Nasil in a more darker light, using blackmail against a female. I've not done these RP's much, but they do interest me.
Always interested in having my own personal succubus to do my bidding.
Are you the void that he needs to fill in his life? A meaningful relationship. We can work out the OOC details for this. I'm not looking for a typical romance. I do want him to find love, but possibly his significant other will be just as strong and confident as he is. Someone that is a switch with him. The end goal would be that they both are in an open type relationship and help run the escort business together. They can play as they please with others, but are still very much devoted to each other. This is a RP that I would really have to be feeling the story and the direction with which we are going to want to have a significant other for Nasil.
If you look through my story for Nasil, he owns three popular clubs. He also owns his own underground escort ring/harem and is rather wealthy because of all of this. This meant that he had various connections. We can play into that a bit more. Perhaps he is connected with the Mafia in the area somehow?
Fuck Buddies
I'd like this to be somewhat like the 'Romance' section but perhaps it doesn't start out that way. Perhaps he is really good friends with a girl and they are basically fuck buddies. They respect each other and see each other to relieve stress, though they tell each other pretty much everything that is really on their minds. Slowly, they see their connection is much more than that.
Given Nasil and his status across the city, his popularity has shown him a few people that would obsess over him. I'd like you to play one of those females. Very willing to fulfill all of his needs without question.
Porn Business
Nasil is an entrepreneur and is now looking into branching out a bit into the porn business. Perhaps one of his own girls he sees potential in being one of his first stars to film some scenes for. Or perhaps a girl comes to him knowing his status and would like a starring role in his new business. This could be taken in many different directions.
Mass Effect Escort Business
Taking my ideas for the escort business and clubs, but putting them in the Mass Effect universe. The escorts would be both Human and Asari.
Mass Effect RP
I've been more interested in Mass Effect recently. An RP that does not necessarily involve a business within Mass Effect as shown above. Perhaps one involving some of the main canon characters.
Post Apocalyptic
I'd be interested to run a setting such as post apocalyptic. Perhaps like everyone else, Nasil losses everything and has to survive in this new setting. He then meets a female that he becomes interested and vice versa. Or perhaps her runs a version of his business still in this setting. This can be taken in many different directions.
Bot\AI Sex Companion
A sort of scene with a life like robotic companion to do his bidding. The ability to change her personality and her looks is an option. She will do exactly as Nasil asks though still have her personality tweaked to his likeness. She would have the ability to be tweaked at will in terms of how dominant or sub, kinks and the like. This scene idea can be can done in many ways. I'd love to hear suggestions. If I can still find it, there was a very good template for building a sex bot that I may want to try to use if my partner is up to forming a bot character from this.
**These are general ideas for scenes that I know I will enjoy, though might be craving some more then others at certain times. When you contact me, don't feel like you are locked into only picking one of these ideas. If you have an idea that fits well with my kinks that you think we could both enjoy, please let me know! I'm very flexible with my character and like to think that I can mold to most RP ideas. If none of these get your attention, still feel free to PM me. You might be surprised. Just because my biography for Nasil fits a specific story, does not mean I wouldn't be willing to run a different setting or have him play something different. I enjoy RP and sometimes I don't just want to run the same types. I would also rather talk about the RP OOC first. but if you feel like making a intro post out of the blue, I will not care at all. Just know that if I don't like the direction of it, I will tell you but still try to plan something we can both enjoy.**
**I will try to continue to keep this post updated with relevant information, current cravings, or other ideas. If you have any questions about anything I may have left out or would love to RP with me, feel free to send me a PM so we can talk it over, note me on F-List, or PM me on F-List chat if I am on. Thanks!**
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