High Priestess
- Joined
- Sep 22, 2019
- Location
- Missouri
Good day! My name is Chloe. You may refer to me by that or by any variation of my screenname TheGreenJade. I like any of that equally. I have been roleplaying for a significant number of years and sincerely look forward to jumping back into it after the last forum of which I was a member shut down! I will try to streamline everything to make it as clear as possible. My original request thread was entirely lost in the shutdown; so this is likely a work in progress, which will include regularly adding categories and/or pairings. Please bear with me and feel free to ask anything you like, including requests of a category and/or pairing that is not included. Most of what I play comes from existing fandoms, but I do play a few original pairings (included at the end of the "fandoms" section) and am open to some ideas. I look forward to hearing from you! 
1. Absolutely no god-moding or powerplaying. Do not attempt to control any part of my character, including but not limited to appearance, action, thought, and dialogue (god-moding). Also do not jump periods of time in the roleplay or attempt to control everything in the environment and storyline (powerplaying). The back-and-forth is the best part of a roleplay, and I want to be able to enjoy building the story with you and allowing us to get to know each other's characters in depth throughout its entirety.
2. Be literate and detailed. Use proper grammar and proper spelling, and provide decent length and detail in your post. Use discretion for this. Areas of significant dialogue may include shorter posts than other areas. Just be sure to make the content substantial and not just wordy.
3. I do not double characters. You may, if you wish; but the primary must be a male. You will need to be sure that you are able to put proper effort and development into both characters, which is precisely the reason I do not double.
Though individual storylines will vary depending on the genre/fandom, the basic premise will remain the same. Please be advised that all of my roleplays involve non-consensual activity, as indicated in the title. My character is attacked by yours. Your character desires to completely control mine and continues in a series of more attacks and other manners of manipulation to achieve this goal. When my character finally does come to complete submission, it is not without a level of resentment. The methods of these attacks (captivity, house/business calls, etc.) and this manipulation, the lives our characters lead in the process, and what happens following the breaking will be decided upon in the individual roleplays.
The character I play is listed first in each pairing. Each pairing is marked by a number of asterisks indicating my current level of interest, 1 being a very low level and 5 being one that I would love you absolutely for doing with me.
Sam/Lucifer OR Dean OR OC *****
Castiel/Dean OR Metatron OR OC ****
Star Wars
Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker OR OC ***
Luke Skywalker/Emperor Palpatine OR Darth Vader OR OC *
Anakin Skywalker/Darth Sidious OR OC **
Hannibal (TV show)
Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter *****
Doctor Who
Tenth Doctor/Master OR OC *****
Sherlock (BBC)
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson OR James Moriarty OR OC ****
Fox Mulder/Alex Krychek OR Cancer Man OR OC *****
Good Omens
Crowley/Demon (existing OR OC) ****
Prodigal Son
MalcomxJT OR OC ****
Marvel Universe
Loki/Tony Stark OR Thor OR Thanos OR OC ****
Bruce Banner/OC ***
Tony Stark/Obadiah OR Captain America OR OC ****
National Treasure
Riley Poole/Ian Howe OR Benjamim Gates OR OC *****
American Horror Story
James Patrick March/Will Drake OR OC *****
Tate Langdon/Ben Harmon OR OC ****
Jimmy Darling/Dandy Mott OR OC ***
Original Pairings
Priest/Demon *****
Young College Professor/Student ***
Captive/Pirate **

1. Absolutely no god-moding or powerplaying. Do not attempt to control any part of my character, including but not limited to appearance, action, thought, and dialogue (god-moding). Also do not jump periods of time in the roleplay or attempt to control everything in the environment and storyline (powerplaying). The back-and-forth is the best part of a roleplay, and I want to be able to enjoy building the story with you and allowing us to get to know each other's characters in depth throughout its entirety.
2. Be literate and detailed. Use proper grammar and proper spelling, and provide decent length and detail in your post. Use discretion for this. Areas of significant dialogue may include shorter posts than other areas. Just be sure to make the content substantial and not just wordy.
3. I do not double characters. You may, if you wish; but the primary must be a male. You will need to be sure that you are able to put proper effort and development into both characters, which is precisely the reason I do not double.
Though individual storylines will vary depending on the genre/fandom, the basic premise will remain the same. Please be advised that all of my roleplays involve non-consensual activity, as indicated in the title. My character is attacked by yours. Your character desires to completely control mine and continues in a series of more attacks and other manners of manipulation to achieve this goal. When my character finally does come to complete submission, it is not without a level of resentment. The methods of these attacks (captivity, house/business calls, etc.) and this manipulation, the lives our characters lead in the process, and what happens following the breaking will be decided upon in the individual roleplays.
The character I play is listed first in each pairing. Each pairing is marked by a number of asterisks indicating my current level of interest, 1 being a very low level and 5 being one that I would love you absolutely for doing with me.
Sam/Lucifer OR Dean OR OC *****
Castiel/Dean OR Metatron OR OC ****
Star Wars
Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker OR OC ***
Luke Skywalker/Emperor Palpatine OR Darth Vader OR OC *
Anakin Skywalker/Darth Sidious OR OC **
Hannibal (TV show)
Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter *****
Doctor Who
Tenth Doctor/Master OR OC *****
Sherlock (BBC)
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson OR James Moriarty OR OC ****
Fox Mulder/Alex Krychek OR Cancer Man OR OC *****
Good Omens
Crowley/Demon (existing OR OC) ****
Prodigal Son
MalcomxJT OR OC ****
Marvel Universe
Loki/Tony Stark OR Thor OR Thanos OR OC ****
Bruce Banner/OC ***
Tony Stark/Obadiah OR Captain America OR OC ****
National Treasure
Riley Poole/Ian Howe OR Benjamim Gates OR OC *****
American Horror Story
James Patrick March/Will Drake OR OC *****
Tate Langdon/Ben Harmon OR OC ****
Jimmy Darling/Dandy Mott OR OC ***
Original Pairings
Priest/Demon *****
Young College Professor/Student ***
Captive/Pirate **
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