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Fx Female For Your Perusal

Sep 21, 2019
Hello, and welcome to my request thread. Before we get started I have to say that if you want someone undamaged by Real Life, I'm not it. I will be baring the reasons my taboos are so stringent with each one. These Verboten things in role-play for me were not listed lightly, and if you can agree to them, we just might get along splendidly. I am NOT doing this for your pity, it is STRICTLY to indicate WHY certain kinks I will NOT allow. Shall we? Let's.


Abuse: And I mean ALL forms of it, without exception. Emotional, mental, physical, sexual and verbal. I need my role-plays to be escape, not a continuation of real life. The abuse, depending on character is the backstory, and it's going to stay there. I might allude to it, but don't ask for flashbacks. A flashback is not as fun as you may think. Take it from a PTSD sufferer, diagnosed because childhood WAS a war.

Anal: Long story short, and I hope further details are not needed, but my own life does this figuratively on a regular basis. There is absolutely nothing enjoyable about it.

Bathroom: If it goes in a toilet, it NEVER goes on my character. We're all adults, I shouldn't have to spell this out.

Demons: I cannot see the fascination with something that represents evil in every way. Succubi, or lust demons, are on this list.

Excessive Foul Language: I have heard enough of this to last me the Doctor's number of lifetimes (currently 13). The worse offender, and can actually trigger my PTSD when heard is g--d---. Please, don't say you don't know what that is. Count the spaces. I shivered just writing that. Now, we're all adults so a slip of the tongue happens, just don't put foul language in every line your character says, or you'll lose me.

Excessive Violence: I am not saying no violence. I play Supergirl and Batgirl. They punch things. That's violence. Excessive is when PowerGirl beats her younger self (Supergirl, in most cases) to a bloody pulp. Or a police officer abuses authority granted them by throwing a suspect around. I will NOT tolerate EXCESSIVE use of force. This was prominent among male authority in my life.

Extensive Controlling Characters: Dominating does NOT mean taking away all my character's rights to the point everything she says is wrong. I've had enough of that in real life and in one role-play which ended ALL chances of slave/pet RPs forever.

Godmodding: Self explanatory, and a site rule. If I ask you to move one of my characters for immediate reaction, that's different. If I don't say it's ok ahead of time, don't touch my character; simple as that.

Gore/Horror: To ME, these go hand in hand. I don't need to "see" blood splattered everywhere in vivid detail. Dead is dead, no description necessary. Beaten badly can have indications of how badly. A cheerleader thrown against a wall, face or back first, doesn't need a vivid description of the large blood smear becoming visible as her broken, unconscious body slides down it. Just say it's there without the gory details, I don't want the nightmares.

Infidelity: I do not believe in cheating on a significant other. This is the only warning you will get. Sneak in a married person trying to have an affair with my character, or attempting to get "in her pants", I WILL walk away without a word. Again. This is your warning. I'm VERY adamant about this. You'll get a warning on other Verboten things, but not this.

No Plot: I will not just write porn for the sake of porn. Smut can be in it, but it can't be the plot. Too many times, I've asked for plots and only get pairings. I want a reason my character is being intimate with yours. I want story, substance, adventure, comedy, life.... Something! How did they meet? Why are they together? Where is the story going? What is going to happen to them? What kind of situations are they going through... Or will go through?

Parental Incest: Moms and Dads should never improperly touch their children... That's just creepy to me.

Rape/Non-Con: Having had this done to me, and anally at that, I can ASSURE you there is absolutely NOTHING pleasurable about rape for the victim. It scars them, sometimes for years after. It hurts them, especially emotionally. Some do not recover from being violated in this way, especially a virgin.

Slave/pet: As mentioned above, I no longer do these types due to a very bad experience with one.

Zombies: I am not a fan, so never in any of my RPs will you see one. I also find them very gross.

If you have to have one of these kinks, we will not be compatible. Sorry. However, if you HAVE gotten past these rules, please proceed to post two for my characters. Thanks for reading and understanding.

Disclaimer: All images found in My Characters are the best I could find. All will be aged up to at least 15.
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