Mx Female Tales of Arcana: Adventures in a Fantasy World

Which character for doms/switches

  • The Lamia

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  • The Ninja

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  • The Angel

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  • The Demon

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Mar 30, 2017
Will be adding three additional characters soon, (currently working on adding two new Doms) but because the other characters here are really detailed, I want to make sure they don't fall short. Had to get a bunch of ideas out of my head in my other thread, so I'm a little burnt out (not as much as when I created this thread though). But I don't want this world and its characters to go to waste either so I'll be bumping this one occasionally still. I'll also probably add more character picture choices for the other characters when I find some that I think are fitting.


Hello everybody! I'm a Switch (meaning I enjoy both playing as Dom and Sub roles) looking for a person born of the female sex to play a female character(s). Nothing personal to anyone else! It's just a preference when playing one on one. At least, with writing erotica. If you wish to do a platonic RP for the sake of the adventure, then I'm all for it regardless of sex or gender identity and will be happy to give it a whirl.

I already have a nearly fully built fantasy world called Arcana that you are free to look over. However, some people like to world build, so be free to dismiss it if you wish. But if you see some of the world info and think: "Hmm. I can make a character based on that kingdom or idea!" then there's that option and we can world build and stuff from there (once again though, it's optional). Also, if you like a plot but don't like their picture, we can do a little 'picture haggling' of sorts.

Rule time!


1) Written descriptions or artwork for character appearance. Either/or.

2) Characters must be at least 18.

2) I want my partner to have decent grammar. We all make mistakes, and I understand that. I'm not going to get on your case for a few spelling errors.

3) I would like it if my partner is capable of typing up three paragraphs per post. If things are going slow or our two characters are having a conversation, less is fine.

4) I prefer PM's, I've never really been a thread guy.

5) Message me first! Do not send a starter. I prefer to go over details.

6) I am now ghost friendly. Join or leave any time.

7) I can't promise a post every day but I'll try my best. Once a week is a given.

8) F-list is being a little weird. Will post a new one in the future. In the meantime we can discuss kinks in PM's.

So here are the characters! (Also, even my Subs and Doms can be 'Switches' to some extent as well IF you wish it)

The Prodigy and Otherworlder (Open)

Artists Used: (It's been a really long time, so I unfortunately forgot who made the pink haired ones....oops. Others are: (arsh (the star wish), mtk, komugikomix, hirotatsuu)
Name: Ruben Rosea
Age: 18
Race: Human

The original humans of Arcana were summoned from other worlds. But can humans be reincarnated into other worlds? Not without the help of Gods. But what happens if there was a God who did it for shits and giggles? Well this a story of dream come true turned into a nightmare for the human in question. When an unfortunate accident killed a young man who lived on the streets just trying to get by who resorted to crime, it almost seemed like a dream come true to be reincarnated. But it was a nightmare instead. He was reincarnated, but it wasn't him. He had the same colored hair, but different eyes, and he was naive. It made him angry. He was a ghost just watching a life that was supposed to be his. He life was as Ruben Rosea. (He later gets a separate body to become one of the antagonists of the story. But he can also NOT do that and become a split personality for Ruben, allowing the sexual role to be ocassionally reversed and he becomes sexually dominant in the bed and more cocky and aggressive then Ruben)

Ruben Rosea was born from a rich and noble family from the Sol Kingdom. Ever since he was born, he had unbelievable magical power, and was born a prodigy. It seems that anything he learned, he could be an expert in it immediately. At least, when it came to magic. No matter the spell, concept, or difficulty, he would master it immediately. Unfortunately, physical prowess and fighting abilities weren’t his strong suit. Plenty of tutors came and went, until he was told there weren’t enough resources despite their fortune for someone like Ruben. However, his parents were very protective, and didn’t want him adventuring at too young of age. As he enjoyed the rest of his childhood, he started his travel to Maelum at age 15. As he traveled with hired mercenaries and soldiers, he used his magic to make the trip easier, such as using wind magic to help increase the speed of ships, or using fire magic to help cook food. After three years of traveling, Ruben arrived at the kingdom at the age of 18, and it didn’t take long for him to become the top student..

The kingdom of Maelum in question, is a kingdom which lies past a magical forest and ancient ruins. It was created for the advancement of magic. Originally, it was started by a small band of mages, with a leader who is recognized as the most powerful sorcerer that is currently alive, albeit old. They used their immense amount of magic to create the kingdom in just a few days. A colorful kingdom with spiral roofs and beautiful nature, it is one of the most beautiful kingdoms to look at it. It has the biggest library in the world, a magical vault with ancient and magical artifacts, and a large academy for all ages for students who wish to be better with their magical talents, while also showing them how to use magic responsibility. A kingdom not too far away from the kingdom of Maelum is the kingdom of Umbrae, filled with Warlocks and Witches who hold some sort of grudge against Maelum.

One day, Maelum was attacked by Umbrae, as evil magic users began to destroy everything. But that was not all. Mysterious soldiers, clad in black armor were among them, helping them slaughter innocent lives, and capturing others. Both students and teachers were ordered to evacuate, and escape as far away as possible. Just then, a light would shoot towards the sky, as streaks of light filled the sky.

By the time MC makes it out into the safety outside the city’s walls and into the forest, he meets YC. Soon, they get a telepathic message from the headmaster. Those streaks of light they saw were the ancient artifacts from the vault, scattered to the winds. If they wish to defeat Umbrae and the black knights, they must find the artifacts. Now the two must travel the world to collect them before anyone else does, to retake their precious kingdom.

(The character in the beginning of the plot who later become reincarnated will later turn into one of the antagonists in the story. I decided to add this when I found a similar looking, but darker looking character. But we also have the option of him staying in Ruben rather than splitting off and have him act as a split personality, which he can then be more sexually dominant).

Now, I have two ideas for YC. She can be either a fellow student, or a teacher. If she’s a fellow student, (either the same age or slightly older) I can see her being a bully towards him out of jealousy, which can lead to non-con/dub-con scenes. Maybe she worked extremely hard for her success, and becomes extremely irked that some guy comes along and gets everything handed to him with ease with natural talent on top of it. A special person born every 100 years vs one born every thousand. Obviously the non-con/dub-con scenes would stop once they establish a more equal relationship though. Over time they would become friends, possibly leading to romance. The other idea is that she’s a professor, who would obviously be older than Ruben. Non-con/dub-con is debatable here, as it would more than likely lead to a more seduction path rather than forceful, with her taking the lead. But these are just ideas, and are totally up for discussion. A third option would be your character would be one of the bodyguards his family hired, who decided to be his personal bodyguard. If she’s a bodyguard that rich nobles hired, she will probably have some muscle on her. Obviously nothing ‘hyper’ or muscled up to the point of nightmares.

The Beast of the Desert (Closed)

Artist Used: Hong soon-jae
Name: Namir
Age: 35
Race: Human

There was never a time where the desert didn’t have outlaws and bandits. It was a place where tribes that live in the desert rely on robbing others for goods. Some do it for a sense of freedom. And some even do it to fulfill the desires of their criminal hearts. And there even those who were all of the above. One such man was Namir. Also known as the ‘Beast of the Desert’. Not much is known about him, other than he was banned from his village and became a well-known bandit leader who committed almost every act under the sun. Over the years his crew became larger and larger, and now acts as one of the biggest criminal syndicates in the desert, whom the the kingdom of Oasis constantly fears.

The kingdom of Oasis was falsely named ‘Paradise of the Desert’. Perhaps it was once upon a time, but no more. It’s walls were made of hardened stone, and inside were buildings and houses made of the same material. Just past the city was the biggest oasis in the world, where everyone was once free to relax around it. But now, only greedy and corrupt nobles get to enjoy its splendor. It’s known for its slave trading, which makes it a popular spot for the wicked. It’s two most well-known locations though, were the Temple of Dreams, and the Tower of the Sun Gods. The Temple of Dreams is said to house ghosts and genies, and none make it out once entered, as it is said the door to other worlds lay inside. Others say nightmares. As for the tower, no one has ever made it to the top of any of them. But they say if you can, all your wildest dreams can come true. But inside lie monsters and guardians who attack who enter, most dying in the process.

The people of Oasis fear these legends, but as of late they fear ‘The Beast’ even more. But rumors were spread around that he was going to attack the kingdom soon, and try to become its ruler, setting him on edge. Many hired adventurers and assassins to come after him, but all have failed.

My two ideas of YC can either be a slave he took a liking to, or an assassin that tried to kill him but failed. But rather than killer her, makes her his slave. If you choose the latter, non-con is imminent as he’s going to try to break her. Public humiliation is also on the table, if you’re into that.

The plot if you haven’t guessed yet is that MC and YC is going to take over the kingdom, and either starts a conquest on other kingdoms, or maybe go missing in the Temple of Dreams or the tower, having adventures inside those, trying to find a way out, where things on the outside change by the time they make it out. We can discuss this.

Warning: This is probably the worst person I'll ever play. He is by all means not a good guy. This plot will deal with a lot of dark fantasy elements, and he will more than likely physically, mentally, and sexually abuse your character. The chances of romance is slim. At best a mutual respect once they officially trust each other after your character accepts she 'belongs' to him. If you're fine with a dark story and an abusive dom, then here you go.

The Dragon's Chess Piece (Open)

Artist Used: TheCecile
Name: Draco
Age: (Appearance mid-twenties. Real age unknown)
Race: Dragon

Draco is the son of the leader of the Dragon Clan, located in the mountains of Astra, a kingdom known for its warriors and adventurer’s, which was widely known thanks to its guilds and the fighting coliseum where people fought for money and glory. Not taking part in other races’ affairs, they were a neutral race that almost never left the mountains. But lately, people have been nervous seeing a red dragon fly around different kingdoms. The next in line, Draco. Snarky, rude, and lazy, he doesn’t take his position very seriously. For awhile, his father has wanted to pass down the torch, but every time, Draco flies off on another adventure. Having enough, he travels farther away than he should have, and as a result, was gone for far too long. The chief sent some warriors to find him, but to no avail. Setting up a bounty to capture alive, multiple adventurers and bounty hunters went on in an attempt to find him. The red maned dragon had no problem with this. He was powerful, even among his own kind. No one would be able to touch him. However, as he flew over the skies, lightning struck down. Not fearing this either, he kept flying, only to be struck down to the ground. Shrinking down to his humanized form, he gets up with an irritated growl. He felt…weaker? Why?! For some reason, his power seemed to be cut more than half! The only being capable of doing such a thing have to be a god. He intended on meeting whoever did this. God or not. Little did he know this would eventually lead him to find out he would have to find the most legendary kingdom there is to find the cause of that fateful strike. He would soon encounter a Champion; a race that was granted demi-god like strength and abilities to contend with other Champions. The battle between legendary kingdoms and chosen warriors will now commence!

In the relationship between the two, Draco will most likely start the lead. He isn’t interested in forming relationships with submissive women though. He’ll just have sex with them and be done with them. Only women willing to challenge him catch his interest. As a result, the relationship between our two characters, at least sexually, will be a constant power struggle, where the two will take turns during erotic scenes in taking the lead.

Your character can be any race, be it human, monster, or what have you. They'll be able to contend with a dragon to make the relationship an more even power struggle thanks to the Champion idea.

The God's Tongue (Open)

Artist Used: JIT
Name: Felix
Age: 24
Race: Feline Demi-human

Demi-humans have always been valued as bodyguards or slaves for their unique racial and physiological traits ever since they evolved from the burst of magical energy when humans got summoned from other worlds many years ago. Minotaurs are valued because of their strength, or harpies for their flight, being useful for deliveries. Canine demi-humans make excellent trackers, or appealing slaves for their smooth and wet tongues, like feline demi-humans for their rough tongues and soft hands.

One such demi-human was a feline demi-human who was captured when young. Being taught to cook, clean, and when of age, being sexually skilled and experienced. He was passed around different nobles for his exotic appearance and talents. But after making a terrible mistake of being framed from stealing from his current owner that was actually done by a human servant, he was sold once more. What those snotty nobles didn’t know however, is that he had the God’s Tongue. Thought to be extinct, those with the God’s Tongue have the capabilities of creating new magic and making a dimensional space to hide and create an entire country where only the chosen may enter.

There are different ideas for this one. Either your character is a noble who took him in, showing him respect and a life he never expected to have, an assassin who wanted him for his transformation abilities that could blend in with alley cats in his animal form, or maybe using his reputation to take down nobles, maybe an adventurer or merchant who took him in? Your character can even be sexually inexperienced and Felix can show her the ropes and once her lust sets in properly, can take over as the dom. The pairings could be different, but the direction will be the same: our characters, with your character as queen and my character happy to be her assistant, create a country together, collecting allies of all kinds or races and occupations to make a successful kingdom. He could also potentially be king as well, but he’s going to have to gradually get the ‘servant mindset’ out of him before that happens.

The Lamia's Treasure (Open)

Artist Used: Daggerleonelli
Name: Dante
Age: (Appearance early thirties. Real age unknown)
Race: Lamia

A legendary cave is said to lay in the middle of the desert, far away from any society. They say there is legendary treasure inside. But they also say that no one has ever come back alive. Even so, that didn’t stop adventurers from attempting to take up the challenge. The truth though, was that there was a male lamia inside guarding it. A snake-man of sorts. Anyone who went in was killed by his hands. Sometimes he’ll squeeze his victims to death, sometimes he’ll eat them, or, on rare occasions, he will sexually torture them and make them drown in pleasure from his aphrodisiac venom and sexual skills before disposing of them. But when a female adventurer comes in, he coils around her, his long forked tongue caressing her neck. Ready to get rid of yet another intruder, he noticed a compass made of bronze with gold markings of snakes fall out of her pocket. Interrogating her, (it’s up to you if you want it to be an actual interrogation or she just straight up spills the beans) she reveals she found the object in some ancient ruins, and it led her to the cave. Deciding to let her go, he ordered her to take him to the ruins. The female adventurer found herself at the constant mercy of the snake man as they tried to find the origins of the compass.

In this RP, our pair will travel to multiple ruins and temples, each holding their own secrets. There will be dungeons and even making enemies of nations from plundering their treasures.

Warning: He has two penises and they are slimy. There may be light strangling and definitely expect being squeezed via coiling. This guy is a monster so don’t be surprised haha. But he also has a very long tongue so then there’s that. But unlike the previous dom character, romance is indeed possible but it'll take some time. Until then the sex will just for him to have some fun with her, or for him to help her 'relieve' herself, never giving her the chance to take care of her own lust.

A Demon's Guidance (Open)

Artist Used: Roang
Name: Falx
Age: 500
Race: Demon

In Infernum, also known as the kingdom of the underworld, has two sides. The more peaceful side, and the lawless side. In order to make sure no uprisings happen to the demonic nobility, there are assassin’s known as ‘The Reapers’. They are an elite faction which assassinate and kill other demons. And sometimes, they even get called to the surface to take down targets outside their natural surroundings. They often make deals with the Assassin’s Guild in Void. Legends say Reapers are capable of causing the downfall of entire kingdoms.

(I know this one is short but this one has a lot more world building possibilities, so it's pretty bare bones)

In this RP, we got two options: Either your character is also a demon, and they’re partners from the same faction. Their adventures will most likely stay in Infernum, allowing us to expand on the underworld in this fantasy world. Another idea is my character travels to the surface and recruits someone from the guild on the surface (or a demon partner again), with the goal of taking down multiple kingdoms and nobility. Perhaps even a hero?



Sol is a kingdom in the north, mainly inhabited by humans. Their symbol is the sun, and they have many churches that worship the sun god Amon. There is some discrimination towards Dark Elves given their heritage with the kingdom of Void, who helped in the 100 year war against Sol. Further north of Sol is heated deserts. One would eventually find the lesser kingdom of Oasis. Sol is ruled by a king, known to be fair and wise. Despite claiming to be the most benevolent kingdom, Sol has the highest amount of discrimination, especially towards Dark Elves, whose ancestors created Blood Magic long ago. (In terms of appearances, Sol is basically your standard medieval story, castle and stone buildings and such.) Unlike the rest of Sol, unfortunately, Oasis has legal slave trade. It's run by greedy and powerful nobles, traders, criminals, and businessmen. It is outside jurisdiction of the king.

Important Locations in Sol:

Sol Castle: The place where the king is. It also holds the most powerful human military force with skilled knights. Some of the knights are corrupt while others fight for true equality. An internal struggle has been happening as of late.

Church of the Sun God: The biggest chapel in all of Sol resting on a mountain in the north east. Many knights have come here to get their blessing, and is said to be the birthplace of many heroes in the past.

The Sun King’s Grave: A tunnel beneath the castle leads to the memorial of the Sun King. Very few have the privilege to see it. Those who do will find a special secret known only to a chosen few.

Alchemist’s Guild: A place where those who seek to create potions and other useful things from ingredients throughout the world, this is the place for alchemy and herbalists.

Sunny Casino: In the center of the city. A place to earn money or fall into crippling debt. The corrupt take advantage of the losers.

Oasis: West of Sol and north of Astra, Oasis is a desert kingdom made of sand and stone. The wealthy have taken over, and is considered by many to be even more corrupt than Void.

Important Locations in Oasis:

Dream Temple: An ancient temple in the desert past Oasis. It is said that those who enter never return. Rumors say it holds an entirely different world. Others a paradise. Or perhaps a place for death. There is only speculation. But the truth is all three. It is a place where illusion becomes reality. If one ever makes it back, they gain the power of astral projection.

Sand Towers: Dungeons in the form of towers that sprang forth from the ground. Very few have reached the top of any.

Desert Auction: A place to buy slaves

Bazaar: A place to buy interesting and sometimes useless goods. People are often scammed.



Luna is a kingdom in the east. Luna is inhabited by many different races such as beast-men, Fairies, Kitsune, other magical creatures, etc. The more violent ones are in Void. Humans are actually the minority. On the southern border of Luna lies many magical forests were many different creatures stay. But further east one would stumble upon a land of volcanoes and lava, and eventually the lesser kingdom of Brimstone, filled with creatures with a strong affinity for fire. The capital of Luna is governed by “The Bushido Council”. A group run by eastern swordsmen who use special swords and techniques found only in the east. The people of the Luna worship Tsukyomi, the moon goddess, whose shrine is protected by a tribe of Kitsune in a villa between the capital of Luna and Brimstone. Their symbol is the moon. (This kingdom resembles ancient Japan).

Important Locations in Luna:

Noble’s Palace: A place where Nobles gather for important meetings. This is a place where the Bushido Council is also held.

Mage’s Guild Headquarters: A facility where mages can pursue studies for magic. The biggest gathering of mages live here.

Ninja Village: The place where ninjas and kunoichi are trained. The most elite move into Luna’s capital to serve noblemen.

Kitsune Village: The shrine of the Moon Goddess is here. A place where Kitsune reside.

Monster Guild: A place where monsters and mystical creatures can be hired for adventurer parties or jobs. There are magical contracts to ensure they are not enslaved by the client.

Forest of the Lady: A place guarded by the Lady of the Forest, an ancient spirit that is alive and well and protects all magical creatures within. Slavers better be careful.

Amazon Village: A place that rests just before Thorn Forest while still in Luna territory is a hidden village where warriors of the forest are where outsiders will be attacked. It’s why it’s a bad idea to try to enter Thorn Forest through here.

Brimstone: Located north of Luna, it is a place of fire and lava inhabited by Dwarves and races resistant to heat. Although adventurer's will come to slay tough monsters, or the occasional traveler aiming to be a professional blacksmith.

Important Locations in Brimstone:

Brimstone City: A place where fire monsters, creatures, and golems live. Not very welcoming of outsiders, but as long as they’re prepared for the heat, they can stay…for a time.

Dwarves Tunnels: Underneath the city of Brimstone where Dwarves live.

The Forge: Inside the Dwarves Tunnels. A giant forge for blacksmiths to pursue their passion.



Astra is a kingdom in the west, and also the closest kingdom to the sea. It is a place where it is not royalty or status earns you respect-it is strength. They have a coliseum where warriors from all corner of Arcana come to compete, the champion will always get fame and fortune, so many try to compete, but only a select few ever earn the title. Aside from that, the headquarters for the Warriors Guild and Thieves Guild also lay here. A small branch of the Mage Guild lies here as well, although their headquarters is in Luna. Their symbol is a meteor, said to have housed an ancient warrior from a faraway land above the stars. This kingdom is the only one to worship a being that wasn’t technically a god. Northwest of Astra is rocky mountains housed by dragons and the dragon tribe. It is also closest to the ocean. (The architecture is similar to that of ancient Roman times)

Important Locations of Astra:

The Coliseum: A place for warriors of all over to gather to test their strength. For those who plan to stay in Astra, this is a good way to make a living if you are strong or place the right bets. It also holds an annual tournament, where very special prizes and privileges are awards to the victor that goes beyond the normal money prizes.

Warriors Guild: A place where people can get hired for adventures or collect bounties.

Thieves Guild: A place where people are hired to collect information or hired for adventures that deals with picking locks and stealing treasure.

Explorers Guild: A place where people go on adventures to explore the world and create maps.

Astra’s Harbor: A place where ships are docked to explore the sea.

Barbosa Island: An island further west of Astra where pirates gather. It is led by whoever is strongest and has the most famous pirate as boss. Outside of Astra’s jurisdiction.



Void is a kingdom in the south, and is a land always covered in dark skies. Known as the “Cursed Kingdom” many evil things lurk in its depths. It is ruled by a mysterious king, who very little know of his actual appearance. East of Void’s capital is Thorn Forest, where many dark creatures lay, such as vampires and werewolves. This is also where many dark and evil creatures come from. Many demons spawn from this place as well as Void has a close connection to the underworld. The Assassin’s Guild lays in it’s capital. They worship the God of darkness, Zola. Further south of Void is that of a snowing and forever cold landscape, and the lesser kingdom of Glacies, a kingdom of ice, lies in wait. Sadly, they are currently ruled over Void’s thumb. Supposedly there is a factory that is powered by dark magic and blood magic, somewhere in the depths between these two kingdoms. (Void is also medieval-like, just with a more gothic look.)

Important Locations of Void:

Void Castle: A place where the king and Void nobility lie. Intruders will be most likely killed on the spot. Supposedly holds a dark secret underground.

Assassin’s Guild: A place where assassin’s gather. Those who like to kill and get paid for it come here.

Thorn Forest: A haunted and demonic forest on the eastern outskirts of Void. Home to evil monsters and supposedly has a portal to the kingdom of demons, Infernum. Mansions belonging to vampires and houses for warlocks and witches are rumored to be here as well. Further past here is unknown territory which anyone who enters gets killed due to a powerful poisonous gas.

Town Square: Always covered in a thick fog. Usually empty.

Rune Factory: A place where supposedly artificial beings are made. It’s closer to Glacies but is owned by Void specifically. Very little is truly known about it.

Glacies: A Kingdom to the west of Void always covered by snow with an abandoned palace made entirely of ice and crystals. People who live on the outskirts survive off monsters, fish underneath frozen lakes, and occasional supplies from Void.

Important Locations of Glacies:

Ice Palace: An empty palace that might as well be a dungeon. Many ice spirits are here. Some of malice. But a treasure is said to rest within.

Glacies Village: A place where people have left the darkness of Void to prefer the white of snow. Both aren’t very happy places, but they are at least less threatened here. People who didn’t have thick enough skin to live in Void live here.

Glacies Mountains: Unknown territory. Is said to have many ice monsters and possibly even an ancient monster. None have the proper skills or preparations to survive.


Legendary Kingdom, Infernum

The birthplace of demons. Has two halves where one side is full of fire and lava and the other is as cold as ice and is covered in shadow.

Important Locations:

Infernum Castle: Only powerful demons may live here. The most powerful gets to be nominated to be ruler. But to keep things from being anarchy, others can be voted to be sure things go awry.

Infernum City: Fire and lava with a city in between. Pretty peaceful for a city of demons. But there will be trouble occasionally.

Shadow Land: A place full of anarchy. Murder, rape, and others crimes happen on daily basis. For the more chaotic demon who can’t stand the peace of Infernum City.

Zola’s Portal: The portal to Thorn Forest. Very few are allowed as it is guarded. But some still manage to sneak through. It’s surrounded by a forest of dead trees.


Legendary Kingdom, Aequor

An undersea kingdom filled with denizens of the deep. Filled with mermaids and mermen.

Important Locations:

Aequor Palace: Where the king of the sea rules.

Aequor City: Where the citizens roam. Buildings are made of special stone and have upper floors where mermaids and mermen can become dry do things like read or other activities that can’t be done in water made in a special space. Can also hold guests from above even if unlikely and also frowned upon.

Reef Way: Mostly unknown territory said to have violent undersea monsters and sea witches. Citizens of Aequor City are advised to stay away.


Legendary Kingdom, Giol

Ruins that lay in the middle of the four main kingdoms amongst the plains. If one were to find out its secret, they would find a prehistoric land filled with giant…well, everything. Including people! The people are capable of full speech but everyday methods are more than basic, and there are many tribes, villages and huts.

Important Locations of Giol: None. It is not very developed in terms of society, but its geography is the same as Arcana.


Legendary Kingdom, Xel

A kingdom in the sky made by technology of an advanced people. Supposedly there is a kingdom even past them into space, and the people of Xel are the ‘scraps’ so to speak. Floating ships, science, androids, among others, it is a place those below couldn’t even fathom. (A very steampunk looking place)

A place of science and inventions, there are many cities in Xel with a thriving people. However, in terms of gathering things to survive, they invented a portal through Rune Factory to collect things from down below. The government is in contact with the king of Void. Citizens of both of these kingdoms have no idea.


Important Notes about the world and races:

The world known as Arcana is said to have gotten its name based on the cards fortune tellers use. Apparently, the gods used to play games in the heavens, with mortals as their play pieces. They had ‘cards’, each with a different representation of something, now used by fortune tellers. As a result, many say that a fortune teller’s words are absolute. But at the same time, many avoid them, as fakes run rampant to take advantage of the world’s history and ruin the trade.

‘The Four Kingdoms’ known as Sol, Luna, Astra, and Void, used to be all part of one gigantic kingdom under one ruler. Most people of today do not know this, or forget. But when the gods saw this ruler as a threat who aimed for godhood himself, they killed him and sent him down to the depths of Infernum. From there they chose four heralds and gave them their own peace of land of this once gigantic kingdom. The ‘Four Kingdoms’ are the ones people know today, and also why they are not far from each other, as they were once all part of the same kingdom.

Long ago there was a war that lasted one hundred years between Sol and Void. Dark Elves originally served Void and helped them drive back Sol’s forces. But the Sun King of Sol was powerful enough and charismatic enough to rally his forces and win the war. This is one of the reasons Dark Elves face discrimination, and Void and Sol are still on bad terms.

Dark Elves: Supposedly they created Blood Magic and learned Dark Magic from demons. Ever since the end of the 100 year war, they stopped both and these days rely on archery and hunting skills, and great at close combat. However, the fear is still strong. They travel in tribes and groups, but a good majority stay in the forests of Luna. Very few travel alone.

Elves: They have always relied on elemental magic and healing magic. However, close combat was never their specialty. Some know archery, but none are as nearly as skilled as Dark Elves.

Kitsune: Foxes that are born with a high affinity for magic are known to have the ability to supposedly become immortal. When one hundred years have passed, they gain a human form. Every one hundred years after that, they gain another until they have a total of nine. Supposedly when one becomes 1000, they gain enlightenment. One such Kitsune is the leader of Kitsune Village.

Dragons: Highly intelligent, they are completely neutral, and do no serve anyone. God or mortal. They watch over the world from afar. They supposedly have the destiny of preventing Arcana’s destruction. Also known as Arcana’s Guardians. But as years pass by, most just see them as arrogant and selfish. Very few can tame these beasts.

(This is all I have for now regarding the races)


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Back from hiatus and some slots opened up. Gonna add and change some stuff soon. Too tired right now but wanted to get started.
I am so freaking exhausted. Gonna bump this thing, do some stuff I gotta do and then hopefully have enough time to take a small nap.
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