Charlie Steel
- Joined
- Jul 30, 2010
General Summary: Charlie is an angel whom cannot remember his distant past. Wake City, the place he used to call home, had turned him into a monster: he stalked individuals and slaughtered them, then reaped their souls just before they'd take their last breath. However, a fairly recent realization had caused him to change his ways and aspire to be a better person.
As I'm sure you've imagined, Charlie fits best in horror-based role-plays, even with his new personality. However, he's loose enough to fit into a variety of other genres. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Let me know if Charlie interests you. You can contact me either through this thread or at the MySpace link here. I'm open to a wide variety of settings.
Charlie's photo gallery.
Charlie's tailored profile can be located here. The following is his official profile, based off of his original creation thread:
Name: Charlie Mychal Steel, formerly known as "the Angel of Death".
Sexual Preference: Presumably homosexual.
Moral Affinity: Neutral, possibly even neutral good.
Race: Angel.
Focus: Magic.
Element: Air.
Personality: Though Charlie was once a cold, dark-hearted man, something changed, within him, causing him to turn and warp both his appearance and within. Nowadays, he seems lost in thought, most times, and often remains taciturn and keeps to himself, avoiding most contact when at all possible. However, parts of his past still haunt him, meaning he still finds himself wandering into social hubs (like bars) to feel the pull of the souls around him.
Background: Before the 'Big Sleep', Charlie believes he was a very romantic and sweet man. He made sure that whomever he was with, he treated with the utmost respect and took the time to get to know the individual. He was wondrous at remembering things, keeping track of everyone's birthdays, their likes and dislikes, and especially the things that they were good at and enjoyed. He was a scholar, back then, reading up on anything and everything he could get his hands on--medical books, novels, the writing of English critics--because the world fascinated him. He couldn't remember where he had come from, only that he was somewhere new and exciting.
It was all thanks to an acquaintance's few choice words that he snapped and broke apart, becoming part of his old self and dropping what he thought was the Big Sleep. This stranger had denied him his ideals of himself, his theories. He explained to him, briefly, the truth, and that stuck with him, haunting him until it ripped him apart. After his melt down, he released the souls he'd stolen and his wings were returned to him. Knowing the way Wake City worked, he had no choice but to remove his wings. Covered in blood and feathers, he'd traveled out to find the much sought-after Morph, a drug that allows the user to change his appearance.
Nowadays, Charlie spends his time people watching. He sits in front of shops, bars, or even on roof tops, and watches the people play out their lives before him. When he was a monster, he'd find one soul a week that he found particularly interesting. He'd follow them home, lurking in the shadows, studying their every move, noting their every word, devising a plan for himself. A plan for their end. But he's not like that, anymore. He still thinks about his past, every now and then, but he doesn't feel the same about those situations as he used to. When he watches people now, he does it merely out of healthy envy and admiration.
Hobbies: Of course, Charlie enjoys watching people, but he also keeps his old habits of reading and studying, keeping himself updated in the medical field as an old habit. He spends a lot of time in social hubs and roaming the streets. He'd taken up an interest in a wider range of music and animals, finding both relaxing and reminiscent of the ancient legends. He'd taken up writing poetry and short stories, having torn the pages from his old Soul Book that contained the ruined lives he'd taken.
Likes: Charlie enjoys things mechanical and technological. He likes things that make him think and wonder. He is particularly interested with the workings of magic. He enjoys classical music--that from the ancient times--as well as the feeling of velvet and silk, the visual textures of wood and iron, and cool colors, including black. He likes romanticism and often fantasizes about it, believing that he'd never get the change to enjoy another touch (as he now understands was probably never true) like those he'd watch from time to time. He likes the taste of fine whiskey and flavorless cigarettes. He enjoys the pain he causes himself, in whatever form he chooses it to take.
Dislikes: Charlie envies the lives of most others. He doesn't like to wait, or talk about his past. Women frighten him (as he's seen from the outside how they work emotionally) and men make him nervous. He dislikes himself, most of all, and what he once was. Whenever he thinks of his past, he often punishes himself.
Strengths: Charlie does not give up easily. He is very level-headed, always trying to view things from different perspectives. He's very good at understanding the ways of others and his memory is incredible. He has trained himself to see well in the dark and his ears are attuned to the sound of a pin dropping in a crowded hall. His sense of touch is astounding, as well. Because of these things, he has learned to become very stealthy on his feet. He is very agile and flexible. He is a masochist, making him enjoy the pain he receives, and meaning that he's much less likely to give into tortures of most kinds.
Weaknesses: Charlie is stubborn. He refuses to admit that he is wrong and he doesn't know when to give up. Although he is wonderful at seeing other people through their eyes, he has trouble looking in on himself. He has a terrible sense of smell and can barely taste anything, aside from the bitterness of whiskey. He's become somewhat emotional, letting his heart lead him instead of his logic. He is a masochist, making him enjoy the pain he receives, and meaning that he's much less likely to realize just how wounded he is.
Human Anatomy: with his extensive research into the workings of the human body, his anatomy skills are top notch. He knows all of the 'sweet spots', though he hardly ever uses them.
Beastial Empathy: he considers his former self a beast, so much so that he's able to connect with beings of a similar mindset on a personal level. For example, he's able to nearly understand a viscous animal's needs and wants as if he were speaking directly to him, which allows him to befriend such beasts with near ease.
Weapon of Choice: Although Charlie still keeps his scythe in storage as a reminder of what he once was, he will no longer so much as lie a finger on it. Now, he carries with him a simple silver dagger for minor protection purposes.
Appearance: Charlie's eyes are dark silver and often express a deep sadness. His hair is black and shaggy, never shaped. He wears a black hoodie over a t-shirt of the day's chosen color and a pair of worn blue-jeans. He covers his feet with red and white sneakers. Shorter than he used to be--due to the Morph--he's also a bit less muscular. He appears to be approximately twenty-one in age, though he acts more like seventeen or eighteen. It's hard to find him without a cigarette in his mouth or a drink in his hand, or without a smile on his face. When he does part his lips, his teeth are surprisingly straight and white. Over his body are many deep scars, some somewhat fresh wounds. He doesn't care if anyone else sees them.
Height: 5 feet 11 inches.
Weight: About 145lbs.
Current Inventory:
Apartment Key. [x1]
Silver Dagger. [x1]
Pack of Cigarettes. [x2]
Book of Matches. [x3]
Lighter. [x1]
Mood Music: The Graduate's Sit and Sink.
Recent Events
Ñ» Charlie's past life (old profile).
As I'm sure you've imagined, Charlie fits best in horror-based role-plays, even with his new personality. However, he's loose enough to fit into a variety of other genres. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Let me know if Charlie interests you. You can contact me either through this thread or at the MySpace link here. I'm open to a wide variety of settings.
Charlie's photo gallery.
Charlie's tailored profile can be located here. The following is his official profile, based off of his original creation thread:

Sexual Preference: Presumably homosexual.
Moral Affinity: Neutral, possibly even neutral good.
Race: Angel.
Focus: Magic.
Element: Air.
Personality: Though Charlie was once a cold, dark-hearted man, something changed, within him, causing him to turn and warp both his appearance and within. Nowadays, he seems lost in thought, most times, and often remains taciturn and keeps to himself, avoiding most contact when at all possible. However, parts of his past still haunt him, meaning he still finds himself wandering into social hubs (like bars) to feel the pull of the souls around him.
Background: Before the 'Big Sleep', Charlie believes he was a very romantic and sweet man. He made sure that whomever he was with, he treated with the utmost respect and took the time to get to know the individual. He was wondrous at remembering things, keeping track of everyone's birthdays, their likes and dislikes, and especially the things that they were good at and enjoyed. He was a scholar, back then, reading up on anything and everything he could get his hands on--medical books, novels, the writing of English critics--because the world fascinated him. He couldn't remember where he had come from, only that he was somewhere new and exciting.
It was all thanks to an acquaintance's few choice words that he snapped and broke apart, becoming part of his old self and dropping what he thought was the Big Sleep. This stranger had denied him his ideals of himself, his theories. He explained to him, briefly, the truth, and that stuck with him, haunting him until it ripped him apart. After his melt down, he released the souls he'd stolen and his wings were returned to him. Knowing the way Wake City worked, he had no choice but to remove his wings. Covered in blood and feathers, he'd traveled out to find the much sought-after Morph, a drug that allows the user to change his appearance.
Nowadays, Charlie spends his time people watching. He sits in front of shops, bars, or even on roof tops, and watches the people play out their lives before him. When he was a monster, he'd find one soul a week that he found particularly interesting. He'd follow them home, lurking in the shadows, studying their every move, noting their every word, devising a plan for himself. A plan for their end. But he's not like that, anymore. He still thinks about his past, every now and then, but he doesn't feel the same about those situations as he used to. When he watches people now, he does it merely out of healthy envy and admiration.
Hobbies: Of course, Charlie enjoys watching people, but he also keeps his old habits of reading and studying, keeping himself updated in the medical field as an old habit. He spends a lot of time in social hubs and roaming the streets. He'd taken up an interest in a wider range of music and animals, finding both relaxing and reminiscent of the ancient legends. He'd taken up writing poetry and short stories, having torn the pages from his old Soul Book that contained the ruined lives he'd taken.
Likes: Charlie enjoys things mechanical and technological. He likes things that make him think and wonder. He is particularly interested with the workings of magic. He enjoys classical music--that from the ancient times--as well as the feeling of velvet and silk, the visual textures of wood and iron, and cool colors, including black. He likes romanticism and often fantasizes about it, believing that he'd never get the change to enjoy another touch (as he now understands was probably never true) like those he'd watch from time to time. He likes the taste of fine whiskey and flavorless cigarettes. He enjoys the pain he causes himself, in whatever form he chooses it to take.
Dislikes: Charlie envies the lives of most others. He doesn't like to wait, or talk about his past. Women frighten him (as he's seen from the outside how they work emotionally) and men make him nervous. He dislikes himself, most of all, and what he once was. Whenever he thinks of his past, he often punishes himself.
Strengths: Charlie does not give up easily. He is very level-headed, always trying to view things from different perspectives. He's very good at understanding the ways of others and his memory is incredible. He has trained himself to see well in the dark and his ears are attuned to the sound of a pin dropping in a crowded hall. His sense of touch is astounding, as well. Because of these things, he has learned to become very stealthy on his feet. He is very agile and flexible. He is a masochist, making him enjoy the pain he receives, and meaning that he's much less likely to give into tortures of most kinds.
Weaknesses: Charlie is stubborn. He refuses to admit that he is wrong and he doesn't know when to give up. Although he is wonderful at seeing other people through their eyes, he has trouble looking in on himself. He has a terrible sense of smell and can barely taste anything, aside from the bitterness of whiskey. He's become somewhat emotional, letting his heart lead him instead of his logic. He is a masochist, making him enjoy the pain he receives, and meaning that he's much less likely to realize just how wounded he is.
Human Anatomy: with his extensive research into the workings of the human body, his anatomy skills are top notch. He knows all of the 'sweet spots', though he hardly ever uses them.
Beastial Empathy: he considers his former self a beast, so much so that he's able to connect with beings of a similar mindset on a personal level. For example, he's able to nearly understand a viscous animal's needs and wants as if he were speaking directly to him, which allows him to befriend such beasts with near ease.
Weapon of Choice: Although Charlie still keeps his scythe in storage as a reminder of what he once was, he will no longer so much as lie a finger on it. Now, he carries with him a simple silver dagger for minor protection purposes.
Appearance: Charlie's eyes are dark silver and often express a deep sadness. His hair is black and shaggy, never shaped. He wears a black hoodie over a t-shirt of the day's chosen color and a pair of worn blue-jeans. He covers his feet with red and white sneakers. Shorter than he used to be--due to the Morph--he's also a bit less muscular. He appears to be approximately twenty-one in age, though he acts more like seventeen or eighteen. It's hard to find him without a cigarette in his mouth or a drink in his hand, or without a smile on his face. When he does part his lips, his teeth are surprisingly straight and white. Over his body are many deep scars, some somewhat fresh wounds. He doesn't care if anyone else sees them.
Height: 5 feet 11 inches.
Weight: About 145lbs.
Current Inventory:
Apartment Key. [x1]
Silver Dagger. [x1]
Pack of Cigarettes. [x2]
Book of Matches. [x3]
Lighter. [x1]
Mood Music: The Graduate's Sit and Sink.
Recent Events
Ñ» Charlie's past life (old profile).