![]() ====================================================== | A brunette sits in her apartment as she rolls her eyes a bit. She looks at the news as she mutters, "These morons don't seem to have any kind of eyes at all." Her brown eyes glance down to her coffee as she mutters, "Frank.....can you pop up the footage of the other heist...and of all jewelry shops in the area of a hundred foot radius" A voice of some robotic type man comes across as the machine rolls away from the butter tray pausing, "Certainly Miss Wayne.....But Fiona....why did you make me serving you butter after making you toast." Fiona raises her eyebrow as she smirks, "Cause you are right now a butter maker now pass the fucking butter." |
The robotic screen makes a strange face as it simulates an annoyed expression, "YOU HAVE A SPECIAL GIFT YOU FAIL YOUR HERO COURSE BECAUSE YOU REFUSED TO HAVE MY ADVICE TO HELP YOU KEEP FROM GETTING WET....YOU SPEND YEARS WORKING YOUR WAY UP AND EVEN INHERITED TONS OF MONEY....AND YOU USE IT TO MAKE ME DO THIS.....Why young lady if I may speak for your dearly passed fa...." Fiona smirks as she looks and has a few components shift, "What was that did I remove your speaker system....Frank do what I ask or I will make you my socks and walk all over that pretty face of yours." The machine shoots steam out as it turns and alters the projected television screen showing multiple images. | ![]() |
![]() | Fiona sips more of her coffee as she mutters looking. "Alright so far only two...same built ...same height...same hair...same tech....we got ourselves a cloner." She would smile as she ate her last piece of toast and flicks her wrist a bit letting the robot become more of a utility belt. "Hey want to play cat and mouse....I mean work doesn't start for a little bit and you can print such a pretty realistic looking jewel." The AI on the device rolls his eyes as he waits. Fiona would place her coffee down as she took a few pieces of glass from her table and slides it under a now shifting machine that looks like a 3D printer, "Alright Frank....lets make ourselves some Jewels...if those two were hit this might be the next one....." She snapped her fingers as her cyberweaved cloth shifted into a black pencil skirt, white blouse and yellow suit coat. "Miss Wayne Cloner is not a word you would like to say Doppelganger quirk." Fiona rolls her eyes as she mutters, "Whatever let's get this done with." |
Fiona five minutes later would be walking with a rather large shaped jewel in her hand. It looked very real but was made out of some fake materials to have the right look even though if touched it was obviously a fake. She stepped in front of a jewel store as she smirked, "Personally I know I am considered support but why not shake things up a bit....not like the firm will do much other than have my shift red tape....and I am off duty so .." Francis looked up from his screen belt face as he speaks to her through a speaker, "Miss Wayne...this is highly risky and your boss will." Fiona sighs, "My boss is probably fucking some new hero and no offense you do not need to talk...I can hear you through my quirk member...so zip it before I alter those speakers into a shitty ram card to make you have some memory problems." | ![]() |
Martial Mass-Man had heard the call and so immediately he used his quirk on himself and his costume in order to make himself ninety percent lighter and thus be able to run faster. So he ran out of the door of the agency towards the crime scene. At first he was disappointed that Ms Taffy Twist had gotten there first, but upon hearing the report of another jet pack girl down the street he raced along the street in order to apprehend this other villian. He saw her high up in the air, but that was no problem for MMM. With him now wieghing only a bit over 13lbs but with all of his normal strength he was able to easily jump right up to the flying villian and immediately put her in a strong bear hug. Then moving his hand to touch her jet pack he proceded to make it a thousand times heavier then normal. If that was not enough he knew that he could also make the costume heavier in order to overload the jetpack. He was not scared of falling either, his martial arts training and his shock aborbtion tech in his costume let him fall from great heights without sustaining injury.
Seeing Martial Man jump by and tackle the second robber, Taffy called out, "Hey! What took ya so long?! Also, how's it going man?" She had to yell for the other hero to hear. She tightly knotted her body around the original Roxy to make sure she can't escape, using her rubbery legs so her body can still stretch around to catch the next jetpack girl. No longer standing, but stretched thighs as her legs were binding Roxy down
The area was a chaotic one for sure; a villain with this type of dastardly trickery was not going to be easy to catch. And while the intent was clear...The method used was nothing less than shameful in the eyes of one certain pro sidekick.
Ansgar Bähr, a prospective candidate to become a pro hero, ran towards the discord that spread out through the scene this was all happening in. However, he wore no colorful get-up, no cape or mask or anything of the sort. Only a loincloth covered his unmentionables, the entirety of his body covered in thick green scales, hands ending in razor sharp talons. Going by 'Drachen', even without wings or the ability to breathe fire, he seemed definitely reptilian in nature this way.
Evidenced as such when his eyes, crimson in color and possessing the slit pupils classic to reptiles, happened to focus on someone laughing as they robbed a bank. He would give no battle cry except for a deafening roar, claws digging into the sides of the building as he scaled the sizable structure in a rather quick fashion. And with the power in his legs, he would leap towards the escaping felon, elongated jaws lined with razor-like teeth open in a bellow as he seemed to want to use every bit of his lethal organic weaponry to dig into the woman and rip her very body asunder!
His jaws however, would only find the metal of her jetpack, already proceeding to rip and tear into it to try and prevent her speedy escape.
MMM was annoyed that the one that he had caught was just a clone and immediately clapped his hands to deactivate his quirk, but once the police arrived he quickly filled out his paperwork and handed it back to Detective Tracy politely while he said, "Here is the paperwork Detective Tracy. Now if you could please excuse me but I think I shall go off on a patrol now. I was just about to start it when I got the report you see. Goodbye Detective Tracy."
He then turned to Taffy Twister and told her, "You need to concentrate more, letting an opponent hit you while you are restraining them could prove deadly. You could be left with something much worse than a sore behind."