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Пить До Дна!, by Comrades Kotep and Survivor


Jan 14, 2009
Natalya Velyaminov paused on the sidewalk, looking up at one of her posters with a smile across her face. She pulled her coat a little closer to her. Not only was she sexy enough to be a model for a number of state-brand products, she was a model citizen too. She had been good in school, she had served in the army for a few years, and she had gladly come along when Mother Russia had asked for more.

Someone from the Party had come to her apartment, telling her that there was to be a 'Strongest Woman in the World' competition in only a few weeks, and that she was being asked to participate as Russia's contender. It didn't take her more than a moment of thought to say yes. She wanted to be the one to show the world just how strong her motherland was.

So the next day, with the address of the training facility normally used for the military in hand, she set out to start her training. She had gotten into her old army PT clothes, then pulled her warm fur coat around her so she wouldn't get chilled walking there. She left her poster behind, still smiling as she climbed the small steps up to the door of the building and pushed it open. Natalya couldn't wait to get started.
Re: Пить до дна!, by Comrades Kotep and Survivor

Mikhail Ivanov was an imposing figure to look at. The black-furred wolf stood at nearly seven feet tall, with a body sculpted by years of military training and combat. A veteran of the first years of the Soviet-Afghan War, his jet-black fur was parted with pale scars across his chest and face â?? shrapnel wounds. He had been instructed to train and prepare Ms. Velyaminov for the competition. While he was certain that there were candidates better-suited for this kind of contest, the Party wished to show that one of the most attractive women in the country could also be the strongest in the world.

It was all political, of course, but Mikhail agreed, feeling eager to help sculpt the womanâ??s body into something more. They had all seen Natalya Velyaminov, men dreamt of her, women were jealous of her; she seemed to almost escape the grittiness and desperation of the world around her, and look beautiful at it. But it was her beauty that would make this a challenge for the both of them. Training of this sort took years, but the competition was only months away. If she was to stand any chance of winning, they would have to go one step beyond.

Thoroughly checking the equipment, he heard the door opening outside. He quickly checked the clock on the wall. That must be her. Mikhail stood and walked out to the main hallway with a gruff smile. â??Welcome, Ms. Velyaminov. I am Mikhail your personal trainer until the competition. It is a pleasure to meet you.â?
Re: Пить до дна!, by Comrades Kotep and Survivor

Natalya was pulling off her coat, hanging it up on the hooks near the front door. She turned when she heard another's voice and flashed her smile at him. "Good to meet you, sir," she said, walking up to him and shaking his hand warmly. "And please, call me Natalya. I don't want to have to hear 'Ms. Velyaminov' for the next three months." She walked past him, peering into the room with all of the equipment set up in a neat, orderly layout. "You have some program I'm going to follow, then?"
Re: Пить до дна!, by Comrades Kotep and Survivor

Mikhail was impressed, Natalya did not hesitate or flinch at his appearance, walking up and shaking his hand firmly. â??Of course, Natalya. My name is Mikhail. And that is correct; we do have a program for you. Apparently, you entering this competition is very important to some people. They consulted several physical trainers to compile a regiment for you.â? He walked past her and into the training room, motioning for her to follow him. â??I will be frank with you, Natalya, this will not be easy. This training will push you to your limits, and then farther. You will not be able to return to who you are right now. Are you willing to accept this?â?
Re: Пить до дна!, by Comrades Kotep and Survivor

She followed along behind him, tail straight and ears up, just like walking at attention in the army. She understood, or at least, she had a good idea of what this training would entail, and she knew the kind of girls she would be up against. "I want to do this. I want to be the strongest woman in Mother Russia, and I want to show the world how strong my motherland is," she said firmly. She hadn't become popular through looks alone; she was completely dedicated to her country. "How should we begin?"
Re: Пить до дна!, by Comrades Kotep and Survivor

Mikhail nodded at her words. Her words were honest, and she seemed devoted already to changing her life and body. He motioned towards the locker room. â??There is a change of clothes for you there. I was provided with them for you this morning. We will begin by testing your current limits, and begin working up from there. You will be able to live at your own home during training, unless you wish otherwise. If so, your possessions will be relocated here to the barracks."
Re: Пить до дна!, by Comrades Kotep and Survivor

"This isn't too far from my home. If I need to, I could always just sleep here overnight." She followed his directions into the locker room, where she shed her old clothes and pulled on the new ones that had been waiting for her. After making sure that they fit well in the bathroom mirror, she came back out, looking ready to work. "Let's go!" she said, flashing him a smile as she walked over.
Re: Пить до дна!, by Comrades Kotep and Survivor

Mikhail nodded as she returned, cocking an eye at her. Natalya could even make regulation exercise clothes look enticing. He lead her over to the equipment in the gym, giving a rough chuckle. "We are well aware of your measurements, Natalya, so we can forgo that part of training." He lifted a stopwatch and motioned for her to stand on a marker. "We will first test your running speed. You will run ten yards to that marker down there, three times." He paused, "We will gradually add weights over the course of your training. One of the events it the competition will be pulling a truck ten yards..." Waiting for her to get into position, he nodded. "And go!"
Re: Пить до дна!, by Comrades Kotep and Survivor

Natalya stood at the marker, her expression blank as she stared down at the marker. She lowered herself, ready to run when his signal came. When it did, she burst out running as fast as she could, from one marker to the other. Even if not muscular, she was fit--she had to be, to have a body like hers. After bouncing back and forth three times, she skidded to a stop, panting lightly. "How was that?"
Re: Пить до дна!, by Comrades Kotep and Survivor

He recorded each time, quickly averaging it out in his head and smiling. It was an impressive time, no doubt, but how would she hold up to the additional weight of each day? "Good, Natalya, very good. Let's continue..." He walked her over to a weight lift station, motioning for her to lay down on it. "I'm sure you know how one of these work." He said to her. "We will see how much you can lift at your current state."
Re: Пить до дна!, by Comrades Kotep and Survivor

This was where she wouldn't do so well, she thought. Still, she did just as she told. She stretched her back out against the bench. With a light breath, she gripped the bar with both hands, getting ready to show what she could do. She pulled the bar out and lifted it up, then let it come down to where it almost touched her chest, then pushed back again. She kept going for as long as she could, teeth gritting together and growling softly.
Re: Пить до дна!, by Comrades Kotep and Survivor

Mikhail stood by the bar of weights, his hands underneath it in case Natalya needed immediate assistance. It was only one hundred pounds, a fair weight to start with, but she did not hesitate. He counted each time she lifted the weights above her, watching her muscles tense and shift beneath her fur, her whole body moving beautifully. Once her saw her having difficulty raising the bar, her nodded and lifted it easily, placing it back on the rack. â??Good job, Natalya. Do not be discouraged, this week we are just seeing what you are capable of now. You will only improve from here.â? He gave her his hand and pulled her up from the mat with a smile.
Re: Пить до дна!, by Comrades Kotep and Survivor

Natalya let out a deep breath as she let her hands drop off the weight. Her arms felt hot and limp, tired from the sudden exertion. She was sure she would grow used to the feeling soon enough. She rose up from the mat, smiling at him through her panting. "Thank you. I'll work as hard as I can," she said. "Now, what next?"

Outside, it was dark when she finally finished, feeling tired and sore, but excited about the days to come when she could build herself up to be strong and powerful. "Again, thank you," she said, still panting to cool herself down. "I'll see you tomorrow."
Re: Пить до дна!, by Comrades Kotep and Survivor

Mikhail stood by her side with a smile on his scarred face. "You did a good job today, Natalya. I look forward to training you in the future." He nodded to her, patting her firmly on the shoulder. He quickly ducked into his office and emerged with a jar of brown pills and handed it to her. "These are supplements. I was instructed to give them to you. You are to take one in the evening, and one in the morning." They will help boost your stamina and energy. I will see you tomorrow. Sleep well, Natalya."
Re: Пить до дна!, by Comrades Kotep and Survivor

Natalya stood in the hall, waiting for him to come out of his office with a proud smile on her face. She knew she would make her motherland proud with him leading her. She took the jar of pills, opening it up and peering inside at the pills. "I was wondering if I'd be given anything like this. Thank you Mikhail, and I'll see you tomorrow," she told him, kissing his cheek lightly. She walked down the hall and picked up her coat, slipping it on as she slipped out the door.

At home, she peeled off her coat and opened up the jar again, shaking a pill out. Two fell into her hand, and she looked down at them for a long moment., only if she decided she needed to improve more. She slid one back into the jar, capped it and gulped down the pill.
Re: Пить до дна!, by Comrades Kotep and Survivor

After two weeks of training, Natalya had developed significantly from the combination of their workouts and the supplements he had given her. He wasn't entirely sure what they were, having been shipped the bottle the day she had arrived for training. He was certain that they had been enhanced with something, but it wasn't his job to question orders. He had been sending them his reports of her progress, as well as an updated photograph of her. She still had a ways to go until she met the requirements, but she was still impressive. Very impressive, if you were to ask him. He had found himself having a harder time keeping his eyes off her.

Eagerly, he unlocked the doors to the facility, flicking on the lights to the various rooms. A package sat in his office - new workout clothes for her. Walking into the locker room, he placed them on a bench for her, before walking into the gym and beginning his own warmup.
Re: Пить до дна!, by Comrades Kotep and Survivor

Natalya had grown more motivated the more her work was seeming to pay off. Each new bulge of muscle made her twice as enthusiastic. It was easier for her to gauge her progress when she could actually see herself growing. The only problem now was that her clothes weren't growing along with her.

She hung her coat up on the hook, walking though the gym and glancing at Mikhail as she entered the locker room. She came back out within a minute, dressed in her workout clothes and ready to go. Her stomach sported a neat six-pack, and her arms were starting to swell with muscle, but she was growing more than just in terms of her strength. "You know, I can't fit into half my clothes any more. If it's not my chest, it's my hips, and if it's not those, it's my muscles," she told her trainer with a grin. She had also been creeping upward in terms of height, not quite as small when compared to him any more.
Re: Пить до дна!, by Comrades Kotep and Survivor

He watched her as she passed by him, a slight growl of lust slipping through his lips as he watched her walk into the locker room. She remained a wonder to behold even with the added muscle on her frame. As she emerged, he could see the smile on her face, even as she 'complained' about the inability of slipping into most of her clothes. She was slowly inching taller, and her muscles had grown nicely, firm and hard when she flexed. "But you love it." He chuckled, placing his hand on her shoulder and giving it a firm squeeze. "I am proud of you, Natalya." He nodded.

Moving on with the routine, he moved her over to the camera station, taking a front and side picture of her, before measuring her. "How are you on those supplements?" He asked her, lingering near her bust and hips a little longer than usual. She smelled magnificent... He stood up and looked down into her eyes.
Re: Пить до дна!, by Comrades Kotep and Survivor

"Why wouldn't I love it? I'm living out my dream here. Wouldn't every woman want to be the strongest in all of Russia?" she asked, smiling as she flexed her arm and watched it bulge. She never got tired of that. "I've got about half of the bottle left. I'm wondering if I should still be taking one, though. After all, I'm gaining more mass, so it seems like I should have to increase the dosage...but what do I know about medicine?" She laughed softly, looking up at him with a powerful fire in her eyes. "Is everything ready for us to start?"
Re: Пить до дна!, by Comrades Kotep and Survivor

"Not all would." He told her, showing that she was doing a great thing by this. "One is all that was recommended. I would not know if you should take more, but I would be cautious." He mirrored that fire, feeling as if her were growing closer to her with each day of her training. Many of the men would be jealous, that he was personally training Natalya Velyaminov. Some would probably not believe him, but those that knew he did not bullshit around would understand. "Everything is ready, Natalya." He motioned over to the gym. The once familiar ten-yard dash now had a large block sitting there. 300 pounds of weight for her to pull. All of the equipment had been stepped up, larger weights, longer distances, all to make a tougher challenge for her.
Re: Пить до дна!, by Comrades Kotep and Survivor

Natalya nodded with a determined smile set in her expression. She would do everything in her power to make herself strong enough to win this competition, and every day her resolve grew even stronger. She took hold of the two ropes tied to the slab, hooking them over her shoulders and gritting her teeth as she started to jog, dragging it behind her. She wasn't going as fast at any of the exercises as she had been the first day, but that was because after that, they had found just how strong she was, and could make each exercise challenging to her.

Weights rose and fell, pulleys spun forward and back, and her body curled against the stress, each time growing just that little bit stronger. She'd grown to love the warm, tingling feeling that washed over her after she finished a workout, and her muscles were still recovering from the exertion.
Re: Пить до дна!, by Comrades Kotep and Survivor

"Good Natalya, good!" Mikhail praised as she trained, recording her times, and as he had started doing recently, exercising alongside her. His eyes never left her as he watched her body move underneath those clothes. He noted that her performance today was only minimally better than last time. Either that meant they would need to let her stay at the current level for a few days - and possibly angering someone higher up, or try something more desperate. But he didn't comment on it right now. She seemed so blissful from the exertion that he didn't want to bring her down from it.
Re: Пить до дна!, by Comrades Kotep and Survivor

Natalya grunted softly in affirmation, working right alongside him and yet not feeling intimidated by him. It was the certain feel she gave off, like at heart she was even larger than he was, so she didn't feel overpowered by him in the least. She gave a sharp sigh as she let the weights slide back into place, sitting up and stretching out her arms and pecs. "Ahh, that was wonderful," she sighed happily, bending down and stretching her legs. "Soon you won't be able to keep up," she joked.
Re: Пить до дна!, by Comrades Kotep and Survivor

He chuckled to her, smiling, "I am sure that by the end of your training, no one in the world will be able to keep up." He grinned, watching as she stretched out. Her fur glistened slightly with sweat. "Come, Natalya, I will get you a drink as celebration." He stood and started walking towards his office. They could have a drink and get back to her training. "Soon, we will have you pulling vehicles outside. Ten yards as usual. But we will also start introducing new exercises into your training."
Re: Пить до дна!, by Comrades Kotep and Survivor

"I'll be able to start pulling cars? That sounds great," she said, tail wagging and panting eagerly. She'd grown fond of shows of her strength like that, and what would be a better show than by pulling a car along? Coming out of her brief daydream, she followed along behind him toward his office, supposing she could use a quick break. Briefly, she pondered how much she could drink now. She was already good at keeping her vodka down, so with all the extra muscle...
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