- Joined
- Aug 3, 2019
- Location
- Tucson, Arizona
**Updated ideas, cravings and edits towards the bottom.**
Hello everyone and welcome! This contains information about my roleplaying style, desire for partners, list of fetishes, dislikes, plots, ideas and a bunch of other goodies. I would like it if you took the time to read through this document carefully so you know exactly what I’m interested in as well as know what I don’t like. Thank you!
Roleplay Requirements:
- Must be semi-literate!!
- Must use details!
- Must write 3-5 sentences in one paragraph at the very least per post!
- Must contact me before sending a random starter so we can discuss details!
My F-List. No judging!
Things I Don’t Do:
These are things that will turn me off right away and will immediately end the roleplay so please don’t bother mentioning them. I strongly suggest you read the never and dislike sections carefully.
- Scat
- Vore
- Gore
- Extreme Abuse
- Death
- Amputation
- Mutilation
- Blood Play
- Needle Play
- I don’t play more than one character. Honestly I simply suck at it and I have tried to improve over the years.. I just failed. lol
Ages I Play:
Pretty simple. I play ages 16-100+ depending on species.
I prefer to discuss roleplay ideas, cravings and themes with my partners to create a plot idea that's fun for both of us and unique to just us. Below is the full document I keep and add onto with all sorts of themes, plots, pairing ideas, etc. I really enjoy role playing so I'm always coming up with new plots, it's just easier to keep them all in one place. If anything it'll hopefully inspire you to bring ideas to the table!
Pairings, Plot Ideas, and Themes!
*EDIT May 18th, 2021*
New idea I'm craving to play out. We can start from the point they start dating or we can start with the knock on her new apartment. Would love to hear thoughts and ideas for this so hit me up on discord!Serial Killer Ex-Boyfriend x MC
She didn’t know what he was when they started dating, no one did. He was kind, thoughtful, a gentleman and he seemed to know exactly what she liked in every aspect of her life. It wasn’t long before she started to fall for him, despite knowing so little about who he actually was as he’d only tell her tiny bits and pieces before distracting her with one of his kinky games. He was new and exciting but then things started getting… weird. They would go out on a date and someone would flirt with her, give her a compliment, or stare just a little too long… within days they would be dead. Slowly the pieces started to connect in her mind. Scared, she had her stuff moved out and into a new place the next day, not leaving a trace and just a note that said it was over. She changed everything: phone, passwords, emails, even banks. She didn’t have a chance to tell anyone where she had moved to, know one knew... So why was there a knock on her front door?
*Edited 3/5/2025*
Still like a lot of the ideas listed but I'm open to hearing ideas!
Still like a lot of the ideas listed but I'm open to hearing ideas!
I would rather roleplay in messages or discord. Discord is easier for me to use when I'm on my phone or at work, you'll also get more frequent replies! Discord: Raspberrykiwi#3933 I also love playing games like 7D2D, Ark, The Forest, Civ V, etc. Feel free to add me on discord for game play.
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