Make your dreams come true {Seeking literate partners, FxM, celebrities, hypnosis, all ideas are welcomed}


Dec 2, 2014
With me back from a long hiatus, I plan to pick up a few roleplays here and there. But a few things about me you should know, so please read on before writing to me.

1. Long term setting, details plots, in depth post (no one liners), third person writing, and making use of visuals (faceclaims. No animes) are a must.

2. If you write to me for my ideas, please add your thoughts when messaging me. If you have a plot of your own, do share all the details.

3. Do not message me with a simple line saying, 'Hey, I am interested...'

Now, onto the good stuff!

I am mostly interested in modern, realistic type of RPs. Keep it real. No vampires or fantasies.


Drugs, secrecy, sex and more [MxF]

DO NOTE I HAVE A FEW LADIES IN MIND FOR FACECLAIMS, and I'd love you if you decide to play one of them for this RP.

Looking for a leading lady to investigate rumors of a new party drug on campus. She could be a student journalist, or someone with aspirations of becoming a cop or detective. Or someone in their early career years and looking land a story/case to boost their position. Little does she know how one night will change her life forever.

Things had been going quite well for Tommy McBride lately. The unassuming college student, a chemistry major and bit of a nerd, had concocted a very potent aphrodisiac drug. Demand quickly skyrocketed, and Tommy wasn't sure just what to make of it. He couldn't realistically produce a lot of the stuff by himself.

But, he could produce enough...

It was a mixture of cocaine, MDMA, marijuana, and Viagra. The real trick was in the compound that he used to mix it all together, which heightened significantly the effects of each drug, while fusing them together. Realistically, it meant that small amounts of those illicit drugs would be worth a lot more and go a lot farther. It created a potent sex-trip effect, lowering inhibitions while raising sensual awareness. All those effects were amplified when the pill was ground up and snorted.

Tonight, there was a big party at one of the frat houses. It was Halloween, the ideal setting for him to sell his little sex pills, as it was a simple thing to slip through the crowd, whisper offerings, and slip pills in pockets for twenty dollar bills. Even better to be anonymous, costumed, masked. This particular batch of the drug, which had garnered the nickname "Pixie", was quite potent. Tommy was proud of his concoction, and couldn't wait to see the drug do its dirty work.

He wasn't a big bulky athlete, but he wasn't a pudgy nerd, either. Just an average, fit college dude. He didn't stand out in the crowd, which was a good thing, when all he wanted to do was blend in. His hair was maybe a bit on the shaggy side. He was taller than most of the girls, but not the other guys. Being Halloween, he was in costume, a Mad-Hatter-esque ensemble of old-style suit and top hat, with a Phantom of the Opera mask to conceal his face.

It didn't take long for him to get rid of most of the pills he brought with him as he moved through the party. He didn't really know a lot of people there, but that didn't really matter. He was hoping to find an adventurous lady or two to share his last few pills with…
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Tapping into her inner desires!
{MxF, darker setting, a bit or D/s}

This is just a rough plot hook.

A physician at a hospital is given a task of raising some money for a new wing that’s opening. Of course, she would be the one running the new wing, should she succeed. The CEO of the hospital hands over the list of previous and possible donors and it’s her responsibility to reach out to them, invite them over to a charity event and even convince them to donate some chunk of money to the cause.

Now, the female physician could be married and it would set a nice course for adultery. But engaged is also fine. The man sets his eyes upon her and he decided he would have her one way or another!

Already have bunch of ideas and possible playbys but as always I am open to discussion and see where this goes.
You are mine!
[MxF, Master/slave, slow seduction, long term, sugardaddy --> ownership]​

The setting is where this young woman worked for his company as an Intern a while back. The CEO had noticed her but he was not looking for anything. Besides, it wouldn't look good for his reputation. So, 3 to 5 years down the road, she could be in her 20s now, doing masters, working at a bar, could be a nice and pretty foreign exchange student or whatever you wish. I only wish that you use faceclaims for your character as it add realistic feeling to it (faceclaim that we both like).

Anywho, the path to master/slave would be through Sugardaddy aspect and when he realizes he wants her for more than just that. He wants to own her. Be her master.

Henry was successful in every sense of the word. He was head of a huge multi national company that employed over ten thousand staff members across 13 different countries. At 45 years of age he had been with the company since leaving college at 21. Starting as an intern, he progressed into sales, marketing, legal, IT and then into management. His progress through the business is what made him so successful. He had learnt everything he could about each department he worked in and this served him well now.
He was well liked by the entire team. When things were tough in the economy, rather than lay people off, he sacrificed his own performance bonus, preferring instead to keep his people employed.

Out of college he had been married, for three whole years. They parted as friends, but it was his commitment to the future and work that made the marriage fall apart. Unfortunately she couldn't see the big picture and left him to search out her own dreams. His hard work though had paid off. He was complete in every part of his life except one. He had the penthouse apartment, beach house, luxury cars and the financial freedom to do anything he could dream up. He just didn't have female company to work share his private life with.

He really only wanted an occasional companion, nothing complicated, someone that would be there when he wanted and needed. To be fair, he had had some girlfriends so to speak, but it all became to complicated and almost suffocating. He needed simple. He needed a business arrangement. He had heard of a term 'sugar daddy', and after investigating it, the idea appealed to him. He found a site online that catered for this kind of thing, but nothing appealed to him from the girls there.

Tonight he was meeting another CEO, who happened to be a friend, for drinks at the bar just down the road from his apartment. It was a good choice as he had time to get home, get dressed into something casual and then walk to and from the bar. He arrived about 10 minutes late, but couldnt see his friend. Checking his phone he saw the missed call and message. Looked like he was drinking alone tonight. He pushed through the crowded bar to order a drink.
Hypnotizing a Sister
{Could be any other person, incest, fxm, slow subtle changes that would seem inherent}

Open to discussion and make it non-incest as well.

Alex was 17 and would be 18 in several months when he would be graduating high school. His taller, lankier frame, medium complexion, brown eyes, and dark hair gave him at least an average look or even slightly better than average but he had zero success with girls at school. This was always the case. He once briefly kissed a girl on a rare date, but that was the extent of it as he had far more experience watching and masturbating to porn. A lot of porn. He was on his way to graduating high school to be a virgin and it embarrassed him a lot – he hated it – but fortunately no one else knew other than his best friend, James. For some reason, he never connected as perhaps his awkwardness with girls and nerdiness just didn’t appeal to them. Some of the band girls took notice to him, but he was by no means attracted to them. Academically, he was smart – very much so – as his grades were good and he had a few choices for college as he was making his determination to which school.

He figured to pay his sister, Jacqueline, a visit since one nearby school he had to visit was on the way. He generally got along with his sister as a typically brother/sister relationship. For years, he dealt with everyone fawning over how gorgeous she was – model like looks – and hearing it constantly from his friends sometimes was irritating. Of course, objectively, he knew she was very attractive although never looked at her sexually. After all, she was his sister but hearing his few friends joke about how they wanted her allowed him to sort of understand as her body and looks were truly were sensational. As Alex pulled his old Civic into the driveway of her place, he shut off the car and got out. He was wear a casual Polo blue shirt and jeans as the temperature was mild as he walked up to the front door giving a knock.
Going Undercover
{FxM, RP revolves around the female detective, various men, alcohol, drugs, sex...}

A simple dead girl case leading to discovery of a bigger criminal organization. I will GM the whole RP, various characters while the RP revolves around the female detective. Plenty of options here, different ways to play this out. Seeking for literate parters who enjoy this sort of RP, and make the idea OURS rather than mine or yours!!!​

An FBI detective was working the case that recently came forth. Matter of fact, it was in her destiny to have landed in this city after getting promoted and now, a homicide case. Perhaps, she was a newbie and the fact that no one else wanted to take up this case that the head of the department had put her on the case, alone!

So far, she had a clean record, working by the books and not making silly mistakes like many people did. She was clean as a slate meaning she never took a bribe from anyone and always tried for justice to triumph. A young girl, 19 years old, college student was murdered and dumped in an alley.

After working the case and inquiring her friends, she learned that she didn't have a job but mentioned that she may have taken up something recently, cash. They said that the dead girl recently spoke about a strip club who was hiring her under the table, meaning she'd get paid in cash than check. It was her doing in a way because she didn't want her parents to find out about this.

Whatever the case, the detective had to solve this mystery and had no idea where this would lead to. If the information was correct, she knew she had to check out the club. If she went in with her guns blazing and flashing her badge, she knew that no one would talk. No one. And she needed answers. It was about 10 pm on a Friday night and she decided to leave her badge that she was holding in her hands, debating to whether go undercover or actually go like a casual customer would. She tossed her gun and the badge in the glove compartment before she stepped out of her car and walked towards the door where two tall, hunky looking men didn't bother collecting cover fee, said the girls go in for free. The club sure looked fancy and this was the first time she was ever going into a strip club. Once she entered, she made her way to the bar, hoping to find someone who would spill some beans, some secrets about the club.
A perfect opportunity!
{ex-student x ex-teacher, MxF, spontaneous meeting, new setting, recently divorced, vanilla to dark, conserved to less conserved}​

Jake had about an hour until his next class (currently a part-time Master's student) and he walked the sidewalk of the small towns downtown area to the cafe where he usually killed that time using the WI-FI to stay on top of his homework. He walked in and found a table along the line of booths setting his backpack down he didn't pay much attention of who was around him. As he pulled his laptop out and opened it. He wore a v-neck shirt that fit his strong chest and arms nicely and a pair of jeans. As he waited for his computer to boot up he glanced around stopping dead in his tracks when he saw her, his favorite teacher from high school sitting at the table across from him. He couldn't believe it. As he took her in, she was just as pretty as he remembered from back in the day. But then he wondered, 'What is she doing here? Miles away from their hometown. In this state. Last I heard was some rumors from my little brother, who is still in school, that she got divorced earlier this school year,' all sorts of ideas came to him as he felt his heart race just thinking if he should say hi.
The Benefactor
[Seeking someone to portray that female character. She could be the first of many other girls that receives similar grant later in future. ]

He'd arranged the scholarship to assist the underrepresented in their quest to pursue a graduate degree in the United States. One student, a female international student, would be granted the prestigious fellowship, one that would allow all her expenses to be paid for that semester year. The award was even accompanied by a handsome stipend: far more than most other scholarship recipients would receive. The endowed scholarship was considered a noble offering, and he'd been lauded for his generosity upon its establishment.

While he'd waived any oversight into who was granted the scholarship, he was invited to a banquet at the beginning of the school year in which the scholarship recipients were recognized, along with the donors, usually it's something he hasn't attended over the past decade. Given that this was the inaugural year for the fellowship, he accepted the invitation. As he entered the room, he felt even older than he was, since it had been decades since he'd been in school himself. The students seemed to have a glimmering optimism in their eyes, as well as a strong determination, and he was proud to be associated with such a prestigious institution.

What took him off guard, though, was the young woman who approached him and introduced herself as the recipient of his generosity. She had a unique beauty, and a delicate, graceful way of carrying herself. By the end of the banquet, highly impressed, he suggested the two meet again. And so began an unlikely and highly inappropriate relationship.

Martin grunted inwardly, he found it annoying to attend events that where, just for show, the type where he was being honored for this and that, and just had to sit around and smile for hours just to support the image of the wealthy man concerned with the follies of the poor. Not that he had minded years ago, he really had needed a polish for his image, if only to increase sales numbers through the power of prestige, people where more inclined to purchase his products after all if believing they supported the right man. Still though, watching the latest graduates being called up onto the podium, one after another, and tortuously have each be admitted to the next grade, possibly even with a pension-ship, it grew on his nerves.

The one saving grace he had where the young women though, students that where so eagerly working just to end up on the streets anyway, ending up with low pay jobs or none at all, only a very few select ever made it into really prosperous, stress free jobs, and these days, few of those had finished their education, as though fate was showing a middle-finger at those who tried. But the good thing about that was, these young women that still tried, some of them grew desperate, desperate enough to allow one or the other adventure, and Martin really loved it when one of those shy, hardly experienced girls spread their legs to secure their college, just to break out in tears when he let them feel how little such an act was anything but for his own pleasure. God, he could still remember that dump virgin that struggled and screamed realizing that he didn't care to be gentle just because her cheap cunt didn't know how to handle a man.

Yes, those are the good times, and thinking about it, perhaps he should look into investing again in the future of these girls, tomorrow he'd be at the Louge again anyway, and putting a new doll on display would surely be quite entertaining. And given that the Louge, an extravagant club for wealthy men, entertaining with a stark Victorian infused Master / Slave scene, entertained with young women, willing and resistant alike, it be entertaining to see how long the next girl lasts.

Looking over the partaking young women with renewed interest, Martin would run his dark brown eyes over the frame of one or the other, occasionally taking a look into the handbook that introduced each and every student passing this years grades, listening closely to those whom had gotten no stipend, and scanning with interest how they would react, always to make a mental note, and an earmark to the partaking students page, for each that appeared less then delighted with no monetized gain handed their way, after all, those would be the easiest, and probably cheapest of these girls to be turned a whore for a night, maybe longer, and one in particular did seem to catch his interest, with a body that was promising to entertain for more then just a night.
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