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Confessions of a Slave Girl


Aug 28, 2019
A constantly shifting fantasy world
Ali was a shy girl, she always had been. She preferred to stay in front of a computer screen, interacting with the world that way, less chance of getting hurt, less chance of making a fool of herself. So instead of making friends she stayed locked in her room. Her biggest solo activity was trying to write. Being a novelist was something she could do at home with no one really bothering her. Several books were started, none finished. It got to the point where she wouldn't even tell her family about them because she got tired of seeing the exasperated looks on their faces when she started a new one.

Of course she had to work and so she left the house for that, but had found a job that required little interaction with others. And she stayed fit and active, largely through a healthy diet, swimming and some martial arts. It was the one activity that she didn't mind being around other people to do it. She was even pretty good at it, though at five feet, four inches high and only weighing in at 90 lbs she wasn't about to overpower too many people.

As for dating, forget about it. She had found an attraction to other girls while she was in high school but had never dared approach anyone for the sole reason that she just got too tongue tied. A few had tried asking her out but the petite redhead was just too shy and they could barely get a word out of her. And so high school passed and Ali left her small hometown and took off for college, but she found it wasnt to her liking and after only a semester she dropped out.

Still she had no desire to go home and live in her parent’s basement. So she found a new job, one that wasn't quite as people free as the last one but the pay was good. She also joined an online writers forum and found when there was a computer screen between them and her she wasn't so nervous talking to people. It was probably inevitable. In fact it was almost shocking that she hadn't stumbled on it before. But in one of her forays onto the internet for research for her newest book she stumbled across a website that would change her life forever.

The site was...well not to put too fine a point on it, a porno, but it was stuff Ali had never seen before, had never even known existed. She had of course had “The Talk” with her parents when she was growing up but never, ever, ever had anything like what she was seeing even been in the peripheral of what was possible to do and as Ali scrolled down the screen she licked her lips hungrily, not realizing she was drawing closer to the screen as her hand trailed down between her legs.

She began rubbing herself lightly through her sweatpants, letting out soft moans as she stopped by what appeared to be a clip, the image on the clip showed a woman wearing a black leather hood with what looked like metal clothes pins attached to her nipples, she was bent over a wooden beam and her hands were tied behind her but pulled up, keeping her in the bent position.

With almost no hesitation Ali clicked on the play button and was treated to a short trailer as another woman came up behind the hooded girl, a scary looking whip in her hands and...and a rubber cock strapped to her hips. She watched mesmerized as the leather clad woman whipped the hooded woman, but instead of screams of pain, the girl was moaning sensually, moving her backside as though seeking the whip. The trailer was only a few minutes long and it abruptly cut to the leather clad woman fucking the other girl with the fake cock. Ali gasped when she saw the cock was sliding it in and out of the hooded woman’s ass. It cut to black as the hooded girl let out a scream of pure bliss.

Ali’s breath caught in her throat and her whole body went ridged as a wave of pleasure washed over her and she felt warm sticky liquid coat her fingers. After her body relaxed and she took a minute for her breathing to slow down she glanced down only to see that during the trailer she had slid her hand into her pants and past her panties and she had rubbed herself to a small but satisfying orgasm.

Looking back up at the screen she continued to peruse through the site, finding all the free clips she could, continuing to rub herself as she did. Once she finished that site she began looking for another and then another. She needed to find out more, had to know about this insane new world she had just found.

Over the next few weeks Ali studied, she found everything she could, reading up on this strange, wonderful new world she had stumbled into, she watched videos and clips that she found for free and a few times even dared to venture into chat rooms and posed tentative questions but she always vanished from them almost as fast as she had entered and she tried to never visit the same one twice. She may have been caught up in the warm pleasurable feeling she received but she was still herself and she was still cautious.

After three weeks she finally found the nerve to sign up for a fetish themed website though she posted almost nothing to it, not wanting to give too much away. Mainly she used it to read forums and glean different opinions from various people. She even found a woman who she got along with, who called herself a...Domme. She was supremely helpful in answering Ali’s questions though Ali could tell the woman wanted more Ali did make it clear she was only looking into the lifestyle and was not ready to make any sort of commitment, especially not to someone who lived across the country. Luckily the Domme seemed to take that in stride and continued to be helpful, her mood even shifted to encouraging Ali to find someone closer to her, someone she could talk to in real life.

It wasn't as though she didnt want that, but it just wasn't in her nature to be that bold in her questing, there was more she had to find least that was what she told herself, the truth was she was just afraid to take that step. She knew it was a big one and she was afraid of rushing into something, of regretting going on this journey. She knew that if she was ever going to get somewhere with it she was going to need to work at her own pace, she needed to be cautious.

A full two months after her first accidental trip onto that website Ali stepped into an adult toy store...and almost immediately stepped back out and drove away. She returned the next day, a half hour before it closed, hoping that would mean fewer people in there. She bought a cheap collar, a cheap ball gag and two pairs of mid quality leather cuffs. She blushed as the shop clerk winked at her and handed her a black plastic bag with her purchases. Ali blushed as she scampered from the store and drove back home having to remember to not speed as she did so.

Once she got home she shoved her purchases into the closet and though she never really forgot about them her life did get busy as her job picked up pace for that week and she worked some serious overtime hours, each night coming home too tired to do anything but eat a quick, unsatisfying meal and collapsing into her bed. Midway through the next week the deluge stopped and work returned to its normal pace. That night Ali went to the adult store and bought two more items with her overtime money. A leather hood like she had seen in the first movie and a hitachi wand. One the clerk said worked very well.

Driving home again Ali thought on her new purchases and the ones she had already at home. She had these things but she had not once used them yet. Was she really planning on it, or was this just something else that she would never follow through on. That though made her sick to her stomach and just a little angry with herself. It wouldn't be the first time if it happened that way. That was when she made up her mind, it was a Friday night, she had the whole weekend to herself. When she got home, she was going to make use of her new toys and finally experience this in real life.
Part Four:

It turned out that saying she was going to do it and actually doing it were two different things. When Ali got home she pulled her purchases out of the closet and placed them on her bed alongside the wand and the hood. She stared down at them, wondering where to go from there. It didn't seem entirely safe to just jump in with both feet and no looking, it wasn't her style. Sitting on the bed next to the toys she ran her hands over the leather of the cuffs before picking up a pair. She wrapped them around her wrists and locked them in place with the small padlocks that they had come with. A small shiver went down her spine and she let out a slow gasp. She felt her nipples grow hard, pressing against her bra as she closed her eyes and lay back on the bed. She could hear the rattle of chains coming from the cuffs as her hands moved down her abdomen, dragging the metal links along. Her hands slipped under her pants and she bit her lower lip as her fingers touched her moistening folds. A finger brushed against her clit and Ali gasped loudly her back arching in pleasure, but as she relaxed back onto the bed, still lightly fingering herself she realized that this wasn't enough.

Opening her eyes she turned her head and peered over at the other toys. The sexual heat and frustration was building up as her fingers continued their idle work, keeping her teased and aroused but doing no more than that. She wanted, no, needed more but how to do it while still being safe? Sitting up she reluctantly pulled her hands from her pants, though she didn't remove the cuffs, not yet anyway. Instead she picked up the collar and wrapped it snuggly around her neck, feeling her fingers, slick with her own juices against her neck as she did so.

Once it was buckled in place she locked it on as well before hooking a finger through the D-Ring in the front and giving a small tug on it, sending another shiver down her spine as a gasp escaped her lips. More, she needed more. She couldn't stand not moving forward. Quickly she unlocked the cuffs from her wrists and stood. Her mind was racing, trying to figure everything out. Rushing out of her bedroom to her kitchen she opened what she had coined as her junk drawer and pulled out a rubber band and some duct tape before going back into her room. She didn't bother closing the bedroom door, after all she lived alone and the one or two friends she had actually managed to make and keep never came over without calling or texting first.

Almost feverishly Ali pulled her shirt off, hearing the D-Ring clink softly as the shirt passed across it. Throwing it to the floor she reached behind her back and fumbled with her bra, her fingers slipping against the hooks until finally she got it off as well, her modest breasts springing free of their confinement as the bra joined her shirt. Kicking off her shoes in a rush she pulled her pants and panties down in one go, leaving her naked and exposed only wearing her socks and the collar.

Looking back down at her toys she picked up the ball gag and pressed it between her lips, letting out a soft moan as she reached behind her head and buckled it on. Already she could feel drool gathering up behind it and knew it was only a matter of time before it began spilling out. Next she sat on the bed and locked one pair of cuffs around her ankles, once more caressing the leather before she took the wand and the duct tape. The wand could be plugged in or powered by batteries, she decided to let it run off its batteries before pressing the head against her cunt and wrapping the duct tape around it and her thigh, keeping it in place. Ali found herself becoming even more wet at the prospect of how much it would hurt to remove the tape. Sliding to the floor and onto her knees Ali reached up and grabbed the first pair of cuffs. Locking them around one wrist she took the rubber band and slid it through the keys ring before wrapping the band around the cuff chain and slipping the key through it so that it hung down from the chain by the rubber band, that way she could grab it easily if she needed to get out.

It would have been clear to a casual observer that Ali was not thinking everything through, her mind racing at the possibility of finally trying this and not thinking much beyond that. She barely hesitated as she took each device in her hands. If she paused at all it was more to feel the material against her skin. Had Ali been thinking beyond her base desires she might have wondered at how quickly, at least to her, that she had fallen into this world. But that didn't matter to her, she needed it now. She wanted it more than anything and that drove her on.

Her mind whirled at each new sensation as it brought more moans and sighs from her body. The rush she felt was intoxicating, but...there was something missing...something she couldn't quite place her fingers on. The new toys felt good against her body and there was a pleasant warmth in her core as it dawned more and more on her with each passing second that she was actually doing this but still...something was missing and she couldn't think what it could be.

Finally Ali took the hood, this time pausing as she looked at it. Not out of fear of it, but contemplating, trying to figure out what more was needed. What more she could want from this, a dream that had been haunting her since she had first started down the road. She shook her head, trying to get out of her own mind, to quell those thoughts, right now it didn't matter, Ali had come too far to stop now, to pause and think out whatever it was. At long last, she slipped the hood over her head. It felt tight and a little claustrophobic as she felt it press against her face. And she loved it, the darkness, the solitude of it. Her hands once more fumbled with the straps that would tighten it, but this one she didn't lock on, it would be too hard to find the key to the lock on her bed by herself. Once it was on and she was sure that it wouldn't come free until she went to remove it, she put her own cuffed hand behind her while her free hand moved to the wand. She turned it on. There were only two settings, the clerk had called them “Intense” and “Holy Fucking Hell”. Ali went with the first setting and immediately curled in on herself as the vibrations hit her. Moaning loudly and twitching as her hooded face pressed against the floor Ali’s feet kicked against the ground. Still she struggled to enact the last step of her plan as she brought her other hand behind her back as she trembled and twitched as she managed to desperately lock her free hand into its own cuff. She was trapped now, until she had enough and took the key.
Part Five:

It was dark and stuffy in the mask, drool had started leaking out from behind the gag as Ali knelt on the floor, whimpering and twitching, the wand working its magic on her cunt. She moaned loudly and tried to move, feeling the duct tape pull at her leg causing a small flash of pain to shoot up to her cunt, mingling with the intense pleasure of the vibe, it caused her the gasp as she froze. Her pussy juices were running down her legs as her breathing quickened, already she could feel an orgasm growing, racing quickly toward her, the wand showed no mercy and she was soon pushed over the edge squealing and rolling onto her side as her whole body spasmed, once more the tape added just the right amount of pain so that almost as soon as she began coming down from her first orgasm, a second one hit.

Ali’s back arched in pleasure as she screamed again, her voice muffled by the gag and the hood. She felt, vaguely, the key to the cuffs slap against her hand as she went onto her side, but she didn't even consider taking it. The high she was feeling from the situation was too intense and she wasn't ready for it to end yet. Taking deep breaths she tried to calm herself, to pull away from that edge before she was dragged over once more before she was ready. Swallowing she could clearly feel the collar against her throat. Tight, restrictive, she loved it.

But there was still something missing, something just didn't feel completely whole and even as her body spasmed, a third orgasm building slowly in her Ali couldn't help but feel that it wasn't as satisfying as it could have been. Soon she began to struggle. This pulled on the tape, causing small flashes of pain but it also pulled the wand slightly away from her cunt, allowing her some reprieve and a bit of denial, it helped, in her mind she began to imagine that she was another woman’s captive that she had been left there to be tortured by her predicament until she gave the other woman what she wanted.

It was unclear what that was, but that didn't matter so much. Closing her eyes in the confining darkness of the hood Ali could almost hear the clack of heels against a stone floor, could almost feel it as the toe of the woman’s leather clad foot pressed against her cheek, lifting her head slightly. In her mind she heard the woman speak even as a hand grabbed her leg and forced the wand harder against her cunt causing her to squeal and buck. “Well slut, have you had enough, or must we keep going?”

Breathing rapidly through her nose Ali tried to speak, but a muffled. “Mph,” was all that came from between her lips. “More? Is that what you said.” She felt a hand trail across her leg to the vibe. She imagined the woman running her thumb along the knob that would turn it up to its higher setting, she tensed waiting almost in dread. Then the hand moved, running along her body, causing her to shiver. Ali began moving her legs, tring to take that pressure off her pussy when the voice snapped. “Keep your legs where they are cunt or you will be sorry.” Ali froze and pressed the vibe back against her pussy lips, whining loudly before the imagined hand caressed her cheek. “Good girl,” she heard through the hood. “So good in fact that I'm going to let you cum again.”

Once more she imagined the hand pushing the vibe harder against her, she felt it against her clit and squealed as she came again, feeling her juices squirt out as her whole body stiffened and bucked. Sucking air in through the mask harshly Ali rolled over onto her back, pinning her arms under her. She felt the key press into her palm but still felt no desire to use it. This had been so long in coming that she couldn't stop now, even as her pussy was beginning to ache. There was something that was still missing, something not being filled. She groaned, at a loss for what it could be. “Thats a good little pet,” The Mistress said as Ali felt the heel of the boot press into her soft nipple flesh. She squealed in protest but that just made the other woman grind into her breast harder.

Of course there was no one there, the pain wasn't real but the desire to feel it, to experience it combined with her lack of sight made it so easy to imagine. “A good slut doesnt only think about her pleasure though,” A hand gripped her cheeks hard and her head lifted a little. “And you, you naughty little cunt have been doing little else.”

“Ah orree,” Ali tried to speak through the mask and gag, once more it came out garbled as she lowered her head to the floor.

“Yes, you are. You’re a sorry, pathetic little slut who exists for one thing only.” In her mind she imagined this powerful woman sitting on her face, grinding against her as she spoke. “You exist to serve me.”

Ali groaned, feeling a fourth orgasm growing when she heard her phone go off. The young woman was snapped back to reality in a sudden, disappointing come down. “Fu!” she managed to curse through the coverings on her face. With effort she rolled onto her side and grappled with the key as “Hall of the Mountain King” continued to sound from her nightstand. Finally taking hold of the key and fumbling it into a lock she twisted it and got the cuff off one of her wrists, she let it dangle from her other hand before lifting them both and undoing the straps on the mask pulling it free.

Once the gag was out as well she turned off the vibe, noting the stain on her carpet from her juices and the stream running between her legs. The phone had stopped ringing by this point and as Ali walked gingerly and somewhat bowlegged over to it she looked down at the Caller ID. With a sigh she picked up the phone and hit call back as she sat on the bed, the vibe, now quiet pressing against her cunt still. After only two rings the person on the other line picked up. “Hi mom, sorry I didn't answer before, I was...tied up.”

Later after her conversation with her mother had ended Ali sat curled up in her computer chair, her legs tucked under her chin as she logged onto the BDSM website she had begun to frequent. She was still naked and still had the collar locked around her neck, not wanting to take it off. She hooked one finger through the D-Ring and gave it a small tug before clicking on the message bar and pulling up her ongoing conversation with the domme she had met. Good afternoon Mistress Kat, she typed in before sending it out.

Mistress Kats profile said she was online and it took her only a moment to respond back. Good afternoon pet, how is your day going?

Pausing for a long moment, biting her lower lip as she debated on telling this woman what had happened. It would be good maybe, after all she could maybe give Ali some insight on what the young woman had been feeling, the sense that, though she had enjoyed herself...something had been missing. I finally did it, I did a self bondage session. She hit enter and waited.

Thats great babe, the response came back. Tell me did you like it?

It was wonderful. I- I can't believe how much I've needed it without even realizing it! But... it was still like there was something missing. Ali watched and waited as the bubbles told me Kat was writing a response.

Of course there was something missing you silly girl. No one was holding your leash.

Frowning Ali thought about that for a moment before typing once more. What do you mean?

Darling you are a submissive, you need someone to control you, to take the lead and make you follow.

Ali thought about that, she wasn't sure if she was quite ready for that and said as much over their conversation. After all the whole reason she had done the self bondage was because she wasn't all that social. Another message popped up. Are you willing to try something with me?

Once more the petite redhead hesitated for a moment before typing. I guess...what do I need to do?

I assume you bought a collar?


Take a picture of it on your neck and post it to your profile. Just the collar and your neck, nothing more.

The young woman froze, her finger slipping through the ring again as her other arm wrapped tightly around her legs. Slowly she unwrapped it from around them and picked up her phone. Activating the camera feature she pointed it at her neck and removed her finger from the D-Ring. Snapping a quick picture she uploaded it to the site and placed it as her profile pic before she had the chance to think too much about it. With a sigh she messaged Mistress Kat. Its uploaded Mistress.

Purr ~ I do love it when you call me that. There was a pause before the next message. Very nice pet, that will do, for now, tell me, how did it feel to obey that order?

For now? Did Mistress Kat mean to have her do more? Ali wanted to ask, to type that. But her online Mistress beat her to it with her own question. One that made Ali pause. It was then she noticed that her free hand, the one that had not been typing had slipped between her legs and was rubbing softly against her soaked pussy lips. Letting out a moan she pulled her hand away. I...I liked it Mistress...a lot.

Did you touch yourself? Ali stopped, her hand hovering over the keyboard, wondering what to say, should she tell the truth. As though she could read her thoughts another message popped up. I do not tolerate lying pet.

Even through the screen Ali could hear the sharp tone in the older woman's voice and she typed quickly. Yes Mistress, I did.

Good girl, there is nothing wrong with that, you are aroused and want to feel good and you feel best when someone else is taking control, do you understand?

Yes Mistress I do.

The conversation went on for some time after that with Mistress Kat explaining more about submissive natures as well as dominant ones. It was a good conversation and was starting to help Ali understand where she fit in this new world she had discovered. Right before she signed off Mistress Kat sent her links to a few videos. Your next challenge pet, go buy some treated nylon rope and then follow the instructions on these videos. Do the ties exactly as shown and then go out and spend a day with them under your clothes. You can report back to me how it felt.

Ali felt her heart race as she looked at the titles for the videos: How to tie a simple breast harness and How to tie a crotch rope. Looking up to the messages she saw a new one from Mistress Kat. You have until the end of the week, am I understood?

Swallowing Ali nodded before she remembered that Kat couldn't see her and she typed in. Yes Mistress.

Good girl, have a good night my pet.

Good night Mistress. Then the older woman signed off, leaving Ali very much alone with her thoughts. Her heart was racing as she thought about what she had just been ordered to do and she began grinning broadly at the thought as she felt her pussy getting wet again, slowly she reached a hand between her legs and started rubbing along the hot, wet slit.
Part Six:

Ali slept very well that night, having all sorts of pleasantly naughty dreams. She didn’t know what Kat looked like, but she knew the figure who appeared in her dream was her. She was a tall figure whose face was hard for her to really focus on but whose hair draped down from her head in tangles that caught at Ali, pleasantly at first, like a gentle embrace. Then as it fell on her shoulders, her arms, her legs and her stomach they started tightening around her, constricting her. She saw her Mistress smile, “Ready for more, pet?” She whispered as the pressure rushed through her as warmth that started burning through her. When she shot up from the bed she felt like she’d been touching herself, though she didn’t seem to have been. Her hand soon saw to it though. She closed her eyes, trying to keep the image vivid in her mind and found herself cumming in record time as the dream had already done most of the work.

Her eyes glanced at the alarm clock to tell her it was six am. Early enough that she’d feel terrible later if she didn’t get much sleep, but… she figured she wasn’t going to get much more sleep anyway. Swinging her legs out from the bed and into a pair of slippers she found her way to the computer, a part of her wishing desperately to see Kat online, which of course she wasn’t. The last messages she’d sent were a series of instructional videos, with almost a full review written for each. Mistress Kat had to be intimately familiar with these videos herself, it had everything but a star rating from the older domme. Ali took a deep breath, realizing she’d been holding it since the moment she made her way to the computer. She clicked the links and started going through them. She watched each one once, getting a sense for the style and technique. Then she went back to the first video, skipped the intro and went through it again, doing the same with the second video pausing and paying attention to how the ties looked, wanting to make sure she would do it right.

Truthfully, Ali was a bit nervous, she felt she would like shibari but she was unsure of her own skills for it and so she wanted to go over the videos with a fine toothed comb. Once she finally finished and looked up she realized it was already almost ten. The adult store would be opening soon and she needed to get that rope as soon as possible to follow Mistress Kat’s instructions. It didn't even occur to her that only a month ago she had told the woman she wasn't looking for any sort of long distance relationship, and now she was following the woman’s every order to a “T”.

Getting up from the computer chair she kicked off her slippers and slipped out of her bathrobe, walking naked to her bathroom and jumping in the shower. Stepping under the nice hot water Ali let out a soft sigh, her eyes fluttering closed as she felt the water run down her nude body. Her cunt felt hot from the use she had put it through both yesterday and just that morning, there was a pleasant ache emanating from it and her hand slid down to it again, rubbing it gently. Not looking to start anything but not opposing if something should happen. She felt the water mingle with her juices, not allowing her hand to grow sticky. Idly, without really thinking Ali brought her hand up to her mouth and slowly sucked a finger into her mouth, tasting herself for the first time. A soft hum of pleasure escaped her lips. It tasted….she wasn't quite sure. The closest she could describe was maybe...salted caramel, but she wasn't sure that taste fully described it, but it was the closest she could come.

One by one she placed each finger into her mouth, swirling her tongue around each digit, slurping and sucking as much of the juices off as she could. Ali didn't cum again while she was in the shower. Stepping out of the shower she took a towel to wrap up her hair and another towel to wrap around her body. She padded back into her room, drying off her body as she went, knowing Mistress Kat would want to check in with her soon to make sure her instructions were being followed. Walking back to her computer she saw that there was indeed a message from the woman. Pet have you followed my instructions?

Reaching out the young woman typed her response. Not yet Mistress Kat, the store just opened and I need to get dressed before heading out.

Remember pet, no bra or underwear.

Yes Mistress.

And I want you to wear a very short, billowy skirt as well as a tight button up shirt.

Ali could feel her heart thumping in her chest as she read the last part. She had known she would not be able to wear underwear but thought maybe she could get away with jeans and a loose shirt that would make it harder to see what would be going on but it seemed Kat had other plans for her. Swallowing hard she typed out. Yes Mistress Kat.

Purr~ Good girl, now get dressed and get going, your instructions were to wear the harness and rope all day.

Ali made her goodbyes and signed out before quickly getting dressed as Mistress Kat had instructed, putting on a short black skirt that didn't even reach mid thigh and billowed and swirled around her, Ali knew that an errant breeze would kick it up. She bit her lip sensually as she imagined it, feeling her nether-regions grow increasingly warm. Next she put a dark green button up shirt on. Her breasts were not large, fitting perfectly with her petite frame, even still they almost seemed to make the fabric of the shirt stretch around them.

Once dressed Ali exited the apartment and walked to her car, one hand on the skirt hoping the wind wouldn't blow it up. The adult toy shop she went to wasn't far, only a ten minute drive from her home and traffic was light so she got there in what felt like no time. Parking her car she got out and paused at the entrance, taking a few deep breaths before opening the door and stepping inside.

A woman, taller than Ali by almost a foot looked up from behind the counter. Her eyes gave the young red head the once over, a sly smirk crossing her lips. It was obvious she was older than Ali, in her mid thirties at least, there was a sort of mature, almost matronly look about her though her body looked very good, curvy and much more buxom than Ali could ever hope to be. She wore her brunette hair up in a bun and her long sleeves shirt seemed to flow around her as she moved, the plunging neckline bringing immediate attention not just to her ample cleavage but to the necklace she sported, two cuffs locked around a feminine symbol. Of course Ali had seen her before but she had been in such a hurry those times she had never really stopped and...appreciated her. “Oh, its you again,” the clerk said with a smile. As she began moving out from around the counter she said. “Im Kim, by the way, I don't know that we’ve been actually introduced.”

She held out her hand to Ali, clearly expecting her own introduction and after a moment of awkward silence as Ali tried to grasp for words she asked. “So was the wand just as magical as I said it would be?”

Finally Ali found her voice. “ALI!” She almost screamed before clearing her throat and saying much more quietly. “I…I mean that's my name, its Ali and umm...yes the...the. It worked very well.”

Kim almost giggled at the outburst but managed to keep it at a knowing smile. She didn’t want to embarrass the girl further. Granted, she’d shown up wearing no underwear and seemed the type who would want to be humiliated. But Kim could tell that she was already close to her limit for embarrassment. Knowing that line, knowing when to cross it or push it, and importantly, when not to. That was Kim’s favorite part of the game. She met Ali’s eyes, the redhead’s pupils were darting all over, unable to hold contact with the older woman for too long. Kim gave her a soft, reassuring smile, “So, what can I help you with today?”

Ali’s voice left her again and she only nodded making a small sound in the affirmative. Licking her lips she said. “I...I need rope...the video’s said treated nylon rope...Do you have any?”

Kim’s smile broadened to reveal her white teeth behind the lipstick red lips. “Of course.” She stood and got out from behind the counter, taking Ali to a section filled with different types and lengths of rope. “So, are we planning to do the tying ourselves?” She asked with playfully teasing eyes, taking down a length of rope, tied in a sailor’s knot and started slowly unraveling it. It was so black it was almost hard to make out the detail of the rope.

The young red heads eyes locked onto the rope as Kim took it down, a cheshire grin on her face and Ali felt herself take a small step back. She nodded her head at the question. “I want to...I mean...I havent really before but...y-yeah, I want to be t-tied up...” she trailed off continuing to look at the rope, an almost longing lust filled look in her eyes. “I- I was gonna try to do it myself.” A tiny smile slipped on her lips, as if asking approval from the experienced woman. Needing someone to tell her that she could.

“Oh?” The teasing tone was becoming more overt as she slid the rope between her hands. “If you’d like, I can give you a few pointers?” Having unravelled it, she stretched out the rope showing its strength. “It’s quiet right now, and I think it’s in my best interest to make sure you have the most pleasant experience you can. Wouldn’t you say?” Whatever facade of professionalism Kim had adopted was quickly washing away to reveal a sadistic desire in her eyes. “Besides. Playing with a cutie like you… It would be such a treat.”

Ali felt her back press up against a rack as Kim moved closer toward her, keeping Ali’s eyes on her, drawing her in. Reaching up Ali tugged nervously at her frizzy mane of hair. She was breathing hard now, her pupils dilated with arousal as the older woman came close enough that she could feel the woman’s breath against her skin. Ali saw Kim lift her arms and felt the rope drape behind her neck and across her shoulders. There was a sharp tug and she was pulled scrambling forward into Kim’s arms. The taller, dominant woman pressed her forehead against Ali’s. The redhead felt their noses touch and saw Kim’s eyes finding hers, so close she could practically feel her eyelashes against her own. “So, tell me. What do you really want?” Kim asked playfully, moving her lips slightly closer.

Ali realized what she was doing. Giving her a chance to say no, to back away. Follow that tiny voice in the back of her head that said she should run for the hills. A shuttering breath went through her as she pressed her lips forward the last few inches and kissed Kim softly. She broke the kiss quickly, looking up at her with barely contained desperation. “I- I want everything you can give me.” She whispered.

The older woman pressed her lips to Ali’s and the young girl was lost in the passion of it. She was unaware of how long they stayed in that kiss, but eventually Kim broke it and Ali was left clinging to her, her legs shaking weakly. “Oh you are going to be so much fun,” Kim said, a small laugh escaping her.

Ali’s breath shook as the soft lips of the older woman began pressing against her skin again. “I want you-” the woman said between kisses. “To strip, right now,” she finished by nibbling on Ali’s ear causing the girl to moan loudly.

“S-someone might come in,” She said quietly, trying to turn toward the door.

Kim caressed her cheek. “You’re right.” Her smile grew almost wicked. “Someone might come in, see you acting like a cheap slut for a woman you don’t know at all.” The woman’s hand moved down Ali’s cheek to her neck, brushing against her sensitive skin. “If someone comes in I might have to show you off. Let them play with you too.” She chuckled as an image flashed through her mind, “Perhaps you can be a permanent feature?” She said jokingly. Her eyes became more serious, almost sympathetic, “Or you can walk away. It’s okay, I won’t be mad. Maybe we can pick this up again more privately another time.” She brushed her thumb gently against her cheek. Kim leaned closer to whisper her seductive words directly into Ali’s ear. “But I don’t think you want that.” Ali shivered as the hot breath coated her ear which had to be glowing red at this point. “You want to experience this world. Want others to see you as you take your first steps. You want to be brave for once, and let yourself do what you really want. Don’t you?”

Ali gave a quick nod of her head. “Yes Miss,” she responded quietly.

“I see no collar on you and this is my shop, you call me Mistress in here.”

“Yes Mistress.” That wonderful heat was spreading out from her cunt again as Ali, hands trembling as she slipped off her skirt and let it fall to the floor.

“My, my, no underwear, you certainly are a naughty little bitch, well no matter I know how to deal with nasty little girls like you. The top too, take it off.”

A small whimper escaped Ali’s throat but she did as she was told, pulling the top off over her head. “Very nice,” Kim said as she circled to young woman. “You say you watched videos?” She asked as she looked over the petite young woman. Ali nodded. “Very well pet what videos were they for?”

Ali opened her mouth. “A...A b-breast harness and a c-c-crotch rope,” she stammered out.

“Well you’re in luck slut, I can show you how to tie those better than any video can.” Taking the first length of rope Kim stepped up behind Ali and began wrapping it in a manner similar to what Ali had seen on the video except as she went she talked Ali through it all while using Ali as the model and it actually did make more sense. Soon the breast rope was tied off, leaving Ali’s tits nice and swollen and super sensitive.

Next came the crotch rope. Kim was extra cruel, putting three knots into it that rubbed against Ali’s clit and dug against her cunt and asshole. Kim pulled it tight causing Ali to squeal as the knots burrowed against her skin. “Not quite done I think, if you're walking away with that rope we need just a bit more payment from you.” Ali’s arms were jerked behind her back, folded at the elbows and another rope tied them tightly together. Pulling harshly on Ali’s hair the clerk got the young red-head to scream, opening her mouth a ring gag slipped in and was buckled on tightly.

“Lovely, just lovely,” Kim said with a mischievous smile as she stroked Ali’s cheek. Pressing down on the young woman’s shoulders she indicated Ali was to kneel. Doing so another rope was wrapped loosely around Ali’s neck and she was pulled in a shuffling crawl behind the counter. Sitting on a barstool Kim gripped Ali’s cheeks and tilted her head up. “Here's the deal little one. You are going to eat me out, you will not be released until you make me cum, but once you do I will allow you to walk out with everything on your body.”

Patting Ali’s cheek rather roughly Kim reached up for the last little bit of bling and clamped Ali’s nipples making the young girl cry out once more, drool was already falling from her mouth onto her breasts and abdomen. “Get to work.” Kim whispered as she pulled Ali into her waiting cunt.

It felt claustrophobic. The desk around her blocked her off on all sides as she was pulled against Kim. The world disappeared, no real light managing to come down to her, making her perception only the feel of the hairs against her lips and nose, the smell of excitement, sweet and almost acidic, burning in her nostrils. Ali hadn’t really done this before, but she’d imagined it a million times. She closed her eyes, trying to concentrate fully on her task. Her tongue slipped out to meet the soft folds, diving into her as the taste washed over her. It was surprisingly subtle, in spite of the heavy scent. But the slightly salty, slightly sweet taste was in no way unpleasant and she found herself pressing her mouth against the slit, trying to drown herself in the lewd act.

Kim’s hand stayed against the side of her head, wrapping into her tangled hair. Her thumb brushing at her brow. The domme soon started filling Ali’s ears with soft, encouraging gasps. Far too soon, though, she pushed Ali’s face away. Ali looked up in confusion and shrank as she saw the bit of disappointment in the woman’s face. “New to pleasuring women?” She raised an eyebrow at her.

Ali shrank further, feeling like a child being caught in an embarrassing lie. She nodded, “I- N- new to pleasuring anyone… really. I’m sorry, I-”

Kim grabbed her hair to make her shut up and instead looked at her with a gentle smile. “It’s okay. Just follow along.” She pulled Ali by her hair back against the waiting cunt, though this time the Mistress gave her light instructions as she went. She used the grip on her hair to steer her, tell her when to push harder, when to pull away, where she wanted her to go. “Flick my clit with your tongue, wrap it around my love button. Don't just focus all your attention on my folds, you’re barely breaking the surface there. Push into me, don't be afraid, I want you to tongue fuck me, slut.”

The day wore on and Kim kept up a slow pace, more instructing Ali than actually expecting the girl to succeed in making her cum, the few times Ali had tried to move faster, to do just that she felt the grip in her hair tighten until she slowed down. Over the course of a few hours a number of customers came in. This would cause Kim to have to get up to help them, pulling her wet pussy away from the eager sub and drawing out the process. Still she did her own part to torment the young woman under her counter, adding more weights to the clamps everytime she had to leave, this caused small squeaks and whimpers of discomfort, noises Ali tried to keep quiet at first.

Of course it was only a matter of time before Ali’s became noticed, after all her clothes had been left in a heap on the floor. The first person to spot them picked them up, asking Kim if maybe someone had dropped them there instead of putting them back on a rack.

“Oh no,” Kim said with a slight laugh. “Actually they belong to a young slut that I currently have tied up under my counter. Would you like to see her?”

Ali heard a sound in the affirmative and soon a dark skinned woman joined Kim in looking down at her. “Ooh, she is lovely,” the other woman said, her eyes traveling up and down Ali’s body before she knelt next to the red head. Reaching out a hand she stroked Ali’s face. “How did you ever get so lucky Kim.”

“Its because my heart is pure,” Kim responded with a wink. Turning to Ali she said, a tone of impatience in her voice. “Well? Introduce yourself, slut. Tell her what you’re doing.”

Licking her lips Ali looked up at the dark skinned woman. “Um...I-Im Ali. I was...I mean….Mistress Kim teaching me…”

The other woman crouched down next to her. “Teaching you what?” She asked with a mischievous smile.

Ali’s face turned bright red. “How pleasure a woman.” The customer leaned forward and ran a hand along the rope that was biting into Ali’s crotch, the young woman moaned at the contact, squirming as the other woman pulled her hand away. “She’s fucking soaked, oh please let me play with her for a bit Kim.”

A shudder ran down Ali’s spine at the pleasure the touch had caused, lust filled her eyes and she looked up to see Kim thinking over the request. “Very well Claire, but no penetration, she's new and did not agree to it.” Crouching down herself she took the crotch rope and gave it a sharp tug, causing Ali to squeal. “Besides, I want her kept on edge.”

So Ali was passed to Claire. She gagged the girl to keep her squeals a little more quiet as she played with the young sub, toying with her body, causing both pain and pleasure, making a veritable fountain between Ali’s legs but the poor girl was never allowed release. After near twenty minutes Claire stood, but not before shoving a handful of bills through the rope wrapped around Ali’s waist. “For your trouble,” she said to Kim. “And thank you, I wouldn't mind seeing her become a permanent fixture around here.”

Then she was gone and Kim sat back down, hiking up her own skirt as she slipped the gag out of Ali’s mouth so that it hung around her neck. “Now then, shall we continue little one?” And so it went for the next few hours. Ali would service Kim until a customer would come in and the shop owner had to get up to help. Sometimes the customer came and went without ever knowing Ali was there. Other times they spotted the clothes and the same thing that happened with Claire happened again, always they left some money tucked into the crotch rope.

After a while Ali’s jaw was aching but she did seem to be getting better, Kim had stopped giving her instructions and was actively moaning. Ali pressed her advantage and this time Kim did not stop her. Instead her moans became more encouraging and she hissed out a single word. “Yesssss!” Within ten minutes Ali was rewarded with the tangy taste of Kim’s juices as she came. Ali tried to swallow it all but Kim’s nectar spilled down her chin and onto the rest of her body.

Kim was gripping the counter, breathing heavily for several minutes, gripping the counter hard. “Very...very good slut, you will make some domme very happy in the future.” She smiled down as Ali and caught a confused look in the girls eyes, confused and...hurt. Stroking Ali’s sweaty hair she said. “Sorry baby girl, I'm not looking to take on any subs, but I'm more than happy to play with you whenever you want.”

Then she released Ali’s arms, taking the money from the rope and depositing it in her cash register as she ordered her to keep the nipple clamps on until she returned home. Ali got dressed quickly and left, a dark bag under her arms with the gag Claire had used on her as well as a few other toys Kim had said she earned deposited in it as she returned home to report her experience to Mistress Kat. As she left, got into her car and drove home she pondered on the experience. It hadn't been something she had been expecting. But she found that the experience had been one that she had enjoyed and she found herself wanting more. Her cunt was burning with need and as she sat down she gasped as the knot rubbed against her clit. With a shudder she resolved to take care of that growing need once she got home.
Part Seven:

"Hello pet, I've been dying to meet you." Ali's heart leapt into her throat hearing that voice. Seeing the woman in front of her made her knees tremble. It was not like in her dreams and fantasies. Mistress Kat had not come to the door in some sort of erotic leather outfit. She honestly looked more like a strict librarian. The woman was older than Ali, though not out of her thirties. She was tall, or at least taller than Ali, the young woman had to look up to look at Mistress Kat's face. The older woman's blonde hair was tied up in a bun and she wore a grey skirt and jacket over a white button up blouse.

She smiled and Ali could see a row of straight white teeth. "Well? Dont you have something to say my pet, its rude to just stand and stare. Do I need to spank you right out here in the hallway?"

Ali let out a small whimper before she said, her voice barely over a whisper. "Ive been dying to meet you too, Mistress." She licked her lips, before biting the lower one as she felt the gaze of the taller woman look her over. Then the woman smiled.

"You understand what you are here for, correct?"

"Y-Yes Mistress."

"Good, now strip."

The bluntness along with the request turned Ali's face red and she looked back toward the elevator, this was the only room on this floor but still what if someone came up. "B-But-"

She was cut off by a sharp look from the older woman. "While you are here you will do what I say, when I say, you will follow all of my rules and one of my rules is you are not allowed to wear clothing in here, unless I give it to you, now strip so that I can see all of you."

Ali hesitated only for a moment longer before she let go of her suitcase handle. She was wearing only a light yellow sundress and a pair of slip on sandals, she quickly put her purse on top of her suitcase as she slid out of her sandals. Reaching down she pulled the dress up and over her head, revealing the rope harness still wrapped around her naked body and her bald, drooling cunt.

Clumsily she folded up her dress and put it on the suitcase. She felt Kat's eyes once more roving over her body. This time the woman is smiling. Ali's eyes flicked to hers as she saw the older woman looking down at her pussy. "My, my, you are a needy slut arent you."

The statement and the note of lust in Kat's voice caused Ali to shiver as she replied. "Yes Mistress."

The woman drew close to her, looming over her, she felt soft lips brush against her ear. "And whose slut are you."

"Yours..." It came out a mumble.

"Im sorry, what was that, speak up slut."

"Im your needy slut Mistress Kat." Ali said louder, her blush now traveling all the way down to her shoulders.

"Mmmm, yes you are." The woman grabbed Ali's things, bending down to pick up the sandals. "Inside slut." Ali moved quickly, desperate to get out of the hallway but as she passed into the penthouse she hesitated and looking back. "Oh dont worry, you'll get more time out there before we are done."

Kat passed into the penthouse as well and dropped Ali's stuff by the door before shutting it. Then she took Ali's hand and led her inside. The penthouse was huge and Ali's eyes went everywhere trying to see it all, but then she was sat on the couch and once more Mistress Kat commanded her attention.

"We need to go over some rules my pet."


"Yes, they will be instrumental in going forward. They are there to protect you and keep you safe. I know I promised I would have my way with you and I will but it all needs to be consensual, I would not dream of doing something that you dont feel comfortable with so we will start out with your limits."

Ali had read about limits before, she and Kat had even talked about them in the past but had never really done much with them as everything had been online. "" Ali thought hard, she was honestly not quite sure.

"Would you mind if I shared you with other Dommes?"

At first Ali was going to say no, but she hesitated, thinking back to the woman in the sex shop. "N-No Mistress, I dont mind." It was out of her mouth before she realized what she had said.

Kat nodded and made a not on a pad of paper by her side. "What about with men?"

Even faster Ali responded. "No, please, no men."

Another nod and on it went with Ali giving a yes or no to things she was willing to do and was not willing to do, there were more yeses than noes. Finally Kat nodded and picked up the pad. "No men, lactation, vore, scat, knife play..." She read it off like a grocery list but when she finished she looked up expectantly at Ali, the girl just nodded her head. "Excellent, its good to know where you draw the line from the beginning, that way we can avoid making unintentional mistakes that might drive you away. Now have you thought of a safeword to use?"
Part Eight:

The word sprang from Ali’s lips before she had even thought about it. “Citadel,” she said simply, looking up at the older woman who sat across from her. She watched as a small smile crossed Kat’s face.

“Interesting…a high walled, stone fortress that must be penetrated, what a deliciously insightful choice.”

Ali blushed at the compliment before she mumbled. “Actually its…its just a reference to my favorite game…” She felt a little silly that the older woman had in a few seconds put more meaning into her choice than she had.

Kat’s small smile broke into a wide grin and she started laughing, it was clear and almost bell like, but it wasnt derogatory. Ali knew that in the laughter Kat was not making fun of her. Wiping a tear from her eye Kat continued to grin at the younger woman. “Thats as good a reason as any to chose it for your safeword. You will always remember it at least.”

Seeing the blush creeping across Ali’s face and beginning to trail down her neck and shoulders to her chest Kat leaned forward and with a finger tilted Ali’s chin up, so that the young woman was looking her in the eyes. “There is no need to feel shame in your choice little one and no need to be embarrassed for the reason you chose it. Reasons and words vary as much as there are people who participate in BDSM.” She planted a soft kiss on Ali’s forehead before sitting back. “Citadel it is.”

Kat’s words made Ali feel a little better about her choice though the blush remained for a few minutes before leeching away. “So my pet, we have spoken extensively online about your fascination with BDSM and what draws you to it. But what would you expect if we were to move forward with this. I expressed a desire to collar you and make you mine, but what about you? Your feelings are just as important as all of this.”

The question took Ali off guard for a moment and caused her to pause. She had thought that by agreeing to meet Mistress Kat would have taken it for granted that she wanted to be collared and owned by the older woman but obviously Kat wanted that validation or something else from Ali’s own lips on the subject. “I…I think I would want to be yours Mistress.”

“But do you know what that means? What it would entail?”

“Well…I would be your submissive, you could do what you wanted and I would obey and-”

“My pet, we can do that now, without me ever actually collaring you. I have been giving you orders online this whole time and you have not disobeyed, at least I am trusting that you have not.” Ali shook her head and a small smile crept back over Kat’s face. “My job provides me with a lot of money and surprisingly a lot of at home and travel time. Im…bored, chasing random girls and using them only for a night or two before never seeing them again. If I were to collar you, would you be willing to give up your life as it is. To be mine wholly and completely. To leave your home, your job, to travel with me and to be my submissive and my slave?”

Until that moment Ali really hadnt thought of being owned by Mistress Kat in those terms, not really. “Our home base would be here of course, and I would never bar you from seeking out friends and family to connect to or spend time to, but you would be my live in submissive and subject to all that entailed.”

To have it stated so bluntly really hit the notion home to Ali and she just sat there for a moment, thinking, not looking at the older woman, her eyes downcast toward the floor but not really seeing it. Kat sat there, waiting on pins and needles but not saying anything, allowing the girl enough time to absorb the information and make her decision. Of course even if Ali said yes now did not mean it would happen. They could be too incompatible in real life or maybe Ali would think that this really wasnt for her and want to back out. Whatever she chose Kat would respect the decision.

Ali looked up at Kat once more after what seemed like an eternity of waiting for the older woman. She had been searching for a compatible spirit for so long and Ali just seemed like a perfect fit. She seemed eager and willing, with a strong desire to experiment and an open mind to kink. “I…I still think I want to be yours Mistress, if…if that works out that is.” What felt like a tremendous amount of pressure released in her chest and she felt herself breathe again.

With a nod Kat said. “Very well, then let us consider this our trial period together.” Reaching over to a black box on the end table beside her Kat opened it up and pulled out a black leather collar. “This is your training collar, while you are here this never comes off unless I remove it. Am I understood.”

Ali nodded. “Yes Mistress.”

“Kneel slut.” The command came out firm and hard, making Ali jump a bit but she quickly got to her knees, slightly hunched over, looking down at the ground. Kat tsked as she stood, looming over the shorter girl. “We shall need to work on your positions it seems.” Wedging her foot between Ali’s knees she said. “Spread these wider, I want to see that delicious pink cunt. Her foot continued to apply pressure to Ali’s thighs until she was satisfied with their position. The tip of her heel rubbed against the rope, digging into Ali’s pussy, making the girl shudder and moan. “My, my you are a horny slut arent you.”

“Yes,” Ali gasped out, her body twitching.

“Im sorry, I didn't quite catch that.”

“Yes, M-Mistress.”

“Yes Mistress…what…?”
“Yes Mistress, I am a horny slut.” Ali’s face turned bright red but being forced to speak the words made her even more wet.

“Yes you are and we are going to find out how horny you really are. Hands on your thighs, palms up!” she barked suddenly. Waiting until Ali obeyed before she poked her hard in the back. “Straighten up girl, thrust out those pretty little breasts.” Biting her lower lip Ali did straighten up her eyes still looking at the ground. Kat pet her head. “Well at least this is in the proper position, you may not be completely hopeless after all.” she waited for a moment before saying. “Speak up little one, your Mistress just complimented you.”

“Thank you Mistress, for saying I have some potential.”

“You are welcome, but that is something else that will need to change, as of this moment you are my property and while wearing this collar you will no longer address yourself in the first person. You will refer to yourself as, this slut, this whore, this slave, anything along those lines is acceptable, understand?”

“Yes Mistress, I-this…this cunt understands.”

Ali felt the older woman’s hand on her head. The long fingers running through her hair, stroking her head before she scratched Ali behind the ear. “Thats my good girl. Lift your hair for your Mistress slut.”

Ali flushed with pride at being called a good girl. The ear scratch filling her with joy. At the command she hastened to obey. “Yes Mistress. Raising her hands from her thighs Ali pushed her hair up, exposing her neck. She saw as the black leather was brought down in front of her eyes and felt as it pressed against her neck and gasped as it was pulled snuggly against her throat. The click of a lock filled the silence after it was buckled on. Mistress Kat’s hand appeared and a finger hooked through the metal o-ring in the center, pulling on it. “Lovely.” Ali could hear the grin in her voice as her new Mistress hooked a leash on it.
Part Nine:

Georgette sat lounging in the lobby of the resort, an erotic novel in her hands and a small grin on her face. Ali was her closest friend and it had been worrying to see her seem to retreat further and further into herself. Several times over the year Georgette had tried to set Ali up but it had never really worked out. If her friend had truly found someone than it was good enough for her. Still she would wait here just in case until she heard otherwise.

It was at that moment that her phone chirped with a new message, placing a finger in her book she picked up her phone and saw it was from Ali's phone. "Georgie, everything is alright, I've met her and she seems nice. I'll be spending the week with her and will text you back then. Thank you so much for always being there for me."

Relaxing slightly, Georgette began to type out a message herself. There was no doubt to her that it was Ali, only she ever called her, Georgie. "Have fun cutie, I can't wait to hear from you, we can go out to dinner and you can tell me all about it." She paused for a moment and said. "Tell your friend that she better take care of you or I will rain down hell on her." She sent the message and then began preparing to leave. She would trust her friend but if she didn't hear from her after seven days nothing would keep this woman Ali had let into her life safe.

Kat read the message on the phone and grinned. "Your friend seems to think very highly of you, I would deerly love to meet her one day. She turned the phone so that Ali could read the messages on it. "Did I send the message to your satisfaction, my pet?"

Ali still knelt on the floor but a ring gag had been forced into her mouth and drool was currently running down her chin and dripping onto her breasts. Her hands were bound together behind her back and held in a strappado position behind her. It was straining Ali's shoulders and hurt a bit but she found she actually liked that, the pain…it made things feel even better. She nodded her head at Kat's question. "Esh Ishresh," she tried to speak around the gag but it came out a slurred, barely intelligible mess.

"Good, then lets put this away for now," Kat said, placing the phone on the marble counter of the bathroom. Ali was currently kneeling in the large shower looking up at the blonde towering over her. "I had meant to take it slow on you today, but life really is too short to take things that slow. That being said I have no desire to break my new toy, so I will attempt to be more gentle with you. Are you ok with that?"

Once more Ali nodded her head and Kat grinned, stoking her hair. "Thats my good girl," that phrase sent a wave of pleasure flooding through Ali. "Just remember if it gets too intense just use your safeword." Kat waited for another nod. Her grin widened as her hand moved from the top of Ali's head to her cheek. She stroked it before slapping it lightly. Ali gasped at the impact, though it didn't really hurt.

From the countertop Kat drew a long thin strop of leather and wove it into Ali's hair, tying it off tight. Taking the other end she jerked it down hard, causing Ali to cry out, before moaning loudly, more drool spilling from her mouth as her tongue pushed on the ring in her mouth. Kat tied the other end of the leather to the rope wrapped around Ali's wrists. "No keep your head up pet or it will start pulling on your arms painfully, she cautioned as she stepped back looking over her work. There was more she wanted to do, more she planned to do to her new slave but this would do for now. Stepping forward she positioned her pussy over Ali's mouth and without warning a stream of hot golden liquid squirted from her pussy, splashing onto Ali's face and down her throat.

Ali's first instinct was to pull away in shock but she wasnt able to without pulling painfully on her hair and arms. She choked and piss spilled from her mouth to slide down her breasts and abdomen with her drool. "Swallow it." Mistress Kat said, her voice hard as her fingers spread her pussy wide. "Swallow what I give you whore or you won't taste my pussy."

Ali fought to relax and slowly she began trying to swallow the stream as it hit her mouth. It was salty and bitter but…her cunt was still so wet and not just from the rope still around her waist and between her legs. The humiliation of this act was turning her on and she wanted so badly to cum. She began squirming as the stream lessened and then was gone. Ali was left covered in the piss of her Mistress as she swallowed the last of it. "Good girl, you will need to get used to the taste, I plan on using you as my personal toilet while we are together…well? Are you going to thank your Mistress for the privilege?"

Ali nodded, once more pulling on her hair and arms. "An ou isresh."


The ring gag didn't stop all speech but it made it very difficult none-the-less. "Or uin ish ore ash our oile." She hoped Kat would understand and she looked up at the tall blonde her eyes wide and pleading.

Kat smiled as she moved closer. "And a very good toilet you are." She pressed her pussy against Ali's face. "But your job is only part done, now slut, you will use your tongue to clean me. Do a good job and I may decide to reward you."

It was hard with the gag in her mouth, it made it so Ali's only real tool was her tongue, still she used it to the best of her abilities, licking along Kat's folds until any taste of piss had been removed then she did her best to worm her way into the wet heat of Kat's pussy, tasting the woman truly for the fist time, a subtly salty taste, it was far different than her own but she found herself pushing her nose against Kat's pelvis trying to bury herself deeper into the wet folds. "Mmmm, yes slut, like that. Take care of your Mistresses pussy. Get deep into me."

Looking up she saw Mistress Kat's head thrown back and a large grin on her face as she began to grind against Ali's face, smearing her juices across Ali's face, but before Ali could bring her all the way to the edge Kat pulled herself away, panting heavily. "Very…Very good…pet." She ran her hand softly along Ali's cheek. "Would you like your reward now."

Ali nodded a pleading look in her eyes. "Esh!" She whined loudly, squirming on her knees, the rope digging into her.

"And what is it that my slut wants?" Kat asked as she leaned down and undid the ring gag.

Ali gasped as the gag was removed before stretching her jaw. Looking up at the older woman she said. "Fuck me please. Let me cum, make me yours!"
Part Ten:

Ali’s outburst cause Kat to raise her eyebrows slightly in surprise, but that quickly faded as a smile started to form on the older woman’s lips. This young woman may be exactly what she was looking for and if everything went according to plan there was no way she would be turning down the job offer here. A willing and pliable slave girl, something Kat had wanted for a while was just waiting there, kneeling in front of her and Kat would have to be an idiot not to take this offered gift.

“Very well slut,” Kat finally said, looking down at the desperate pleading eyes of her new play toy. “Your Mistress is pleased with your service, proud of you accepting what she gave you.” She reached down and stroked Ali’s piss drenched chin. So now I will give you exactly what you desire.” With that she undid the rope holding Ali’s arms in the strappado to the shower faucet, but she didn't undo it from the other ropes that bound the girls arms tightly behind her.

Bending down Kat helped Ali to her feet, knowing the girl probably didn't have much experience standing while still bound, all in good time though. Taking hold of the rope dangling behind the girl she led her out of the bathroom and into the large living room, over toward an empty luggage trolly. She grinned wickedly as the young girl looked up at her in confusion as they stopped in front of it. “Well don't be shy slut, step on up.”

Ali’s confusion only grew as she placed a foot on the trolly. It was awkward clambering up onto it without the use of her arms for balance but KAt was patient with her and steadied her even as she steadied the cart, in a few short second she stood on it as Kat braked the wheels. Then she took the rope in her hand and looped it through the top of the trolly pulling hard and causing Ali’s arms to jerk up once more in another painful strappado that caused her to squeal. She quickly tied it off before moving over to a large suitcase. Pulling out three more lengths of rope she moved to Ali’s front, looping the rope through Ali’s collar ring and tying it to the bottom of the trolly, further putting strain on the young woman. Then she moved behind Ali and the girl could feel her tying the rope to her ankles before pulling them apart until they touched the metal of the trolly and soon they too were knotted.

Ali knew all her holes were now on display and spread for her Mistress. She couldn't move but she heard the clack of Kat’s heels as she walked away again, leaving Ali straining in the ropes. She wasnt gone long though, the sound of her heels signaling her coming toward Ali. When she appeared in Ali’s sightline she was wearing a decently sized, ribbed strap on, in her hands was a leather hood. Kat caught Ali staring at it. “I see your somewhat familiar with this device.” She held it up, there were no eyeholes in it and it seemed fairly similar to the one Ali owned.

Moving closer Kat began to pull the hood over Ali’s face. “Don't worry my pet, I promise you a time you will never forget.” After those words the hood blocked out Ali’s sight and soon it was pulled all the way down. She felt pressure on the side of her head for a second until something cylindrical slid into her ears and she could no longer hear, so it wasnt exactly the same. Then something was being thrust into her mouth. It was the strap on. She stood there, blind deaf and bound as Kat took hold of her head and thrust the strap on it hard, causing her to gag and her body to spasm. Quickly the dildo was removed but just as quickly it was thrust back in and soon Kat was skull fucking her causing all sorts of obscene noises to escape Ali’s throat as more drool spilled onto the floor from her mouth.

“Thats right bitch, get your Mistress’s cock nice and wet,” Kat almost growled as she thrust the dildo in hard and held it there watching Ali’s body jerk and spasm, hearing the girl choking. She pulled out all the way, a flood of drool spilling out as the cock came free.

Ali took in a gasping breath as the dick was finally pulled from her mouth, her whole body spasmed as her tongue lolled out, resting on her lower lips. There was a long period where nothing else happened, was her Mistress giving her a break? Did she think Ali couldn't handle it. She had never wanted to prove someone so wrong before.

After standing there waiting for what felt like an eternity Ali felt a hand rest on her hooded face, once more the tip of a plastic cock poked at her mouth. Taking a deep breath Ali braced herself, ready for Kat to skull fuck her again, instead she screamed as a strap on pushed hard into her cunt. Her scream was cut off when the other dildo pushed itself into her mouth. What was going on?!

Ali tried to let out a gargled questioning moan as the dildo slid back and forth past her teeth and to the back of her throat, each time it caused her body to stiffen as she gagged. She felt a hard slap on her ass and she cried out. It took a moment for the two stap ons to find a rhythm but eventually they did one slamming in as the other slid out and back and forth. At first Ali had panicked, not having expected two people, but as they continued to use her body she began to grow more aroused, soon she was moaning loudly as she was fucked from both ends.

Just as Alki was on the verge of an orgasm both dildos pulled out of her, she let out a desperate keening sound and thrashed in her bonds as much as they would allow until the dildo in front of her slapped her on her hooded cheek. Thats when the dildo behind her returned, but this time it began pressing at her ass. Ali squealed, her whole body tensing, this time it wasnt a dildo, but a hand that slapped her across the face, it stunned her momentarily and the dildo was able to push a bit into her ass, until she clenched again.

Once more she felt the dildo being shoved into her mouth causing her to jerk as she choked and the strap on behind her slid further in, it was so slick with her pussy juices and it was now buried deep enough that it slid all the way inside her and she felt a pair of hips up against her ass. Slowly it was pulled out and Ali almost choked at the pleasure that engulfed her. It stung, but that pain turned to pleasure as well. It was slow the dildo being pulled out to almost the tip before it was pushed back inside her, over and over it happened, each time easier, each time fasted, the strap on in her mouth stayed firmly lodged there.

Each thrust brought a new wave of pleasure, more grunts and more moans from the young new slave girl. Her whole body trembled as she was ass fucked and the pleasure flooded her body and surged in at her pussy until finally in overflowed and with a cry she finally came, her pussy juices squirting out and across the trolly. Her legs gave out and the only thing holding her up were the two fake phalluses and the hands of the two people using her body.

The dildos slid from her body but the hands behind her continued to hold her up. Her pussy was twitching and her clit throbbed as she felt a strap on line up with it again before pushing hard into it, she grunted as this new dildo fucked her hard. Drool spilled from her mouth to patter to the floor. A finger began probing at her back door before it was pushed it. Her breath caught in her throat as her back arched in pleasure. Her ass was slowly finger fucked while the strap on railed her pussy. Then another finger was added and a third.

Another orgasm was fast approaching as Ali continued to moan and squeal. Her whole body felt boneless as the two people, one had to be her Mistress continued to make her body theirs. A hand wrapped itself in her hair and jerked back, forcing her head up. The pain in her scalp combined with the pleasure surging through her was enough to send her spiraling over the edge again as she came for a second time.

Stars exploded in front of her eyes as she tried to keep her senses but she felt like she was floating, her mind separated from her body as she was overcome with feelings and sensations she hadnt known possible. Once more she went limp, once more hands held her up, wrapped tightly around her. In her haze Ali felt fingers tugging at the hood covering her face. Slowly it was peeled away. Blinking at the bright light as the hood came free, wincing at the noises that now seemed so loud in her ears, Ali was greeted not by the face of her Mistress, but by a face she had not expected to see for some time.

“My, my, my, you do seem to find yourself in some perfectly scandalous and kinky situations don't you pet,” Kim, the adult store manager, said, a grin spreading across her face.
I look forward to reading it!

Writers love feedback right?
Ali is very likable character, as they all are in the story. Having read a bit of erotica myself, it starts out in a standard way but when Ali meets Kim it's good shift into a higher gear that hooked me in. It's character building with just enough to keep the reader involved so I wouldn't suggest changing anything.

When Ali meets with Kat, it's another good escalation which completes in a satisfying way. In other stories after the climax, the author has kinda blown their load on the good stuff. It either gets weird or down shifts. The even, increasing tension of the story is it's strength.

You need a transition at the beginning of part 7. (Who likes writing filler right?) The reader is like, did I miss something? *Scroll up and down* ok it's a scene jump.

Something like;
Ali was ready for the next step and arranged to meet Kat in person.

I look forward to reading it!

Writers love feedback right?
Ali is very likable character, as they all are in the story. Having read a bit of erotica myself, it starts out in a standard way but when Ali meets Kim it's good shift into a higher gear that hooked me in. It's character building with just enough to keep the reader involved so I wouldn't suggest changing anything.

When Ali meets with Kat, it's another good escalation which completes in a satisfying way. In other stories after the climax, the author has kinda blown their load on the good stuff. It either gets weird or down shifts. The even, increasing tension of the story is it's strength.

You need a transition at the beginning of part 7. (Who likes writing filler right?) The reader is like, did I miss something? *Scroll up and down* ok it's a scene jump.

Something like;
Ali was ready for the next step and arranged to meet Kat in person.

Yes authors love constructive feedback, thank you for providing that. I'll look at part 7 and adjust it :). I'm very glad your liking the story. I know a lot of erotica can get samey. But honestly I just wrote this cause I wanted to. I wasn't looking to break the mold. But I'm glad you found something in it that spoke to you.
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