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To A Dragon, I send my Appoligies


Apr 14, 2009
I know I confused you tonight, I know you didn't understand. I know you will wonder why.

...and why I said I was sorry.

I'm going away, you know that, but somehow I feel, deep down that from me to you, it will be much longer than those few day's.

I realized as I lay in my bed the other night that you where like an addiction to me..and I keep trying to feed it as much as I can.I don't want to say goodbye, or farewell.

When I say Farewell it will be in Tears, when I say Goodbye, it will be forever. I remember you telling me words like that where so rarely, well spoken. I once thought that would be my goodbye to you. My last dawn breath in your eyes. I tired to stay away, and pulled me back and I willingly went. It wasn't so long after that I came and saw you. Spending what seemed like the best week of my life there with you. Even in that happy moment, I knew I would in the end, say my goodbyes.

Tearful and fearful, because I knew it wasn't going to last.

I said sorry to you tonight, because despite the fact that I don't want to, I need my time away, maybe for good.

You say there is things left between us that have not yet been played out. Maybe that is true, and perhaps that is why I find it hard to resist you, despite the knowledge of what being around you will do to me.

To complicate things, I have now..fallen in a sense for your friend. ( makes it harder )

I hope you will understand what parts of this are for who, sense I will not say names here. I will not invade that last piece that reminds me of the past.

Unfinished business is not something I can deal with right now.

I wanted tot ell you this while you where right there in front of me. But I realized I would never be able to say my Goodbyes to you, with you there. With some part of you holding on, some part of me crying out.

-Laughs softly-

My computers at it again.

Here I am saying my farewell, my...goodbye and it is playing things that would make me sad under normal circumstances Tears seem to be easy flowing these day's.

"When the night falls in around me, and I don't think I'll make it through, I'll use your light to guide my way, because all I think about is you."

Once, a long time ago...but no more.

I am Sorry, that you did not Understand. I am sorry if I confused you. I am sorry if this is the cowards way out.

But I will not Hurt myself, or those others now involved in my life...not anymore...

...and as much as it hurts me....

...I am Sorry, for my Farewell....

I will always Love you, always care...but for now... I need to let you go.

Maybe after I figure out what it is that I need, I will 'see' you again...

Forgive me.

My Once, Very Dear, Dragon.
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