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Fx M or F Supernatural themed role play (witchcraft, battle, interpersonal relationship, apocalypse kind of stuff)


Aug 24, 2019
As you might have guessed by the title there is a lot going on in this request, but its better to be broad then narrow down the field to soon I say!​
I think it best to start of with a short description of the character I'll be playing.​
Morana Delvaux is a fun loving, open, deceptively intelligent and occasionally crazy witch. As a wielder of magic she's one with the forces of nature and a slave to balance so her moral compass is different and in turn so are her definitions of good and bad. She's a drifter always wandering the plains of Earth, but her permanent home lies deep in the bayou of New Orleans. The locals know only of the swamp witch and there are a lot of tall tales of long noses, wide rimmed hats and decaying skin but none of them have seen her in ages...or so they think. She roams the streets of the Crescent city without a care, because how can you tell a witch apart from humans these days? She changes her appearance regularly, but the only thing she cannot change are her eyes; one the colour of molten amber, the other a vivid emerald green.
Her powers are based in the elements and the ones she's most attuned to is fire. The moon is her strength and cold is her weakness. However, her main ability is much darker. She treads the line between the living and the dead, constantly catching glimpses of what was and what will be. As you might imagine, such a gift comes at a high cost. As her powers grow her grip on the conventional definition of sanity lessens. She's a fairly young witch with a couple hundred years under her belt, so who knows what the future will bring.
That being said, lets move on to my ideas for story lines for Morana.
There is an idea swirling in my head for a little while and its basically and end of the world kind of deal. Is it cliche? Sure. That doesn't mean it won't be amazing in the making!​
There should be a person or group that the apocalypse centers around and Morana would be a useful, albeit reluctant guide through the opposing forces. It could be any manner of supernatural creature (humans seem a little fragile for this kind of deal) it really doesn't matter. They would spend a lot of time together so there could be some camaraderie there, or maybe more. Maybe she'll have a particularly bad day and rip the person into pieces, one never knows. But the character should be strong enough to handle a volatile personality like Morana.​
I hope this can develop into something longer lasting because I obviously read too many books and I need a creative mind/s to help explore all the delicious ideas swirling inside mine.​
If you're inspired by her character description and have any ideas you're willing to share I'm more then happy to listen!​
I'm looking forward to making magic together!​
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