Mx Female Mag's Smutty-Plot Ideas Thread, V2.0!!


A Shiny Rock
Oct 7, 2015
• Hi there! You might know me from my other thread, but this one here is my full collection of ideas that I like to dabble in.

• I work a 9-5 job, on the east coast of the USA. I will be more active in the evenings and weekends, but can hop onto BlueMoon when work is slow.

• I'm a fan of smut in my RPs, but I want it clear I also enjoy playing as/with interesting characters & writing cool stories. If you're up for horny stories with actual characters and plot, I'm your guy. As for kinks, I hope my f-list provides a good idea of what I'm into, I don't cover each and every kink in there so if you have questions, please ask!

• I RP via PMs first and foremost. I could use Discord if you like a "play as we go" style, I cannot sit and rapid-fire responses to you.

• I don't believe I have a standard post length, I wouldn't ask that of you either. Typically I aim for 2 paragraphs but it depends on the situation. I think if we are able to provide each other with good posts and we can work off of each other, we will have a great time. I believe not every interaction needs to be several paragraphs, such as our characters having an important or intimate conversation. But on the other side, numerous, bland & short responses can be very discouraging.

• A decent grasp of the English language is preferred. As long as I can read your posts and understand them, we will be fine.

I love OOC chat! Let's chat! If maybe you're a bit overwhelmed with life and aren't up for RPing, or you have the time for quick chats rather than detailed messages, etc.. chatting is a nice way to keep in touch and know you're still interested!

Onto The Ideas!
I hide the main plot breakdown in spoiler tags so you can scroll through and read the synopsis and kinks involved (if any). Feel free to suggest your own ideas on my plots! Some of the best RPs are the ones crafted into a unique adventure between two enthusiastic people.

Demon Trinket.
YC gets hold of a trinket, unknowingly housing an incubus/demon. This one all takes place in modern day.
(General kink ideas: demons, tentacles, magic, corruption(?), harem(?))
A college-aged-or-so girl gets her hands on a unique little trinket/amulet. She buys it, brings it home and either wears it around as a necklace or an accessory on a bag or something. It's usually within close proximity to her. Inside that amulet is an incubus who had been sealed away long ago, and finally thanks to being so close to her, can finally manifest and return to what he loves the most: pleasuring ladies.

The more I've played this RP the more I want to play this as a silly and/or romantic RP. My thought is that the demon, despite finally being freed from the trinket, cannot get far away from it. He's still tied to it and cannot roam freely, he has enough power to pop in and out but maybe since the seal wasn't properly released, he's bound to the trinket still. Being an incubus he is more-often-than-anything focused on sex. He will be nude, unless otherwise requested/covered up by YC. Maybe she takes the trinket to school or work and suddenly the demon appears. Or she can feel like teasing him by prancing around nude or flashing him from one side of the room, knowing the trinket is on the other side and he can't get over to her. Maybe she figures out a way to put him back in the trinket temporarily or simply just tosses the trinket so that he's torn out of reach of her if he's not respecting her boundaries.

Lets have fun with this odd couple and have a good (but also smutty) time together! Her having a roommate or two could be interesting to play as well, obviously depends on what you're into!

Oops, I Accidentally Hypnotized My Best Friend.
Two friends are working together on some assignments or just practicing spells when my character just gives his wand a wrong swish and flick and suddenly his best friend is standing there with glazed eyes.
(Required kinks: Magic, hypnotism/mind control)
My character is a behind the rest of his class, he can't keep up with his peers. Your character is a good friend of mine, she offers to teach him to help him out after class. He accidentally casts a mind control spell on her. This RP has all it's sexual encounters centered on hypnosis/mind control. We could decide together just how far he is willing to go with this accident.

Magician's Assistant.
A job listing online has brought you to the door of, what you assume is, a stage magician. However he runs a lewd magic show where he's looking to get you naked, pleasured, or please the audience in as many ways as he can.
(Required kinks: Magic. Optional: Mind control/hypnotism)
My character runs a sex-themed magic show for adults and is in need of a new assistant. Surprise surprise, not many ladies are cool with being exposed on stage for a horny crowd and he has been going through assistants one after another. He'll actually know magic for some fun tricks to be incorporated. Your character needs a job, sees an ad for 'Magician's Assistant' and thinks an innocent child's show or simple family-friendly act and applies. If you're looking for a generally silly, sexy RP, this will be good for you.

Changed Overnight.
Either through a horny demon or by a magical wish granted overnight, a schoolgirl is changed in her sleep to have a curvy new body. This RP goes through her adventures with her body attracting all sorts of new attention.
(Basic kinks: One-time use of body modification, optional: magic, hypnosis, corruption)
Idea 1: A demon is tossed to Earth after losing a fight. Weak and hurt, he needs to find some way to heal himself before he perishes. He comes across your character and fucks her to drain her energy. Here's a twist though, normally a human would die after the intercourse with a demon but your character does not. Curious, he decides to change her body to something he lusts for and decides to keep an eye on her. I'll be changing characters through the story, just quick/simple characters. Male characters are finding themselves magically drawn to your character due to the demon magic going on inside you and your physical change, and on occasion the demon will show up to check in on you.

Idea 2: A schoolgirl feels under-developed compared to her peers. Through a magical wish to the stars, she is changed overnight with a curvy new body. Again, I will play characters throughout her normal day-to-day life.

The Chosen One.
A concubine is swept away by a mysterious stranger who says she has a destiny to save the world.
(Basic kinks: Magic, fantasy. Optional kinks: Hypnotism/mind control)
Your character would be a concubine as well as a sorceress. Your master uses your body for pleasure as well as protection.
I'd like if something about your character is super unique, brightly colored eyes or different colored hair, something that is noticed quickly about your character, a simple case of anime-protag-syndrome.
It turns out, you're a chosen one that can defeat an impending evil but you need to be properly trained to do so. My character comes in and takes you to prepare you. The whole while we need to battle your master who wants you back, and general baddies leading up to the super-evil.

Stuck In The Game.
You become trapped in a fantastic virtual reality world, everything has it out for you and all you want to do is to take the helmet off.. Or you willingly boot up some sexy-fun-time games and go wild your own.
(These are very open-ended options that are perfect for customization.)
VR has taken a sudden leap and has advanced to provide players with physical feelings from the game. Wind in a large field as you search for flowers to make potions with? You'll feel it, smell it. Step in a puddle or are you crossing a river? Your feet suddenly feel wet and your steps get stuck in mud. Get shot or have your arm chopped off?... Yeah, you'll feel that too, but the settings for pain are set rather low. So, we get it, virtual situations lead to physical sensations.

Idea 1: So, your character purchases this new VR set. Boots up a game (probably fantasy world though I'm open to suggestions) and starts playing. But the NPCs all seem rather focused on fucking your character, bluntly. You go to leave the game but you find yourself unable to access menus or take off the VR equipment. Now you're stuck in this game that has it out for you.

Idea 2: YC purposely boots up a sexy game (or several games?) to get fucked a bunch. Be it an MMO or a single player game. Maybe it's a chat room type scenario where you just pop in with an avatar and mingle?

Idea 3: Fearing the public wouldn't fare well with unlimited access to these new levels of VR, the company decided that their technology would only be used in a yearly competition. Players are entered into this fantasy world where they must co-operate and work to defeat many challenges. We could pair up YC with 1 or 2 or 3 of MCs and say they're bound as a group for the competition, or YC goes in search of help or braves it alone. However she'll be captured by monsters, kidnapped by rival gangs, rescued by some (seemingly) respectable players, and many other (mis)adventures.

The only way to exit the game is when someone beats it or YC willingly quits and forfeits. Your life would be lived inside the game. Time would pass quicker in the game than in real life. Perhaps a week in-game taking place over a day in the real world?

Sakai Labs.
It's a brand new job for you and it's your first day. You're getting a tour and something happens to one of the "experiments" these guys keep talking about..
(Optional kinks: Magic, mind control, tentacles, creatures. Whatever you're comfortable with, monsters/creatures will be chosen beforehand)
You're recently hired as a lab tech to some out-of-the-way facility. You had never heard of them before but they were hiring, paid well and promised exciting work. They start you off as a simple tech, basically going around and reading meters, checking stats, doing what the higher up people ask.. The facility though houses many demons and creatures, as you perform your tests and such you get close to these creatures or these creatures make you get close to them which find you awfully attractive and well.. Perhaps you're getting promoted on your first day to specially tend to these things.

Demon Huntress.
A huntress with the unique power to literally fuck demons back to where they came from travels the land to rid demons for helpless people and to get a nice time out of it.
(Optional kinks: Magic, mind control, tentacles, creatures.)
You would be a very skilled huntress, working for hire (or with a guild) to eliminate and extinguish demons. I would play a series of demons (and humans who fall victim to your allure) with varying skills and powers. However the huntress has a unique way of handling her demon targets and that's by fuckin' them.. When she fucks a demon and they cum, they die, simple as that. For plot reasons, all the demons will have dicks to fuck the huntress with, how convenient! Demons of all numbers, shapes and sizes have it out to torture helpless townsfolk and you come strolling in offering something else that they want..

Good Girl Gone Wild.
A college girl or just-out-of-college-girl stumbles into a life of porn and finds that sex can be pretty creative and fun!.. And it pays well.
Idea 1: You're out at a club for a friend's birthday or a girl's night out and for the first time in a while you spot a guy that just absolutely catches your eye, and you catch his as well. You hit it off at the club and sneak off to his place for a wild night. The next morning your character doesn't quite know what to do, where she wants more of this explosive sex but he explains that he isn't one for commitment so he doesn't want you to get the wrong idea. He offers to get you in touch with a guy he knows who produces porn so that you can get fucked all day and get paid for it. (This RP can set up interesting backstory. If you're into cheating elements, maybe your character has an overprotective or less-than-adventurous boyfriend/husband and this guy she met scratched an itch she didn't knew she had)

Idea 2: (A much more streamlined approach to this) You learn that you can start streaming and people will pay you money to get naked. You're approached by a porn producer who offers you quite a sum to advance this career.

Idea 3, currently my craving: Your character is some sort of established (and clean) internet personality (if you wanted to play someone real or make your own character) and her revenue and viewer numbers are down. My character comes in, offers a large sum to come visit and fuck your character and then offers to manage and create this new lewd career for her.

Protect the Healer.
A fresh white mage/priestess has decided to join adventurers, explore the world and help others!.. But the world is against her as she keeps getting captured, falling into traps, etc. Her companions spend more time rescuing their unlucky friend than they would like to admit.
(Kinks are pretty open here as well as it is a fantasy world, but I think dub-con should play a big part. Suggested kinks: magic, gangbang, monsters, hypnotism, potions)
You're playing a young healer looking to adventure! Every party values a healer for their restorative magic. However, due perhaps to your character's naivety or just plain bad luck, she keeps falling into traps, getting kidnapped, getting overpowered.. Just many situations where she is getting fucked by bad guys. She may be unlucky in that regard, but lucky to her her party always comes to her rescue.

Not required but an element I always enjoy playing with is your healer character having some sort of sexual healing magic, whether it's completely unique to her, or she's from a distant or secret temple, sexual acts with her benefit either her partner or both of them in some way. We will chat about her powers prior to RP, of course!

Fantasy Adventuring Party.
Sexy D&D.
(Required kinks: Fantasy. Suggested kinks: magic, gangbang, monsters)
If you're up for a completely original fantasy RP that doesn't have a set path or story, this is it. We can make this RP contain whatever we like as it will be a fantasy-based group of adventurers doing stuff. One on one? Two on one? Two on two? We can make this RP whatever we want and with the benefit of it being "fantasy" that would allow magic, monsters, big baddies, whatever we choose. Since this RP will be what we want it to be, I'm very much excited to discuss this any time.

The New Campus Slut.
A student opts to move into "deluxe dorms" for her new college life, these deluxe rooms are co-ed and she's now living with two guys.. But there's also more than just these two guys in the world.
Your character is either a freshman or newly transferred student from a community college or something similar, the main idea being that this will be her first time away from her parents. She opted to live in one of the "deluxe dorms" which offers a bit more space, a kitchen and a private bathroom, compared to the standard dorms which are just beds and a bathroom if you're lucky. While they try to keep the ladies with the ladies and the men with the men, they are co-ed dorms due to their high demand and there's a chance men and ladies stay together.. And they dormed your character up with two guys. You'll go about your classes, maybe get a job, and of course go to parties.

Brainwashed _____.
A boy with hypnotism/brainwashing powers _________?!
(Kinks: Hypnosis/brainwashing, whatever you would like as well)
Not a big plot idea on this unfortunately. I want to explore a guy who discovers he has hypnosis/brainwash/mind control powers and goes about his new life with them. A prime idea is a guy in college, surrounded by woman, how will he play with his new power?

I'm open to suggestions as well! That's why I left it blank for us.

A Little Something Romantic and Steamy That I Don't Have a Clever Name For
A busy college student meets an equally busy lady and the two become quick lovers
I've had a little craving for a romantic yet still smutty story of 2 folks who need to calm down and relax a bit and hopefully learn that with each other. I wanna start it off as MC is an art student who is doing an extracurricular course on nude life drawing. My idea for YC (but I'm open to suggestions) does a lot of odd jobs or gig-economy stuff to make ends meet, finds herself as a nude model for the night and MC is there. They flirt, possibly hook up, exchange numbers and their relationship unfolds from there.

Stardew Valley but with Monster Fucking?
A video game inspired RP about a woman with a special trait that has to breed/tame unique monsters to help build a new town.
This is a story idea of a fantasy-ish world inhabited by people & monsters where they can live in harmony but only with the aid of breeders/tamers.

I'll GM this RP so all I ask is you play the breeder/tamer and I take care of the rest!

There are some people who are born as "breeders" or "tamers" who are, you guessed it, compatible to breed with or capable of taming monsters primarily through sex. My assumption is that monsters who are born of being bred with the human will be tamed. An aspect that is not required but I like is the breeder/tamer emits an odorless scent which attracts the monsters, but I am open to suggestions! Maybe there's a special fruit they can eat or pheromone they spray on or a magic spell.. I'm mostly looking for some sort of trait/power that is unique to the tamers to allure or tame and doesn't put the rest of the human population at risk as monsters are being bred/tamed and brought into society, which leads to explaining monsters..

As the unique power of the breeders and tamers were discovered, monsters became a valuable part of society providing unique benefits such as crop tending, protection, treasure seeking, muscle for building and transport and so much more we can play with.

After the monster and the breeder fuck, I imagine this would go 1 of 3 ways or I'm open to suggestion here as well:
1) The monster could slowly become tamed, some monsters may be tamed after 1 hookup with the breeder while some may need some extra effort or visits.
2) [Pregnancy-ish Kink If You're Up For It] The breeder pops out an egg and can incubate it to hatch into a tamed monster.
3) We lean into the video game aspect and just say after she sleeps on her farm an incubator in a barn could conjure up an egg based on who fucked her.

The idea I have is that YC & her breeder mentor/city-founding-mayor are starting a new town. It's up to YC to start investigating the surroundings of the new town, discover monsters, fuck those monsters so that with monster aid they can start building up the town. Not all of her partners have to be monsters, especially as new townsfolk are brought into town as it grows.

Now a big chunk of this plot is based off a game called Cloud Meadow that I know VERY little of. Someone else had this idea and I'm using an incredibly loose understanding of the game to make this idea. I would say they're all pretty humanoid in shape and stature but I am open to suggestions, not all monsters in the world have to be beneficial to the town after all. I would imagine they all have differing levels of wildness, some even may be able to hold conversations with her while some may be more feral. Here are some examples of what I'm talking about, all very NSFW:

Final warning, all NSFW
Big Cow Guy
A Yeti?
This vine/water creature

So my thoughts are that some monsters provide 1 or 2 certain benefits to the town. Say the wolf one could go out hunting for meat for the town, the Yeti or others could provide muscle to protect or move stuff around, a forest creature could tend to crops, a water one could help in that as well, the demon could provide protection to the town, plus many others I'm sure as I don't want to limit myself to that above list; as well as monsters that don't provide any benefit but find themselves horny for YC because of her unique breeder trait. All up to us, nothing is set in stone!

We could also lean into the video game inspiration and provide YC with cool items or maybe even spells from dungeons? Lemme know what you think.

I hope this provides a very good starting point for us to discuss things and I can't wait to hear from you if you're interested!

Fandom Inspired RPs

Dragon Ball Z.
Two Saiyans survived the destruction of their planet, now they roam space looking for odd jobs to feed themselves and to keep their ships running.
Two Saiyans (or if you want to play a different race that's fine by me) have survived Frieza's attack on their home planet Vegeta. Their ship's comms had been down and they missed the call to return home while on another planet. Now the two roam space doing odd jobs for money, going on various missions to feed themselves and to keep the ship running. I think this would take place some time after they found out what happened to Planet Vegeta, and they understand they're not capable of taking on Frieza.

My Harem Academia. (My Hero Academia)
A group of villains with sexual quirks (or quirks that want to be used sexually) group up to disrupt Hero society, plot & execute robberies, and use the full extent of their lewd quirks to their deepest desires with some of the Hero World's most beautiful women.
(This RP would have us both playing multiple characters, mine being primarily OCs & I understand that isn't everyone's cup of tea, there is room for some canon characters on my end and their involvement could be increased if you wish!)

This RP will take place in a world where either the Heroes of Class 1A and 1B are out of UA, or UA is for college-aged Hero courses, ultimately everyone would be 18+. I have only been watching the anime so any changes or new abilities from manga are unknown to me (Also I'd like to keep it that way, no manga spoilers please!)

This RP would start with one guy who had largely been teased or ridiculed for his quirk. He dubbed his quirk to be.. Submission. He emits an aura that affects women to fantasize sexual scenarios. Depending on the woman's resistance to these effects (such as love for another, different levels of sexual drive, or something else if you have ideas) eventually the woman would fantasize lewdly for this man, submitting to him to be his plaything and willing to please him however she needs to. My thought behind that being for example Uraraka with her crush on Midoriya would let her be more resistant or aware to the man's quirk than say the "R-Rated Hero Midnight" who is already lewd-leaning. This just allows each woman we bring in to be resistant to varying degrees. A small detail that is not necessary but allows you to visually represent when these heroes submit is perhaps when the quirk finally overtakes them their eyes will have hearts flashing in them in some way.

Depending on who you want to play first will shape how we start the RP, so that will need to be discussed before we start up. Another factor that we will need to discuss is the quirks of the other villains that eventually get brought into the story, mostly depends on your kinks! My general idea is that it starts off small, the Submission villain and 1 hero, eventually building to a small organization. Their goal being to disrupt, derail, and/or exhaust hero society. All these female heroes are suddenly missing patrol schedules, or not promptly showing up to robberies, or there's evidence of quirk use that aligns with some Pro Heroes in some heists. Male heroes are having to take longer shifts, or endlessly run around the city, or maybe they're getting seduced and distracted by the women who have fallen into the hands of this new villain organization while a robbery or heist takes place at the same time. (If you want some Canon X Canon scenes to make it a little more fair for me asking you to play a Canon Harem to an OC band of villains)

Uraraka's* Unethical Undertakings (My Hero Academia. *Willing to swap out Uraraka, I just like the alliteration in the title)
So for this one we would be playing ideally in an alternate universe where Uraraka was not accepted to U.A., there's no reason this can't take place in the normal universe but I feel like her being rejected may drive her to some of the unethical choices she would be making. Uraraka's biggest drive to becoming a hero was that so she could make a lot of money and help her parents live an easy life. But, what happens when she's not in hero school? She ends up taking a lot of odd jobs for cash to slip into her parent's wallets. This series of odd jobs ends up with her working for some criminal activity, but she decides if the work is going to be done anyway, why can't she do it and put the money she gets to good use?

The short of it is, she gets into a bit of a compromising situation and ends up fucking someone on a job. Word gets back to the mysterious man she was working for and her jobs shift from petty theft and scouting to "distracting" heroes and U.A. students.

Mitsuri Adventures (Demon Slayer Fandom)
Now perhaps this isn't the best RP idea for me to be craving right now because I'm behind, I've only seen the first episode of the newest season which featured Mitsuri so my assumption was that she played a big role in this season. So, if you do crave this, please keep spoilers to a minimum!

Just kinda craving an RP where Mitsuri is out doing her thing, slaying demons and getting captivated by guys. Maybe the demon fights are lewd in nature? I don't have a big overarching plot in mind, might be able to get something going based on your kinks or ideas. But, if the idea of playing Mitsuri against some canon characters and some horny demons interests you, come by my PMs and let's discuss!

One idea I do have is maybe we take it a few steps back and we can play out her path to becoming a Demon Slayer? Just a little head-canon fun that weaves in a good amount of plot to the smut I'd like to see.
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