Fx Any Salt's Request Thread


Feb 22, 2019
Most of the stuff here will be the same as my M x M thread, since most of it I don't need to change, but I still figured I should make this because I have the urge to rp as a female.

About Me

  • My name is Felix.
  • If it really matters to you, I, personally, identify as male.
  • I write in past tense and in third person. I don't mind if you do the same or do something different.
  • I've been roleplaying for a few years now in multiple different places.
  • I like to talk OOC about characters, backstory, plot etc., especially if I'm interested, so if you want to talk, feel free to!
  • I am in the GMT (currently BST) timezone, and I'm usually available in the evenings, but right now I have a lot more time to respond. I won't promise daily responses, because I usually go through bouts of enthusiasm, but can sometimes go through maybe a few days to a week of not responding because I either can't think of anything or just don't wish to. If I go for longer than that, I might've just forgotten (I'm rather forgetful x.o), so just send me a message or something.
  • Please read through the entirety of this thread! There might be important details I mention elsewhere outside of the stuff about me and the roleplay 'rules.'
  • I don't mind talking over Discord or Bluemoon, but I would prefer if you DMed me here first to ask about Discord, so I know who I'm talking to and didn't just happen to coincidentally accept the friend request of someone completely unknown. That being said, please do not respond to this thread! Responses here will be ignored.
  • Random fact, but I really like orange and warm colours like red, as you can probably tell from this.

Roleplay Guidelines/Rules

  • As mentioned above, I prefer to talk over Discord or Bluemoon, and that being said, on Bluemoon I prefer DMs, but I may be willing to try threads if convinced otherwise.
  • My preference is M x M, however I do not mind any other pairings. Whilst playing females, I prefer F x F.
  • When it comes to fandoms, although it depends on the fandom, I will most likely wish to play an OC, although whether you play an OC or canon character does not matter to me in most cases. I will warn you though that I prefer original roleplays; they can be loosely based off of fandoms and the like, and there are certain fandoms that I absolutely love and would definitely roleplay (with the main being Red vs. Blue, which I also mentioned down below).
  • I mentioned above that I like to talk OOC, and this also applies to roleplay things overall. Communication is key!! If you have any problems with me or the roleplay, please point them out, as I'm sure we can work them out reasonably. If I feel uncomfortable or get bored of the roleplay or something else, I will be sure to tell you as well!
  • I roleplay in English, and would like to think I have decent literacy and grammar. I would prefer you to have the same, but it's okay if you really can't for genuine reasons. I also roleplay in third person and in the past tense. I don't mind what you do, but I will not change this unless I'm super interested in whatever idea you propose and you really need me to roleplay the same way as you for whatever reason.
  • I tend to try and aim for multiple paragraphs (spanning from 3-10), but I usually attempt to match my partner and whatever they can offer, and it also depends on how up for the roleplay I am. As mentioned above, I sometimes get super enthusiastic bursts, but I also get times where I just struggle, although I usually only try to write responses when I'm up for it instead of forcing them.
  • Story is not a requirement. I am absolutely fine with smutty oneshots with no proper in-depth plot, but on the other end of the spectrum I'm also okay with far more story-oriented roleplays. It really depends on what I'm in the mood for, to be honest.
  • I am completely fine with playing multiple characters, however my limit will most likely be three characters per scene, maybe four. It depends on a lot of things though.
  • I can roleplay as a dom, sub or switch, or none of those if you don't want specific labels. However, I prefer playing as a switch whilst roleplaying as a female. I absolutely hate just playing as a female sub without anything to make it interesting!

Here's my F-List. I am fine with anything in the 'Fave' and 'Yes' category (obviously), but if you see something in the 'Maybe' or 'No' section that you would like to roleplay, ask anyway; I may be convinced to roleplay, or may even change my mind and my opinion on it. If there's something not there, again, feel free to ask just in case.

Currently Craving
As the title says, this'll just be a part I'll try keep updated with what I'm craving. If you can have a roleplay with whatever is here in it, it'll probably get bonus points from me! I can be a little vague and open here, though.

Right now, I'm really looking for someone to roleplay in a Red vs. Blue setting. I mentioned this further down, so I'll simply put all the information there for the moment. But the main things I'd wanna roleplay are sometime during the Freelancer Era or the Chorus Era (Quadruple points if it involves mercs :3).
I'm also really looking for something fluffy and romantic, since it's been a while since I've had the opportunity to roleplay that.


I have a few plots already written out on my Omegaverse thread which could be turned into something different, or simply roleplayed as Omegaverse. Here's the link - Here.

I do not mind playing any of the roles, so you choose whichever you want to play (although I may have specific preferences at times).

These plots are also present on my Male Request Thread, and I will try to update this one as I update that one too

This could work for a number of settings and is very open, but the main idea was that [Character A - CA] tries to prove that they can do something/can do something better than [Character B - CB]. The main idea that stems from this is that the two make a bet, and whoever wins can make the other do whatever they please.

This is a more plot-based one with smut sprinkled in, but basically, [CA] somehow travels to the future (we can discuss an explanation or leave it completely unexplained) and discovers that they somehow died (again, we can discuss how exactly this happened), and that [CA], their best friend/partner, is still alive. Not only that, but they've already moved on. After this, [CA] could either stay in the future and try to convince [CB] that this is real and convince them to fall for [CA] all over again, or [CA] could go back in time again to the 'present' and do all they can to avoid dying in the first place
[CA] knows who [CB] fell for in the future, and decides to get revenge on them for stealing their friend/partner, so that could result in more Content to roleplay.

This is pretty simple: two people walk into a club, end up getting a bit more drunk than intended and things start to get a bit hot, before heading back to either of their homes to progress further there. This could simply be a one-shot idea ending after they finish, or it could lead onto something more and carry on after they wake up.

[CA] walks in on [CB] doing something most likely not legal (something related to drugs, killing, anything like that that someone wouldn't really want anyone else to know about, otherwise they risk getting in trouble), and [CB] decides to hold something that [CA] has done over their head to stop them from telling anyone what [CB]'s done. Pretty simple, right?

I've really been craving a
Red vs. Blue roleplay currently, because that's where most of my characters stemmed from, and I just absolutely love roleplaying in the setting. I'm looking for something to do with either the Freelancer Era or the Chorus Era (as said above, if you include mercs I'm basically sold). When it comes to canon characters I'm willing to roleplay, I'm okay with roleplaying practically all of the Freelancers (especially Wash), and I would absolutely love roleplaying as Locus or Felix, although it'd still be nice to roleplay as my own characters (most of which would do best as Freelancers, seeing as they're all Freelancer OCs. If you can offer me this, my answer is almost 100% going to be a yes (almost).

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