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Fx Any The Crimson Star


Aug 7, 2019
Hello and welcome to my thread...

I'm going to use this as a general overview thread to tell you about my preferences, writing, etc. If I missed anything or you have any additional questions, feel free to ask.

For the most part, I'm not going to include specific plot requests here. If I have a specific scenario I'd like to play, I'll start a request thread and link to this one.

My play style:

*I prefer to play over PMs.

*I prefer to write in 3rd person. Unfortunately, I sometimes find myself slipping between third and first person. I apologize in advance if this happens.

*I'm by no means a grammar nazi, but I always make an effort to ensure my spelling and grammar is correct. Please do the same, there's nothing worse than reading a response and having no clue what your partner is trying to say.

*My post length is generally 2-3 solid paragraphs. Possibly longer at the start and when it fits the story. My preference is quality over quantity. While I enjoy details, I don't want to read 3 paragraphs describing how green the grass is. Also, if you reply with just one sentence, I'm going to ignore you.

*I don't have any plot to smut ratio as a rule. I enjoy the smut side (I am here after all), but I do need a good story to stay interested.

*I enjoy and encourage OOC chat. Just don't try to ask me personal questions. Again, I will ignore you.

*I'll usually post at least once a day, sometimes more. We all have real lives, but if you're going to be unavailable for a while, please do your best to let me know. Also if you're getting bored, just say something. No ghosting... alright? That seriously sucks.

What I enjoy playing:

I really enjoy playing strong female warriors in an action adventure.
Some of my favorite themes include...

Post Apocalyptic

Don't read the above as "pick one". I'm just giving you a general idea of the characters I enjoy playing.

I've tried playing modern slice of life scenarios, but I generally get bored pretty quickly.

Fair warning: Just because I enjoy playing strong women does not mean I'm looking to play a Domme against your character.

I'm generally not a fan of playing superheroines or canon characters. I'm not saying I won't, but I tend to get bored with that pretty quickly.

I've put my Flist below. If there's something you'd like to include just let me know, I'm pretty open.

It's pretty bare, but will give you a general idea of what I enjoy. Again, let me know if there's anything you specifically want included.

Note: I'm not a big fan of gore in a sexual context, but I love bloody violent action sequences.

While I prefer consensual sex, I'm fine with noncon elements included in the overall story.

I'd really enjoy roleplaying an adventure with multiple partners, but I've never done that. I would also really enjoy having someone GM an adventure for my character.

I don't enjoy playing multiple characters, I prefer immersing myself in one particular character. I'll play additional roles if needed, but they will be more NPC types and I'm not going to develop them at all.

I enjoy playing with Men, Women and Futa. While I've occasionally played a Futa, I really don't have any interest in playing as a male. I do have a certain fondness for trans girls, don't ask me why, I just do.

Hmmmm... I think that's all for now. I'm sure I'll update occasionally, but it's a start.

Thanks for reading.
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