Allie's daily misadventures

Jul 29, 2019
Hi, I'm allie. The dysfunctional misfit in this world. The introverted teen who loves fiction and loves having conversations with her inner critic all the time. A bit crazy, a lot chubbier but has a compassionate heart. She has to fight her own little battles everyday yet she is learning to be happy in her own little ways.
That's it for now! And to all of you reading my journal. Take a peek at my daily misadventures and may be have a laugh or two! šŸ˜
Hi everyone. Allie here. It's been almost a month since I joined blue moon. It's been a new experience and I could explore my creative side although I'm not that good with words or expressing myself. I've learnt a thing or two from many people over here and it was fun and helped me to distract myself from the real- life problems.

But lately, I've not been able to commit to anyone, friends, family and my roleplay partners over here. I had to ghost many partners over here and I'm not proud of it. But I wasn't inspired even a bit to write. So I guess, writing or roleplaying is not my cup of tea and it was just the curiosity that kept me going.

About me. I'm a student, freshman in college studying biochemistry. I'm the usual, insecure nerdy teen who doesn't think of herself very highly. My self doubt led me to a phase where I let myself to be vulnerable and let people take advantage of it. I did the epic mistake of falling in love with someone who treated me as a commodity. I hoped I could change it, and kept hanging on, losing a part of myself everyday.

Now that, he decided that he had enough of me, I'm thrown out of his life and I expected it from the beginning. Apparently his last words were "get a life" before he blocked me from everywhere.

So I think it's high time I do live for myself and start afresh. It's going to take some time for me to recollect the broken pieces and improve myself so I'm going to take a break from everything.

Maybe I'll be back or maybe not! But for now, chubbygal Allie says goodbye and thanks everyone for my lovely time over here.

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