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Ties That Bind (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)


Nov 28, 2017
Protevion was a nation with a full Matriarchal Monarchy. A land of predominant warrior women, it was the strongest nation in existence. The military was powerful and nigh unbeatable; the land was rich with strong metals in which they made their weapons and armor, and powerful gems full of potent magicks. The ratio of male to female in the population was one to ten; of every ten births, one is always male. They are trained as warriors as well, filling the armies with bodies to fight for their nation. Though rarely there are men who are not fit for the warrior lifestyle that their nation demands. So they are made as drones to fill the farmlands to keep everyone fed and at top physical form.
The queen of Protevion is required to take a husband to continue her powerful bloodline. Only the strongest men will do. But Indra was not like her mother before her. Every warrior brought to her bored her. None of them worshipped her how she liked, none showed enough devotion to her and they all disinterested her. They only wanted to be known as king, sire of many powerful warrior women, not as her husband. Her pet. So she refused to see any more suitors. There was no point in seeing anymore men who equaled her.
Hein was one such 'drone' worker. He was born too early, and had spent his entire life looking almost frail. He was still capable, but he did not have the heart of a warrior. He tended the farmlands.
Indra was lounging on her throne, watching some male warriors fight for her entertainment. Her red eyes were bored, half lidded and dull. She exhaled and sat up in her seat, making the warriors stop and bow to her. She waved them off and stood, "Have my horse ready, I'm going out."
"Of course, your Highness."
Indra rode out into the fields to see if she could find something to occupy her time. Maybe just being out would help.
Hein was the first to spot her. It took him only a moment to recognize her, but he immediately dropped to his knees and bowed before her, reciting a praise over and over.
She pulled her horse to a stop and looked him over. His hair was black as pitch and his skin fair, odd for one of her people but she felt his blood was strong. "Look at me, drone." She commanded.
He looked up immediately and smiled. "Yes, of course my queen..! Is there something I can do for you?" He askedm
She dismounted amd moved closer to him. His eyes were rather beautiful, the shade of green charmed her. "What is your name?"
She felt a surge of power she hadn't felt in a long time. She loved hearing him grovel and praise her. She put her armored boot in front of him and placed a hand on her hip. "Kiss it."
His heart pounded. What was this? He moved and obeyed without question, kissing the tip of her boot
He swallowed hard and stood upon request. He was a little shorter than her. Not unusual for drones, she was a tall woman.
She lifted his chin with her gloved hand and turned it this way and that to get a good look at him, "How old are you, Hein?"
"I-I am twenty one years of age, my queen.." He said, trying to foght his face burning bright.
A little young. She definitely topped him by several years. "You are unable to become a warrior, why?"
"I-I was not born with the heart of the warrior, the midwife said I was frail, and early.." He said, almost ashamed.
She made a noise and released his face gently, "No need to be ashamed, you still serve your queen and nation well." She told him.
She smirked and brushed some of his hair away from his eyes, "I would like to visit you again tomorrow, Hein. I hope you will prepare for my stay in your home."
"Excellent. I will see you midday tomorrow." She told him him and held out her hand for him to kiss.
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