Fx Male Zoney's Fandom Search (Story Focused! | Updated 7/30)


Genderless Blob
Oct 11, 2018
Hello Strangers on the Internets!!
Lets create a story together!!

Current Cravings - Red Dead Redemption || Devil May Cry || Borderlands

The Quick Basics
  • Hey I'm ZoneyGirl and I am indeed a girl
  • I am looking for a few stories to start in fandom, should you want original I have another RT in my signature you can take a gander at.
  • I prefer story over smut. Its that simple. Now that is to say I don't write smut, its just a small bit of what I write. I would much rather build a good story. Add depth to our characters. Have moments of humor, action, angst, drama, sappy romance, or just simple happy and easy going moments. I want our characters to go through a surplus of emotions. For ratio of plot to smut, my ideal is 70/30, but I can be convinced to go as low as 50/50. I know many come to this site to write smut, I come here to write more than just that. I want to create a vivid story with someone.
  • I am down for relationships of all times. Romantic, I'm down. Platonic, lets do it. Familial bonds with folk who aren't blood related. Happens all the time. Pure hatred for each other, but having to be forced to work together. Oh please, let us see the small petty fights that they can do while having to work together.
  • I am around a lot, like many due to the Covid-19 business I am currently not working. (maybe be subject to change in a week or two)
  • Quality over Quanity. I will take my time with posts. Most of the the time two to four paragraphs a bit more depending on the creative juices flowing
  • I like talking in OOC and getting to know my partners a bit. Be ready for cheesy, terrible humor. It is my pride and joy.
  • We are all human and we all make mistakes. I don't have prefect grammar and my spelling skills suck. But I will use means to check my writing as much as I can. Mistakes might fall through the cracks and I will accept yours as long as its still readable.
  • I roleplay in 3rd person and look for my partners to do so as well.
  • For fandom roleplays I do canon x canon, OC x canon, and OC x OC. I am also fine with AU and crossovers.
  • I am looking for MxF and MxM based roleplays. Sorry, FxF and futas are not my personal thing, therefore I do not do RPs with those two
  • I play male and female characters. Dominant and submissive as well.
  • I finally got around to making a F-List, but it needs to be updated. I will share a much more detailed list on the top on/offs on here. Want more details don't be afraid to ask about a certain kink you might want to add in.
  • Please do check my list, some things on my no list I may be convinced to do. However do NOT ask me to do a pregnancy/breeding related roleplays. I do not do those for personal reasons, as in I have recently lost my ability to have children myself. It is a touchy subject that I do NOT want to roleplay. I don't care how much you like it, I will no do it. (shouldn't have to put it, but its brought up more times that I am comfortable with. So here is that warning!)
  • If you wish to contact me, please send me a DM that is titled with your favorite drink. In it bring me some details. Be it a basic pairing, plot, or just a setting. That way I know what we might have to work with.

I am currently hardcore craving a Red Dead Redemption roleplay. I have ideas involving an OC character against both Dutch and/or Arthur. More that willing play a canon character in return, I try my hand at nearly any character to see if I can play them. I feel comfortable playing Arthur, John, Sadie, Tilly, Micah, Hosea, Mary-Beth, Molly, Abigail, and Agent Milton. Free to try anyone else as well. Anyone who helps fulfill this craving will make me very happy.

Lowkey, also craving to do a crossover of Red Dead Redemption with Assassin's Creed Syndicate (time lines can match up 1868 for Syndicate. Could have it post game. Have an idea where Jacob or Evie are sent to restablish a Brotherhood in the West. Fun times with the Van der Linde gang start up.
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