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A Crow’s Request


Jun 30, 2019
Hello there, I’m Corey. In case you haven’t read my introduction, I want to preface I am not a furry of any kind. I’m not completely closed off to that form of roleplay, however I am definitely not... Into it.
Anyway, let’s get into the stuff I am into.
If it wasn’t obvious based on my intro, I am mostly looking for World of Warcraft rp. I love the game, I have characters already written up, and art drawn of them. Please feel free to pm me about your own WoW characters!!
On the good chance you’re not into Warcraft, I’m also completely open to the Fantasy genre. From DND to completely original fantasy worlds, I am open to it all.
If you’d like to view my full scope of interests, I would direct you to my introduction post. I hope you all have a lovely night!
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