Mx Female Looking for various long-term, mainly romantic, RP ideas! (RP through PM or Discord! ENG+SWE ) Updated 7th of January 2022.


Jul 31, 2014
As many do so I think it might be nice with a little bit of info about me, the writer. I am a Swedish man who has been RPing for roughly 20 years, give or take. That means I have been RPing since I was around 15 years old. (Now you do the math to figure out roughly how old I am) I usually play in 3rd person and post around a paragraph, but can of course be more when needed or shorter depending on the pace of the RP and what is going on. Most often so do I end up mirroring the one I play with.

The ideas you can see below are all heavily open for brainstorming and discussions, they can all be adapted to fit a great RP between you and me! Of course, am I open to other ideas as well, but I can be a bit picky when it comes to face claims/looks. This is because I want the RP to be a fantasy, not real life. That being said so don't I mind gritty scenes, slice-of-life settings, and such.

Anyhow, it's time for my ideas!

The drinking hole:
Mike(looks and name can of course be altered) is the new owner of a local dive bar and has decided to turn it into a proper place for people like him. He wants good metal, hard rock, and similar music mixed with hot girls and a lot of crazy partying. So basically, it's a metal/hard rock bar mixed with a Hooters/Tilted Kilt without the food serving. Just a good place to have a drink, watch a hot girl dance on the bar and let your troubles wash away as you down another shot of Jack.

The Male Only Fans Star:
So I have this basic idea of a guy that starts out with his Only Fans page in College, or high school, to get a bit of extra cash. He always knew he was well-hung and hoped that he could make a few extra bucks from it. This of course spun out of control quickly, getting himself a hot female agent, some female OF talent that wants him to "guest" them for some content, and so on. This can be quite the wild ride and I hope someone would love to join me on it.

The Dark World of Casinos:
Mike left his military job back in Sweden after having been in the armed forces for a decade after he finished high school. Having been on missions abroad and so on so was he quite the veteran at the age of 30. Now he is in the US and has found a job at a Casino working security. Who knows who he might meet, work for, or what type of things his boss might have him do for him to advance through the ranks of the company.

So this idea is very simple, I know, but that is so we can easier brainstorm around it. The basic idea is that my character is a former Swedish soldier who moves to the US for a new life, and he ends up working in a Casino as Security. From here so can anything happen really and I would love to discuss it.

The future star and his agent:
He is a rising star, that piece of coal that can be turned into a diamond. Future money-making star. Now to become this star he needs help, and the best help one can get is of course from your agent/manager.

This idea is about a future star in some sport which can be Soccer/Football, Ice hockey, MMA, or some other sport you think is fun. It's also about his relationship with his agent/manager that helps him become a star outside of the sport as well, and of course how their relationship evolves. (This idea can also work with a rockstar) Of course, so can this idea also be played with a female character being the rising star, and me playing her male agent/manager.

College life:
Adrian Blackwood is the latest student to be accepted into a great college. With it comes a life filled with hot girls, wild parties, annoying yet seductive teachers, fraternities, and who knows what else? Well, you should know! Because you are in charge! That is right, YOU!

So what I had in mind for this RP is inspired by the Visual Novel game Being a DIK, where you play a freshman who gets into college with all that comes with that. So what am I looking for? A female GM who would love to play out and be the one more or less in charge of the RP so to speak. I will of course help with coming up with scene ideas, story, characters, and such, it's an RP for both of us.

The new private secretary:
What is a former porn star to do with his life once he feels done with his career in front of the camera? Startup a night club of course! And what is he to do once that club is successful? Expand to new locations. So what would he need to start the expansion and be able to handle all things? A new hot private secretary, so if you think you have what it takes to be a secretary to a former porn star and want to travel the world with said stud then don't hesitate to apply for a job now.

The idea is fairly simple, a romance between a secretary and her boss. Though it is in a bit of a special setting rather than your regular office romance. I imagine it starts off a bit flirty, perhaps she has seen quite a few of his movies and is a fan even though she would never admit it. Then things evolve, they travel the world, and it's a luxury life that will have a nice mix of story and smut.

The Life in Blue:
Do you want to end up under the wings of Officer Adrian Whitewood? He is right now looking for a female rookie to be properly introduced to the world of being a Police Officer.

So this idea is fairly simple: male and female colleagues start dating. He is her training officer responsible for her during her first year or so after she graduates from the Academy. I imagine a lot of romance involved, some hot steamy smut, and a lot of action out in the field.

The Adventure Awaits:
Do you enjoy a nice epic fantasy adventure with grand heroes, sexy villains, and big bad monsters? Or maybe something similar in a sci-fi setting or post-apocalyptic one? Great! Then I would love to brainstorm around an RP where we play two (or more) adventurers that travel the world (or space) in search of fame, fortune, and glory. To become heroes to be sung about and the ones that people just can't wait to have in their local drinking hole to try to get an intimate moment with them.

So this idea is pretty open, I am looking for some fun, smutty adventures. Can be quite epic if we want it or more down to earth. But mainly after more epic ones.

The Boarding School:
Welcome to The Boarding School, one of the country's finest schools for high school and college students. The school's sports teams are among the best and the cheerleading squads attract quite a lot of attention.
One thing about the school that makes it unique is that it prefers its students to dress to impress and impress in a quite sexy way. Girls are recommended to wear skirts that never go further down than to mid-thigh and should always wear heels of some type. The boys are to wear custom-made suits that show their well-trained bodies and make them look even more impressive.

Another version of this would be an exchange student from Sweden coming to an American school.
(This idea is just a simple one, it can of course be adjusted in tons of ways and I am always open to discussions.)

The Wrestling Superstar and the Diva:
This idea is quite simple, a hot RP that takes place at various WWE(or AEW) events and behind the scenes. All about the relationship between a superstar and a diva. (Or several Divas if you enjoy playing that.) Including feuds, Championships, and so on. It has quite a big potential. Also with changing from face to heel and the other way around. Now, this doesn't take much knowledge about the WWE World, since I can fill in what you might need to know. (Also open for it to be taking place in AEW, or some other promotions, hell we could make up our own.)

The Life:
So this RP is more of a request and takes a lot from the other player. What I am thinking is an RP where my character meets a lot of different women through his travels, his life, adventures, or whatever it might be. All are being created and "told" by a female DM (DungeonMaster that runs the RP). You create the world that my character lives in, and of course, so does this takes a bit of planning ahead but it can be quite fun, and well I will be more or less left in your hands.

Going to a LARP in Sweden:
This RP is about an American/Canadian/non-Swedish girl who comes to Sweden to participate in a LARP (Live Action Role Playing.). Now the type we mainly do here in Sweden is often over a week or a weekend and in a forest, with a built-up village. The LARP goes on 24/7 so you eat, drink, sleep, and well are your character around the clock. The fun about this LARP is that my character would have to help translate what is going on and be sort of a "guide" for your character. What type of roles they have at the LARP is of course up for discussion, but the basic one is that they are Rangers.

The New Coach for a Legends Football League Team:
This idea is about a new coach for an LFL team, now a league formerly known as the Lingerie Football League. This means it is a sort of American football, except the teams consist of model hot women who run around with helmets, shoulder pads, and then very small/sexy bras and shorts of various designs. So the idea of the RP is more minded towards a Harem sort of setting or polyamory. It's a basic outline that of course can be fleshed out further.

The Bachelor:
Welcome to the new season of The Bachelor where we have one eligible bachelor who will be having several lovely women that are wanting his attention!

A classical idea, I see this as an RP where I am playing the bachelor himself and you would be playing the women. Can be one in specific or several ones, either as a lot of one-on-one scenes with dates and such or some multiple-character scenes as well.

As mentioned in the title so am I mainly looking for RP over Discord. I also in general tend to RP in the third person style, in English or Swedish. As for post length so would I say that it varies from Paragraph to a few lines depending on what is going on, but on average so do I post "Semi-paragraph/Paragraph". Also, I am from Sweden and I live here so my Time Zone is CET so +1 from the UK. (So when it is 1 am there we have 2 am here in Sweden)
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