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Fx M or F A Girl Looking For The Perfect Partner

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Jan 21, 2018
Hey everyone, my name is Zoe. I’m just returning to the land of roleplaying after a recent automobile accident kept me away from my computer screen for a while. It is actually a little relieving being able to do something I enjoy again. As for me, I am a long time roleplayer. I really believe I started when I was thirteen or fourteen, lying to all those older men about my age to make them believe I was legal. I was horrible, and a hormonal mess then. I am thirty-three now, so that is twenty years of roleplay experience. Throughout that time, I have done everything imaginable from slice of life to horror movie themes, both gritty and fun. My love tends to be superheroines and slice of life set during our innocent high school or college days when life was much simpler.

I am currently looking to do something based around the DC comics universe, with Power Rangers mixed in. No, I do not want to play Batman or even against him. I am not a fan of team ups nor do I want to put my villainess hat on just to drive a story for someone. I have done that far too long, and now I believe it is time for me to enjoy the ride someone sends me on while helping give the story tons of horsepower. Right now, I want to either play an alternative Earth story where Bruce Wayne’s parents never died, and events lead to Barbara Gordon becoming the original vigilante detective of Gotham City. I have some ideas how this all plays out, but these will be pre-roleplay. Also, in this world, Clark Kent never escaped Krypton, but Kara did. Reverse Flash murdered Barry Allen as a child and Hal Jordon’s father was never killed in a plane crash. Quite a bit of change isn’t it!

I will say this ahead of time, I use face claims for all of my characters, and they are actual pictures rather than art. It is just hard for me to picture something when I look at a drawing or computer image. I like an actual picture of a model, typically one that is not suitable for work. I will give you a head up now, I tend to use porn stars as my face claims. I am different than most people, but I do select them because I want it to be a smut fest. I believe they are absolutely beautiful and strong. Their willingness to embrace their sexuality is respectable though most just look at them as whores, shame of you. However, they do have a ton of great visual pictures to use as we play.

I do enjoy smut in a roleplay as much as anyone else, but throughout the years I have found roleplays centered on this alone to be disappointing. If I want just smut, I will do what I did when I was a young teenager and just wait in a chat room for someone to ask does anyone want to cyber? Thrilling then, boring now because I have the real thing here at home. I need a story to focus my mind as well, intrigue my thought and spark my ambition for writing to get my panties wet. This might be asking a lot, but I have found writers in the past who enjoyed this as well. I once did a Power Rangers roleplay that was so much better than anything the movies or shows did. With that said, please come into a roleplay with me expecting a lot more plot than story.

This is one of the first questions I always get asked, or some form of it. It is hard to narrow it down because everything seems forced if you do that. I do not mind non-con scenes and even like them though typically I play my characters in a mental war trying not to enjoy it, but my character will be very resistant on the outside. I do not do long term issues though, if you rape them than they will get over it pretty quick. I do not want to write out them crying in a shower somewhere. Please do not over do this though and do not go into a story expecting this to be all the scene is about. Trust me, I will get bored and you will lose a partner. Also, if it is not going to happen early in the story and me be excited about it, do not dwell on it forever. I want some build up and drama added to it otherwise, we are just writing a script for the website Kink.

What happens when my character is at your mercy is up to you! Do not get me wrong, I have my limits like anyone else. I am not looking for her to die, be mutilated or turned into a submissive whore. The last one is just lazy and perverted, sorry guys but where is the attraction in someone that has zero personality and fight? It is just a power trip that runs dull fast. Moving on, I am not wanting to be used by a dog or some other animal. That is just gross! Speaking of gross, I do not want to be peed on or deal with anything else that should remain in the privacy of the restroom. Harem building, please do not waste my time. I want depth and fulfillment from my writing, not just an endless broken record of “oh my goodness, let me fall to my knees and grovel over your supremacy.” Am I wrong in assuming those who enjoy harem building have no control in your everyday life and this is your fantasy kick to get back at women? There are other things that are not going to happen, but they do not come to mind at the moment.

I am acceptable to bondage, abuse, degradation, torture, rough oral sex, lesbian sex, shemale fucks, anal, cum marking, gang bangs, big black and big white cock, whoregasms, humiliation, tenticles, aliens, monsters and fucked stupid even. As long as it makes sense to the story, I will give it a shot.

I love romance within a story as tension grows between two characters before the inevitable blow off. Maybe it is a real love and hate relationship where they do not see eye to eye on something, leading to a passionate make up scene. Could just be right after a really dramatic scene where they are overcome with emotion. Anything to make it feel real because I want to fall in love with these characters. This leads me to my next point; I am not looking for a bad end. If that is a deal breaker for you, I apologize and wish you the best of luck. I do not mind scenes where everything seems hopeless and goes wrong for the heroine, but my love of these characters makes it hard to them truly defeated so easily. Do not get me wrong, I love Death of Superman, Knightfall, Death in The Family and the Infinity War movie; but it takes me gaining an emotional investment in the characters for those stories to truly matter and become enjoyable. If it is done too soon or rushed, it feels like money left at the table.

I like to play my characters in an alternative reality from what is common accepted, mostly to explain why all of the heroic characters are females. I am sure as you read this, you will start to pick up on exactly what I mean.

DC Girls - Batgirl, Supergirl, Wonder Woman, Jesse Quick, Star Sapphire, Speedy, Mary Marvel

Power Rangers - An all female team of five Rangers.

I do not want to lay out some big plot we have to follow by. Instead, I will just touch on what I would enjoy, and we can develop together. However, I do see certain events I would love to roleplay out, but I will tell them to you after you approach me. I do not want anyone thinking I have preset roles I expect people to play.
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