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It started at the mall [DOM + TheyDontKnowIBurn]


Jan 9, 2009
Tom Aylin's girlfriend never remembered his birthday -and Tom never minded. While Tom was tall and had a sturdy runner's build and smooth blond features he had always been held back by his former shyness. That was when he was younger, before he met her. For some reason he had found her easy to approach and even direct to a small degree -despite how defensive she was. The reason for the defensiveness was obvious to him -with her short hieght and smooth features she looked like a girl of thirteen -even in a cocktail dress; and people treated her accordingly.

Until her, girls had confused him -most were confident (and not merely defensive) which threw him off. He'd had girlfriends before but most had been cool regarding sex -whereas the girl he was with now almost seemed eager to prove herself to be an adult in every sense, even after four years together. They had met shortly after he'd turned 21 and he'd bought her her first drink ("why wouldn't I think you're old enough?" he'd asked "I was a year younger than you when I first drank").

None of this had been an act, she was bright and articulate and he'd always thought people were idiots for getting fooled by her looks. The last few months, however, something in him had changed. He always had appreciated her sexual aggression -but then he started feeling annoyed by it, and every time they had sex these days ended with her pinned to the bed -sometimes in tears and telling him he was hurting her. God he loved hearing that!

Today, however, it was a sunny afternoon and they were walking together in the mall, his arm was wrapped possesively around her as he had began doing and ahead was a Junior Miss shop -a shop with clothing for Tweens and teens. "hah, I see we've found your new store" he said teasingly to her, looking into her eyes with a gleam. "Let's go inside and see what we can find that fits you..." he said, pulling her in the direction of the store -she resisted,clearly reluctant and clearly not thinking this was as funny as he thought -but he was stronger and as the got closer he said "Come on -it's my birthday -you have to be nice to me today."
Always little, tiny, small, short, the baby, or some other stupid name. Karri was fed up. 24 years old, and here she was, always being mistaken for a kid. It got old. She was short, yeah, she got it. She had a baby-face, but damn, she really wasn't a kid! She even got pulled over by cops when she drove to work, because low and behold, they thought she was a punk teen out on a joyride.

And dating... Oh, god, dating... For the longest time, all she ever got were pedo-monkeys who thought she was 13. That got so old, so quick. She had tried everything to look older. Clothes, make up, hair. She had changed everything at least once. But then she had found him. And he wasn't like all the freaks out there. He never thought she was too young. Still, she tried to prove it in everyway, but it seemed that as of late, Tom was getting annoyed with her way of proving things.

Regardless, she was in love with him now, and still afraid that he would find someone he thought better. So now, she'd get herself in too deep each night, and each night she'd end up hurt, trying to prove she was a grown-up.

And then came his birthday. She sighed, noticing how close and under-thumb he tried to keep her now adays. But hey, it was his birthday, so she would hold her tounge and say nothing. That was, until he started making fun of her. "But, c'mon, not in public... It's embarrassing..." She said, quietly, as she tried to resist his pull. No way she was going into a kid's store. But then he pulled the birthday card. She sighed. "Fine... Once and only once..." She said, aggitated, as he pulled her forward. This was humiliating.
"Well, maybe not just once..." he said teasingly to her. It had seemed that everything was a challenge in some sense or another with her. While he had always appreciated her independent spirit he had started feeling as though he wanted to reach a climax, a point where she no longer pushed him or tried so hard to prove everything. He had no idea of her fear -but today he would get a subtle hint.

As he walked into the garishly decorated store with her under the tight grip of his arm a clerk about their age walked up. Her figure was voluptuous, though she had not an ounce of fat in the wrong place. There was a gleam in her eye as she saw Tom and then it was gone as she went into professional mode.

"Can I help you?" she asked solicitously. Tom looked down at Karri and then back to the clerk. "I was hoping to find something more ...age appropriate for my niece here." he said, responding to Karri's dark look with a mischievous warning glance of his own. Now that they were in the store all kinds of ideas were racing into his mind, all sorts of responses he would give if she began to protest that she was really an adult.

The clerk looked at Kerri appraisingly, used to girls being drug in to the shop when where they really wanted to go was Hot Topic or Abacrombie and Fitch she ignored the dark look on the woman's face. "I think we can find her something that she can wear to school without too much trouble that's still cool." the woman said, flashing Karri the conspiratorial wink she used on tween girls to reassure them that she'd treat them like an adult. "Why don't you two follow me and we'll get something picked out" she said and began to head in the direction of the tween department.
Her eyes widened, then narrowed as he teased her . "Once and only once..." She said again, in a warning tone. For the moment she felt unworried. She didn't know how things could so easily turn. Karri had always been the type to challenge any sort of authority. If she didn't people treated her like a baby, more than usual. She knew he got a little bit annoyed with her strive to prove herself, but hey, one did what they must to ge their point across.

Karri's jaw dropped when she saw the shapely woman/goddess walk up. And for a split second, Karri could have sworn she saw this woman eyeing Tom. She bit back a whimper, praying to every diety above that he wouldn't look back that same way. She sighed when the woman's look changed to a more professional nature. That was somewhat a relief.

Karri was somewhat calm as he began to converse with the employee. But that quickly changed upon hearing his statement. In fact, his statement pissed her off. "NEICE?! What the hell? Are you crazy?! I'm not your neice!" She exclaimed. She was livid. Purely livid. Hell hath no fury like her own. "I'm leaving!" She snapped as she turned to do just that. She was soooo pissed she was seeing red.
The woman stopped and turned around and heard Karri's outburst. "She never accepted her mom marrying my brother.." Tom said with apologetic sheepishness to which the clerk nodded sympathetically, eying Tom with an endearing look that showed she was touched by his apparent devotion to his brother's supposedly adopted child.

Tom had caught the look on Karri's face earlier, when the clerk had checked him out, it was that fragile, insecure look that he only caught in millisecond flashes on her face. He hadn't quote put two-and-two together yet, but it was forming in the back of his mind. He reached a hand out as Karri turned to go. "You promised your Daddy you were going to behave for his birthday -are you going to go back on your word?"

He let go of the small woman and then took a step closer to the curvaceous clerk, looking her up and down. "If she's not interested maybe you can show me a few things I can make some recommendations...?" Tom had a hunch, a feeling in the pit of his gut that if he played this right, if he seemed to be under the spell of this woman -then Karri wouldn't flee the store, or let him be alone with the clearly interested woman.
Karri listened to him explain to the lady as she turned to walk off. Her eyes widened. He was lying like a rug. What the hell was this? She bit her lip, refusing to let him get to her. She didn't know what the hell was up with this stupid game of his, but she could say one thing. She wasn't going to let this go for too long. She was about to turn around and call him on it, when he reached a hand out to her.

What came out of Tom's mouth, she could not beleive. He was mental, for real. She glared at him. "What are you talking about?!" She demanded. "I'm not your neice. I'm not related to you, and you need to stop this now!" She demanded, her cheeks burning with the humiliation she felt over all of this. She was just about to make another decided statement when she was stopped dead in her tracks by his next actions.

The words he said, she could almost deal with, but then the looks at the woman came. The eyes that were supposed to be only on Karri were turned on her. She felt her heart crash down to her stomach, like an elevator with the cables cut. He was dropping lines on another woman. She had no choice if she wanted to keep his interest. "Uncle..." She whimpered, her voice small. "I'll be good... Honest I will..." She said, looking at her feet.
"Good girl" Tom said and smiled warmly, taking a step back from the woman. "We'll just get one for now" he said in a light, lilting voice "you can try it on, let us see how it looks on you before we buy it -then we'll go where-ever you want" He spoke to her, for the first time, in the same voice a man would use on a child. Her face, staring at the floor, was dark -but he saw something else in her expression he couldn't quite place. Was it that she was trapped? Or was it that she was humiliated, perhaps a sense of betrayal -something breaking inside of her?

Tom wasn't sure -but he was sure that he enjoyed seeing this look, and he enjoyed her being meek and compliant for the first time since he had met her. Before she could protest or complain Tom looked back to the clerk "If you really hate it here I don't mind coming back later by myself to pick something out for you..." he said "But I'd rather shop with my prettiest niece" he said, setting his hand on her shoulder and squeezing it firmly.

As he had talked he had looked around -he had no real interest in clothes beyond their humiliation value and he wanted this to be over quickly before she decided that she'd had far too much and would break up with him. He saw a red floral dress that had a white stitch hem that made it look like an old fashioned dress one would put on a doll or on a little girl one wanted to dress up as a doll. Tom pointed at it "Here, I bet your mom would love that dress -why don't you go try it on?" he said, walking her through the store to the dress and then pulling it off of the rack and handing it to her....
She listened to him gush about her as though she were some small child. Every moment he spoke was one more moment she had to fight of tears. Tears for what, though? She didn't know how to feel anymore. Frustrated. Hurt. Betrayed. Indignant. Irrate. Devastated. All of those seemed to be adecquate descriptions of her mental state. She wanted so badly to cry like the child that she was being treated like. But she couldn't. Not now. She didn't get an escape, via tears. It never worked out that nicely for her. They all saw the baby she claimed she wasn't when she cried.

The idea of trying on kid's clothes, and being paraded about demeaned her so much. Each thing he said left her with less of a choice than the last. She tore her gaze from the floor, and shook her head. "No, uncle..." She said, forcing on a smile. "It's okay. I'll stay and be a good girl. Honest, I will. I'll be good for you. Just don't take me home..." She said. Each word she spoke made her die a little inside. She did not want to be regarded as a child, so regarding herself as one was painful to say the least.

After saying that, she kept the smile on, but became quiet as she looked around at all the clothes meant for young girls. She was 24, and just moments from now, she would be forced to wear them. This was so wrong. She had to fight to keep a calm look when his eyes settled on a dress. Sure, he'd chosen quick enough (thankfully), but that dress? She felt so embarassed. But again she was left with no choice. She thought about speaking up, but simply nodded instead. When she did speak, it was broken voice. "Yes uncle." She said softly as she took the dress and went to put it on.

Soon, she came out in that dress, and she felt so low, it was ridiculous. She bit back more tears that wanted to escape. "Does this work?" She asked, still forcing her smile.
Tom watched the conflict play over Karri's face until finally with a weak grip she took the dress and entered the dressing room. As he waited he shifted nervously -unsure how this would play out later when they were at home, ideas raced through his mind, but he could only guess. But the saleslady had given him something, something he hadn't quite had before, and that was the feeling that he had a choice -he could find someone else, if need be. While he had genuinely liked Karri there was a part of him that allowed her to over reach because he thought, somehow, he wasn't able to do good for himself, that he had to hold on to her, regardless.

Now -he wanted her, watching her walk red-faced and meekly hesitantly out of the dressing room he had never wanted her more. But he felt stronger, knowing he had a choice that he didn't have before they walked into the store. He nodded and looked over to the sales lady who approached Karri. "Here, let me straighten this out for you" she said in that cloying voice that adults used on children. She pulled at the shoulders of the dress and straightened them "I have one almost like this, it's perfect for parties or going with your gal pals to the mall" she said sweetly to Karri.

"Step out and let's see how you look in it, Karri." Tom said insistently, gesturing towards him. The sales lady guided the reluctant woman out and put her hands on Karri's shoulder "go ahead and turn around for us, sugar" she said.

"very cute -say, could you get her clothes from the dressing room? I think we'll surprise her dad by having her wear this to meet him" he said and looked decisively at Karri.

It was at that moment at a girl started shrieking -she was probably 13 herself, and her mother yelled at her "what did I tell you I'd do the next time you embarassed me in public?" The woman was an inch or so shorter than Tom but in a quick movement she had reached up and grabbed the girl's hair and had sat down in a chair -and as the girl pleaded and promised to be good the woman had bent the girl over her knee and gave her three swats on the behind that rang out through the whole store as everyone -parents, children and clerks all looked on at the now-red faced teen who was sobbing quietly, led away by the hand by her mother.

Tom smirked and looked over at Karri "aren't you glad you're a better girl than her?" he asked, with a gleam in his eye and a thin smile on his face. "Now, go get your things like a Good Little Girl and let's check out so we can go have some ice cream..."
She fought the battle that was waging in herself. If she yelled and screamed, she would feel better for the moment, but on the same note, she could lose him. She didn't want to lose Tom. Not now. She had put too much of her heart on the line this time, and she couldn't just take it back, turn around and walk away. It was too late now. As angry, hurt, and betrayed as she felt, she still loved him. God, love sucked. Epically.

Karri sighed, and let the woman straighten her dress, all the while cursing her and the ground she stood on, for using such a condescending voice. She forced the smile to stay in place. "T-thank you, ma'am..." She said. Her cheeks flamed with the color of total humiliation. She was kind of hoping God would go ahead and strike her down right about now, but that didn't seem to be happening.

She kept telling herself that soon she could get out of this dress. Soon things would be normal. Soon, he would stop this. But then Tom had the woman get her clothes. Her fragile smile that she had worked so hard to force on shattered like glass dropped on concrete. She was going to have to wear this outside?! She could feel whatever ounce of dignity that remained slip away.

Then, things went silent, save for the sound of corporal punishment, by a mother in the store. When next Tom spoke, she shuddered. He seemed more threatening than before. She was actually scared of him. Quietly, she obeyed and gathered her other clothes. "Yes, Uncle." She said softly.
The significance of this was lost on the store clerk who was more interested in Tom than in his apparent niece. "I'll be glad to r-ring you up" she said, her voice betraying a slight amount of shock at the violent display that had happened just scant seconds before. Tom, however, was watching Karri walk hesitantly to gather together her things. He thought she was shaking -her eyes had grown wide at the last thing he'd said, though as far as he could tell he said nothing different. He wasn't aware that it was his attitude that had done it.

"Sir..?" The clerk said intruding on his reverie "Oh, right..of course." he said and followed her to the register. He waited as she rang up the dress and then handed his credit card to her. As he signed the reciept he saw Karri slowly walk up behind him. The clerk looked to him and said quietly "take my could call me some time..." with a seductive look. Tom shook his head "I have a wonderful girlfriend, but I appreciate it." he said cooly "I don't think I'll be leaving her any time soon".

He took the receipt from the counter and smiled at Karri "You look very pretty in that, so much nicer...are you ready to go have some ice cream?" he asked in that light tone adults used with children.
In that instance, she felt so many conflicting emotions. Dread twisted through her when the woman gave Tom her card. But soon releive replaced it as he said no. That he had a wonderful girlfriend who he didn't think he would be leaving anytime soon. She was about to actually smile, when suddenly his statement put the dreading feeling back into place.

"W-we're going out for icecream?" She asked, softly. She had to be in public even longer in this dress? Oh God... Her face lit with humiliation once more. Again she would be made a fool of. Again she would be embarassed, and she was powerless to stop it, lest she lose him. She hated him as much as she loved him at the moment. Karri's eyes betrayed both emotions.

"Uncle, I don't th-think I can have icecream..." Karri said wearily. "I have a cavity... It's making my tooth hurt real bad and daddy says I can't have sweets until after Monday, when I see the dentist..." She said, hoping someone would hear her and step in.
"You're right -I forgot about that'..." Tom said, frowning and looking her over. "You probably don't feel very well, do you, you poor kid. Well maybe it would be best if we took you home, then." Tom took a step away from the counter and then stopped, putting his hand to his chin "we could go to the park -I don't think Daddy would mind that..." he said and turned to look at her and let the idea sink in -the idea of being out at a park -maybe swinging her on the swings- and then shook his head

"No, if you're in pain we should just get you home -that's why you've been a fussy little girl isn't it?" There was a crowd of shoppers around them milling about, looking at clothes and coming and going to the store -though none of them stared Tom was certain that some of them were listening, and that Karri would find that humiliating. He looked her in the eye -to let her know that even though she was off the hook -it was only because he chose to let her off the hook.

He reached forward and took her bag of clothes and then held her hand with his free hand and looked down at her "let's get you home" he said softly, looking for the dread he expected in her eyes at parading around the mall dress in a tween's dress.
Again, the attack of emotions. Releif. Finally, she got to go home where she could hide from the humiliation he had so thoroughly drowned her in. She wanted nothing more than to go home and work off her embarassment via painting. But then he mentioned the park. She went pale, and her eyes went wide. Everyone would see her. Her stomach started swirling with a queasy feeling. "B-but..." She started to say, hoping to change his mind.

But she never got to finish, as he started to speak. Releif pulled over her features once more as he determined that they wouldn't go to the park. Thank God. She didn't know if she could handle much more. She saw the look in his eyes, and knew she was at his mercy. It made her feel weak. She hated that feeling so much.

She nodded. "Yes, Uncle... I'm ready to go home now." She said, glad this was almost over.
Tom held her hand tight as they walked out into the mall. They strode through the crowds hand in hand and though people acknowledged Tom, he noticed that hardly anyone looked at Karri. Though those who did were interesting indeed, he caught a few men surpressing lecherous glances at what they thought was a little girl but more interesting than that was the cool, hostile looks that girls Karri's apparent age gave her. Many giggling outright at her. For a minute it made Tom wonder until he realized the reason -they knew she was really an adult, they knew their own and knew that she wasn't one of them.

Tom gave her hand a squeeze and looked down at her clearly miserable face "I think we should go with 'Daddy' from now on, don't you think, Karri-doll?" he asked, speaking to her for the first time as an adult since they had entered the store. They continued to walk and then finally Tom said "You've had a chip on your shoulder for years, and what I'm doing now, right now -is making you choose. Go with that chip -or go with me." They were at the elevator leading down to the parking garage and he punched the button angrily with his finger. "I've given up so much over the years, I think it's only fair you made me happy for a change." he said, stepping into the elevator.
She could feel the stares of those who did bother to look. The sick old men who eyed her hungrily, hoping for a morsel much younger than themselves. Those were distrurbing enough. But what was worse was the intense scrutinizing glares of the girls who knew better. She wasn't one of them, and they knew it. And it embarrassed her worse, staining her cheeks a vividly crimson red that she couldn't seem to hide. It was bad when little girls mocked you for something like this. She wanted to whither away right about then.

She looked up at him, and her eyes filled with so many different things. "D-daddy?" She asked, disturbed by this. "B-but, I'm your girlfriend, not your daughter... This is so strange..." Sure he was talking to her like an adult for the moment, but still...

And then he started explaining. "What do you mean, chip on my shoulder. Put yourself in my shoes. You would, too..." She said. Her eyes dropped to the ground again when he said that she owed him this much for all the things he had given up in all these years. How could she deny that?
The door of the elevator opened and deposited them on the floor her car was on..."I would..? What?" He asked impatient and then, letting go of her hand he shoved his hand under her shoulder, dug in his fingers and almost lifted her off the ground and began to walk towards her car. She had to struggle to keep up without falling. "Well I guess then since 'I would too', since it's so understandable" he said, stoking the flames of anger he barely felt into a full-fledged inferno and letting it saturate his voice -all to keep her as off-balance emotionally as she was physically. "...maybe you want to go out on your own. You're a big girl, aren't you?" They had walked to her car and he shoved her towards it, the sound of her body slamming into the side of the car echoed through the parking garage.

He was enjoying this, he had never been any sort of bully, had never picked on anyone before -but the sight of her shrinking in front of him, confused, on the verge of tears, gave him an enormous hard-on. He had stripped her of her confidence, of her womanhood in just a few minutes. He had no clear plan of what he would do from here -but he would play it by ear.

He reached for her purse and fished out her car keys and then let the purse drop to the ground. He reached for her shoulder again and pulled her around to the passenger side of the car and then opened the door. She had never let him drive, or even joke about it -her car was her link, her symbol of adulthood and he looked at her cooly, with a hard and deliberate look. "Sit down" he said.
She couldn't beleive it. Tom had never been so cruel to her. She had never been so roughly handled by him. The anger in his voice made her tremble with fear. "T-tom... Why are you acting like this?" She asked, in a scared tone as he pulled her along. His grip on her was almost painful. And when he slammed her into the side of her car, it really was painful. She let out a squeal as she slid to the ground. She was so scared. Never had she felt so truly small and unable to stand her own.

She felt weak, unable to stand up to him, and vulnerable. God, she hated the feeling. She tried to pull herself up, hoping that his anger would cool down.

Next thing she knew, he had her purse. "Tom, what are you- Stop! Gimme my keys, you know you can't drive my car!" She demanded, pulling herself up. She pulled herself standing, only to be shoved back into the passenger seat. "You are not driving my car!" She declared, upset. That was a no-no, and he knew it. But then he told her to sit down, and the way in which he said it ran chills through her. She did.
Tom walked with quick, deliberate steps to the driver's side, stopping to pick up the discarded purse before opening the door. He stood for a brief second and looked down at her, so small slumped into the seat -looking like a tearful little girl lost. "This is yours" he said flatly and roughly threw the purse at her lap, which bounced off her lap, hit the car door and then rolled back onto her lap again. He climbed inside the car and leaned back against the driver's seat.

He closed the door and then reached down to adjust the seat, sliding it back as she had it too close to the steering wheel. He took the keys out and thumbed through them, and then put one in the ignition before moving his hand onto hers, letting it rest gently.

"Don't be scared honey" he said softly, and looked over into her eyes, the sexual arousal he'd been feeling crossing over his face. "Daddy's not going to hurt you, all Daddy wants is for his baby..." he lifted her hand up and then set it lightly onto his lap, and pressed the palm flat against the lap of his jeans, and the hard-on underneath " say she loves her daddy and give him a handjob."

He shuddered with arousal, he doubted that she expected this form of degradation -he knew he certainly didn't. It had been unplanned, but as soon as he had seen the look of fear on her face when he'd climbed in he'd known what he wanted her to do...
All those tears she had fought so hard to keep back were now flowing. She had tried to stay strong, but the one person she trusted had totally turned on her. She whimpered as he threw her purse at her. When it rolled back onto her lap after hitting the door, she just let it sit there. She was too dazed and confused to do much about it now. She wanted Tom to be like he was again. She was scared of this Tom. Really scared.

She kept her eyes down as he got into the car, afraid to look and afraid to see what might show in his eyes. Hatred? Or even worse, amusement? She couldn't stand to see that. She winced as he moved the seat. For some reason, that bothered her. This was her car. Was was she standing by like a child, and letting him take what was hers? She sighed as he started the car, the jumped when he moved his hand onto hers.

His tenderly spoken words caused her to look up. She looked into those eyes, and what she saw shocked her. She had seen something similar to that look with him before... But not like it was now. He was getting off on this. On destroying her selfworth. It made her feel sick. He started to talk, still referring to himself as 'daddy'. She was about to say something when she felt him lift her hand and place it onto his lap. She could feel his arousal. She listened, pale faced, and wide-eyed to his request. "T-tom... Please don;t make me do that... Please?" She begged. This was so humiliating. She wanted to disappear right. "Please Tom... This is sick..."

She felt so wrong, so dirty, so messed up, because all she was was a little doll in his fantasy game. She wanted to pull away from him. But she knew she would lose too much of herself if she lost him.
Tom reached down and unzipped his pants, looking directly into Karri's face which was wrinkled in pain and disgust. "There, there" he said softly, with mock reassurance as he pulled out his cock. "I think you want Daddy to stick around, don't you Karri-baby?" he said menacingly as he wrapped her cool fingers around his thick shaft. He looked down at her hand -so small and child-like against his thick cock. "So go what you know Daddy likes, Karri..."

He was scarcely older than her, but in her body language, her facial expression she seemed so frial, so child-like in her helplessness he couldn't help but to be aroused. "Go ahead, stroke it gently...gently" he said, guiding her hand up and down his shaft. Arousal shot through his entire body, not so much at her dress, or even forcing her to call him Daddy -but just from her debasement alone.
The tears streamed down her face as he guided her hands along. Each moment made things all the more wrong, but she was never given a choice. She finally gave up trying to get out of this. She numbed her mind to the chaos and confusion of his total betrayal, and (albeit somewhat mechanically), she did as he told her, stroking him off. She bit her lip, trying to make this all disappear in her mind. It was only parially working.

"T-tom... Why are you doing this?" She asked, weakly. She had to know. "Why? If you love me, why do you want to break me like this?" She asked, unable to look at him, or what she was doing. So help her, she would never use the term 'daddy', no matter what he did to her.
Tom laid back against the seat and sighed sensually, bit his lip and lost himself in the erotic feelings her hand -and her distress voice- sent coursing through his body. He sighed and pulled his head away from the seat, his cock throbbed in her hand as she continued to stroke him, even if it was mechanically.

"That's a good question..." he said softly, contemplatively as he looked her up and down. "I can do better" his eyes moved over her thin, smooth legs, her thin lithe body and then her childish face contorted with heartbreak and hesitancy, and watched as those four words hit their mark. "...and if I didn't love you, it would be whats her name here right now. And she would be riding me instead of giving me a half-assed handjob because she's too small to take me properly."

His eyes flashed as he said those last words -he let her know that she hadn't fooled him, he had always known that the sex had hurt her. What she didn't know was that before this it had made him feel bad, but the last few times they'd had sex he'd noticed how pleasant it felt, how nice it felt for him -even if it hurt her. And he had began to associate her pain with his pleasure in his mind.

"I love you" he said and then leaned his head back and closed his eyes "...and I really ask for so little. If giving me a handjob is so distressing for you then ...I don't know". he said listlessly.
She continued his work. It mystified her how he could be so pleased when he was destroying her self-esteem like he was. The Tom she had fallen in love with wasn't like that. That man didn't want to see her crying because of his actions. This Tom was different. He scared her. She wondered if she even really knew this Tom.

She listened as he began to answer her question. He could do better. Her eyes widened, and more obstinent tears flowed to the rims, wanting to fall like the rain. She kept her gaze away from him, trying to hide how that hurt to hear. And then she listened, in quiet disbelief as he blew the only secret she had ever thought she had managed to keep. "I-I... I can take you properly..." She bluffed quietly. But her voice betrayed her. It hurt everytime they did it, but she would grit teeth and bare so long as he thought she was just as adult as he was.

Karri bit her lip as he said he loved her. Why didn't it feel like he did? And even still, why did she want to beleive him? She closed her eyes, willing the tears back. "So little?" She asked. But those were the only words she could find. She was failing him, the way he made it seem, and she hated herself for that. "I... I can do better..." She said softly, putting some more effort into the handjob, all the while disregard her mortally wounded pride.
Languidly Tom reached a hand over and turned her face to his and gasped at the perversely erotic sight of her face, her eyes wet with held-back tears and then moaned as she started putting more skill into the handjob. He gasped and then swallowed "Tell me..look me in the eye and tell me it doesn't hurt when I'm banging the shit out of you" he said raggedly, his body responding to her strokes. "If you really loved me, you'd already do better." he said and then looked angrily into her eyes "all I wanted was a little play for my birthday -but I had to fight you just to get you to give me a half-assed handjob."

He shuddered, his cock grew thick as the climax began to rise in him. He shifted in his seat, turning his hips towards her. He reached his hand from her shoulder, where it had fallen, to the back of her head and pressed his lips against hers forcefully and then moaned into her mouth as he climaxed. His body shuddered as wads of cum sprayed onto her legs, her dress and poured onto her fingers.
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