Well that wasn't an image he needed...
Shaking his head, Zealand moved quietly into the kitchen, with Elly on his hip. The past few weeks had been wonderful. He'd gotten to spend time with his brother while still going to school and not having to wonder what he'd be walking into when he got home. And, aside from his current whereabouts, Lucifer had proven great fun to spend time with in the evenings as well. The brunette set the toddler down so he could make them both something to eat.
He found that his memory helped him a bit, too. He didn't have to ask where anything was once he had the time to catalog each cabinet, drawer, and cupboard and he was feeling more and more at home. Turning around, he found that Elly wasn't there and Zealand began a panicked search...that ended five minutes later, in the living room, as he watched his younger brother toddle over to Lucifer and his date to press gooey, slobbered on fudge in their faces. Zealand, unable to help it, laughed.