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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Looking him over a little bit more, he sighed heavily. "Fine just .... Don't turn into creeps like that." He mumbled before he began to pull off his clothes, sighing heavily as he did so. Ugh. He honestly was not one to judge that horribly about one's appearance. But that man just had disgusted him a thousand times over. He sighed softly, wiggling out of his clothes and staying naked for only a moment befoer the pants pulled up and onto his hips. Taking the blood once more, he began to sip it absently, looking down at his attire. "Can I get a sexy choker or accessories for this boring attire?"
He growled softly at the sight before him. It was a struggle to not simply pounce on the delicious piece of flesh right then and there, but somehow, Maksim managed. He shook himself mentally and then turned to leave the room. "You won't be wearing it long enough. Follow me." He was anxious to get his new acquisition into the most compromising positions, even if he wasn't done eating quite yet.

The room he lead the other to was in the basement of the house. There was a rack, a swing and a few other bits of 'furniture', a wall to hold paddles and whips, and a large chest of drawers to hold the other toys that were not suited to hang on a wall. Images of the vamp on each apparatus while having every toy used on him filled the Russian's head, drawing forth a somewhat wicked little smile.
Following after the other, he kept his lips around the plastic, sipping the crimson liquid happily while he headed toward the basement. Yeah. Not shocked at all. This man had strange urges. Looking around, he perked up at one of the toys, lifting it up with a brow arched. "I tried to get Cay to use this one time... I think he slapped me." he mumbled before placing it down onto the shelf and turning to the rest of the room. "You have no intentions of putting me on any comfortable surface ever, huh?"
"Comforts are for those who are cared about. You, lovely though you are, are a possession; you are here to satisfy my urges and be the quintessential house boy." He'd made note of the toy, and of Caden. He would research that and use it to his advantage sooner rather than later. "However, seeing as it is your first day..." He waved his hand toward the gynecological table. While not comfortable, per se, it was the most comfortable surface in the room. He didn't think about how open it would leave his newest boy to his every whim.
Raphael looked over at the table, eyes traveling to the table and he remained silent for a while before pointing to the swing. "How bout that?" he asked, honestly far more interested in the interesting things than a table where he would be far too vulnerable for one, and for another, well, he could always have sex on that, but how often did one have the opportunity for a swing!? He looked up at him, straightening his form a little more while he did so.
He laughed rather darkly. "It wasn't a suggestion." Maksim wanted, and took, control. His partners-whether they be possessions or flings-never had any say in what was done or where, other than their most outer boundaries. Besides, there would be plenty of time to try everything (and he did mean everything) in the room. He once again pointed towards the table, his last warning before physical force was used.
Raphael sighed heavily, eyes closing for a moment and he groaned a bit. "Fine. Only because you're pretty, though." he turned on his heel and walked over to the table. Hopping up onto it, he draped his right leg over his left, looking up and over at the man. Oh He may do like he said, but that did not mean he was going to be an obedient, good boy about it. He really wanted sex, but he did not feel the need to be easy about it.
Maksim knew what was up, but he didn't care...for now. He was not stupid and understood that no one would comply so willingly right off. But he wanted the male in front of him, and he didn't care how fake his compliance was for the moment. He moved over to stand at the foot of the table, his hands finally touching the warm, pliant flesh that he'd so been longing to touch. "You will first tell me your word, and then I will tell you the rules." The Russian liked rules, especially making others comply with the ones he specifically set.
"ooo! Safety word! I get one? nice!" He thought for a while, foot gently swaying in the air, purposely gliding along the man's inner thigh while his eyes stayed up to the ceiling for a while. "Hmm... How abooout ... Pineapple! It's random. And I'm sure you don't have some toy called that, sooo how's that work? Either that or ... Mm no. Pineapple." He looked over at him and smiled a little bit more. "So. Rules?"
He made no comment, but committed the word to his memory. Maksim spelled out his usual rules: no orgasm until given permission, use the safety word only if you feel you're on the edge of dying, etcetera etcetera. The Russian then, with no true warning, ravaged the vampire in front of him completely and wholly. He took everything he wanted, and gave only a fraction back and he felt nothing for it. Maksim played with his new boy for hours, only allowing Raphael's orgasm and an end to their play when he felt he was too exhausted to stand.

He took a minute to regain composure and then stood. "There is a bathroom through that door," he commented, pointing to the west wall. "Clean yourself and the room, and then you may sleep in your room until dinner." That instructed, Maksim made his way to his own personal master suite to wash and sleep.
Raphael looked up at the other, panting softly while he watched him walk off and then he rolled onto his stomach with a giggle to his thoughts. Hm. Better than he thought it could be. Sliding off the table, he made his way to the other room, washing up quickly and then going about the rest of the room. He twirled on the tip of his bare toes and then made his way through the room to clean up everything else. Soon enough, he was in his room and laying on the bed and sighing a moment later. Lots better than he thought. Not as bad as he thought either.
They went on like that for several weeks, though Maksim was doing more than simply screwing his boy. The look on Raphael's face and the tone in his voice when he spoke of Caden had flipped a switch in him, and he wanted to know more. What he was going to do with the information only became clear after he found out everything, but the Russian used many of his connections to find out what he needed to know.

Smirking with this knowledge, the brunette made his way home once more. He was hoping to find that he no longer had to instruct his vamp to eat or have meals ready for him, but they would just see, now wouldn't they? Maksim walked through the front door and called out for Raphael.
"Oi! Shut it! I'm trying to make stupid shit not-- FUCK!" He growled and threw the pan into the sink before Raphael took a hold of the plate that had everything but the stupid rice he kept burning. He plopped it onto the table, arms crossing over his lower torso as he stared over at the man that entered the house. "Eat it. If it sucks, I warned you that I can't cook beforehand. It doesn't get better."
He really wanted to be angry. But really, Raphael was just so damned pathetic that the anger melted away from Maksim. The Russian laughed and moved over to the other, kissing him lightly but adding a sharp smack to his rear. "You do not tell me what to do," he warned but kissed the male once more before sitting. "We'll get you cooking lessons." He would need it if he didn't want to be poisoned eventually.
Raphael arched a brow as he looked up at the other and then rubbed his rump as it was smacked. He pouted and then looked him over a little bit more. He bit his bottom lip and crossed his arms over his lower torso. "But I don't cook. And I don't care what you eat." He stated, walking to the refrigerator and taking out a blood packet, knowing what typically always came after the meal. He bit into the packet, sipping the crimson liquid happily.
"You will learn." Raphael didn't have to care what he cooked, so long as he took pride in cooking it well. He said as much while choking down what was left of the meal. He would look into lessons tomorrow...and order in edible food later tonight. Maksim ate what he could without vomiting it back up and pushed the plate away for Raphael to clean up later. "You may choose where tonight," he offered, though unsure of why. The Russian stood and made his way to his own room to undress and prepare himself.
Raphael perked up. He got to choose? He stared at the other for a moment before turning on his heel and following the other to his bedroom. He stepped into the other's room, resting against the doorway, hands laced behind his back as he looked up at the other. "In here?" He offered, grinning a little bit more as he stepped into the room. He did not say it had to be in the basement, now did he?
He growled. "No." No one had ever slept in his bed, or had been fucked in it, and he wasn't going to break that tradition now. "If you must have a bed, there is a guest room down the hall. Now get out." The Russian used his body to push Raphael out of the room, slamming the door behind him. Maksim was an intensely private person, and his room was everything he wanted to keep solely to himself. No one would ever see the inside of it.

Maksim took a few minutes to calm himself down before exiting the room in search of his vampire, already half hard with anticipation.
Raphael pouted as he was forced out of the room, sighing heavily as he stared at the door for a while. He shrugged his shoulders a little bit before turning and heading to the guest room he was talking about. He moved onto the bed, laying down with his arms splayed out to the side, just waiting for the other to do what he wanted to him. It would be quite interesting without any toys. Or at least any he could see at the moment.
He composed himself and then followed Raphael into the guest bedroom. Maksim didn't understand the other man's insistence on a bed, but the where was the least of the worries. His house was stashed with different sorts of toys,though basement had the most variety. The Russian moved to the dresser and pulled out several that he planned on using that night and only then moved to the bed to strip the shorts off of the vampire, and he allowed his robe to drop to the floor.

With a grin, he ravaged his vampire, pounding into his body with toys and his own organ alike until Raphael couldn't keep his eyes open (or focused). Only then did he morph himself completely into the blond that he had learned was Caden, and he watched with rapt attention for a reaction.
Raphael groaned happily. his fingers sliding up and through the raven locks he had become accustomed to for quite a while now. He soon paused at a very familiar texture beneath his fingertips. His whole being froze and his eyes shot open wide. The color left in his face drained and he shoved the other man off of him with a very hurt look to his features. "That's over-stepping! That ... That's just cruel. There's no reason to ... do that!" He held back the tears starting to well in his eyes and shoved him away one last time before he turned and began to gather up his shorts, not planning on staying at all.
Well that was certainly not expected!

Maksim quickly shook off the morph and grabbed Raphael's arm, tugging him back to the bed. "Sit there, and start talking." While he had gathered every bit of information he would need on Caden, the Russian genuinely wanted the vampire's side of the story. With his instructions given, the brunette moved to wrap his robe about him once more, and he tossed a pair of sleep pants that he pulled from one of the drawers at his boy, sensing a need for comfort more than authority.
Raphael went wide-eyed when he was suddenly thrown back onto the bed. At least he was not morphed once more. He looked him over a little bit before closing his eyes and began to pull on the pants. His knees pulled to his chest and he rested his chin between his knees. He shrugged his shoulders a little bit. "I was an absolute asshole to the man I loved. What more is there to say?" He asked, looking up at him and sighing heavily.

"We met centuries ago. The brother-in-law of my uncle or something... He was still a prude little 'straight' boy denying his sexuality. I was persistent. Broke down his walls and fell in love with him." He groaned, heart swelling with guilt and want as he buried his face into his knees now. "I got jealous and turned him one day and promised that I would be there for him and I broke my promise. I don't know what snapped in me. What made me just so stupid but I up and left. And yes, you can hate me for that. I hate me for it too... But that was a good two hundred years ago... And he has someone new. And i'm glad he's over me ... but I still hate myself.. I left the man I love... loved I suppose ... for a reason I don't even know...." And sadly, he was hoping that Maksim would hate him too. He honestly felt like he deserved it. His own bit of punishment
Maksim studied the man as the story was told, leaning against the dresser with his arms crossed over his chest and legs crossed at the ankles. It was obvious that this Caden had gotten deep underneath Raphael's skin, and that he was suffering from his own guilt more than anyone else's anger at him. "You should hate yourself," he agreed, though the tone in his voice was gentle. "I think that you should figure out why, and come to terms with it even if he does not wish to." Oh, Maksim knew all about Caden's refusal to have a civil conversation with Raphael, and he didn't blame the boy one bit. The Russian said so.
Raphael lifted his eyes to the other, shrugging his shoulders a little bit more as he did so. He had thought about it. A lot. He just did not want to tell the man. "I don't want to go see Caden again. He should just forget I ever existed." He closed his eyes again and pressed his face into his lap once more. "I was awful to him. I didn't deserve him. what kind of boyfriend just changes him without his wanting because some stupid guy was talking to him! I was a child. Still am. He deserves better. He has better now ... I just hope he knows that." He whispered the last bit, hugging his legs a little bit more and he took in a few deep breaths before looking up at the man.
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