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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Tomias crossed his arms and rested his chin upon his folded arms. He looked over at him for a while, tilting his head to the side as he looked over at the boy. "You're more than welcome to stay with us, if you'd like. Not pushing you, but Nikkos is a wonderful cook and okay... he's proabbly pushing since he's quite scary and said you have to stay with us now." He shrugged, hands lifitng to rest his chin in his palms. "Though, you can still say 'no'. He'll just be pissier."
It was...a lot to take in. Isri looked at the book in front of him, tracing the line from his own name up to Nikkos', as if it was going to fade and change. Looking up when he heard Tomias speaking, Isri scrunched his nose. "If he's going to be pissy towards you, that'll be worth it to just have no family at all." Okay. So he was joking. Sort of.
Tomias grumbled, cheeks puffing out as he did so. "Yeah, well, prior to him being pissy at me, there were few areas in our house we hadn't fucked on. Welcome to the family!" He gave him a thumb's up before standing from his chair with a heavy sigh. "i'm going to go whine to Relic for a little then I'll meet you two at home?" He offered, looking at his lover and ignoring the male for right now.
Nikkos rolled his eyes. "I'll be in the guest room!" he called after him. With a sigh, he turned to Isri. "You are welcome to stay. If your parents are anything like mine were...well I can't say I blame you for wanting to be here."

The younger brunette thought about it for a minute. "I didn't want to be here. They didn't want me so they left me here." He hung his head a little. It was the first time that he had admitted that to anyone, and was surprised when he found a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Thank you, Mr. Arcule. I think I'd like to try it out?" Nikkos nodded and smiled, putting the book away and pulling out the teen's file.

"Lets fix this first, hmm?"
Tomias was actually quite the good little boy, whether or not he showed it to the little brat. He made sure that the room his lover said he wanted to have used for the kid was clean. Clean sheets. Empty drawers. And, the reason for bothering Relic, was a nice basket he left on the dresser with a simple letter of 'it's not poisoned. I'll eat it if you're paranoid. Welcome to the house -- Tomias'.

The brunette fell into his bed, sighing heavily as he stared up at the ceiling, rolling around a little while trying to think of what he oculd do to make this a little better.
Eyeing the boy when he told him that he had no other clothes than the ones he was wearing, Nikkos only shook his head. "Well. Go gather Andres, then. I suppose having a sleep over your first night there will help you to adjust. We have some of our boys' stuff left over for you to wear tomorrow and then we can go shopping... With Tomias' credit card. And car." He grinned, knowing full well what would cause the most hurt to his husband for his remarks.

Smiling a little, Isri darted off to Andres' room and pounded on the door. "ANDRES!" So what if the whole hallway could hear him??
Andres perked up. Moving to the door, he opened it and looked at Isri with a bit of shock to his features. "Isri? what's wrong? did something happen?" Yep. Worry-wort he was. He did not want to hear that his new friend was kicked out or something horrible like that.

busying himself while the others were gone, Tomias actually prodded through Alexander's old clothes. Taking out some pajama pants and tee shirts for the boy. Getting another outfit for the morning. He realized the other had all of no clothes. He still had the same outfit on, so he may as well make the best, right? He set the clothes out onto the other's bed, neatly folded on top of the fresh sheets with the rest of the clothes already in the dresser. He tapped his forefinger against his chin and he began to wander around the house, trying to think of something else he could do to try and make the kid feel at home. OR at least comfortable.
Shaking his head, Isri reached out and took Andres by the wrist, dragging him out and down the hallway, pulling the door closed with an after thought. On the way back up through the school and to Nikkos' office, he told his friend everything he'd learned barely a few minutes ago. As he spoke, the situation sunk in. "I'm...related to...Tomias." Isri pulled a face, only to jump when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Looking behind him, the brunette found a blond man that he found somewhat familiar but couldn't put a name to him. He was a teacher, wasn't it?

"It's okay. We all feel the same way about being related to him." Calder smiled at the teen and patted him on the head again. "Andres don't forget the essay that's due next week."
Andres looked over at Calder, biting his bottom lip as he did so before he sighed heavily. "Yes, Mr. Lin. I'll start it tonight." He sighed softly and then looked over at Isri with a giggle. "He can't be too bad!"

"He is." Rune grumbled, taking Calder's hand and tugging at his love. "Why aren't we going home? I want brownies." he mumbled, other hand rubbing at the baby belly he had.
"Because there are no brownies at home," Calder sighed while leaning up to kiss his husband's cheek. "You ate them for breakfast. And brunch."

Isri gave Andres a sympathetic look for having been assigned homework. Thus far, he hadn't been assigned any. Maybe they were just going easy on him? Shaking his head of the thoughts the brunette moved through the halls with his friend until they came to the office where his whole world had been held upside down by its ankles and shaken violently. "Mr. Arcule? We're ready to go."

It didn't take them long to get to the house (was it a house? Or its own country??) and Isri couldn't help but stand in front of it, mouth gaped open.
Rune grumbled. "make me some! You knocked me up. Take responsibility!" he pouted while walking down the hall, rubbing his belly a little more.

Andres stopped and stared, eyes wide as his mouth hung open. "THIS IS YOUR HOUSE?!" He squeaked, looking over at Nikkos and following him inside. "It's a bloody mansion! It's bigger than some countries! And it's just the two of you? In a mansion!"
Nikkos chuckled and patted the boy's head while tugging Isri along. "Tomias and I live in the middle section. Now it's just us, but over the years our children have lived with us as well. Relic and Tanner are to the right, and Trevor and Bohdi are to the left." The three of them entered the house and Nikkos called for Tomias. "Help yourselves to the kitchen, or anything else. Tomias will show you what room he's set up for you."
Hearing his name, Tomias perked up. Peaking around the corner, he walked over to where the others were, smiling warmly. Kissing his lover's cheek, he turned to the two and clapped his hands together. "All right, kiddies! Your five-cent tour is this-a-way." He turned on his heel and began to lead the way down the hall, pointing out where the bathroom was that they would need to use and then the living room with the television. And a few other rooms they might need before finally stopping at the bedroom for the boy.

"For you, Isri. Apparently you're going shopping tomorrow, so you can pick out sheets and whatever else that you would like. For now, this is what you get. Everything's clean, don't think I just dropped you in some rat-infested shithole." he looked down at the boy and shrugged. "Clothes are on the bed for you for tonight and an outfit for tomorrow. Alex has weird taste, so I apologize ahead of time." With that, he turned and began to make his way back to his bedroom to go curl up and mope a bit.
Nikkos moved through the house to change and finish the few pieces of work he'd brought home. It didn't take him too long, and finally he followed the boys upstairs and poked his head into the spare room. The brunette was (pleasantly) surprised at the work that Tomias had obviously put into getting everything ready for Isri. He smiled and made sure both boys were settling in. "I'm going to start dinner soon. Make sure you do your homework." That said, he began to make plans for later that night as he headed for the kitchen to start planning dinner.
With quite the squeals of excitement, Relic ran through the house and toward the room that the boys were in. Not bothering with a knock, he burst in with a grin "NEW VICTIM!" He tossed the clothes he had onto the bed and then brought the boy into a hug, gripping him happily. "you're so cute! you're like a mini-Nikkos. sooo adorable!" he giggled and then took a step back, looking him over and sighing heavily. "You poor, poor thing. Strip." He then began to move through the clothes to try and get something for hte other to wear.

Andres stared at the man, remaining silent for a while before he cleared his throat. "Um ... Mr... Lin? What are you doing here?"

"hm?" he questioned, taking out an outfit and then turning to the boy. "I live in the other wing. I'm here to give Isri new clothes because, well ... Have you seen what he was wearing?"

Sniffing, Tomias slowly made his way into the kitchen, smiling warmly. "It smells delicious, Nikkos." He commented, sitting down at the table with a knee to his chest and looking over at his husband, smiling as he watched him cook.
Isri was obviously very disturbed by their new...guest? He looked wide-eyed at the man, not at all moving when he was told to strip. No, that wouldn't be happening. There were still too many bruises, and then the scars that would never go away... No. He was perfectly happy in the clothes he was in...or that was what he told himself, anyway. And with the news that this man lived in the same house, Isri began to give serious reconsideration of living here. "I... Um..." He gave a soft 'meep' and continued to watch Relic.

Turning, Nikkos smiled at Tomias. He put the meatloaf into the oven and set the timer, then moved over to his husband. The brunette pulled the man's knees down and slid himself into his lover's lap, kissing him. "Sometimes you make me think you have multiple personalities."
Relic turned to look at the boy, sighing heavily after a moment. "fine! Be shy." he mumbled, pushing the clothes into the other's hands and then pointing him to the closet. "Go change in there then."

Tomias looked up at the other, his arms wrapping around his hips as he arched a brow. "oh?" He questioned, kissing him back and resisting the urge to groan . He shrugged his shoulders a little. "Just a tantrum is all." he admitted and then perked up and sighed heavily. "You ... Stay like that." he mumbled, hoisting his lover and sitting him on the table. "Excuse me." He kissed his lips once more, not really wanting to leave him, but feeling the strong urge to rescue the kids.

Running off down the hall, he made his way into the room and instantly smacked his brother upside the head. "You. Go back to your husband. And stay on your side of the house." he scooped up the skirt-clad male and draped him over his shoulder, grumbling a few times while he walked out with him, plopping Relic onto his ass and then turning to make his way back to the kitchen, sighing once more. "Stupid Relic... Bombarding the poor kid."
He'd been on his way to the closet to change when Tomias burst in, and now Isri was more confused than ever. Was the house always this busy and loud? He stood in the middle of the room, clutching the clothes he'd been handed and utterly not knowing what to do. He looked to Andres for direction, though he wasn't sure what good that would do as the other boy didn't live here. For a moment, Isri found himself a little jealous of that fact.

As much as Nikkos wanted to stay where he'd been put, dinner had to be finished. He hopped off of the table and began to skitter around the kitchen, fixing the rest of the meal. "Think of it this way," he said over his shoulder as Tomias returned. "The more clothes Relic donates, the less we have to buy with your credit card." Nikkos smiled at his husband.
Andres looked over at Isri before he grinned. "Try it on!" He gently pushed the other toward the closet once more, skipping back a few steps as he did so. "I want to see it!"

Tomias sighed heavily, nodding a little. "That's true. But Relic always has the more ... revealing outfits. and Isri doesn't really scream 'hey lemme show off my tummy' now does he?" he shook his head a little, taking in another deep breath. "It smells delicious." He grinned as he looked over at his husband, really hating that he had to leave. He wanted him back in his lap! Back!
Looking at the outfit, Isri scrunched his nose. "It's...a skirt?" He hadn't realized it before, but the clothes weren't really to his tastes, even if he was grateful for the thought. The brunette sighed and set the clothes on the bed, beginning to fold the outfits so they could be returned to Mr. Lin. "What's your essay on?"

"Maybe it will be a challenge for Relic to create clothes that suit Isri," Nikkos suggested.
The rest of the night went by nicely. Andres picked out some of the shirts that he thought would be nice on Isri, stashing them away in the drawers. They are dinner. And then retreated back to the room so that Andres could have Isri help him with his essay. Which really was just having Isri talk to him while he worked on the paper.

Tomias sighed softly, walking over to his love and wrapping his arms around his hips, hugging him with a smile. "I love you."he murmured, kissing his cheek before he hugged him a little tighter, eyes fluttering closed as he did so.
This was the sort of life that Isri had always dreamed of: having a family there when he came home from school, eating dinner together and then going back up to his room to finish homework, or read, or listen to music. The fact that he actually went to school was a dream come true in and of itself, too. The brunette was happy to sit with Andres while his friend worked on his essay, exploring the clothes in the drawers and closet while he did so.

Once the kitchen was clean, Nikkos smiled and turned to Tomias to wrap his arms around his husband's shoulders. He still wondered sometimes how, after centuries of living, Tomias could be so immature sometimes but really, what did it matter? Nikkos was completely in love with the man and knew that he always would be. The brunette pulled back enough to study his husband's face as he felt his heart melt fully towards the other man. He leaned forward and kissed Tomias. "Lets go to bed?"
Andres soon finished up the basic outline, and a few little starting paragraphs and sentences, before he placed that down with a sigh. "Are you tired ?" He personally could go to sleep. If not just solely for the fact that that bed looked quite comfortable!

Tomias perked up. Bed? He grinned. "As you wish, my love." He kissed his lips once more, not quite sure which 'go to bed' he meant, but there was a let's! Let us. That meant he would be joining him, and really, that was all the man ever truly wanted. Nikkos to sleep beside him. Sex would never be denied, but he just wanted to get back to how they had been.
He nodded. Today had been a bit too much for him and while it was still rather early, Isri was exhausted. The brunette moved to the dresser and searched out some pajamas for them both.

The conflicting thoughts were prevalent in Tomias' eyes, and it made Nikkos chuckle a little bit. Trusting his husband, the brunette easily pulled himself up so that he could wrap his legs tightly around the man's waist while his mouth attached itself to Tomias' own.
Andres grinned. Standing up, he walked over to the other and then perked up. "oh oh! want to see something cool?" He asked, taking a step back and looking over at the boy. He took a hold of the front of his shirt, gripping it and then pulling the garment through his body, giggling. "It tickles." he stated, dropping that before he took the tee shirt for the night and grinned. He giggled again, taking the shirt and pulling it on properly.

Tomias arched a brow at his husband's actions, arms linking under his rear and he gladly kept their lips connected. "ah. that kind of bed" he mumbled, grinning as he looked up at his husband. He moved through the halls, every so often pressing his love against one to have a quick makeout session without the need to be sure he was not tripping over his feet. It was not long before he fell to the bed with his love, closing and locking the door behind them. His lips kept with his while fingers began to slide along his form
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