With quite the squeals of excitement, Relic ran through the house and toward the room that the boys were in. Not bothering with a knock, he burst in with a grin "NEW VICTIM!" He tossed the clothes he had onto the bed and then brought the boy into a hug, gripping him happily. "you're so cute! you're like a mini-Nikkos. sooo adorable!" he giggled and then took a step back, looking him over and sighing heavily. "You poor, poor thing. Strip." He then began to move through the clothes to try and get something for hte other to wear.
Andres stared at the man, remaining silent for a while before he cleared his throat. "Um ... Mr... Lin? What are you doing here?"
"hm?" he questioned, taking out an outfit and then turning to the boy. "I live in the other wing. I'm here to give Isri new clothes because, well ... Have you seen what he was wearing?"
Sniffing, Tomias slowly made his way into the kitchen, smiling warmly. "It smells delicious, Nikkos." He commented, sitting down at the table with a knee to his chest and looking over at his husband, smiling as he watched him cook.