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Fx M or F Ideas?


Jun 13, 2019
Your Wildest Dreams
New to this site- I've got a couple different plot ideas. Most of them would just be MCxYC- (unless we're specific characters from something).
Im down for 80/20 (smut->plot ratio) or whatever- if we happen to be long term rp then sweet...
*side note - if ya wanna have a dirty chat just PM me and cut to the chase- dont be scared i won't bite.... unless u tell me to
FxF-female police officer pulls younger woman (18-21)& misuses her authority. Younger woman just reluctant but succumbs

FxM- widow needs some help out on her property tucked away almost at the base of some mountains away from civilization. She has a few cows, horses, geese, chickens, and a couple sheep: she's exhausted after her man dies because she has to handle everything by herself. The wolves are bad this year- she lost 6 sheep& her pig to them. She puts out an ad in the paper for a home cooked meal everynight& the 1room bunkhouse.

FxM- Submissive- i've been more dominant the last few times... so i *gulps* wanna see if i like... submitting... i have a prob following orders. Maybe need to be spanked to check myself.

FxM- Need My Fix-(F )mc is addicted to drugs... the drugs (M)yc has... you see where im goin with this

Supernatural- im down to do some fantasy thing. TooCliche : vampire /werewolf? Fae&elf? Idk just spit balling..
Idk pm what you think or ideas...
These would be done through p.m.
And a paragraph at least- unless there's witty banter goin on...
Sooooooooo.... whatcha think
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