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Mx Female Seeking a triumphant super-villainess


Fighter of the Nightman
Jan 2, 2014
Hi and thanks for stopping by my thread.

As the title suggests, I am looking to play against a super-villainess who is hell bent on world domination. I'd like to play a hero of sorts who eventually falls into her clutches, possibly even becoming her minion of darkness. Though ideally, the two would have several confrontations before the hero's ultimate defeat.

I've kept this rather vague, because I'm hoping to work out details with my partner to be. What sort of powers will our characters have? What will they do during their real lives? Perhaps they know each other? They could be friends, rivals, or even romantic interests.

I'd like to come up with OCs rather than using canons. Truth be told, I'm actually not super knowledgeable of various comic book universes, and if I tried to play a canon for you, the experience would likely be stressful for me, and disappointing for you. That being said, if you have a favorite character that you'd like to borrow, feel free! There's a reasonable chance that I won't even know that you've used a canon.

I'm definitely looking for this to lean heavily towards story, with some smut mixed in for flavor. If you really need a percentage, I'd shoot for 70/30-90/10. Though I won't turn away a good partner and idea if it's likely to lean more smut heavy than that.

Anyways, please reach out if this is of interest to you, and feel free to ask questions.
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