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Life is a bitch - Me and Faolan-


Jan 11, 2009
Aisling sighed as she crouched down in the grass. She was out gathering herbs for one of her sister's spells. Her eyes where focused on the plant that she was cutting, she apologized to the earth as she took the snippets of herbs. Their was a pouch at her side, filled with small baggies with herbs in them. She had been gathering since early morning, but she was glad she was out and about. As of the moment, she hadn't really had too much to worry about. She was just working on getting what her sister had asked for.

As the oldest of the Nox-Draige twelve sisters, she had the duty of watching over and making sure her siblings had what they needed. More then that, her duty was more important then that. As the oldest she was the 'Fae Guardian', a duty her family had held since the time when the Fae had first started appearing in the human realm. The bloodline fell through her mothers, and the duty often fell on a female. According to her mother, long ago a Fae lord had bred with a human lords daughter. The produced half-breed child was the start of the guardian line.

The bloodline was by far diluted since then, and Aisling doubted that any of her children would show magical potential. She kind of failed at a lot of things, and magic was one of them. Don't get me wrong a few sparks, she could do... But summon winds or storms? Like one of her sisters did... She didn't manage it too well. In fact when it came to fighting, she failed even harder at that then magic. Her ten year old sister often kicked Aisling's ass in training.

Not something the female was very proud of. Slowly she stood up and pocketed the small baggy of herbs. She was a slim woman, she was about twenty years of age, and seemed to stand at around 5'4''. Her form was slim and compact muscle, built like a combination of a runner and dancer. She trained, oh did she train to fight, but that didn't stop her from failing in the actual situations. So far she had only managed to have very lucky accidents. Like just last week when she killed a vampire.. with a pencil.

Aisling's head hung for a moment,a s her brown eyes sparked with anger. Why was it, she the 'Fae Guardian' was so horrible at doing her work? Sure she helped the Fullblooded, or Purebloods as some call them, slip into society. She helped them understand and fully comprehend the situation they where stepping into. Her head tilted down further as her eyes started to mist with tears. But as hard as she tried she knew she would continue to be the failure her father claimed her to be.

She tried hard to fight as the females in her mothers family had for decades. But she just didn't seem to have the powers they had, she was different. Where as they where all strong and beautiful, she was short and earthy. She had brown hair and eyes, and an alltogether not curvy form at all. Even people at school had noticed the difference between her and her sisters. Her sisters got attention, Aisling had just been ignored.

She roughly pushed her glasses back up her nose, her teeth grating as her anger mounted. Her hand came up and pressed to the mark on the back of her neck, where shoulder and neck met. it was a small mark, only about the size of a quarter. It was a beige imperial crown, it's three points clearly defined. It wasn't burning yet, which meant she hadn't any work to do today.

The frost was coming, winter was on the horizon and soon she would have to return to a cold home. Her family was always there for her yes, but her sisters where braggarts. She was well aware that Claire would have made a better guardian. She pushed her hair back and then snapped the just shoulder-blade length locks into a tight ponytail. She tugged on it viciously and shook her head, trying to shake away the tears.

She was in Guardian Forest, the place where most Fae came into the human world through. She rubbed her hands on her jeans, and then pulled her loose windbreaker over her form closer. She sighed and walked towards the small clearing that she usually came to, came to clear her mind. At the center was the convergence of trees that made a portal between the worlds. She collapsed to her knees and just pressed her forehead to her knees. Silence, she needed this calm, this near meditative state. That's when it hit her, why she was such a failure...

Because the god's hated her...
Elendil Anorian (Alan Norton in the human world) was a tall and handsome sidhe prince. On the occasion of his day of maturity Elendil's mother came to him to say that his request for time in the human world had been accepted.

"You will go to school," she said. "Humans at your equivalent age go to schools to learn a trade to better serve their people. We have arranged that you will go to a good school to learn more of leadership, and other practical matters."

"Yes Mother," he said in a voice that shocked him with it's calm tone considering the storm of emotions raging through him.

Elendil had wanted to go to the human lands for years. He was very curious about them. He had spent hours and hours training himself to be the best warrior he could be so that his mother wouldn't worry about his safety. What he didn't realize was that she worried more about his impetuous attitude than his physical aptitude. But she knew that he was also and incredibly handsome and charismatic young fae. Those traits should stand him in good stead in the human world.

"What will you study there Elendil?" she asked.

"I want to be a thespian Mother," he said with a beaming smile. "I would learn even more of how to inspire people."

"I will walk you then," she replied. "You go as you are."

Elendil wore light clothing of suede and tougher leathers with silks to allow cooling and absorb sweat. He wore his sword at his side as he did at all times. Otherwise he was without equipment of any kind.

"There will be a Guardian waiting for you on the other side. She will show you how you must live in the human world. She will provide other things for you until you are able to provide for yourself."

"I love you mother," he replied. "I will return."

Then he trotted of into the mists of the wood. Within steps he found himself in the land between worlds. A few more steps brought him into a copse of tall trees where he found a woman kneeling on the ground. He stood there appraising her. Was this the one that Mother had said would await him? She didn't seem like much. He could sense the spark in her, but only barely.

"Are you waiting for me?"
Aisling's shoulders tensed suddenly as she heard the voice. She stood up a little too quickly, swaying on her feet and nearly falling over. "Sweet Mother goddess!" She cried out gently. That's when the burn started, she hadn't met this fae before so her mark was accustoming her to being able to find him. A hiss pressed through her teeth as the three point crown mark that rested on the back of the crook of her neck(on the right side) started to burn. The pain subsided, the flesh throbbing as she glared at the male for a moment.

He was definitely an upper class, all decked out the way he was. She sketched a bow, knowing she looked rather stupid in her clothing. "Welcome to Earth, the Human Realm. I am Aisling Nox-Draige, the Guardian of the Fae. We will go to my home, and I will draw up the paperwork you need to live here. I am going to warn you, that you will not be allowed to keep your clothing. It is something warn at festivals of only certain kinds, here. You will need to attain clothing much better suited for this world." She said this lightly as she pushed her glasses up her nose and spun around.

Walking back towards the entrance of the forest. "Follow me, and don't be slow."
Elendil's head went back in surprise when the human girl reacted like that. At first she worried that somehow the girl had hurt herself contorting like that when she got up. He saw the grimace of pain on her face and felt a flare of magic, but then it faded to a softer sensation emanating from her.

"Thank you," he bowed to her in return of her welcome. "Aisling. That is a beautiful name. I am Elendil Anorian son of Celebard and Galinia."

He observed this girl closely to get more clues of the nature of this new place. She was short and swarthy unlike any fae that he'd met. He thought perhaps humans were related to dwarves in some way. Her face was exotic in a way that he had never seen. Her features were unlike any he knew.The newness of it excited him and he grinned wide in anticipation of seeing all the new things of this world.

"Oh, of course, I did not expect to continue wearing this clothing. I will not be a prince here of course will I. Mother told me that my name is not suited to this world either."

He stepped forward to follow her, his light slippered feet leaving no mark of his passing.
At least this one wasn't trying to get in her pants. But she wore baggy clothing for a reason. To keep people from seeing her body. As she nodded faintly to him and continued to walk she approached the back of the apartment complex she lived in. "I'm going to be having you called Alan Norton here, it's easier for the human tongue then Elendil Anorian." She said lightly. She had the lilt of the tongue perfect, after spending years adjusting to the Fae she interacted with. But what was this nagging sensation, this seed of some emotion.

She approached her apartment and pulled out the key. Stepping inside and humming beneath her breath. "I have a spare change of clothes for you, that you can use." She said as she dug through a closet next to the door. Kicking it closed after he finally entered. It was a small apartment, one bedroom with no couch in her living room. In stead it was full of computer equipment for her work. She needed to get him outta here, cause having a Fae share her bed was SO not a good idea. "There is a bathroom over there. When you get out I have a manual for you to read, so you can get caught up on all the linguistics of this world."
"Alan Norton," he rolled the name on his tongue, tasting it's flavor. It seemed a simple name. Not nearly as pretty as hers. "Do most humans have such simple upoetic names? Not pretty like yours?"

He followed her down the path and observed his new world as they went. The buildings of this place were odd. There was no art to them. Big blocks. With little variation of color. He watched as she pulled out the key to unlock the door.

"Thank you," said as he stepped inside. As she rummaged through the closet Alan began to disrobe in preparation for changing into the new clothing. By the time she was turning back to him with an armful of clothes Alan was fully naked.

His ivory skin was perfect and unblemished. Long blonde hair hung down to the top of his firm bottom. His muscles were lithe and long and his skin molded to his skeleton and musculature in a way that defined every single male curve of his body. There was no spare or extra ounce of flesh on his perfect body. His manhood hung down from his groin and he seemed completely unaware that he'd done something that might offend a human.
Aisling shrugged as she rolled her shoulder. "A lot of humans have nice names, just not a lot like the odd ones." She stated as she turned around to hand him the clothing. She dropped them, shock crossing her features as the male before her. "NO YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" She squeaked loudly as she slapped her hands over her eyes and pressed back into the closet. "Put the clothes on, put them on!" She stated as she shuddered.

Gods naked male, and one she... NO she was not in need to mother children. She was not reacting, she was asexual cold... She was The Guardian. She was not someone that did sexual things. She was as sexual as a root canal. She shuddered as she spun away, turning a rather bright pink and hiding herself in her hair. She coughed faintly and moved from the closet, her back still to him as she shook with embarassment.
"Do what?" he asked in some confusion. Elendil didn't understand the sudden reaction of this human girl. But then he realized it must be some taboo of clothing. "Oh! I'm sorry. Are you not allowed to witness an unclothed male? I beg your forgiveness Aisling."

He quickly began to put on the clothing. The strange fasteners confused him however. Especially the strange long many-toothed fastener on the front of the leggings. He stood there attempting to close it, after all the rest of the clothing had been put on, but became more and more frustrated.
"It's not that you aren't allowed to. But in public you have to keep decency. The same rules apply in my home. I'm unmarried and unmated, and have no interest in seeing naked males." She said as she pressed her hands over her eyes, her body shaking as she felt the embarrassment continue to build. Her hands came down as she realized his frustration, a blush overcoming her as she stepped up and sighed.

"Here let me help you." She muttered as she grabbed the tab for the zipper and stopped a moment. "I'm not doing this because I want to touch you, I'm doing it to help you dress." She said as she pulled the jeans forward a little and zipped it up completely. Then put the button into place. "The tab lowers and opens it, it goes up and closes it. The button needs to be undone if you want to remove them." She stated lightly.
"I apologize, and now have learned my first lesson of human etiquette," Alan said with a devestating smile. "I had no idea that humans were so sensitive to nakedness."

He watched her carefully as she came over to assist with his new leggings. This girls seemed to become embarrassed easily and Alan wondered if that was normal for human girls. His eyes traced her fingers deft movements as she easily zipped him up.

"Ah, I see," he said with that smile again. Alan was truly very handsome. Well I thank you again for your instruction. Are you then interested in naked females? I know many fae sisters who are exclusively attracted to other females. Is that so with you then?"
"Some are, some aren't. While in public your clothes stay on though." She pointed out as she stepped away from him, her cheeks blazing with color as she approached her machines. She had to start getting his paperwork done. "I just happen to be a bit perturbed by naked people." She stated lightly as she cleared her throat and started to boot up all of her machines. She looked back towards him and away, shaking her head a little.

She went a little dead still as he spoke, and her eyes widened. "You think I'm a Lesbian? Gods no!" She exclaimed as her cheeks flamed to a brighter color. "I don't like seeing anyone naked... especially myself.." She stated, the last part whispered as she started to let her hands fly across the keyboard, filling in all the needed information.
"Ah, very well then," Alan conceded her point. It was information he would have to keep in mind.

He could tell that she was embarrassed, but he wasn't sure if it was because of what she said or if she was just shy and had in fact liked what she saw. As a fae prince Alan knew that he was incredibly good looking and attractive to girls. Perhaps this one showed her appreciation by shyness, he knew some tiny fae that were like that.

Her reaction to his asking whether she liked girls shocked him a bit. As if enjoying the touch of ones own sex was a bad thing. Alan didn't necessarily go that way but he knew plenty of fae who didn't care what the sex of the person was that they played with. But then he final soft words sunk in.

"Why ever not Aisling," he asked. "You are fit. You have an exotic look. I should think that you would be proud of your body."
Aisling bit her lip as the pages shot from the machine and settled into their tray. She shook her head a little and sighed. "Exotic to you, but here I am as plain as it gets." She said as she pushed her glasses up her nose. "Fit doesn't matter, I am practically useless at my job. I accidentally killed a vampire rogue with a pencil. Accidentally!" She exclaimed as she stood up, doing all the cutting she needed to do, and then started laminating. She sighed as she did her work and let her shoulders slump.

"I'm just a plain Jane, there is prettier flowers out there." She stated firmly as she got a folder and started stacking the papers in it." Here is all your information, and here is the manuals I talked about, You should read over them when you are ready. I'll work on dinner." She stated in a light voice as she wandered over towards the kitchen.
"Accidently? I find that difficult to believe," Alan's eyebrow quirked at this news. "Vampires are formidable opponents. Perhaps you have depths of talent that you are unaware of. I would believe you possess a previously unknown or unsuspected preternatural ability before I believe you killed a vampire by accident."

He watched her as she worked. Her motions showed that of a competent and skilled person. His mind worked at the problem of her self-esteem, trying to find some reason for it. She seemed like a nice person.

"As far as prettier flowers I would have to disagree with your intent if not the fact. I would not say that you are the prettiest girl I have met. But pretty is not the most important thing. I find dedication and loyalty to be much more important."

He accepted the stack of papers with wide eyes. It would represent the most he had read in some time.
"Oh it was quite on accident. Just barely pulled the pencil out when the Rogue was leaping at me." She said as she smoothly continued her path to the kitchen. Food for him and herself was next on the agenda. She tried her best to be polite and contrite with the male, but something about him irked her. She sighed softly as her head tilted back and she shook it lightly.

Why had the gods chosen her of all people? She was a failure in so many ways. Couldn't even fight, and yet she was the guardian of the Fae. She snorted faintly at his response and shrugged. "I do what I do, because I know no other life. Don't romanticize it." She stated in a plain and low tone.
"Well your inborn relfexes probably allowed you to pull it out a little faster than he expected I bet," Alan chuckled and grinned rakishly at the plain and unextraordinary woman. "And don't argue with a guest. Mother always said it was impolite."

He followed her dutifully into the kitchen. The young fae recognized a sink but not the metal on top until Aisling turned one of the faucet handles. She could hear the indrawn breath of the brash youngling behind her. Alan steeled his inner resolve to witnessing many new and wonderful things in the near future.

"Don't romanticize?" Alan gasped in horrified shock. "You wound me. How does one live life without romance? Come don;t tell me that you would be a different person if charged with a different task. Look me in the eye and tell me that you would be less dedicated and loyal if you were destined to a different path. Bah!"
"My mother also always told me, that it's my house my rules." She stated as she turned from the sink and opened the fridge. She pulled out some lunch meat, roast beef. Her next object grabbed was provolone and some mustard. She grabbed a loaf of french bread from the counter, and a serrated knife. She silently sliced through the bread and started making a sandwich. She pulled out lettuce and tomato, and then laid that out on the sandwich.

With that done she put the top on and sliced it into sections. "Let's make this plain and simple. I was born to this, it is all I know. Had I not been born the Guardian, I would more then likely be one of the top Computer Technicians in the city. I like computers more then I do people. Also, I can do without romance. The old legends of my kind are true. Until a Guardian finds their mate, they are asexual. We do not do sex. I do not feel the need to romance, it's an annoyance." She stated in a curt tone.
Alan eyed her sandwich fixing curiously. It looked to be a very tasty thing she was making. He could smell the freshness and the coolness of the materials used and once again wondered at the ability of these humans to make special things like refridgerators without using magic.

"So how will you know?" Alan asked as he accepted one of the sandwich's from the strange young girl before him. "How will you know you have met your mate unless you give yourself the chance to find out? Romance allows one to be open to the idea of finding love at all. Don't you want to find your mate?"
Aisling handed off chunks of the sandwich to him. She pulled a bag of chips from the cabinet and opened them. Opening her own sandwich and adding some of the chips on top of the lettuce and tomatoes. A soft hum left her as she closed it and took a bite. She gave him time to talk, and gave herself time to swallow. "I'll know, and I don't really care. Even when I find him, I'm going to ignore it. It's because I do not need romance, I do not need love. A guardian only needs their task." She said softly.

In reality it was because she felt herself too plain to love. He would find that out when he went out and about and saw the beautiful women that filled this world. She was just a candle flame to their stars. She shook her head a little and continued to eat. This was the way with almost all of the fae that had come to her home. Always asked the same questions. Male or Female, they hit on her and tried to get her attentions.

It was annoying.
"Don't care?" He scoffed. "Ignore it? My dear little Aisling you do not know the power of love. If it is as you say, that you will know him, then you won't be able to ignore it."

He ate another bite of the sandwich. Then crunched on one of the chips. His eyes lit up with pleasure. These 'chips' were amazing. How were they made? Alan decided that he would have to find out. The salty crunchiness was a perfect accompaniment to the sandwich. Then he realized how she had placed chips inside her sandwich and thought what a good idea it was.

Without thinking about it he set the sandwich down and lifted the top to place a small handful of chips. He closed up the sandwich again and took a bite. The audible crunch was accompanied by the fine mixture of the tastes of both, but it did make the sandwich more difficult to eat without mess. When he set it back down for a moment there was a smear of mayo and mustard on his cheek which ruined his normally charismatic appearance.

"If you know him when you see him Aisling, your heart will not give you the opportunity to ignore but carry you away on the wings of love."

He looked ridiculous.
"You don't know me very well." She stated plainly as she snatched up the papertowels. She watched him mimic her, as a majority of them always did. She handed them to him and motioned for him to wipe his face. "The Wings of Love, do you know how many times I have heard that?" She said in a bored tone. Her eyes adverted as she shook her head. She pushed off of the counter and snagged up another section of the sandwich.

"I have complete control of my emotions." She stated plainly as she pulled two cans of soda out and set them down. Opening both and leaning back against the counter. "Should I ever meet him, he will never know we are meant to be." She said lightly. Yes, he would never know. It was for the best, the Fae males deserved partners that would compliment their looks.
"I don't need to know you well sweet Aisling," he said. Then he nodded gratefully in accepting the paper towel, after a moments confusion. Her sour attitude was beginning to feel like a challenge to young Alan. It had never taken so long for him to bring someone around.

"Complete control is impossible even for a troll, much less a human or fae I think. If he ever meets you he will know too would he not? And then all the ignoring of complicated feelings would be for naught and only cause you anguish. The which it seems to me you cause yourself too much already."
"I have complete control." She gritted out as she glared at him. She returned to eating, and then gulped down a bit of her drink. "Besides I doubt he would no, what Fae would HONESTLY be attracted to someone as plane as me? It's the virginity that attracts them, and they have told me as so much."

She stepped away from the counter, and then towards the dresser that held her clothing. She pulled out a pair of pants, and a fresh T-shirt. "Look I need to take a shower, if you absolutely need me, I'll be in there. Just knock or something." She stated as she walked towards the door. Opening it and then closing it.

There was no lock, so she couldn't even begin to use that. She yanked off her clothes, staring at herself in the mirror for a moment. No figure at all, not even a decent handful for her chest. She shook her head and sighed, letting her shoulders slump as she turned to start the water. She stepped in a wet spot from that damn broken pipe under the sink, and found herself falling.

A crash resounded from within the bathroom, it might attract the males attention, it might not.
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