- Joined
- May 15, 2019

The Deepwood Academy of Magic was once again breaking new ground as it readied itself to accept magically gifted humans from the Mundane Realm, a first in the wizarding world. There was a lot of resistance against the idea, but the last demon incursion into the realm of magic proved absolutely devastating and the wizarding world needed to bolster it's rank if it wanted to remain able to fight back the demons. Thankfully, breaking new ground wasn't new to the Deepwood Academy of Magic or it's Headmistress, Jayden Jareau. The Deepwood Academy of Magic has been the first academy to welcome women in it's ranks at the beginning of the 1900's, and just 2 years ago, the Deepwood Academy of Magic was the first and only academy to welcome Ectoplasts in it's ranks. Moreover, the Deepwood Academy of Magic is also the first and only academy to teach natural magic as opposed to the traditional magic which requires a wand or staff (i.e. magical implement) in order to be cast. This new time of magic was revealed by the Ectoplasts themselves, which is why many of the professors in the Academy are Ectoplasts.
Nestled in the forest of Deepwood, just a few miles away from the town by the same name, the halls of the Deepwood Academy of Magic once again await the arrival of students and professors for the next 8 months long academic year. Unlike most years where all students are ushered into the Great Hall for a speech from the Headmistress, this year was going to be a little different insofar as the mundanes would be welcomed into a different segregated hall in order to be gently introduced to the realm of magic, the academy and also, to be carefully walked through the admissions process. The other reason why the mundanes would be welcomed separately from the rest of the students is to not only ease them into the new reality of studying side by side with different species such as elves and Ectoplasts, but also to ensure that the unprotected mundanes were not exposed to Ectoplasts before being properly protected within their total enclosure latex suits. After all, even since two years ago when the Ectoplasts were welcomed to the Academy, all humanoid species have been strictly required to wear protective latex clothing or order to shield themselves from accidental exposure to the slime of Ectoplasts, which can have some pretty undesirable effects on humanoid physiology.
The ceremony to welcome the mundanes from the other realm would be held at the same time as the welcoming ceremony in the Great Hall, so the assistant Headmistress Winters would be the one to welcome the new arrivals since the Headmistress Jareau would be welcoming the regular students in the Great Hall at the same time. As the clock struck 9 AM, mundanes would start to appear out of nowhere, looking shocked and confused, some of whom would end up loosing their balance and collapsing on the floor from the sheer suddenness of the teleportation spell. Assistant Headmistress Winters would stand there in her tight shiny latex ensemble as she watched the chaos unfold for a few moments. Thankfully, the chaos would settle as wide eyed men and women looked around, still pretty confused.
OOC: All of the mundanes would have received invitations to visit the Academy after their first traumatic run in with a demon. The invitation would have specified that someone would come and pick them up at 9 AM SHARP. Depending on where you are, etc.... you will either hear a knock on the door, or your mobile phone will ring (or whatnot) at precisely 9 AM. The second you touch the door knob, or answer the phone or whatnot, you are teleported to a large stone hall with an elevated stage at the center. Standing on the stage is this beautiful woman dressed entirely in a shiny tight latex ensemble which covers absolutely everything but her face.
"Welcome everyone! Welcome to the Deepwood Academy of Magic. I am the assistant to Headmistress Jareau. I assume that most of you are quite confused and probably have many questions, but please keep those questions until the end.
As you must all clearly comprehend by now, your invitation to visit our school of magic wasn't some sort of prank, but a very serious offer. Judging from the looks on some of your faces, it would seem that the seriousness of our invitation is still sinking in....
All of you are here today because you share three important things in common. Number one, even though this will come as news to everyone, all of you here come from parents who were magically inclined. Number two, because of your heritage, all of you are magically inclined as well, since all children of magically inclined parents all inherit that power. And number three, your magical inclinations has drawn the attention of demons, demons whose single minded purpose is to eliminate you and all magically inclined beings such as yourselves. But, not to worry, all of you will be quite safe here at the Academy while you learn about magic and more importantly, learn to develop your innate magical abilities so that you may THRIVE in a world filled with magic, wonder and dangers!!!
Now, I want all of you to go over to the table over there and pick up one of the crystal balls."
For reasons that pass current understanding, all of the mundane students suddenly feel compelled to go an unquestionably pick up one of the crystal balls. And, as you do, your mind suddenly fills with a torrent of information, information about the realms, about magic, about well.... tons of new things. In this information you learn that:
1. You come from the "Mundane Realm", where technology, capitalism and industrialization overlook a chaotic system of countries.
2. There is a second parallel realm, called the "Magic Realm" which is geographically identical to the "Mundane Realm", but has evolved totally different.
3. People in the "Magic Realm" have the ability to travel between realms.
4. In the "Magic Realm", magic and creatures of fantasy exist. In fact, many of the mundane authors of fantasy books such as Tolkien actually came from the "Magic Realm".
5. The species which populate the "Magic Realm" includes Humans, Elves, Dryads, Dwarves, Hobbits, Giant Eagles, Ents, Orcs, Ogres, Dragons and Goblins.
6. You learn that the Deepwood Academy of Magic is nestled within the Deepwood Forest (i.e. where the mountainous region of Switzerland is), just a few miles from a small town by the same name.
7. You learn that the Deepwood Academy of Magic is headed by Headmistress Jareau. As you see images of her in your mind, you see a tall human woman with a well defined muscle tone, dressed entirely in tight shiny latex outfit.
8. You learn that the "Magic Realm" population is estimated at about 150 million humanoid creatures, and that almost all the realm is uninhabited wilderness.
9. You learn neither technology, industrialization nor the stain of capitalism exists in the "Magic Realm". That being said, the "Magic Realm" has it's own issues....
10. You lean that human and elf wizards and witches have joined together to form the "Ministry of Magic" and that through that organization, they promote magic and, most importantly, manage to fight against the demons which has been going on for millenia.
11. You learn that neither Dwarves nor Hobbits are magically gifted.
12. You learn that the realm only has a few hundred towns and perhaps just a few 'large' cities (whereas large is considered a population of ~100,000)
13. You learn that traditional magic, as it has been for millenia, is cast through conduits such as wands and staffs. That items can be imbued with magic as well.
14. You learn that throughout the ages the demons have attempt to invade the realms of Earth on several occasions. But none have been more devastating that the last attempt which happened just a mere decade ago.
15. You learn that in that last invasion, the demons used Ectoplasts to attack women.
16. You learn that Ectoplasts sustain themselves using Orgone energy. In the twin realms of Earth, the only source of Orgone energy is from a sexual orgasm. Females generate much higher levels of Orgone energy than men.
17. You learn that if an Ectoplast copulates with an unprotected human female, there is a very high risk that the slime from the Ectoplast will render the human female "magically barren", which is to say that although the female can still produce offsprings, these offsprings will not be magically inclined.
18. You learn that the demons hoped to basically render all witches "magically barren", thus ended the possibility of magically inclined offsprings and thus, ensuring that in due time, there will be almost no wizards or witches left to defend the twin realms of Earth. With the wizards and witches out of the picture, the demons could easily invade and enslave most of the denizens of the twin realms of Earth.
19. You learn that, for the most part, Ectoplasts participated in the demon invasion against their will. Most of them were infected with a sickness which made them incapable of controlling their impulses and their desire to feed on humanoid females for Orgone.
20. You learn that Headmistress Jareau was one of the first witches/wizards to discern that Ectoplasts were not all 'evil'. Through her careful investigation, aided by several trusted witches and wizards, Headmistress Jareau was able to rescue several Ectoplasts from the sickness which was infecting them. One thing led to another, and before long, it became quickly apparent that Ectoplasts hated demons just as much as the witches and wizards did and that Ectoplasts desired to establish settlements in the "Magic Realm" and join the "Ministry of Magic" to assist in the fight against the demons.
21. You learn that apart from their equal hatred for demons, Ectoplasts also know about casting magic without the need for a magical conduit, such as a wand or a staff. The Ectoplasts are more than eager to share this knowledge with the witches and wizards of the twin realms of Earth.
22. You learn that a ground breaking accord was struck between the Ectoplasts and the leading species of the twin realms of Earth, whereupon the witches and wizards of the "Ministry of Magic" would assist in the rescue and healing of Ectoplasts which would be settled in Ectoplast settlements within the "Magic Realm". In exchange, the Ectoplasts would share with everyone their knowledge of natural magic and everything they know about other realms, including the realm of demons. Moreover, the Ectoplasts would join the "Ministry of Magic" and add their efforts to the cause of repelling the demons from the twin realms of Earth.
23. You learn that the Deepwood Academy of Magic is the first and only magic academy to welcome Ectoplasts. You also learn that studying and living side-by-side with Ectoplast isn't without issues and that all humanoid beings interacting with the Ectoplasts here at the Academy must ALWAYS wear totally enclosing latex suits to protect them from the slime of Ectoplasts...
24. You learn that the author of the Harry Potter series of books is a witch from the "Magic Realms" and that the books themselves were based on a true story...
25. You learn that the Deepwood Academy of Magic hosts several students houses, not unlike Hogwarts. In the case of Deepwood Academy, the house are Lionheart, Heronleap, Dragonnest and Satyren.
26. You learn that the Lionheart House also has an all female sub-group called "The Order" which is unique to this Academy.
27. You learn about the many benefits of magic, from living a long life, to never aging, to curing diseases, to healing the wounded, to enchanting items, to.... <lots and lots of wondrous magic stuff here>
Even through you desire to know more, the magical knowledge transfer ends there, suddenly... just like that.... After giving everyone the chance to orient themselves after the rather disorienting transfer of basic knowledge, the assistant Headmistress speaks up:
"I take it many of your questions have been answered. Now, before we continue, I want to apologize for a bit of subterfuge. All of you came here today under the guise that you would be visiting the Academy. This is unfortunately a lie. None of you are here to visit, you are all here to join. In fact, today will be your first day at the Academy. I know this must come as a shock, but after careful reflection, the Council of Mages engineered this subterfuge in order to make it easy for people to accept the invitation. The logic behind that is really complicated, but it is what it is...
Now, you can refuse to join, but if you do, we will wipe your minds of all knowledge and events that led to your arrival here before sending you back to the "Mundane Realm". But if this is your choice, be aware of the consequences. If demons attack you after you return to the "Mundane Realm", wizards or witches will not come your your aid. You will be on your own. Seeing that none of you are any match for a demon, such an unfortunate event will surely spell your doom. As such.... choose wisely....
If you do not want to join the academy, the exit is through the wooden door to the left of this hall. However, if you do want to join the academy, if you feel excited to begin a new life full of new near limitless possibilities, then, ONE AT A TIME, step up to the pedestal over here and place your hand on it. The rest will become apparent as soon as you touch the pedestal"
OOC: If you choose to NOT JOIN (which is a choice you can actually make if you want), you can roleplay that. But your departure from this roleplay will be permanent. I would hope that after all the effort of making a character sheet, etc..., you will not do something as silly as depart ;-)
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