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koibito and Lilly (Rwby)

Winter showered as well after the encounter, being sure to clean her cock especially as if shining her sword. It was a pristine Schnee cock and as a part of her she felt a small pride over it as she did the rest of her own body.

Dressing back in her uniform Winter met Glynda again to be asked a favor.

"Physical examiner?" Winter asked, "I... Don't understand I'm not qualified to-" she raised a brow at Glynda. "I see..." Said Winter with realization, "but will I be allowed such?" she asked, "I'm not a nurse, will the school allow it?"

Winter knew what Glynda was trying to do, and though she had reserves, her newly found libido could not resist the idea. Even if she was questioning Glynda's methods, she was in.
Smirking. “It’s fine dear.” She brushed her fingers through Winter’s hair as she then hands her a naughty looking Nurse outfit. Then cleared her throat.

“The school will allow it cause I am the head master. That being said I wager you want to get ready and know how to take measurements and such yes... now go get ready I will be calling the girls up...” With that she moves to the intercom and began to turn it on and speaks into the microphone.

“Team Rwby, and Nora Valkiery and Pyrrha Nikos please report to the headmistresses office for your physical exam.” She then placed a measuring tape and grins. “You best be getting ready they will be here any minute now.”
Winter froze as Glynda caressed her hair, looking into her eyes as she was handed an outfit. "This... Is highly irregular, wont they suspect something? Are you at least having all of the girls in school receive the same?" She asked. Given that Glynda was filling out forms she assumed that the rest of the school would receive their monthly physical too, though the boys by someone else, and she didn't assume she'd be the one to examine all of the school's girls.

"I mean.. This isn't even the nurses office" Winter questioned, looking at the scrubs she was provided. At the very least it was a simple dress style scrub in an icy blue color as well as a cap. "Surely we should tell them to meet here and then go there?" Asked Winter.

Meanwhile the girls slowly started to meet in the halls on their way. "This is weird right?" Asked Yang, the blonde bombshell of team RWBY. She walked backwards in her brown boots, hands resting on the back of her head as she faced the girls with her.
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